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Speeding tickets Pattaya to BKK and back.


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Its not only about safety, we got a nice 6 lane highway in the Netherlands and you can only go 100 km/ h there 120 would be safe. (but nature organisations objected) Have you heard about the German autobahn you can go as fast as you like there and not too many casualties too. Fact is speeding is not always dangerous, but jumping a red light is.

Going faster at night at a well lit almost empty road (non residential area) over the speed limit is IMHO not bad to do and just milking car owners. When speed is dangerous is dependent on the situation. Anyway as I said speeding does not rate high on my list of dangerous road use in Thailand (unless more as 30km up) The things i come across and the violations and stupid things during a drive are far more serious.

I think most of the speeding happens on motorways and outside of cities and i find that far less of a problem as doing the same in residential areas.

When road rules are drafted, they have to look at the common denominator. The average driver.

Sure, you may have perfect reflexes, 20/20 vision and be a highly skilled driver, but drivers are aged between 18 and 80. For example, 120km/h could be safe for you, but very dangerous for an 80 year old with lousy vision and night blindness. I know, that's an extreme case to make my point, but peoples' ability to drive at speed varies quite significantly.

These less skilled drivers, driving too fast, also present a significant risk to you and others on the road.

Have I heard of the "German Autobahns"? LOL Seriously? Who hasn't?

I read this about the autobahns:


  • GW Autobahn Rule 5: Obey the speed limit!

    Contrary to popular myth, there are speed limits on the autobahn. While there are still a few stretches of autobahn where it is legal to put the pedal to the metal and drive at top speed, those sections are limited, and growing more limited by the year.* While it may be legal, it may not be wise. You will also see square blue signs with white numbers reading “130” in Germany. That means 130 km/h (80 mph), the recommended top speed on the German autobahn (and the legal maximum speed on motorways in most European countries). The legal speed limit is a black number on a round white sign outlined in red (see sign images below). Sometimes there are also overhead electronic signs indicating the speed limit and warnings. Many autobahn sections have limits of 120 km/h (75 mph), 110 km/h (68 mph) or lower, especially in urban areas. Germany uses unmarked police cars and automated roadside radar/photo devices that take pictures of violators. Yes, you will see scofflaws who blatantly exceed the posted limit, but it can be expensive if you join them and get caught. – See more about speed limits below.

I have driven there and it was perfectly ok to go fast as the roads were great, unlike Thai roads.

Anyway I am no speed demon, when i changed my bike from 250 cc to 650 cc my cruising speed did not change much only the fun changed a lot and of course far safer to merge into traffic that was going fast.

I just don't get worked up over someone going 10-15 km too fast on a highway that is nothing. Speeding in urban area's and jumping red lights rank far higher on my list of dangerous things. Pet hate is really red light jumpers as I have had a close call at night with one.

But if you go out with a car to other provinces you will see more speeding on the highways. I am not sure how much you have traveled around Thailand but its real common to speed and you see people going quite fast.

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But if you go out with a car to other provinces you will see more speeding on the highways. I am not sure how much you have traveled around Thailand but its real common to speed and you see people going quite fast.

LOL I don't have to travel to the provinces to see people speeding. Most everyone speeds in and around Pattaya too. The point is that this is the first step in a process that hopefully, in the future, will make the roads in Thailand safer.

You say red light jumping is more dangerous. What does that have to do with highway speeding. They both need to be controlled.

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You make a comment which I disagree with and I must be having a bad day?smile.png

Seeing as you referred to post #55 twice, let me do the work for you and paste the quote you seem compelled to draw attention to:

You misunderstand me. I didn't say I hadn't done anything wrong. I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation (which, of course, is absolutely true) since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB.

That is a very contradictory statement, and totally ambiguous.

Well, then we can agree to disagree since I think it's fairly unambiguous.

Sure, you must think that because you wrote it and keep referencing it, but read it slowly. Surely it's obviously ambiguous and I don't need to specifically point out why. One point contradicts the other.

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But if you go out with a car to other provinces you will see more speeding on the highways. I am not sure how much you have traveled around Thailand but its real common to speed and you see people going quite fast.

LOL I don't have to travel to the provinces to see people speeding. Most everyone speeds in and around Pattaya too. The point is that this is the first step in a process that hopefully, in the future, will make the roads in Thailand safer.

You say red light jumping is more dangerous. What does that have to do with highway speeding. They both need to be controlled.

True both need to be controlled but the extreme Dutch system isn't fun either.. but before you control speed you need to make sure that its clear how fast you can go somewhere and that those signs are in place.

I just noticed more speeding when going on the highways in the province (like the BKK Pattaya one) then inside of BKK.

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You make a comment which I disagree with and I must be having a bad day?smile.png

Seeing as you referred to post #55 twice, let me do the work for you and paste the quote you seem compelled to draw attention to:

You misunderstand me. I didn't say I hadn't done anything wrong. I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation (which, of course, is absolutely true) since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB.

That is a very contradictory statement, and totally ambiguous.

Well, then we can agree to disagree since I think it's fairly unambiguous.

Sure, you must think that because you wrote it and keep referencing it, but read it slowly. Surely it's obviously ambiguous and I don't need to specifically point out why. One point contradicts the other.

"Surely it's obviously ambiguous and I don't need to specifically point out why"

Actually, you do.

Edited by MZurf
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I speed sometimes on the motorway to Pataya. When I speed, I am very concentrated, much more than driving at 90 or 120. I see drivers cruising at 90 eating, texting, phoning etc...they will never get a speed ticket. When there is a lot of traffick I stay in one lane and take it easy. The guy who called people like me idiots is in my opinion quite agressive and possibly far more dangerous on the road.

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I speed sometimes on the motorway to Pataya. When I speed, I am very concentrated, much more than driving at 90 or 120. I see drivers cruising at 90 eating, texting, phoning etc...they will never get a speed ticket. When there is a lot of traffick I stay in one lane and take it easy. The guy who called people like me idiots is in my opinion quite agressive and possibly far more dangerous on the road.

I don't know who called you an idiot, and for what.... but...

You're saying that it is safer for you when you are driving above 90 or 120? How fast? 130, 150? If you think it is safer for you to drive faster than 120 on Thailand roads, then perhaps the description was warranted. There's no logic here.

How does an observation that some slower drivers are texting, phoning or eating demonstrate that faster driving is safer. Can't people text and eat at 120km/h or higher? I'm sure they do but you don't notice because they are driving too fast. Making a phone call at 140km/h should not present any problems for the average driver. Neither should eating. Texting could be problematic though...

You're doing what a lot of people here are doing - coming up with all kinds of reasons to justify speeding. If you want to speed, no one here is stopping you, and ignore anyone who is suggesting you are an idiot, but don't come on here suggesting that it is safer.

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"Surely it's obviously ambiguous and I don't need to specifically point out why"

Actually, you do.

OK, if you insist...

You said you replied to my claim that the reason for the speed limits are NOT revenue generation.....

"I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation"

The reason for a joking remark at this point is not clear. You agree or you don't?

Then you present his comment in brackets:

"(which, of course, is absolutely true)"

Does this mean you agreeing that it is absolutely true that speed limits are NOT revenue generation, and you're agreeing with me?

It would seem so, until you read the last part of your sentence:

"since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB"

It would seem here that you're refuting my suggestion that speed limits are NOT revenue generation, whereas the comment in brackets suggests that you are agreeing with my statement.

That's why I claimed your post was both contradictory and ambiguous.

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I speed sometimes on the motorway to Pataya. When I speed, I am very concentrated, much more than driving at 90 or 120. I see drivers cruising at 90 eating, texting, phoning etc...they will never get a speed ticket. When there is a lot of traffick I stay in one lane and take it easy. The guy who called people like me idiots is in my opinion quite agressive and possibly far more dangerous on the road.

I don't know who called you an idiot, and for what.... but...

You're saying that it is safer for you when you are driving above 90 or 120? How fast? 130, 150? If you think it is safer for you to drive faster than 120 on Thailand roads, then perhaps the description was warranted. There's no logic here.

How does an observation that some slower drivers are texting, phoning or eating demonstrate that faster driving is safer. Can't people text and eat at 120km/h or higher? I'm sure they do but you don't notice because they are driving too fast. Making a phone call at 140km/h should not present any problems for the average driver. Neither should eating. Texting could be problematic though...

You're doing what a lot of people here are doing - coming up with all kinds of reasons to justify speeding. If you want to speed, no one here is stopping you, and ignore anyone who is suggesting you are an idiot, but don't come on here suggesting that it is safer.

Where did I say that speeding is safer? I said I am more concentrated when I speed. However, it is clear that your wisdom is overclassing mine with at least 100 terabytes, I bow with respect!
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I agree with you on this point, I try to drive around 100km/h but in a comfortable car the feeling is like driving at 50 and the only times in my life I have been feeling sleepy when driving was at low speed.

I love more driving in Germany where I go so fast that I even try not to blink my eyes to keep watching the road movie <3

I speed sometimes on the motorway to Pataya. When I speed, I am very concentrated, much more than driving at 90 or 120. I see drivers cruising at 90 eating, texting, phoning etc...they will never get a speed ticket. When there is a lot of traffick I stay in one lane and take it easy. The guy who called people like me idiots is in my opinion quite agressive and possibly far more dangerous on the road.

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serious question about format of speed limit signs:

How do we know if a sign has been put up legally or not?

On highway 7 between PTYmand BKK, there are legal 120 Kph signs alternating with blinking number signs, i.e. "90'" surrounded by 4 smaller spots in the corner.

Which sign should be observed?

Is the blinking one in a legal format?

I think the latter sign could possibly be meant to tell drivers to check their blood pressure and keep it under 90?

And what to think about those signs that were obviously handmade, painted freehand? Are they legal?

So... on highway 7, is the speed 120 or 90 ?

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I speed sometimes on the motorway to Pataya. When I speed, I am very concentrated, much more than driving at 90 or 120. I see drivers cruising at 90 eating, texting, phoning etc...they will never get a speed ticket. When there is a lot of traffick I stay in one lane and take it easy. The guy who called people like me idiots is in my opinion quite agressive and possibly far more dangerous on the road.

I agree with this.

My brain needs constant activity or it will shut down.

I tried one time to force myself to permanently stay below the speed limit and I fell asleep.

The rough side strips of the highway woke me up and saved my life.

Since that episode, I just drive at the speed that seems natural.

I like Thai roads because of the numerous "turbulences" due to uneven surface and the high attention I have to have while driving on them.

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serious question about format of speed limit signs:

How do we know if a sign has been put up legally or not?

On highway 7 between PTYmand BKK, there are legal 120 Kph signs alternating with blinking number signs, i.e. "90'" surrounded by 4 smaller spots in the corner.

Which sign should be observed?

Is the blinking one in a legal format?

I think the latter sign could possibly be meant to tell drivers to check their blood pressure and keep it under 90?

And what to think about those signs that were obviously handmade, painted freehand? Are they legal?

So... on highway 7, is the speed 120 or 90 ?

Motorway 7 the speed limit is 120, the 90 signs are advisory when approaching bends or bridges.

Motorways the limit is 120

National highways the limit is 90.

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Topo Quote' I'm not assuming it. It was actually a theory... does aggressive forum behaviour translate into aggressive driving?

I do know from my own personal experience that if I'm stressed out or in a bad mood, I don't drive as calmly. I also know that if I'm having a heated "discussion" on Thaivisa, my wife knows it.smile.png


ha ha ha, I think you may be on to something there!

Lets work on your theory then, your avatar must sum up the type of character you are then, (just a theory) the fact you drive badly when you get stressed out or in a bad mood. (fact you say)The fact other people around you are aware that you are in a bad mood because someone said something on Thai visa you disagree with. (very strange) The fact that what someone says to you on a forum, actually effects the way you drive is unbeileavable (your statement of fact)

So if I was to work on your theory, I must be like you, well thankfully to say I am not!

I think most of us would be safer on the road, if you were at home, infront of your keyboard getting all worked up, than driving around Pattaya in an angry mood! either that or go get some anger management courses before you have an accident and hurt some poor bugger who is just trying to travel to work!

but thats just my theory!

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"Surely it's obviously ambiguous and I don't need to specifically point out why"

Actually, you do.

OK, if you insist...

You said you replied to my claim that the reason for the speed limits are NOT revenue generation.....

"I was just making a joking remark to tropo's claim that the reason for the speed limits are not revenue generation"

The reason for a joking remark at this point is not clear. You agree or you don't?

Then you present his comment in brackets:

"(which, of course, is absolutely true)"

Does this mean you agreeing that it is absolutely true that speed limits are NOT revenue generation, and you're agreeing with me?

It would seem so, until you read the last part of your sentence:

"since in many/most instances it definitively creates a "revenue" for the BIB"

It would seem here that you're refuting my suggestion that speed limits are NOT revenue generation, whereas the comment in brackets suggests that you are agreeing with my statement.

That's why I claimed your post was both contradictory and ambiguous.

"The reason for a joking remark at this point is not clear."

One doesn't have to have a reason to make a joking remark.

"Does this mean you agreeing that it is absolutely true that speed limits are NOT revenue generation, and you're agreeing with me?"

I agree with the assertion that the reason for having speed limits is to stop people speeding, but that since the police are in charge of catching offenders there are plenty of opportunity for revenue generation/tea money.

I am at a loss as to why this is ambiguous to you.

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serious question about format of speed limit signs:

How do we know if a sign has been put up legally or not?

On highway 7 between PTYmand BKK, there are legal 120 Kph signs alternating with blinking number signs, i.e. "90'" surrounded by 4 smaller spots in the corner.

Which sign should be observed?

Is the blinking one in a legal format?

I think the latter sign could possibly be meant to tell drivers to check their blood pressure and keep it under 90?

And what to think about those signs that were obviously handmade, painted freehand? Are they legal?

So... on highway 7, is the speed 120 or 90 ?

Motorway 7 the speed limit is 120, the 90 signs are advisory when approaching bends or bridges.

Motorways the limit is 120

National highways the limit is 90.

There are both fixed and flashing 90 signs on Highway 7. Do you think/ know both of them are advisory?

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Some posters here claims that everyone speeds on this road. Well I own a car and I drive this distance once or twice a month. I try to stay in the left or the middle lane and I see many cars in the right lane speeding like crazy.

So the answer is no , not everyone like to drive fast on these bumpy roads. I prefer to drive 80 to 100 most of the time. I have a small car anyway, whats the rush.? Take your time on the roads.

Edited by balo
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i got one driving back from hua hin to bkk...

don't think it was over the limit by much.. but also 500baht..

paid at the post office with the details... after a couple of days they received the receipt in the mail.

also had a very sharp image of the vehicle plate on the highway... mighty impressed....

are police detectors illegal here? just curious.. we used to have them in aussie..

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They are clearly picking it up on that highway.

I have been driving to and from Bkk for the last 7 years at least 4-5 times a month and was never caught.

I must admit I tend to drive a bit fast most of the time though never extreme.

Got caught 4 times now in the last 6 months so they seem to be getting more and more effective in their efforts to catch us

last time was caught by a mobile unit.

Unmarked car who just drives in the middle lane and when you get close you get a nice digital picture right there in his back window with a sweet LED message line that you just have been caught speeding lol.

Still need to get that one in the mail though.

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serious question about format of speed limit signs:

How do we know if a sign has been put up legally or not?

On highway 7 between PTYmand BKK, there are legal 120 Kph signs alternating with blinking number signs, i.e. "90'" surrounded by 4 smaller spots in the corner.

Which sign should be observed?

Is the blinking one in a legal format?

I think the latter sign could possibly be meant to tell drivers to check their blood pressure and keep it under 90?

And what to think about those signs that were obviously handmade, painted freehand? Are they legal?

So... on highway 7, is the speed 120 or 90 ?

Motorway 7 the speed limit is 120, the 90 signs are advisory when approaching bends or bridges.

Motorways the limit is 120

National highways the limit is 90.

There are both fixed and flashing 90 signs on Highway 7. Do you think/ know both of them are advisory?

This was argued about before in another thread and from memory nobody knew definitively.

I am curious as an earlier poster said he was done for exceeding 90 on the Highway somewhere - would be nice to know where?

Also if the 90 fixed signs are correct how do you know where it changes to 120........

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Around Km marker R 55 on motorway going towards BKK there are like 5 cameras on the left shoulder of the road

So after which junction or turn off would that be - sorry I never look at km markers?

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If you do not understand that where speed cameras are located the limit is not 120 but 90 you really understand nothing. But at least do you understand this ?

Of course 120 is ok, but being caught at 100 for 90 is something that can get me upset !

Where exactly was this and were there warning signs?

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Around Km marker R 55 on motorway going towards BKK there are like 5 cameras on the left shoulder of the road

So after which junction or turn off would that be - sorry I never look at km markers?

its around 5 km before the service center.
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Around Km marker R 55 on motorway going towards BKK there are like 5 cameras on the left shoulder of the road

So after which junction or turn off would that be - sorry I never look at km markers?

its around 5 km before the service center.


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Thanking all the people who contributed to this post in a positive manner. The post was asking help with knowledge in driving from Pattaya to Bangkok and back.

It was a driver to driver posting. Help was asked in how to avoid speeding tickets from point A to point B.

Those people got it! The people who were critical about speeding, off subject, and theorists. They just didn't get it!

The Thaivisa is here for expats to help each other out in a foreign country, is it not?

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What do you mean ?

They now have a speed camera in car ?

Photo of the car please <3

They are clearly picking it up on that highway.

I have been driving to and from Bkk for the last 7 years at least 4-5 times a month and was never caught.

I must admit I tend to drive a bit fast most of the time though never extreme.

Got caught 4 times now in the last 6 months so they seem to be getting more and more effective in their efforts to catch us

last time was caught by a mobile unit.

Unmarked car who just drives in the middle lane and when you get close you get a nice digital picture right there in his back window with a sweet LED message line that you just have been caught speeding lol.

Still need to get that one in the mail though.

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