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Chinese, Russian tourists not ‘preferred’, says Phuket poll

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You never know what you have until you've lost it.... sadly though, the Thais don't like to admit that they have treated the Western Tourists badly (ie: rip offs, visas etc), so they will just have to live with their new friends.

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No surprises . Manners go a long way.


You mean money goes a long way . Thats why Scandinavia is on top of this poll .

I would imagien a Norwegian tourist are willing to spend at least 10 times more than an average Chinese tourist.

Last year there was another survey in Thailand, what country's tourists are spending more money while staying in Thailand.

They found that number one spending tourists in Thailand were Russians.

Norwegian tourists were not willing to spend that much money during their stay in Thailand.

The situation may have changed this year due to the collapse of Russian ruble.


This poll reflects the attitude of the demographics of the PN.

In other words the predominately English speaking western European tourist and expat readership of the PN prefers English speaking / European tourists rather than Chinese or Russian tourists.Surprise, surprise.

It says nothing about what the Thai tourism industry prefers.

Let me make a prediction. If the poll had been published on a Russian or Chinese language site then I dare say the figures would be reversed.


The Geniuses of TAT will find a way to show their brillance when they spin this PR-disaster into some fantastic numbers showing that the 2% Chinese would spend more than all the Western tourists put together ... gigglem.gifrolleyes.giffacepalm.gif

Sad thing is that the show is over ... The fat lady has already finished singing ... The Golden Goose has been slaughtered in more than one way ...

You made the bed Thailand - now lie in it and enjoy your spitting and defecating tourists (that is until the Stock Market do a 1929 dive) and oh yeah .. learn how to speak hindu ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


LOL....are you kidding me...

I looked into the traffic source of Phuketnews and its main source are from Scandinavian countries and Europe. Infact the site was created by a Norwegian guy not a Thai but now owned by an Australian

90% of its users are from the west itself ....LOL clap2.gif

People are not that retard. I don't think even a single Thai voted...Please release atleast the IP of voters....Just the regions..

I looked the source from majesticSEO.


See how many voted from outside ..LOL

This is the company...Do you see any Thai's


Its all freaking ENGLISH...cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

How many Thai's you know that are fluent in English and can Vote in English. gigglem.gif

Do you see any Thai in the Phuketnews Editing Team?


clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif GTFOH



it is the same in chiang mai,the Chinese will go out in the day and use bikes that cause accidents on the road.they will use the tourist attractions for sure.the night life stuff is not used.they is a lot of thais who own bars .including farang owners too.not many Chinese use the bars,but that is they choice.

in pattaya I think it is similar the Russians will not go and use the night life.the day attractions they use.the bar owners prefer other farangs because they drink in they bar and spend money.so in puket I imagine the same,they will use the beach but not the night time attractions.in puket for some thai business owners the night life attractions get more money for them so they want the tourist that spends money in they bar.

so the results of the survey show this it seems


VOTE - with your wallet / pocket book , teach them a lesson . But I think the Mafia will never learn .

at least in Pattaya there are many alternatives in transport , dining establishment & escape route

to the Capital : Bangkok . the alternative to taxi mafia is GRABTAXI - if it is active in your area.


The Chinese do not go to bars normally but stay together in groups and are normally budget travelers, Russians on the other hand will spend and drink and go to bars. However, with the economic troubles in Russia their numbers are diminished. Western tourists do spend, do eat out and do drink and have spent much more in the entertainment sections that Thai business owners normally report. Whether the poll is scientific or not makes no difference. As someone who has spent 50 years in and out of Thailand it looks pretty darn accurate to me. The problem is that Thailand is now more expensive and there are other exotic destinations that cater to tourists- Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to name a few. When business is soft- you don't raise prices-you lower them and try to recapture the lost revenue in volume. unfortunately, Thai business owners seem to believe that if you raise prices- you can make up the inference. The law of economics doesn't work that way.


No surprises . Manners go a long way.


no surprise really, Indian tourists sitting in a bar - one coke 5 straws - one barfine 5 (deleted) I have seen the managers of many bars ask Indians to leave because they refuse to buy a drink

I've seen them being refused entry.

Refused entry because they're known for their excessive tipping!


No surprises . Manners go a long way.


no surprise really, Indian tourists sitting in a bar - one coke 5 straws - one barfine 5 (deleted) I have seen the managers of many bars ask Indians to leave because they refuse to buy a drink

I've seen them being refused entry.

My friend manages a bar in Nana that requires Indians to pay for two drinks up front.


Wait, a "Phuket news online poll"

Just how many local Thais read the online edition of the Phuket news? Probably not many.

So, I am assuming the people who took this poll were farangs from Scandanavia, Australia, UK, and North America.

What we can really deduce from the poll is that there are a lot of Scandanavians reading the Phuket News and taking their polls.... And they are not fond of Russians, Chinese, and Indians.



Surely the UK is part of Western Europe?

We therefore rank no.1 with ease smile.png

These polls are a bit ill-conceived and badly conducted but they often seem to come up with the right conclusions.

Look who comes bottom and align this with some of the stories you here.

Brits always refer to the continent as Europe as if the UK is somewhere else, part of the BS myth of '' our island way of life'' started by Churchill.

Did you not know that when there is mist over the English Channel the Continent is isolated even today


No surprises . Manners go a long way.


no surprise really, Indian tourists sitting in a bar - one coke 5 straws - one barfine 5 (deleted) I have seen the managers of many bars ask Indians to leave because they refuse to buy a drink

five straws and one coke.....wow you have been away for a long time.


on the plus side with the ''Chinese'' they all go about in Herds, so at least you can avoid them, just avoid where they go, and thats easy....

No Nation is perfect, but the ''Nordics' are normally the best... (well in my opinion)....

i'm still trying to learn this English language, being an Aussie...so you are saying the Chinese all go about in Hertfordshire?

Maybe they like sheep?


The Chinese do not go to bars normally but stay together in groups and are normally budget travelers, Russians on the other hand will spend and drink and go to bars. However, with the economic troubles in Russia their numbers are diminished. Western tourists do spend, do eat out and do drink and have spent much more in the entertainment sections that Thai business owners normally report. Whether the poll is scientific or not makes no difference. As someone who has spent 50 years in and out of Thailand it looks pretty darn accurate to me. The problem is that Thailand is now more expensive and there are other exotic destinations that cater to tourists- Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to name a few. When business is soft- you don't raise prices-you lower them and try to recapture the lost revenue in volume. unfortunately, Thai business owners seem to believe that if you raise prices- you can make up the inference. The law of economics doesn't work that way.

I think its got more to do with popularity than economics (this poll).

Generally, tourists from the top scoring countries tend to be politer and less arrogant than Chinese and Indians (generally). Speaking from three years working in a major tourist attraction in Australia. Japanese are also great guests to host. I dont know why but those general impressions of cultures were reinforced time and time again by fresh experience. And this poll shows its not just us Aussies who thought so.


No surprises . Manners go a long way.


no surprise really, Indian tourists sitting in a bar - one coke 5 straws - one barfine 5 (deleted) I have seen the managers of many bars ask Indians to leave because they refuse to buy a drink

not sure that 5 is correct ,

I heared the average is 3 which pay for 1 barfine !

I also heard most of this girls have also a tripple age what they like to say !!

( 20 years for 3 is 60 - is this mathematical correct ? )


Surely the UK is part of Western Europe?

We therefore rank no.1 with ease smile.png

These polls are a bit ill-conceived and badly conducted but they often seem to come up with the right conclusions.

Look who comes bottom and align this with some of the stories you here.

Brits always refer to the continent as Europe as if the UK is somewhere else, part of the BS myth of '' our island way of life'' started by Churchill.
Apart from portugal, and a big chunk of Spain, the Uk is as Western europe as it gets, or maybe we belong to the US...we seem to be the black sheep of nowhere!

This poll reflects the attitude of the demographics of the PN.

In other words the predominately English speaking western European tourist and expat readership of the PN prefers English speaking / European tourists rather than Chinese or Russian tourists.Surprise, surprise.

It says nothing about what the Thai tourism industry prefers.

Let me make a prediction. If the poll had been published on a Russian or Chinese language site then I dare say the figures would be reversed.

The same goes for any poll really. In a poll for the most beautiful women, its always Megan Fox, and Jennifer Aniston etc. its never 'that bird behind the counter at Tescos with the big cahunas'.

I would imagine if you asked the same poll in a Chinese forum, or Russian forum, your answers would be quite different.

Quite biased to be asking an English newspaper who they prefer to work with.

Here we go, the excuses are rolling out thick and fast. Suggest you go to downtown Jomtien and sound out the struggling businesses. It's reality, nothing to do with who is polled.


on the plus side with the ''Chinese'' they all go about in Herds, so at least you can avoid them, just avoid where they go, and thats easy....

No Nation is perfect, but the ''Nordics' are normally the best... (well in my opinion)....

i'm still trying to learn this English language, being an Aussie...so you are saying the Chinese all go about in Hertfordshire?

Maybe they like sheep?

Herts is Hertfordshire, not Herds.

No surprises . Manners go a long way.


You mean money goes a long way . Thats why Scandinavia is on top of this poll .

I would imagien a Norwegian tourist are willing to spend at least 10 times more than an average Chinese tourist.

I imagine that a chinese family's daily budget is around the same as the cost of a beer in Norway.


Western Europe 19% - UK 14%... Is UK not in Western Europe now?

Nope, not by the sounds of it...

what UK have common with europe ?

even GPS is same !

Ask Cameroun !!


Western Europe 19% - UK 14%... Is UK not in Western Europe now?

Nope, not by the sounds of it...

what UK have common with europe ?

even GPS is same !

Ask Cameroun !!

We don't have much in common with Europe. We have a strong economy. low unemployment and a robust currency


I have a Tex-Mex-Mulatto buddy (he's mostly Hispanic) from California & he has a hard time entering many Pattaya bars because they think he's an Arab.

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