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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Take another look when your sober. What tattoos ?

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Proudly sponsored by the manufacturers of acne-inducing toxic bleach.

White is indication of being incarcerated in a jail, so why not put a hi-so vampire there with the words "criminal" under it.


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

Having dark skin is generally not a trait of beauty.

That's why white skinned people flock to beaches to get darker skin?

You can deny as much as you want and pretend I stated anything as an absolute fact to all people's views but the absolute fact as I stated is "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty". This is documented from country to country when you look at models and actors. Even Black TV shows generally cast lighter skinned blacks as do Latino shows as well as Indian and Asians as in the case with Thailand. Obviously people's opinions vary but facts are facts when speaking about what is generally considered attractive if just considering looks.

I didn't expect anything less than racist BS from you!

And I don't expect any less programmed BS from those who can't see or accept reality. By the way, I made no opinion in my post except that I thought it not healthy to share such views with kids. Any moron who can type and read can do internet searches to see what I am saying is ABSOLUTE FACT.




Bury your head in the sand all you want and stupidly lash out at somebody who points out the obvious because of your own ignorance ... whatever makes your boat float.

FYI - not generally considered attractive to be fat either. I guess this means I have something against fat people.

FYI - unhealthy people are also generally less attractive too ... I guess I have no sympathy for the sick.

FYI - Young women are generally more attractive to males too ... I guess you'll ignorantly bring up being a pedo.

Attraction is based on both programming and basic human reproduction. Men are generally attracted to young healthy women because of basic programming to want to make sure there genes are carried on. Women often attracted to muscles because it shows the man can protect her off spring but in these days things like power and money may play a more important role since the need for physical protection is less important. Then you have things such as programming and how kids are taught what is a attractive from an early age but the fact remains there have been studies that have showed time after time when children are left with a white doll and a black doll to play with, despite their race, they will pick the white doll significantly more. You'd have to look at more in depth studies to see why experts believe this happens but what it shows is an attraction towards the lighter skin even by children without much environmental programming.


Yeah, yeah, somebody found something, yeah, yeah! Let's do some Thai bashing!!! As disturbing as the educational chart cockup is, I believe that it is just another display of Thai superficiality and common ignorance. We see and hear it, "Look, mommy, look, look, Farang! Look, mommy, Faraaaang!!!", daily - what else is new? coffee1.gif


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

...according to you.

I'm pretty sure the black community and plenty of white women who love to date Rappers and Athletes would disagree.

And your point? I said, "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars."

Highlights added for those with reading comprehension issues


Is this part of the "education reform" ?

I reckon it's the imports to Thailand from up north that are pulling the strings, so yeah, makes sense. Show the peasants where the wind blows from, na?


Leave the Thais be.

Right or wrong, most here (farangs) in Thailand are here with the permission of the Thai government. If you want the take a stance on "racism" or any other garden variety "do good cause" go back to your own bloody country and open a Non-Profit.

But please stop bellyaching about this silly nonsense.

We all have our own silly misconceptions, nobody is perfect.

Thai children, indeed all children are educated socially at home!

Ugly and Pretty are defined there, not in the classroom!

It says so much when your opinion is the only allowed opinion...

It is more a case of "Not Being Educated At Home".... i.e.: helmets, multiple riders on a single motorbike, Pattaya is good for my daughter....... Politically correct, Thailand is not.


I'm sure many a school teacher here could confirm the racist attitude towards black teachers In Thai schools. Many recruitment ads actually state 'No blacks or Africans need apply'.

I have met and have black friends from the US and UK that were refused jobs purely on skin colour.

And to think this racist attitude may be the first time some students see or hear it, from within the very same education

system that's supposed to teach them Buddhist and worldly values, wow!

Black skin aside,how many other forms of racism do we see or hear of daily in our lives here? More than the Thai apologists would care to admit I fear.


I'm sure many a school teacher here could confirm the racist attitude towards black teachers In Thai schools. Many recruitment ads actually state 'No blacks or Africans need apply'.

I have met and have black friends from the US and UK that were refused jobs purely on skin colour.

And to think this racist attitude may be the first time some students see or hear it, from within the very same education

system that's supposed to teach them Buddhist and worldly values, wow!

Black skin aside,how many other forms of racism do we see or hear of daily in our lives here? More than the Thai apologists would care to admit I fear.


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.


I think I see that ugly dude on sukhumvit soi 15, he tried to sell me cocaine.

I think I saw the same fool on sukhumvit soi-3 putting the hirt on a thai girl! I don't see anything wrong with that piece! some of them could gag a maggot!



Skin color[edit]

Testosterone has been shown to darken skin color in laboratory experiments.[84] In his foreword to Peter Frost's 2005 Fair Women, Dark Men, University of Washington sociologist Pierre L. van den Berghe writes: "Although virtually all cultures express a marked preference for fair female skin, even those with little or no exposure to European imperialism, and even those whose members are heavily pigmented, many are indifferent to male pigmentation or even prefer men to be darker."[85] Despite this, the aesthetics of skin tone varies from culture to culture. Manual laborers who spent extended periods of time outside developed a darker skin tone due to exposure to the sun. As a consequence, an association between dark skin and the lower classes developed. Light skin became an aesthetic ideal because it symbolized wealth. "Over time society attached various meanings to these colored differences. Including assumptions about a person's race, socioeconomic class, intelligence, and physical attractiveness."[86]


Skin tone and skin radiance

A preference for lighter-skinned women has remained prevalent over time, even in cultures without European contact, though exceptions have been found.[165] Anthropologist Peter Frost stated that since higher-ranking men were allowed to marry the perceived more attractive women, who tended to have fair skin, the upper classes of a society generally tended to develop a lighter complexion than the lower classes by sexual selection (see also Fisherian runaway).[85][165][166] In contrast, one study on men of the Bikosso tribe in Cameroon found no preference for attractiveness of females based on lighter skin color, bringing into question the universality of earlier studies that had exclusively focused on skin color preferences among non-African populations.[166]

Today, skin bleaching is not uncommon in parts of the world such as Africa,[167] and a preference for lighter-skinned women generally holds true for African Americans,[168] Latin Americans,[169] and Asians.[170]One exception to this has been in contemporary Western culture, where tanned skin used to be associated with the sun-exposed manual labor of the lower-class, but has generally been considered more attractive and healthier since the mid-20th century.[171][172][173][174][175]

More recent work has extended skin color research beyond preferences for lightness, arguing that redder (higher a* in the CIELab colour space) and yellower (higher b*) skin has healthier appearance.[87] These preferences have been attributed to higher levels of red oxygenated blood in the skin, which is associated with aerobic fitness and lack of cardiac and respiratory illnesses,[88] and to higher levels of yellow-red antioxidant carotenoids in the skin, indicative of more fruit and vegetables in the diet and, possibly more efficient immune and reproductive systems.[89]

Research has additionally shown that skin radiance or glowing skin indicates health, thus skin radiance influences perception of beauty and physical attractiveness.[176][177]


While not politically correct and certainly not healthy attitude to promote to kids, the reality is that the dude in the picture would generally be considered ugly, thought not just because of the dark colored skin. Clearly they could and should have used a picture that didn't involve a person to describe ugly.


I'm sure many a school teacher here could confirm the racist attitude towards black teachers In Thai schools. Many recruitment ads actually state 'No blacks or Africans need apply'.

I have met and have black friends from the US and UK that were refused jobs purely on skin colour.

And to think this racist attitude may be the first time some students see or hear it, from within the very same education

system that's supposed to teach them Buddhist and worldly values, wow!

Black skin aside,how many other forms of racism do we see or hear of daily in our lives here? More than the Thai apologists would care to admit I fear.

Irony there too as I'm sure the Buddha was a dark skinned Indian fellow.


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

I don't think any of us are saying that they should change to accommodate us. However, that does not mean that we remain quiet when we see something really dumb, backwards and wrong. And indoctrinating children on what is ugly is dumb, backwards and wrong and yes, racist.

Now wait for the national exam which has a question: Which skin colour is beautiful and which skin colour is ugly?

(Notes: This is not a multiple choice question, there is only one correct answer.)


It is what it is.

If you want to protect your kid or other kid at Thai school you can do it. But know this you get tease about somthing anyways. Thai people don't know it rude. They just trying to be friendly lol you can teach your kid to be proud of tan skin.

I also don't like it too when people try to brainwashing that tan skin is better than white skin . It's just a taste.

I got fair skin. And after beach I got tan . And notice that lot of farang look at me. But when I was fair it's Thai people and few farang.

Myself prefer when I am fair cuz when I'm fair I don't need make up. I will have natural pink tint on my cheek. But for Asian when Tan I think I need to paint my face. Atleast color lip balm.

So I think if you guy wanna fight for something like skin color you better fight for thailand to teach people to love their own skin color. Not just all about dark skin more sexier!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


These posters are probably made up and produced by a firm which has nothing to do with the Govt or require Govt approval. All stationary shops sell many posters like this to sell to education establishments.


I completely disagree with what they've done here, however I believe they are entitled to their opinion on what is and isn't ugly. I don't think it's right for foreigners to come here to Thailand and declare that "Thai's are racist" and that they should change their culture and opinions to accomodate us foreigners.

Hell yes let's all let every country do what they seem right. Child marriages, rape, etc etc. errr no your argument does not hold water


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

...according to you.

I'm pretty sure the black community and plenty of white women who love to date Rappers and Athletes would disagree.

And your point? I said, "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars."

Highlights added for those with reading comprehension issues

Uncle Cracker...perhaps you should start all your posts with "In my opinion...".

Because I do find black people attractive...so stop trying to hide your racial tendencies behind some sort of generalization.

You are projecting far too much.

"This is not education, it is brainwashing!"

Not that much between them really, is there? Acceptance is the difference, and to me, like you, the 'teaching' of which people are beautiful or ugly is not acceptable therefore it is actually 'brainwashing'.

I think you guy think too much. They just want to teach vocab. I remember when I was young I also was teach from poster like this. And the picture of ugly word is guy who have white skin and lot of frekle. I don't remember is it red head or not.

And who said kid don't know who is attractive and who is not. They know it by instinct not by brainwashing by Gene. ( if we cut off fashion and trend)

My nephew when he was 3-4 years old will get very shy at woman who is pretty but will very comfortable around girl who is not. And nobody taught him about what is beauty back then.

I think anybody don't have to care about this because when they grown up they will learn it by themself and judge it by themself too. I mean if you are worrying about your kid in Thailand about his racist.

Ok the picture is cartoon. And the description is right. You can ask anybody in Asia. I mean those who are civili people.

Kid watch cartoon and I'm sure they know what is handsome and ugly by their self. Even you give that guy white skin. He still consider ugly compare with guy beside him. I mean for cartoon.

Maybe your people never watch cartoon before. And I insist it's not about the skin . It's the face!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Insist all you want.

It still doesn't make you right.

The choice of colour was no coincidence and was based upon the idea dark skin is undesirable and ugly.

Ok lol I concede. What is the represent picture of ugly word in your contry. I mean those cartoon for teaching children.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Children do not know by instinct what is beautiful or ugly, they learn first, not through words, but by what they are exposed to, encouraged toward and held away from. You really believe that your 3 or 4 year old nephew had never been shown a flower and been told it was beautiful? If he had never been taught anything about beauty by that age there was something seriously wrong with his upbringing. If a child was truly left on their own they would not learn any of the things you assume are natural, they are all taught and we must be very careful how we teach. There is nothing in our genes which controls our perception of the world, our genes control our physical makeup not our mental ideologies.

In my country we would never teach the word ugly using a picture of someones face, we would use something from fantasy, something very very ugly, an alien or troll or something else impossibly ugly. We are taught to have imaginations so we can usually come up with something other than a realistic face when trying to express what is ugly!

I am less worried about my kid being taught racist things than I am about him being taught in a culture where people genuinely believe that people can think too much. For example, you have invented your own science, assumed that education is unimportant and you have expressed a low level of imagination, you should try thinking a little more and in the meantime, leave the education to us teachers, thanks.


How many of you remember Yui Rojjana? She hails from Issan and is darkskinned. She was discovered by a modelling agency in Bangkok and went tro America where she became a top model. When she started out she couldn't even walk in high heels. She was very successful, made the 'face' for a Chanel perfume and the covergirl for a prestigeous womens magazine.

At the time may Thais were puzzled by her success, they considered that she wasn't very beautiful by Thai standards, but the main ctiticism of her was that she was dark skinned.

. Here she is, judge for yourself.


Lets face it, the dude with the earrings and tats and scar on his face is ugly. Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars. Not healthy to point this out to a child with these traits but it is reality. While we in the west have problems with recognizing what is obvious, other countries such as Thailand accept these things.

...according to you.

I'm pretty sure the black community and plenty of white women who love to date Rappers and Athletes would disagree.

And your point? I said, "Having very dark skin is not generally a trait of beauty and neither is being fat or having scars."

Highlights added for those with reading comprehension issues

<snip> (ignorant racist comment snipped )...perhaps you should start all your posts with "In my opinion...".

Because I do find black people attractive...so stop trying to hide your racial tendencies behind some sort of generalization.

You are projecting far too much.

If I was stating an opinion rather than a fact, your suggestion might make a tiny bit of sense.


The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Do you expect a child to just understand automatically that 'ugly' is in reference to the tattoos and not to his skin color? Why would they? They would automatically look for the biggest differences in appearance not the smallest, and base their understanding of the word on that. The chances are the child would think that handsome and ugly meant light and dark skin.

Here in the Isaan 95 % of the guys have tatoos, even the monks.

So I can not imagine the criteria of being ugly or not have anything to do with tatoos. Must be the skin color then.....


I taught at a school which had hired a very dark skinned gentleman. He told me he started learning to speak Thai only to realize the absolutely HORRIBLE things they were saying about him right to his face. Even after he informed them he "khow chaied," they kept on speaking despicably based solely on his skin color.

Something I learned from Bill Nye - ALL humans are of the same race, we just have different tribes. Some people may find this as splitting hairs, others might grasp the subtle context that we're all the same, some with lighter tans, others darker, but we HAVE to get over this garbage! Once a kid sees this guide, and the concept continues to get fed, it can only grow into full-blown xenophobia.


How many of you remember Yui Rojjana? She hails from Issan and is darkskinned. She was discovered by a modelling agency in Bangkok and went tro America where she became a top model. When she started out she couldn't even walk in high heels. She was very sucessful, made the 'face' for a Chanel perfume and the covergirl for a prestigeous womens magazine.

At the time may Thais were puzzled by her sucess, they considered that she wasn't very beautiful by Thai standards, but the main ctiticism of her was that she was dark skinned.

. Here she is, judge for yourself.

Wonder why she looks light skinned for a typical Issan person in the video. I was expecting to see a dark skinned Thai based on your comments. Though certainly wouldn't argue with the fact there are some extremely beautiful dark skinned girls, just seems interesting they lightened her skin for the shoots in this video.


What color is this dress?

On Thai lakorn they often have a country bumpkin as a servant in one of the wealthy households (often in the home of the "good-girl" who will be abused and raped by the "bad" boy, and then fall in love with "good' boy) , and they use make-up to make her look much darker.

Skin color is as much about class, position in society and perceived intelligence, than beauty or lack thereof.

"Whiteness" to a point is fine here, but I've seen a few albinos and nobody using them in commercials.

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