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Speeding tickets Pattaya to BKK and back.


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I received my first speeding ticket on July 5 traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya. Photo of my vehicle saying I was going 130. Gladly paid the Royal Thai Police 500 baht. This is my first camera speeding ticket! Having over 40,000 km I was glad to pay this small fine. I speed in Thailand as long as it safe to do so.

I was lucky that day,I only received one ticket, as most vehicles always travel over the maximum 120 kph. In the USA my ticket would be no less than 20 times the 500 baht fine. That's why most of the time we travel well above the speed limit as the fine is so small and the cost benefit allow us to speed. Wouldn't you agree?

I only speed when it safe, I typically travel at 3 am to drive from Pattaya to Chaiyaphum when the roads are typically free of congestion?

So you speed because the fines are cheap??? And you think Thailand is safe to speed at 3am???

What an absolute balloon you are. Its because of idiots like you that there are so many fatal accidents

That's not entirely true but speeding expats does add to the problem no doubts.

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I received my first speeding ticket on July 5 traveling from Bangkok to Pattaya. Photo of my vehicle saying I was going 130. Gladly paid the Royal Thai Police 500 baht. This is my first camera speeding ticket! Having over 40,000 km I was glad to pay this small fine. I speed in Thailand as long as it safe to do so.

I was lucky that day,I only received one ticket, as most vehicles always travel over the maximum 120 kph. In the USA my ticket would be no less than 20 times the 500 baht fine. That's why most of the time we travel well above the speed limit as the fine is so small and the cost benefit allow us to speed. Wouldn't you agree?

I only speed when it safe, I typically travel at 3 am to drive from Pattaya to Chaiyaphum when the roads are typically free of congestion?

So you speed because the fines are cheap??? And you think Thailand is safe to speed at 3am???

What an absolute balloon you are. Its because of idiots like you that there are so many fatal accidents

That's not entirely true but speeding expats does add to the problem no doubts.

Hey Stoney Im not talking about expats Im talking about driving attitudes of any nationality. It IS true that idiots like him are responsible for so many accidents, fatal or otherwise, Thai or farang. 3am might feel like a good time to put the foot down but if you take into consideration that the roads are crap and you could hit a pot-hole and kill yourself by coming off the road, or happen across a drunk driver (in car or on motorbike) then reaction time for both parties is low. Im not against opening the throttle a bit but to openly say " I speed because the fines are cheap and at certain times " is ludicrous.

I hope he ends up in an accident that makes him re-think his attitude. People like that only learn that way

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Finally can we CLEARLY know how many speedcams between Pattaya and Bkk and where exactly ?

Thank you.

Do you not think that drivers "not knowing" is the idea.......?

If you, or any other drivers are worried......just set your cruise control to 120 kms then sit back and enjoy the drive

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Finally can we CLEARLY know how many speedcams between Pattaya and Bkk and where exactly ?

Thank you.

Do you not think that drivers "not knowing" is the idea.......?

If you, or any other drivers are worried......just set your cruise control to 120 kms then sit back and enjoy the drive

I agree , I dont understand why so many expats are worried about speeding tickets when the speed limit is 120 km/h and the highway is very bumpy at times.

In my home country it's very different , you can get a speeding ticket for driving in 60 km/h because the smaller roads has lower speed limits.

Edited by balo
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I go to Bangkok every week and I have had 2 in the past 3 months, also 2 at km 139 on the way to Hua Hin and 1 going to Kanchanburi. all mailed and different fines from 800 to 2000 based on how fast i was going

You're lucky they haven't introduced a points system yet. One day they may, to stop habitual offenders who aren't inconvenienced too much by small fines.

You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection.

You never know. Perhaps the insurance companies check for speeding and other tickets when claims are made. They're always searching for reasons not to pay. Maybe there's some small print on insurance contracts stating that you need to disclose this information when applying for insurance.

I have just got back from speeding back from the airport so sorry for the delay in my response.

Well thank you Mr Tropo for pointing out how lucky I am!!! do you yourself actually have a car, a car license at all??? and yes I know speed limits are there for a reason! I also thank you once again, for spelling out the bloody obvious! However we are not in perfect land where everybody is a robot, driving at a fixed pace and abiding to the rules and regulations, this is Thailand just in case you missed it.

I think 5 speeding tickets from 2 cars over 3 .5 years is not too bad(with the amount of driving I do), 1 of them I was speeding over 35km more than I should have(hands up I'm guilty but it was on an empty road), 2 of them I was doing between 105 & 122 on the motorway, between here and Sukhumvit in Bangkok, which I found out later was a 90km in that area not 120km as most people thought. another one was 8km over which is around 5mph over the limit (so shoot me) the last one to Kanchanburi was the wife's!

With your regards to insurance companies you may want to know is that its the car that is insured not the car driver, and its the car owner on the registration that receives the fine, not the car driver!

So all in all yes, I class myself lucky that I got away with a small fine, would giving me points or increasing my insurance change these decidedly terrible automobile infringements or make me a better driver, I don't think so. But I do class myself lucky that I am not in a country that is so full of laws, camera's and daft speed limits, like the UK that I am paranoid to drive or have to listen to prats harp on about being a habitual offender for god sake! I don't drive like an idiot, I don't drink and drive, I don't speed in built up areas but occasionally I drive a few km over the limit!!!!!!! get some prospective for Gods sake!

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How can you get fines if they dont have your latest address? I have moved around quite a lot, I guess they have to go to immigration to find out my latest address for them to send me a fine.

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"You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection."

Tell that to the BIB who stop me and want hand-outs!

Police corruption and road rules are separate issues. Would you prefer roads with no speed limits?

This topic is about speeding tickets issued by mail, so it takes out the corruption element.

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Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car. If your on the road and you keep up with other traffic your usually speeding here. I have driven quite a bit in Thailand mainly on the bike and a bit in my car, and most of the cars speed. I can't loose sleep over a 500bt fine and if someone speed 10-15 km no big deal. Starts to get crazy if they speed 30-40+ km's

My wive has gotten quite a few fines, I have only gotten fines for riding on flyovers where bikes were not allowed. There are almost no signs on the roads telling you how fast you can go and when a new speed applies.

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I go to Bangkok every week and I have had 2 in the past 3 months, also 2 at km 139 on the way to Hua Hin and 1 going to Kanchanburi. all mailed and different fines from 800 to 2000 based on how fast i was going

You're lucky they haven't introduced a points system yet. One day they may, to stop habitual offenders who aren't inconvenienced too much by small fines.

You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection.

You never know. Perhaps the insurance companies check for speeding and other tickets when claims are made. They're always searching for reasons not to pay. Maybe there's some small print on insurance contracts stating that you need to disclose this information when applying for insurance.

I have just got back from speeding back from the airport so sorry for the delay in my response.

Well thank you Mr Tropo for pointing out how lucky I am!!! do you yourself actually have a car, a car license at all??? and yes I know speed limits are there for a reason! I also thank you once again, for spelling out the bloody obvious! However we are not in perfect land where everybody is a robot, driving at a fixed pace and abiding to the rules and regulations, this is Thailand just in case you missed it.

I think 5 speeding tickets from 2 cars over 3 .5 years is not too bad(with the amount of driving I do), 1 of them I was speeding over 35km more than I should have(hands up I'm guilty but it was on an empty road), 2 of them I was doing between 105 & 122 on the motorway, between here and Sukhumvit in Bangkok, which I found out later was a 90km in that area not 120km as most people thought. another one was 8km over which is around 5mph over the limit (so shoot me) the last one to Kanchanburi was the wife's!

With your regards to insurance companies you may want to know is that its the car that is insured not the car driver, and its the car owner on the registration that receives the fine, not the car driver!

So all in all yes, I class myself lucky that I got away with a small fine, would giving me points or increasing my insurance change these decidedly terrible automobile infringements or make me a better driver, I don't think so. But I do class myself lucky that I am not in a country that is so full of laws, camera's and daft speed limits, like the UK that I am paranoid to drive or have to listen to prats harp on about being a habitual offender for god sake! I don't drive like an idiot, I don't drink and drive, I don't speed in built up areas but occasionally I drive a few km over the limit!!!!!!! get some prospective for Gods sake!

Are you in Thailand primarily because you can get away with speeding and other dangerous driving offences? Seriously?

If your emotional rant here is any indication of your driving temperament, you may well be advised to take the bus.

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Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car. If your on the road and you keep up with other traffic your usually speeding here. I have driven quite a bit in Thailand mainly on the bike and a bit in my car, and most of the cars speed. I can't loose sleep over a 500bt fine and if someone speed 10-15 km no big deal. Starts to get crazy if they speed 30-40+ km's

My wive has gotten quite a few fines, I have only gotten fines for riding on flyovers where bikes were not allowed. There are almost no signs on the roads telling you how fast you can go and when a new speed applies.

My taxi driver never speeds - seriously.

You said: "Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car".

What do you mean? Complaining about what?

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Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car. If your on the road and you keep up with other traffic your usually speeding here. I have driven quite a bit in Thailand mainly on the bike and a bit in my car, and most of the cars speed. I can't loose sleep over a 500bt fine and if someone speed 10-15 km no big deal. Starts to get crazy if they speed 30-40+ km's

My wive has gotten quite a few fines, I have only gotten fines for riding on flyovers where bikes were not allowed. There are almost no signs on the roads telling you how fast you can go and when a new speed applies.

My taxi driver never speeds - seriously.

You said: "Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car".

What do you mean? Complaining about what?

That people who complain here probably don't drive a car otherwise they would have noticed how common speeding is. Especially 10-15 faster as the limit. If you drive around the country you will notice it and see it as the norm. Most people who drive as a passenger in a taxi are in the back not looking at the speedometer. Besides most taxi's don't really go out of the cities to the highways where most of the speeding occurs.

I actually don't care about the speed limit but try to go the same speed as the traffic especially on a bike that is a safe thing to do. Also how many signs have you seen with the speed limit on them ?

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Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car. If your on the road and you keep up with other traffic your usually speeding here. I have driven quite a bit in Thailand mainly on the bike and a bit in my car, and most of the cars speed. I can't loose sleep over a 500bt fine and if someone speed 10-15 km no big deal. Starts to get crazy if they speed 30-40+ km's

My wive has gotten quite a few fines, I have only gotten fines for riding on flyovers where bikes were not allowed. There are almost no signs on the roads telling you how fast you can go and when a new speed applies.

My taxi driver never speeds - seriously.

You said: "Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car".

What do you mean? Complaining about what?

That people who complain here probably don't drive a car otherwise they would have noticed how common speeding is. Especially 10-15 faster as the limit. If you drive around the country you will notice it and see it as the norm. Most people who drive as a passenger in a taxi are in the back not looking at the speedometer. Besides most taxi's don't really go out of the cities to the highways where most of the speeding occurs.

I actually don't care about the speed limit but try to go the same speed as the traffic especially on a bike that is a safe thing to do. Also how many signs have you seen with the speed limit on them ?

I'm not talking about other people in other taxis, I'm talking about MY taxi and I do check his speedometer, and he doesn't speed. I'm aware most others do, but you said "everyone speeds", so I'm giving you an example of one who doesn't.

About complaining. I thought people were complaining here about getting speeding tickets in the mail? I made a comment that there is a good reason for speed limits. Are you debating that? I know it's very hard to get away with speeding in The Netherlands - and I commend them for that.

I also commend the limited efforts in Thailand to place speed cameras on the motorways. It takes time, but eventually people do slow down and the whole stream of traffic becomes slower. It may take decades, but it's better than doing nothing. Speed does kill.

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Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car. If your on the road and you keep up with other traffic your usually speeding here. I have driven quite a bit in Thailand mainly on the bike and a bit in my car, and most of the cars speed. I can't loose sleep over a 500bt fine and if someone speed 10-15 km no big deal. Starts to get crazy if they speed 30-40+ km's

My wive has gotten quite a few fines, I have only gotten fines for riding on flyovers where bikes were not allowed. There are almost no signs on the roads telling you how fast you can go and when a new speed applies.

My taxi driver never speeds - seriously.

You said: "Everyone speeds, guess people complaining here don't own a car".

What do you mean? Complaining about what?

That people who complain here probably don't drive a car otherwise they would have noticed how common speeding is. Especially 10-15 faster as the limit. If you drive around the country you will notice it and see it as the norm. Most people who drive as a passenger in a taxi are in the back not looking at the speedometer. Besides most taxi's don't really go out of the cities to the highways where most of the speeding occurs.

I actually don't care about the speed limit but try to go the same speed as the traffic especially on a bike that is a safe thing to do. Also how many signs have you seen with the speed limit on them ?

I'm not talking about other people in other taxis, I'm talking about MY taxi and I do check his speedometer, and he doesn't speed. I'm aware most others do, but you said "everyone speeds", so I'm giving you an example of one who doesn't.

About complaining. I thought people were complaining here about getting speeding tickets in the mail? I made a comment that there is a good reason for speed limits. Are you debating that? I know it's very hard to get away with speeding in The Netherlands - and I commend them for that.

I also commend the limited efforts in Thailand to place speed cameras on the motorways. It takes time, but eventually people do slow down and the whole stream of traffic becomes slower. It may take decades, but it's better than doing nothing. Speed does kill.

I don't complain about getting speeding tickets in the mail, if I committed the offence i should pay.

Everyone was an exaggeration but as your aware most others do. For me there is speeding and speeding 10-15 I don't call speeding (unless the limit is 50 km there but not when its 100-120).

In the Netherlands its hard to get away with it but stupid too those small offences a few km too fast are just milking drivers. But at least in the Netherlands there are signs that tell you how fast you can go and where speeds change. Here there are almost no signs and the situation is not clear at all.

Speed can kill that is for sure but i rather see them install camera's behind traffic lights and operate them 24/7 that would help a lot more. I always worry when i cross a intersection especially later at night when its more quiet many cars just race through red. During the day you have also countless red light jumpers. Speeding.. dangerous.. jumping red lights far more dangerous.

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I don't complain about getting speeding tickets in the mail, if I committed the offence i should pay.

Everyone was an exaggeration but as your aware most others do. For me there is speeding and speeding 10-15 I don't call speeding (unless the limit is 50 km there but not when its 100-120).

In the Netherlands its hard to get away with it but stupid too those small offences a few km too fast are just milking drivers. But at least in the Netherlands there are signs that tell you how fast you can go and where speeds change. Here there are almost no signs and the situation is not clear at all.

Speed can kill that is for sure but i rather see them install camera's behind traffic lights and operate them 24/7 that would help a lot more. I always worry when i cross a intersection especially later at night when its more quiet many cars just race through red. During the day you have also countless red light jumpers. Speeding.. dangerous.. jumping red lights far more dangerous.

Sure, red light jumping is even more dangerous, but why have one or the other? Install red light cameras AND speeding cameras.

This does take time. The Netherlands was far ahead of Australia, but they are catching you. After a 10 absence I really noticed how slow everyone was driving on my last visit. The difference was astounding. Now they have average speed calculators on the highways, so if you average over the speed limit, you get a ticket LOL. Back in the 80's it was the wild, wild west. I could travel at 160km and not get caught (young and stupid back then).

I understand your frustration with the "only a few kilometers over" dilemma. I'm not sure how they tackle that in Australia these days... whether or not they have a few km allowance or not... but you have to draw the line somewhere.

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I don't complain about getting speeding tickets in the mail, if I committed the offence i should pay.

Everyone was an exaggeration but as your aware most others do. For me there is speeding and speeding 10-15 I don't call speeding (unless the limit is 50 km there but not when its 100-120).

In the Netherlands its hard to get away with it but stupid too those small offences a few km too fast are just milking drivers. But at least in the Netherlands there are signs that tell you how fast you can go and where speeds change. Here there are almost no signs and the situation is not clear at all.

Speed can kill that is for sure but i rather see them install camera's behind traffic lights and operate them 24/7 that would help a lot more. I always worry when i cross a intersection especially later at night when its more quiet many cars just race through red. During the day you have also countless red light jumpers. Speeding.. dangerous.. jumping red lights far more dangerous.

Sure, red light jumping is even more dangerous, but why have one or the other? Install red light cameras AND speeding cameras.

This does take time. The Netherlands was far ahead of Australia, but they are catching you. After a 10 absence I really noticed how slow everyone was driving on my last visit. The difference was astounding. Now they have average speed calculators on the highways, so if you average over the speed limit, you get a ticket LOL. Back in the 80's it was the wild, wild west. I could travel at 160km and not get caught (young and stupid back then).

I understand your frustration with the "only a few kilometers over" dilemma. I'm not sure how they tackle that in Australia these days... whether or not they have a few km allowance or not... but you have to draw the line somewhere.

Its not only about safety, we got a nice 6 lane highway in the Netherlands and you can only go 100 km/ h there 120 would be safe. (but nature organisations objected) Have you heard about the German autobahn you can go as fast as you like there and not too many casualties too. Fact is speeding is not always dangerous, but jumping a red light is.

Going faster at night at a well lit almost empty road (non residential area) over the speed limit is IMHO not bad to do and just milking car owners. When speed is dangerous is dependent on the situation. Anyway as I said speeding does not rate high on my list of dangerous road use in Thailand (unless more as 30km up) The things i come across and the violations and stupid things during a drive are far more serious.

I think most of the speeding happens on motorways and outside of cities and i find that far less of a problem as doing the same in residential areas.

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I go to Bangkok every week and I have had 2 in the past 3 months, also 2 at km 139 on the way to Hua Hin and 1 going to Kanchanburi. all mailed and different fines from 800 to 2000 based on how fast i was going

You're lucky they haven't introduced a points system yet. One day they may, to stop habitual offenders who aren't inconvenienced too much by small fines.

You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection.

You never know. Perhaps the insurance companies check for speeding and other tickets when claims are made. They're always searching for reasons not to pay. Maybe there's some small print on insurance contracts stating that you need to disclose this information when applying for insurance.

I have just got back from speeding back from the airport so sorry for the delay in my response.

Well thank you Mr Tropo for pointing out how lucky I am!!! do you yourself actually have a car, a car license at all??? and yes I know speed limits are there for a reason! I also thank you once again, for spelling out the bloody obvious! However we are not in perfect land where everybody is a robot, driving at a fixed pace and abiding to the rules and regulations, this is Thailand just in case you missed it.

I think 5 speeding tickets from 2 cars over 3 .5 years is not too bad(with the amount of driving I do), 1 of them I was speeding over 35km more than I should have(hands up I'm guilty but it was on an empty road), 2 of them I was doing between 105 & 122 on the motorway, between here and Sukhumvit in Bangkok, which I found out later was a 90km in that area not 120km as most people thought. another one was 8km over which is around 5mph over the limit (so shoot me) the last one to Kanchanburi was the wife's!

With your regards to insurance companies you may want to know is that its the car that is insured not the car driver, and its the car owner on the registration that receives the fine, not the car driver!

So all in all yes, I class myself lucky that I got away with a small fine, would giving me points or increasing my insurance change these decidedly terrible automobile infringements or make me a better driver, I don't think so. But I do class myself lucky that I am not in a country that is so full of laws, camera's and daft speed limits, like the UK that I am paranoid to drive or have to listen to prats harp on about being a habitual offender for god sake! I don't drive like an idiot, I don't drink and drive, I don't speed in built up areas but occasionally I drive a few km over the limit!!!!!!! get some prospective for Gods sake!

Are you in Thailand primarily because you can get away with speeding and other dangerous driving offences? Seriously?

If your emotional rant here is any indication of your driving temperament, you may well be advised to take the bus.

Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

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"You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection."

Tell that to the BIB who stop me and want hand-outs!

Police corruption and road rules are separate issues. Would you prefer roads with no speed limits?

This topic is about speeding tickets issued by mail, so it takes out the corruption element.

Have a look at post # 55.

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Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

You missed my point. I was referring to your aggressive and derisive posting style and suggesting that this may carry over into your driving temperament i.e. forum rage = road rage.

Please bear in mind this is only a theory and you may be the calmest of drivers, but I doubt it.

Your suggestion that you love Thailand because you don't have to worry about rules suggests that you are very likely a dangerous driver. If you do off yourself in a car, let's hope you don't take anyone else with you.

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"You do realise that speed limits are there for a reason?... and that reason is not revenue collection."

Tell that to the BIB who stop me and want hand-outs!

Police corruption and road rules are separate issues. Would you prefer roads with no speed limits?

This topic is about speeding tickets issued by mail, so it takes out the corruption element.

Have a look at post # 55.

Why reference that post?

Are you suggesting that because fines create a revenue for corrupt cops, they should be eliminated? No more fines - no more road rules?

How do mailed speeding fines create revenue for corrupt BIB?

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Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

You missed my point. I was referring to your aggressive and derisive posting style and suggesting that this may carry over into your driving temperament i.e. forum rage = road rage.

Please bear in mind this is only a theory and you may be the calmest of drivers, but I doubt it.

Your suggestion that you love Thailand because you don't have to worry about rules suggests that you are very likely a dangerous driver. If you do off yourself in a car, let's hope you don't take anyone else with you.

You like your assumptions Tropo! as they say, everyone has an opinion!

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For the record I am against dangerous speeding within residential area's but have less problems with going a bit too fast on a highway motorway. But whatever is the case if i receive a ticket I never complain because I committed the offence.

On the bike i seldom speed as most of my travel is in BKK and it just does not feel safe (if there even is an opportunity). What they get me for is going over flyovers that are car only (stupid rule) and not staying on the most left lane (death lane). But I never ever complained about it.

Did have the wife complain about her tickets (3 so far)

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Police corruption and road rules are separate issues. Would you prefer roads with no speed limits?

This topic is about speeding tickets issued by mail, so it takes out the corruption element.

Have a look at post # 55.

Why reference that post?

Are you suggesting that because fines create a revenue for corrupt cops, they should be eliminated? No more fines - no more road rules?

How do mailed speeding fines create revenue for corrupt BIB?

What is it with you and this thread? Having a bad day? Have a look again at post 55 ands actually read what I wrote - I was joking. No, I do not think fines should be eliminated, and yes, I do think that speed limits are there for a very good reason.


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Yeah, yeah, that why I came here, to commit speeding and get away with other dangerous driving offences.

With regards my driving temprement, you dont know anything about me or the way I drive, its all based on your small minded assumptions that anyone who speeds is a dangerous driver, your the one who has a problem, you can not grasp driving in Thailand at all can you? like a lot of others of your ilk, you think you are living in the west and you want your little copy of where your from, to be recreated here. I for one are happy living in my adopted country and take the rough with the smooth but some people want to change it, makes me wonder why you want to stay in this dangerous place with all those nasty men driving too fast....ha ha let me know the next time you want a lift to Bangkok, I am more than happy to take you there!

You missed my point. I was referring to your aggressive and derisive posting style and suggesting that this may carry over into your driving temperament i.e. forum rage = road rage.

Please bear in mind this is only a theory and you may be the calmest of drivers, but I doubt it.

Your suggestion that you love Thailand because you don't have to worry about rules suggests that you are very likely a dangerous driver. If you do off yourself in a car, let's hope you don't take anyone else with you.

You like your assumptions Tropo! as they say, everyone has an opinion!

I'm not assuming it. It was actually a theory... does aggressive forum behaviour translate into aggressive driving?

I do know from my own personal experience that if I'm stressed out or in a bad mood, I don't drive as calmly. I also know that if I'm having a heated "discussion" on Thaivisa, my wife knows it.smile.png

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Police corruption and road rules are separate issues. Would you prefer roads with no speed limits?

This topic is about speeding tickets issued by mail, so it takes out the corruption element.

Have a look at post # 55.

Why reference that post?

Are you suggesting that because fines create a revenue for corrupt cops, they should be eliminated? No more fines - no more road rules?

How do mailed speeding fines create revenue for corrupt BIB?

What is it with you and this thread? Having a bad day? Have a look again at post 55 ands actually read what I wrote - I was joking. No, I do not think fines should be eliminated, and yes, I do think that speed limits are there for a very good reason.


You make a comment which I disagree with and I must be having a bad day?smile.png

Seeing as you referred to post #55 twice, let me do the work for you and paste the quote you seem compelled to draw attention to:

You misunderstand me. I didn't say I hadn't done anything wrong. I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation (which, of course, is absolutely true) since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB.

That is a very contradictory statement, and totally ambiguous.

Edited by tropo
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Its not only about safety, we got a nice 6 lane highway in the Netherlands and you can only go 100 km/ h there 120 would be safe. (but nature organisations objected) Have you heard about the German autobahn you can go as fast as you like there and not too many casualties too. Fact is speeding is not always dangerous, but jumping a red light is.

Going faster at night at a well lit almost empty road (non residential area) over the speed limit is IMHO not bad to do and just milking car owners. When speed is dangerous is dependent on the situation. Anyway as I said speeding does not rate high on my list of dangerous road use in Thailand (unless more as 30km up) The things i come across and the violations and stupid things during a drive are far more serious.

I think most of the speeding happens on motorways and outside of cities and i find that far less of a problem as doing the same in residential areas.

When road rules are drafted, they have to look at the common denominator. The average driver.

Sure, you may have perfect reflexes, 20/20 vision and be a highly skilled driver, but drivers are aged between 18 and 80. For example, 120km/h could be safe for you, but very dangerous for an 80 year old with lousy vision and night blindness. I know, that's an extreme case to make my point, but peoples' ability to drive at speed varies quite significantly.

These less skilled drivers, driving too fast, also present a significant risk to you and others on the road.

Have I heard of the "German Autobahns"? LOL Seriously? Who hasn't?

I read this about the autobahns:


  • GW Autobahn Rule 5: Obey the speed limit!

    Contrary to popular myth, there are speed limits on the autobahn. While there are still a few stretches of autobahn where it is legal to put the pedal to the metal and drive at top speed, those sections are limited, and growing more limited by the year.* While it may be legal, it may not be wise. You will also see square blue signs with white numbers reading “130” in Germany. That means 130 km/h (80 mph), the recommended top speed on the German autobahn (and the legal maximum speed on motorways in most European countries). The legal speed limit is a black number on a round white sign outlined in red (see sign images below). Sometimes there are also overhead electronic signs indicating the speed limit and warnings. Many autobahn sections have limits of 120 km/h (75 mph), 110 km/h (68 mph) or lower, especially in urban areas. Germany uses unmarked police cars and automated roadside radar/photo devices that take pictures of violators. Yes, you will see scofflaws who blatantly exceed the posted limit, but it can be expensive if you join them and get caught. – See more about speed limits below.

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Have a look at post # 55.

Why reference that post?

Are you suggesting that because fines create a revenue for corrupt cops, they should be eliminated? No more fines - no more road rules?

How do mailed speeding fines create revenue for corrupt BIB?

What is it with you and this thread? Having a bad day? Have a look again at post 55 ands actually read what I wrote - I was joking. No, I do not think fines should be eliminated, and yes, I do think that speed limits are there for a very good reason.


You make a comment which I disagree with and I must be having a bad day?smile.png

Seeing as you referred to post #55 twice, let me do the work for you and paste the quote you seem compelled to draw attention to:

You misunderstand me. I didn't say I hadn't done anything wrong. I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation (which, of course, is absolutely true) since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB.

That is a very contradictory statement, and totally ambiguous.

Well, then we can agree to disagree since I think it's fairly unambiguous.

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