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Confirming – Tuesday I got 3rd back to back (double) tourist visa from Vientiane

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Thanks for the report.

"they study the context of previous visits and just look to identify clear major abuse using the visa system (he did not elaborate on what this might look like) and they 'might' use data that is external to what visa stamps in the passport."

There is no limit to the number of tourist visas but many people do abuse the system by working using tourist visas, which is the underlying issue. After 3 or 4 visas applicants may be asked for proof of income from abroad as that at least demonstrates the person doesn't need to work and can finance their stay. If the embassy are satisfied with this there shouldn't be an issue getting more.

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Great comment elviajero - So what you are saying is that if you simply take your Thai bank book with a history of clearly spending and using the account and there is is a reasonable amount of funds in the account sufficient for the next four months until the next double visa application - then presenting this should in fact get a tourist visa for any amount of applications made for a new Tourist Visa - Is that correct?

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@spambot. Curious as to whether or not you recieved a red stamp indicating that proof of residence in Thailand and financial proof are required next time, which seems to be the norm when it comes to a 3rd back to back tourist visa?

Edited by ldiablo
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Great comment elviajero - So what you are saying is that if you simply take your Thai bank book with a history of clearly spending and using the account and there is is a reasonable amount of funds in the account sufficient for the next four months until the next double visa application - then presenting this should in fact get a tourist visa for any amount of applications made for a new Tourist Visa - Is that correct?

In my opinion a Thai bank book probably wouldn't help because it's proof of income from abroad that they are looking for if trying to satisfy that the applicant doesn't need to work. If you could prove the funds in the Thai bank came from abroad it might be accepted.

It's a combination of having sufficient funds and that the funds come from abroad that counts.

And remember this 3+ rule is the Vientiane embassies own so worst case you can go down the road to Savannakhet or go to another country. That said, Consulates/Embassies and IO's have the right to satisfy themselves that you have sufficient funds to finance your stay at any time and with any application or entry.

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@ldiablo Good questions @elviajero Good follow up info. I did not have any red stamp from the consulate - I have just examined the Visa and it is just the same as the previous two others I have with no stamp here or on any other pages. This might be that they were extremely busy that day (over 600 applications - next day there were less than 200) I noticed while I was waiting this notice on the wall - I took picture with Camera - It says that they are looking for 20,000 Baht as proof as part of the documents required. Obviously from other peoples experiences they do not ask for this routinely, but might use this as part of process for multiple applications.


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@elviajero - Missed a good point that you made - Proof of overseas where the bank funds came from - Since as you rightly say - Their aim is to stop people using the multiple visa working in Thailand and hence if funds are arriving from overseas and being spent in Thailand that might be enough to have them feel that they have satisfied their objectives.

Getting this proof from any Thai bank is fairly straight forward.

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Thanks - ubonjoe

Nice to get your take on this as the resident oracle - Any reports of multiple 3+ using these forms of proof successfully? - Since as elviajero points out - The objective is to prevent working while in Thailand and is not really based upon the principle that multiple visa per say should be rationed..

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@ldiablo Good questions @elviajero Good follow up info. I did not have any red stamp from the consulate - I have just examined the Visa and it is just the same as the previous two others I have with no stamp here or on any other pages. This might be that they were extremely busy that day (over 600 applications - next day there were less than 200) I noticed while I was waiting this notice on the wall - I took picture with Camera - It says that they are looking for 20,000 Baht as proof as part of the documents required. Obviously from other peoples experiences they do not ask for this routinely, but might use this as part of process for multiple applications.

Yes they can insist on an outbound flight and the 20k for any standard, 1st or subsequent application, but many Embassies/Consulates don't.

I don't think that 20k alone would be sufficient to satisfy working concerns. But others might be able to advise further. I think most people give up with Vientiane once they get the red stamp as it's easier to go to another office.

If you are planning to live here long term you should be aware that you cannot do any work, without a work permit, whilst inside Thailand even if that work is for a company, business based abroad. I only mention this because some people work here online and earn an income abroad that they transfer here. Legally they can't and disclosing such would not be accepted by immigration officers or when applying for visas. Earning a passive income from abroad is no problem.

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My Bangkok Bangkok bank book shows FTT for my transfers.

In the back of the book it shows TRD as "Transferred From Other Account". Is it coming from a Bangkok Bangkok Bank account in Hong Kong.

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Thanks - ubonjoe

Nice to get your take on this as the resident oracle - Any reports of multiple 3+ using these forms of proof successfully? - Since as elviajero points out - The objective is to prevent working while in Thailand and is not really based upon the principle that multiple visa per say should be rationed..

Proof of income coming from abroad is the best way to overcome any suspicion you are working.

It seems from reports I have seen that they prefer the proof to be a Thai bank book showing transfers into the country because they are more familiar with them. It also serves as proof you have enough money to live on.

They are not concerned about how long you are staying here.

Good positioning ubonjoe - Like the way that you say it - They are not concerned about how long, but rather you are not working as it allows those making applications to at least understand what the consulate is trying to prevent - Thanks for that.

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My Bangkok Bangkok bank book shows FTT for my transfers.

In the back of the book it shows TRD as "Transferred From Other Account". Is it coming from a Bangkok Bangkok Bank account in Hong Kong.

I can't be 100% sure. HK in this case is HSBC I'll have to ask the guy who takes care of admin for the company, as that could be a significant point that could cause issues for me in the future.

Now that I come to think more about it, transfers do seem to be limited to exactly 50,000 baht so it has to come in as multiple transfers within seconds of each other, which suggests it might be coming from HK to a Thai holding account then to my personal account (I get SMS confirmation, but it is limited in information that I hadn't paid much attention to). If that is the case then I'll have to stop that to avoid any potential issues in the future when going for a Tourist visa (I'm considering Elite, but am reluctant because of cost/benefit unless cornered, so just seeing how far I can go with Tourist route at the moment).

Thanks for pointing that out, and apologies to OP as I don't want to hijack the thread.

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My Bangkok Bangkok bank book shows FTT for my transfers.

In the back of the book it shows TRD as "Transferred From Other Account". Is it coming from a Bangkok Bangkok Bank account in Hong Kong.

I can't be 100% sure. HK in this case is HSBC I'll have to ask the guy who takes care of admin for the company, as that could be a significant point that could cause issues for me in the future.

Now that I come to think more about it, transfers do seem to be limited to exactly 50,000 baht so it has to come in as multiple transfers within seconds of each other, which suggests it might be coming from HK to a Thai holding account then to my personal account (I get SMS confirmation, but it is limited in information that I hadn't paid much attention to). If that is the case then I'll have to stop that to avoid any potential issues in the future when going for a Tourist visa (I'm considering Elite, but am reluctant because of cost/benefit unless cornered, so just seeing how far I can go with Tourist route at the moment).

Thanks for pointing that out, and apologies to OP as I don't want to hijack the thread.

Not at all a problem - Glad you chipped in - All information helps in some way.

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I keep telling people that your passbook clearly shows foreign funds transfers into Thailand.

Each bank has a code for incoming foreign funds transfers....for Bangkok Bank, for example it is FFT for Foreign Funds Transfer.

Having a consistent pattern of routine (monthly if possible) incoming funds transfers is a key to what they look for to show you are not working and have foreign income.

Each time you get a FFT transaction printed into your passbook by the bank's printer and the date of that transaction it's telling a story about your income and how you live in Thailand as to where your funds come from.

And the experienced immigration agents know all the incoming foreign funds transfer codes for each bank.

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