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Removing security bars on windows of our rental house


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We installed some security bars on a few of the windows for peace of mind.

We are now moving out of the house next week. Does anyone know how to get the bars off the windows. Ive never seen a bolt like that before. Is there going to be a huge hole? I can presumably put putty over it and paint?



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The whole point of those bolts is that they cannot be easily removed.

Vice grips as beachproperty suggested may work, otherwise it's time to get the angle-grinder out.

Once the bolts are out you can fill and paint the holes.


Why remove the bars, they are unlikely to fit on a new property?

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Basically they are easy to remove but it will make some noise, which is the whole point of rounding the nuts like that.

You can fill the holes, and touch up the paint, but you will be left with a pile of bars that probably won't fit your next house so I'd just leave them there.

Actually I hate bars on windows, they are ugly and dangerous in the event of a fire. I removed nearly all the bars on our house, leaving just the upstairs front that's visible from the road. At least yours are on the outside and not the inside!

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Vice grip is probably the best if you really want to go to the trouble, in all farness as mentioned by Haydude, its a property upgrade so they cant charge you as if you have damaged anything. If you still think they need to come off and the vice grips don't work try a Hacksaw or miniature hacksaw, cut a groove then take them out with a screw driver. Job done. wai.gif

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Suggest you tell the owner that you installed them as a property upgrade. Furthermore, because you hold him/her in such high esteem you won't charge for them.

And you might even get your deposit back!

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I made sure that my lease agreement states that all upgrades belong to me and may be removed on vacating the property. An additional clause states that, if the property owner wants to keep the upgrade(s), he will pay me the original price to install them.

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I am a landlord and put these on my houses as standard but if you added them without my consent you would lose your deposit even with my consent I would be checking the removal work with a fine tooth co be, however I would be willing to purchase them off you if they are quality. T hoses bolts on the widows are serious merchandise designed to keep thieves out so will make a mess when removed. Approach landlord with a deal or risk loss of deposit and possible criminal damage charges

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I am a landlord and put these on my houses as standard but if you added them without my consent you would lose your deposit even with my consent I would be checking the removal work with a fine tooth co be, however I would be willing to purchase them off you if they are quality. T hoses bolts on the widows are serious merchandise designed to keep thieves out so will make a mess when removed. Approach landlord with a deal or risk loss of deposit and possible criminal damage charges

pjmansions is from a nanny state western country ha ha. criminal charges for bars on windows... some members on this forum crack me up

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I am a landlord and put these on my houses as standard but if you added them without my consent you would lose your deposit even with my consent I would be checking the removal work with a fine tooth co be, however I would be willing to purchase them off you if they are quality. T hoses bolts on the widows are serious merchandise designed to keep thieves out so will make a mess when removed. Approach landlord with a deal or risk loss of deposit and possible criminal damage charges

pjmansions is from a nanny state western country ha ha. criminal charges for bars on windows... some members on this forum crack me up

There are documented cases of land lords bringing criminal damage charges against tenants in Thailand and said tenants then being refused exit from Thailand until the case was finalised in court.

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I will try cutting a groove in the middle of the head and try to turn with a flat head screw driver as earlier suggested. If that fails, you can weld a piece of rod or maybe a 3" nail on top of the bolt head to form a "T" with the bolt, just enough for a wrench to grip and turn. I will get someone to do it if I don't have a welding machine. If that works, you will be left only with a hole you can cover with putty. If you just cut the head off, you will still be left with and headless bolt you have to deal with. And you might damage the bars in the process which you want to reuse.

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I'm still confused as to why one would want to remove something which a. Is tailored to a specific building, b. Is deliberately designed to be non-removable and c. Will need fairly significant tidying once removed.

Seems like an awful lot of effort for little return.

Talk to the landlord (you did get permission didn't you) and leave in place.

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in response to Davidsto1 remarks,

DeDefinition of Criminal Damage

A person is guilty of an offence if without lawful excuse he destroys or damages property belonging to another or is reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence

Mock all you like David but this would be a slam dunk case

Did the building have holes in the walls when you rented it .. no

Did you drill holes in the wall.. Yes

Did you have owners consent... no

Did you gave a lawful excuse.. no

Case done

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