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Hainan seeks direct flights to Phuket
The Phuket News

Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong (left) and Luo Baoming, the provincial Communist Party Secretary for Hainan province, shake hands at the event on Wednesday (July 29).

PHUKET: -- Luo Baoming, the provincial Communist Party chief for Hainan province, is seeking to launch direct flights from the Chinese tourism island of Hainan to Phuket.

Phuket Governor Nisit Jansomwong announced the news after meeting with Mr Luo, who himself is a former governor of Hainan province, and his team of Chinese envoys earlier this week.

The visit was to mark 40 years of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China and to mark the 10-year anniversary of Phuket and Hainan becoming “sister cities”, Governor Nisit explained on Wednesday (July 29).

“Hainan officials have asked for Sichuan Airlines to provide direct flights from the Hainan capital Sanya to Phuket because many Chinese want to come to visit here,” he said.

“We have consulted with [officials at] Phuket International Airport, and they have approved direct flights from Hainan to land after midnight and three times a week.”

However, the after the ongoing major upgrade to Phuket Airport is complete, the flights might be moved forward to land in Phuket at 8pm three times a week, he added.

Hainan tourism officials were also looking to learn from Phuket’s expertise in attracting international travellers, Gov Nisit added.

“Hainan, and Sanya, have only domestic tourists, and the Chinese government would like to learn Phuke’s secret in attracting people from many places,” he said.

“We explained that we have the best Tourism Business Association, who are experts in tourism marketing and know when it is safe to take risks.”

Other developments announced included an exchange program between Phuket Rajabhat University and Hainan University, with both universities providing personnel education and skills training in tourism.

“This will help Phuket to better cater to the increasing number of Chinese tourists coming to Phuket,” Gov Nisit said.

“ Last year, Phuket had 1.2 million Chinese tourists and this year from January to July 24 we had 7.2mn Chinese tourists visit here. That’s an increase of 11.67 per cent, and if we continue to keep up our good relations, the number is going to multiply.”

“Next year, Phuket province plans to sign an MoU [Memorandum of Understanding] with Xiamen – in Fujian province,” he added.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/hainan-seeks-direct-flights-to-phuket-53432.php

-- Phuket News 2015-07-31


Hainan tourism officials were also looking to learn from Phuket’s expertise in attracting international travellers, Gov Nisit added.

“Hainan, and Sanya, have only domestic tourists, and the Chinese government would like to learn Phuke’s secret in attracting people from many places,” he said.

clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif The secret must be : Taxi mafia - Jetski scam - annoying tailorboys - overpriced bad food - dirty beaches - police extortion and many other Things that the Chinese have to study for years before they are Experts in this like on Phuket ... crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif


This gave me a good chuckle. It's so wrong in so many ways.

1. China wants to learn how to attract international tourists from a location that recently lost many countries and diverted to mostly chinese tourists.

2. The governor of Phuket being happy to help another tourist destination to grab what's left of western tourists here in exchange for more chinese tourists.

3. Phuket claiming to have the best marketing department

4. The aforementioned department apparently knowing "when it is safe to take risks" which is an oxymoron

5. 1.2m whole last year to 7.2m in just a bit over half of this year is an increase of 11.67%? Math fail much?

6. The province of phuket being the sister CITY of another province


Last year, Phuket had 1.2 million Chinese tourists and this year from January to July 24 we had 7.2mn Chinese tourists visit here. Thats an increase of 11.67 per cent, and if we continue to keep up our good relations, the number is going to multiply.

1.2 million in 2014 to 7.2 million (in only 7 months) in 2015 = 11.67% increase .... mmmmm ..... let me think about that .... way wrong. 6 million increase over 1.2 million = 500% more in just 7 months.

God help us all with this huge invasion of Chinese ....

Phuket: 2015 tourist arrivals expected to reach 28.36 million - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-2015-tourist-arrivals-expected-to-reach-28-36-million-50525.php#sthash.arOKy1d8.dpuf

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