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Thailand 7th most popular country for expat Swedes!

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Thailand 7th Most Popular Country for Expat Swedes!

According to Svenskar i världen there are more than 660 000 Swedes living abroad - which makes about 7 % of the total population of Sweden. The most popular country to live in is the US, but on 7th place comes Thailand!

Around 20.000 Swedes live in Thailand, which is a number that has doubled since 2011.

USA: 150.000
The UK: 90.000
Spain: 90.000
Norway: 90.000
France: 30.000
Germany: 23.000
Thailand: 20.000
Finland: 15.000
Denmark: 15.000
Italy: 12.000
Australia: 11.000
Switzerland: 10.000
Belgium: 10.000
Canada: 7.000
The Netherlands: 6.500
Chile: 5.000
China: 4.000
Israel: 4.000
The UAE: 4.000
Brasil: 4.000
Austria: 3.500

Source: http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/660000-svenskar-bor-i-ett-annat-land/

-- DN.se


I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!



I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!


Most are here in Rayong I think Glegolo


I am Thai and know nothing what you talking about lol . Just come to say hi and I love princess cake so much! :D

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I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!


Aren't these numbers coming from the Swedish government?


I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!


Most are here in Rayong I think Glegolo

Yes I think you are correct, have knowledge of many swedes living in Rayong and especially in Ban Phae...


Yes Princess-cake (prinsess-tårta) is really good.....


I very much doubt these numbers are coming from there at all... I have seen so many numbers about everything in the swedish newsmedia, and also in foreign newsmedia, and sometimes these newspapers just pick numbers from wherever, and whatever suits them and their purpose.

Travelagencies are having numbers that are real fantasyproducts, and these numbers are being used so willingly by others without question,, so one can doubt them easily!!



…and hundred of thousands of them go on a one day Baltic ferry cruise just to get dead drunk on duty free booze. That may explain the poll results.


I watch the video. I quite don't understand that why Swedish can't stand for his own culture. Won't they get take advantage by the immigrant. Won't they even try to protect their Swedish kid ?

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No wonder!

The Swedes seem to be able to take a joke and aren't rabid crazy about nationalism and defending their countries honor. Good to see a country that can take a joke instead of those crazy flag waving nationalistic countries.

Real funny and entertaining.. Dutch make fun of themselves too thank god most are not crazy nationalistic.

I like countries like that my experience with Scandinavians has been good in general. Though in every nationality you got freaks and idiots mine included.


I watch the video. I quite don't understand that why Swedish can't stand for his own culture. Won't they get take advantage by the immigrant. Won't they even try to protect their Swedish kid ?

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No sorry to say. We can say that Sweden is on the absolute complete other end of the PC hystery, and we willingly just give away our country and lifestyle and culture.. WHILE Thailand is doing just the opposit. You are the biggest racsists I have ever seen in my life towards treating falangs and letting them in in your society..Sorry that I have to tell you the truth so openly here.

I would love that we in Sweden could find a middleway of some sort and take care of ourselfs first and also take good care of newcomers.... But unfortunately so many newcomers to Sweden just do not accept anything else than their own culture and demand Sweden not to ask them to assimilate at all.. Big problems back home I can say!!



I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!


Most are here in Rayong I think Glegolo

Yes I think you are correct, have knowledge of many swedes living in Rayong and especially in Ban Phae...


Yes Princess-cake (prinsess-tårta) is really good.....


I very much doubt these numbers are coming from there at all... I have seen so many numbers about everything in the swedish newsmedia, and also in foreign newsmedia, and sometimes these newspapers just pick numbers from wherever, and whatever suits them and their purpose.

Travelagencies are having numbers that are real fantasyproducts, and these numbers are being used so willingly by others without question,, so one can doubt them easily!!


While you may be right, just seems kind of odd somebody else would go to all these different countries to track Swedes when I would suspect a government agency in Sweden has these numbers or would be the one to have them.


I watch the video. I quite don't understand that why Swedish can't stand for his own culture. Won't they get take advantage by the immigrant. Won't they even try to protect their Swedish kid ?

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No sorry to say. We can say that Sweden is on the absolute complete other end of the PC hystery, and we willingly just give away our country and lifestyle and culture.. WHILE Thailand is doing just the opposit. You are the biggest racsists I have ever seen in my life towards treating falangs and letting them in in your society..Sorry that I have to tell you the truth so openly here.

I would love that we in Sweden could find a middleway of some sort and take care of ourselfs first and also take good care of newcomers.... But unfortunately so many newcomers to Sweden just do not accept anything else than their own culture and demand Sweden not to ask them to assimilate at all.. Big problems back home I can say!!


I just worried about your country

And Swedish people . That is all I mean.

But lol I'm not Swedish maybe I shouldn't care . Your country is only contry in the world doing this thing. And I think that maybe soon your contry will be wash out by immigrant. And Swedish way of thinking will be all gone from this world. No more Swedish people with their love and peace attitude

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I am swedish, and I wonder.... where are all the swedes? Ahaaaa about 15.000 of these aledged 20.000 is just living here periodicly like 3-6 months a year......

I read the swedish gouverments own statistics and that say that only about 1.000 is registred here in Thailand as living here full time... TGhe rest of these people is like I wrote probably peoply activly living in Swerden, registred there and only coming here for a short period of time each year.... That would probably make it up to 20.000 people....

Thats my thoughts anyhow!!


Most are here in Rayong I think Glegolo
Yes I think you are correct, have knowledge of many swedes living in Rayong and especially in Ban Phae...


Yes Princess-cake (prinsess-tårta) is really good.....


I very much doubt these numbers are coming from there at all... I have seen so many numbers about everything in the swedish newsmedia, and also in foreign newsmedia, and sometimes these newspapers just pick numbers from wherever, and whatever suits them and their purpose.

Travelagencies are having numbers that are real fantasyproducts, and these numbers are being used so willingly by others without question,, so one can doubt them easily!!


Does the original Swedish article not give any attribution for where the numbers come from?

It surprises me that supposedly so many live in the UK - Spain I understand but the UK.........unsure.png


I watch the video. I quite don't understand that why Swedish can't stand for his own culture. Won't they get take advantage by the immigrant. Won't they even try to protect their Swedish kid ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No sorry to say. We can say that Sweden is on the absolute complete other end of the PC hystery, and we willingly just give away our country and lifestyle and culture.. WHILE Thailand is doing just the opposit. You are the biggest racsists I have ever seen in my life towards treating falangs and letting them in in your society..Sorry that I have to tell you the truth so openly here.

I would love that we in Sweden could find a middleway of some sort and take care of ourselfs first and also take good care of newcomers.... But unfortunately so many newcomers to Sweden just do not accept anything else than their own culture and demand Sweden not to ask them to assimilate at all.. Big problems back home I can say!!


I just worried about your country

And Swedish people . That is all I mean.

But lol I'm not Swedish maybe I shouldn't care . Your country is only contry in the world doing this thing. And I think that maybe soon your contry will be wash out by immigrant. And Swedish way of thinking will be all gone from this world. No more Swedish people with their love and peace attitude

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That sucks if that is really happening. It seems hard to believe that Sweden would willingly give away their culture to immigrants. The Sweden of the past may soon become a distant memory. However, the question that needs to be asked is this unique to Sweden? How are other Nordic countries responding to immigration and adapting their culture? Or is Sweden much more extreme in that respect than say Norway, Denmark or Finland?

As I haven't been to any of these countries I really don't know. But I do have quite a few friends from Norway in particular. Haven't met many Danes or Finns though, although I have met a few Swedes though never became close friends with them.


I watch the video. I quite don't understand that why Swedish can't stand for his own culture. Won't they get take advantage by the immigrant. Won't they even try to protect their Swedish kid ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No sorry to say. We can say that Sweden is on the absolute complete other end of the PC hystery, and we willingly just give away our country and lifestyle and culture.. WHILE Thailand is doing just the opposit. You are the biggest racsists I have ever seen in my life towards treating falangs and letting them in in your society..Sorry that I have to tell you the truth so openly here.

I would love that we in Sweden could find a middleway of some sort and take care of ourselfs first and also take good care of newcomers.... But unfortunately so many newcomers to Sweden just do not accept anything else than their own culture and demand Sweden not to ask them to assimilate at all.. Big problems back home I can say!!


So very true Gle(n)golo ... The horrible truth is that statistics say that in year 2050 Sweden will have a muslim majority ... Scary when you hear whats going on in Malmô ... I have always liked swedish but their PC has been going overboard the last 20 years ...

I agree with your opinion about thai racism - its really dispicable bah.gif


Does that mean the price of swede might come down? It's bloody expensive and one of my favourite root vegetables.

Yes, and that might start an invasion once again of the british isles!! Remember how it turned out the last time... So be careful my friend!!




That is without doubt the least interesting news headline I have ever read. But I'm not a Swede.

OK, but you have no problem in insulting swedes at the very same time, I guess!!



That is without doubt the least interesting news headline I have ever read. But I'm not a Swede.

OK, but you have no problem in insulting swedes at the very same time, I guess!!


If your not from the US or UK here your a minority and have to accept people from those countries to put you down and make fun of you. But if you try to reverse that problem your branded as a racist. better not try to swim against the stream.

Ever noticed how Thais and Germans and French can be bashed all they want but the moment something about the US or Uk is written down you get jumped upon ?

Thank god there are quite a few good members too from those countries.


Ever noticed how Thais and Germans and French can be bashed all they want but the moment something about the US or Uk is written down you get jumped upon ?

Ever notice how Yank bashes run at 10 or 20 times greater than French or German or UK bashes?!. While many are no doubt deserved, it also "fashionable" and "trendy" in Euro-antipodean-Brit society.

So yanks hack back at you; waaaa. No surprise there. What did you really think was going to happen biggrin.png . Doh!


That is without doubt the least interesting news headline I have ever read. But I'm not a Swede.

OK, but you have no problem in insulting swedes at the very same time, I guess!!



That is without doubt the least interesting news headline I have ever read. But I'm not a Swede.

OK, but you have no problem in insulting swedes at the very same time, I guess!!


No. You're missing the point and misinterpreting what I meant. Any news item focussing on 7th position is hardly interesting to anyone apart from those it relates to. It's got nothing to do with racism or anti Swede sentiment. In fact I worked for a Swedish company for 12 years and really like Swedish people and the country. But who cares who comes 7th in any list apart from those who come 7th?

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