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Acid murder of a teenager trial under way


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The trial of a woman accused of using acid to murder a teenager she suspected of having an affair with her husband began in Phnom Penh yesterday, almost five months after the attack.

Sroeun Nann, 40, was arrested on March 6, the same day she threw acid over the face and body of 15-year-old Meas Vanny.

Nann accused the girl of romantic involvement with her husband, who worked at the same garment factory where Vanny was a security guard.

read more: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/acid-murder-trial-under-way

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“I just wanted to warn her and cause her injury so that she would stop getting involved with my husband,” she told the court.

That's one hell of a "warning". Turning a 15yo girl into a monster for the rest of her disfigured, suffering life. A social pariah, a beggar unable to support herself because no one would hire her. No one would marry her. After her parents died no one would want to be around her. That's if she lived. It was a kind of mercy that she didn't.

Acid attack is worse than murder. A law should be passed in Cambodia requiring a mandatory sentence for this kind of hideous crime. Once convicted the perp should be strapped down in a public market and acid poured on her body. That would stop this outrage in it's tracks.

Take another look at this woman. It's the face of a monster.


Edited by Lex Talionis
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I've heard of them throwing grenades at their husbands for the same thing, they are easy enough to get in PPenh. Khmer laws favor her being given a light sentence if there is any proof that what she 'thought' was going was indeed happening. When I was living in Phnom Penh, a neighbor down the street, teenage girl, had a friend over her house - when the friend left, spme money was missing - she went to the friends house to get her money back but she wasn't home, so she killed her little five year old sister with a knife "Too make the other girl feel bad about stealing the money" She was acquitted in court of murder but sentenced to 'after school work in Wat' to atone for her crime, she was 13 years old, and the money missing??? about a hundred Bath in Riel.

I am never surprised to hear tragedies like this in Cambodia, they are common place

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