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Suthep announces formation of mass foundation for national reform


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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

There was a democracy but he and his followers blocked the voting booths and the election commission so the country could not vote at the last election or did that just slip your mind? You don't have to research that it's black and white. Maybe you should do some research before you get on social media and make a fool of yourself next time you decide to mouth off.

"There was a democracy....."

Wrong in the first few words. No further comment needed.

Oh but there was. It just resulted in a government which you disliked. So, rather like the fellow at the centre of this thread, you feel it was justified to overthrow it.

i suggest that your concept of what constitutes a democracy is even more flawed than the admittedly far from perfect one Thailand had!

Edited by JAG
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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

There was a democracy but he and his followers blocked the voting booths and the election commission so the country could not vote at the last election or did that just slip your mind? You don't have to research that it's black and white. Maybe you should do some research before you get on social media and make a fool of yourself next time you decide to mouth off.

"There was a democracy....."

Wrong in the first few words. No further comment needed.

Try telling that to the millions of Thais who are eligible to cast a vote !!

What you really mean is that there was no democracy based on your own persons definition which thankfully means Jack shit to the Thais who keep trying to move the country forward, but can't get past 6-8 years without the army coming in and throwing coups liken Tupperware parties!!

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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

total nonsense, but a nice line of propaganda to make supporters of a military "government" feel justified...

the 2007 constitution was a military-written document and it contained many undemocratic features, but to simply state that there was no democracy before the coup is an outright lie... isn't it? coffee1.gif

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What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

Try telling that to the Thais who wanted to vote last February then, who wanted to exercise their democratic right.

If there was no democracy to destroy, and never has been, according to you and many of your ilk, what on earth makes you believe that what the Junta will deliver to the Thai people will be anything close to one? There's NO such thing as a democratic military, it's totally autocratic, founded on discipline, and order.

You're given an order in the military, you follow it, you question it, you're in a whole world of hurt, the head shed don't take too kindly to having their orders, or authority questioned, and you being a former military man should know this.

Prayuth is about as flexible as a kit kat, when dealing with his subordinates. It's his way or the high way.

"I'm sorry General, we can't attack that enemy today, it doesn't feel quite right" just doesn't ever cut it.

Oh and try telling that to those who had to endure red shirt villages - and schools.

No one is claiming that the military is a democratic organisation - that's a straw man.

Prayuth has many faults but he, at least has Thailand's interest at heart, which does not coincide with those of some Farangs whose interest hardly goes beyond the exchange rate. No, FH, I'm not accusing you of being one of those but you do seem to be one who thinks that elections equal democracy & if you really are Scottish you should know that better than most, it's certainly not..

Ken, being Scottish means nothing to me, it's simply a birthright, it makes me no better than anyone else.

If I had a vote on the referendum If have voted NO, and stayed in the Union, quite simply because not ONE SNP politician could answer questions about defence or the economy that made me think they were the right people to run the country.

Do you know that life long friends there started calling the NO voters traitors and called their patriotism into question!! I find that disgusting behaviour, and that's the very same problem Thaialnd has, in the lack of respect for the other persons vote.

I vote for who I feel will represent all the things I would instil in my own philosophies, things like, trust, honesty, integrity, humility, basic core values.

In my 35 years I've been able to vote not one single MP has even come close, so I have for the better part never cast a vote, does that make any difference to the bigger picture? I don't believe so, as no matter who wins an election, even if it's by 1% it still means 49% of the population think the winners are not worthy!!

As for my own personal views about Thailand and how it should be run, well I wouldn't dream of trying to express what I thought on my family if Ididnt have a vote, they are adults and the beauty of having free will is they vote how they want, it's their choice, they make up their own minds.

I have 3 grown up Children in the UK all of voting age, what would give me the right to tell them which way they should vote? surely they should have their own core values as to what they expect from their elected representatives?

You bring up good points about red villages and schools, isn't that down to the parents there to let them attend or move them to other schools? Is a red school curriculum any less full of propaganda than current schools pushing Prayuths 12 core values ? The student who wrote on her exam paper felt strongly about this, expressed her feelings and was called mentally ill, do you think that's fair? TVF members berated her, but that choice was here to make, that stand was hers to make, not the bitter and twisted Nakhon nowhere farangs to make.

We however digress too much, why is suthep allowed to form such a foundation knowing his hatred for the Shins, when if the red supporters were to do something similar, they're in the wrong?

Notice that Suthep has not mentioned reconciliation in his latest attention seeking stunt, because without reconciliation there will never be reforms and it's a conflict of interest in the juntas own reformation program.

Why is he allowed to basically undermine the efforts or lack of from the Junta, and it's alright? but 14 students from the wrong part of the country are lambasted and ridiculed and subsequently gaoled?

Everyone's opinions and rights should be respected voices of discontent should be heard as much as voices of support, every establishment needs a healthy opposition, including th current Junta, they are pushing through stupid laws without thinking, without opposition to challenge the reasons for and against.

So how is it possible that Prayuth has the country at heart? He has his own agendas plain for all to see, if he truly had the country to heart, he would step aside and get rid of the current junta, bring in people from ALL sides to fix this broken country, he doesn't represent a country he represent an oligarchy where he alone controls everything, he's the ultimate big cheese, so when it starts coming apart in places, only person to blame is one who doesn't want to share the burden and responsibilities.

Yuo misunderstand what I meant about being Scottish. I was not referring to the independence vote but to the electoral system in the UK where 37% can translate into a majority of seats.

No, I don't think that Prayuth's '12 values' are appropriate for a school curriculum any more than red shirt 'values'. In the red shirt villages (thankfully no more) & schools, apart from the underlying brainwashing, poor villagers had little or no choice of school in some cases so it was Hobson's choice - red shirt education or none.

Suthep's latest venture is pretty meaningless & just an embarrassment to Prayuth. Whether an opposition venture could get off the ground is moot as it hasn't been tried AFAIK. REconciliation is a slogan that everyone likes but most know it's a pipe-dream.

I didn't see the incident you mention about the student but if she was berated unjustly that is no worse than the frankly moronic comments from the Suthep haters. BTW I'm not a Suthep lover - he's a medium-level crook & local 'don' (Chalerm level) but I will always thank him for getting rid of the amnesty bill.

Just because Prayuth cannot recognise his own failings (not unlike many politicians) doesn't mean he hasn't the country's interest at heart. Of course he has his own agenda (who doesn't?) and feels that that is best (rightly or wrongly) for Thailand's future. No he's not an oligarch or representing an oligarchy - that was Thaksin & the Shin family.

Bringing in 'all sides' to fix Thailand's problems is akin to reconciliation - it hasn't & won't work. Stalemate in PTP's & PDRC's attitude to one another was the final straw that brought in the coup. REcently Prayuth has shown too much weakness IMO in giving the deep-sea trawlers another 2 months, not tackling a deeply corrupt Buddist sect - to mention a few examples. He doesn't wield the big stick like many previous coup leaders but he certainly is too thin skinned.

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By putting himself outside the political system he can use methods politicians can't use:
organizing street protests, boycotting elections, blocking roads, fighting against democracy, getting away with corruption.

His tactic and method seems to not have changed.

Edited by kriswillems
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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

I know that's not true and so do you, so stop spouting blx.

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Interesting to read.

One should not underestimate Suthep.

About his past, we know.

How about that, that Suthep and one leading member from PTP have together a political TV talk show?

I think that would be free political education for all.

The question is whether the military government permitting this.

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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

Some more research learns that this scumbag is a terrorist !

Since this idiot came on the streets, occupying government buildings, generating a bad opinion about Thailand in the entire world, the economy crashed.

There was an economy, and a good and growing one, this guy is to blame for destroy the economy .

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Oh buck suthep what a corrupt liar you are.

shame you didn't follow rules of the law on your last crusade but you got too carried away with the power & back handers & turned into a complete lunatic .

Funny how the exact corrupt scum that thailand needs get rid of is heading a reform foundation ! only in thailand !! :-/

Edited by BuckBee
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Suthep wants present government to stay until reforms are completed



BANGKOK: -- Veteran politician Suthep Thaugsuban yesterday called for national reforms to be completed under this government - no matter how long it takes - before holding the next general elections.

"We want to see this government to successfully reform the country before the next election is held, no matter how long it takes," Suthep said at a press conference, where he introduced his "non-political" civil-based reform foundation.

"The country is in dire need of reform before an election, otherwise people will see bad politicians coming in and ruining the country once again," he warned.

Suthep, a key leader of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), said the new People's Democratic Reform Foundation (PDRF) would see through the PDRC's wish to complete reforms of the country before any election is held.

The PDRC led more than six months of protests against the civilian government before the military coup in May last year.

Suthep said that when the PDRC came out, it focused its energy on meeting the goal of reform, and that is why no timeframe was ever set for that task, suggesting that a timeframe would not be set for the PDRF's reform work either.

He said he did not want to project too far into the future, but wanted to see the reform of various sectors completed before an election took place.

The foundation would cooperate with the government, but it would also let all "five rivers", or reform-related bodies, continue working on reform, as they have not finished that yet.

If the reform work was seen going against the foundation's goals and caused it concern, it would submit letters informing those in charge.

The first and foremost reform issue was political reform, among all five of PDRC's proposals ranging from reform against corruption to reform against poverty and inequity.

"We have set our fundamental goal as moving forward with the will of the PDRC masses to reform the country," he said.

Suthep led the PDRC masses from late 2013 to early 2014, which heightened the political conflict. This led to the putsch, which was aimed at stalling the conflict.

Suthep left the political scene and entered the monkshood. After more than a year, he returned to secular life on Tuesday amid speculation that he would get back to politics with the newly set-up foundation.

Satit Wongnongtaey, one of the foundation's board members and also an ex-PDRC leader, said the bureaucratic procedures to set up a foundation clearly barred any foundation from dabbling with politics, allaying public fears of the return of the PDRC political movement in a new form.

However, the foundation would not prohibit its members from engaging in politics or being members of any political party.

Satit said he could not tell yet whether the foundation's representatives would enter politics sometime in the future, but that would require some amendment of the foundation's rules.

Former foreign minister Kasit Piromya, a member of the foundation's working group and formerly a PDRC leader, said Suthep had invited him to be in charge of the foundation's affairs.

The press conference had raised concerns in the military camp, including Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who admitted that he was worried about Suthep's moves.

But the organisers said they had talks with military officers and agreed that if they touched upon politics, they would face legal proceedings.

Colonel Winthai Suvari, spokes-man for the National Council for Peace and Order, confirmed that the PDRC had asked for a permit to hold the press conference and had been granted it.

The atmosphere at the briefing was not so tense, as the organisers had asked PDRC supporters not to attend the event, said Aknat Promphan, the PDRF's spokesman.

Some military officers came to talk with PDRF representatives, while some videos were filmed during the press conference.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Suthep-wants-present-government-to-stay-until-refo-30265593.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-31

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Looks like the pseudo-Democrats will be allowed a very early start to their campaign for the next elections. By more than a year.

Meanwhile the NCPO will silence the PTP's opposition to any of the PDRC Foundation's reforms as contrary to the NCPO's reform agenda.

Such PTP opposition would be considered creating political conflict in violation to Article 44. In the next six months expect to see more PTP members sent to attitude adjustment meetings and possible imprisonment and/or fines as they attempt to publisize their own political agenda.

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"Army officers from the National Council for Peace and Order to ensure it would not turn to political issues."

More likely they were there to provide protection and deter any counter-protesters.

Are you acknowledging that protection from the other side of politics may be necessary? Democracy, Thai style.

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Oh but there was. It just resulted in a government which you disliked. So, rather like the fellow at the centre of this thread, you feel it was justified to overthrow it.

i suggest that your concept of what constitutes a democracy is even more flawed than the admittedly far from perfect one Thailand had!

For an American, you seem to reject the words of Jefferson, who certainly believed that overthrowing a corrupt and incompetent government was justified.

"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master!"

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Reforms from Suthip The guy that was one of the catalysts for the Military Take over. The one who kept on saying that this is " THE LAST PUSH" Time and Time again.

This is the one with "2 faces". This is the one who believes in democracy only if you AGREE with Him All the time.

This is the one that Likes democracy only if he can stop you from going into the government offices.

This my friends is the true face of Democracy in Thailand. If you want someone to tell you what policy is Implement the policy and continue telling you how you should milk your COW .

If Suthip is elected as Prime Minister I will leave this country PERIOD

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While I hold no brief for Yingluck and her policies she was elected in an internationally certified election. I call that democracy.

What Suthep did was not unlike the infamous Munich beer hall putsch of one Adolph Hitler. In other words you go my way or I disrupt the government. That is not democracy.

Yes, and she was removed for an abuse of power by a court of law. That's called not being above the law.

The fact she was in reality no more than a puppet for a non elected criminal fugitive, her brother, to run and manage the government how he saw fit, in his interests and in pursuit of his agenda does cloud the water somewhat.

But, in the end, the one indisputable fact is that she was democratically elected. Don't like her, elect someone else in the next election.

And, you know as well as I (although I doubt you will admit it) that the court was stacked against her.

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This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy and led to the takeover by the junta. He should be in jail.

On the other hand I hope he creates havoc again. My dollar and Euro pensions will become worth more when the Baht falls.

But very sad for the Thai people.

What rubbish, suggest you do some more research.

"This guy is to blame for the destruction of the Thai democracy...." False, there was no democracy for his to destroy.

There was a democracy but he and his followers blocked the voting booths and the election commission so the country could not vote at the last election or did that just slip your mind? You don't have to research that it's black and white. Maybe you should do some research before you get on social media and make a fool of yourself next time you decide to mouth off.

"There was a democracy....."

Wrong in the first few words. No further comment needed.

Everyone on this thread who are denying that there was a democracy are ignoring the fact that Yingluck was democratically elected by an internationally certified election. If you didn't like her policies then put up a better candidate in the NEXT election. You don't create havoc and enable a takeover by the military.

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While I hold no brief for Yingluck and her policies she was elected in an internationally certified election. I call that democracy.

What Suthep did was not unlike the infamous Munich beer hall putsch of one Adolph Hitler. In other words you go my way or I disrupt the government. That is not democracy.

Yes, and she was removed for an abuse of power by a court of law. That's called not being above the law.

The fact she was in reality no more than a puppet for a non elected criminal fugitive, her brother, to run and manage the government how he saw fit, in his interests and in pursuit of his agenda does cloud the water somewhat.

But, in the end, the one indisputable fact is that she was democratically elected. Don't like her, elect someone else in the next election.

And, you know as well as I (although I doubt you will admit it) that the court was stacked against her.

And the rules for elections, and their enforcement, was stacked in her favor. Despite that fact, polls were indicating that support for PTP was severely eroding in 2014. Even with the corrupt election process, Thailand might have ended up with a coalition government again had the next election occurred in its proper course.

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thanks to this guy thailand now have a military junta running the country.

Please also remember the phrase: Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Elections will be continually delayed indefinitely. Prayuth will not give up his position readily because as a puppet of the elite class they will not let him.

It is important to those people to keep demonizing Thaksin so no one pays attention to their oppression. Keep 'em uneducated, barefoot and pregnant so that the upper classes can continue to enjoy a lavish, entitled life style.

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thanks to this guy thailand now have a military junta running the country.

Yes thank god for this guy, like him or not he is the only reason the Shin clan are not still running things in Thailand. I shudder to think what could have happened between the coup and now had there been no Suthep.

Now there has been a coup and a military government keen to set things right, I think he should keep quiet for a few more years.

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thanks to this guy thailand now have a military junta running the country.

Please also remember the phrase: Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Elections will be continually delayed indefinitely. Prayuth will not give up his position readily because as a puppet of the elite class they will not let him.

It is important to those people to keep demonizing Thaksin so no one pays attention to their oppression. Keep 'em uneducated, barefoot and pregnant so that the upper classes can continue to enjoy a lavish, entitled life style.

You sound very familiar.

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While I hold no brief for Yingluck and her policies she was elected in an internationally certified election. I call that democracy.

What Suthep did was not unlike the infamous Munich beer hall putsch of one Adolph Hitler. In other words you go my way or I disrupt the government. That is not democracy.

Yes, and she was removed for an abuse of power by a court of law. That's called not being above the law.

The fact she was in reality no more than a puppet for a non elected criminal fugitive, her brother, to run and manage the government how he saw fit, in his interests and in pursuit of his agenda does cloud the water somewhat.

But, in the end, the one indisputable fact is that she was democratically elected. Don't like her, elect someone else in the next election.

And, you know as well as I (although I doubt you will admit it) that the court was stacked against her.

She broke the law, knowingly and willingly. Dumb ass thought she could do anything she liked and simply lie her way out, just like her brother. The disrespect of the law, following procedures and any form of accountability is the Shin's Achilles' Heel. They leave themselves wide open then lie and/or scream it's all political.

If the followed the law, observed procedures and did what they swore to do they'd still be in office. But they just can't which given criminal leadership is understandable.

Or do you think people in government should be allowed to break the law as they like and only be removed from office if they loose an election?

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When will Thais wake up to this little terrorist punk and put him behind the bars where he belongs?

When will Thais wake up to this little terrorist punk and put him behind the bars in a grave where he belongs?

Probably not until after Jatuporn, Nattawitt, Arisman have been put behind bars and Thaksin extradited. So don't hold your breadth.

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