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Female cadres of the Khmer Rouge


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extremely well documented article to be read in full here:


While the scope of female participation in the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge is unknown, experts say it is understated

At 14, Tuy Kin was barely a young woman when she joined the Khmer Rouge in 1970.

Ten years later, she was arrested for her involvement in the killing of 300 prisoners at Phnom Penh’s infamous S-21 prison and torture centre – a charge she now denies – and jailed for 18 months.

“Although I served as a soldier of Pol Pot, I never killed people,” she told researchers from the Documentary Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam).

It’s unknown how many female cadres like Kin filled the ranks of the ultra-Maoist regime and how big a role they had; however, for the first time, a new research project is trying to shed light on the subject.

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I dont get it. Is someone positing a thesis for graduate school in feminist studies? What is the value of this as news? Sociodemography aside, I dont see the value in this. Why not a study about left handed people in the Khmer Rouge? Is there a widespread perception that guilty people avoided accountability because of gender?

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I doubt that's it, given that virtually all the KR have avoided accountability (other than in the karmic sense...).

And many have jumped the border and living happily in Thailand wearing a certain coloured shirt.

Edited by Mudcrab
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By no means do I condone what they did....but what evolved there in Cambodia is the same or similar as what has evolved throughout history in many Nations where you have to or you are forced to take a side and kill ......or be killed.

Non of us where there so we really do not know what ourselves would have done in such dire situations where either way you become the enemy of other people who will kill you while you have to make a choice to take a side, as there is NO in-between.

Sad how it all came to be.....meantime people, and some people more so than others, do have to be held accountable for their conduct and actions.


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I dont get it. Is someone positing a thesis for graduate school in feminist studies? What is the value of this as news? Sociodemography aside, I dont see the value in this. Why not a study about left handed people in the Khmer Rouge? Is there a widespread perception that guilty people avoided accountability because of gender?

That's just it. Apparently there isn't, and someone thinks they did.

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