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Thai baht at +35 US$


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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

Thank you so much for sharing your delusional fantasies with us on this thread...however, it's a bit off-topic as we're discussing the USD vis-a-vis the THB.

While the pathology of your neurological disorder may be entertaining for some, I find it unfortunate that you are trying to cope with it alone despite the multitude of medical professionals who could be of service to you.

Here's a link that may be of assistance:


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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

In fact, the planning for September 11th began in Germany in the early 1960s, when

Porsche rolled out the 9ll as a secret signal to a future generation of operatives. You think that's just a coincidence? Try this on: 9+1+1=11, an ARABIC number that not only foretells the date, but actually looks like twin towers. Back in Stuttgart, the head spoon feeders engaged their sales army to develop a world-class sports car, perfect it for a decade, then market it aggressively in the Gulf States when the oil crisis hit in the early 70s. Note that CRISIS contains within it not only the twin towers again (II), but the entire name of the future Islamic State. Duh! Does anyone read history? How much more proof do you need at this point? Ok, just to eliminate any lingering shadow of doubt, let's take it back to Stuttgart and Zuffenhausen. The 911 was a very successful car, but not so the 912 or the 914 (the 914-6 did better, of course, because 9+1+4+6=20=9+11). Many Architects and Engineers endorse my theory.

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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

In fact, the planning for September 11th began in Germany in the early 1960s, when

Porsche rolled out the 9ll as a secret signal to a future generation of operatives. You think that's just a coincidence? Try this on: 9+1+1=11, an ARABIC number that not only foretells the date, but actually looks like twin towers. Back in Stuttgart, the head spoon feeders engaged their sales army to develop a world-class sports car, perfect it for a decade, then market it aggressively in the Gulf States when the oil crisis hit in the early 70s. Note that CRISIS contains within it not only the twin towers again (II), but the entire name of the future Islamic State. Duh! Does anyone read history? How much more proof do you need at this point? Ok, just to eliminate any lingering shadow of doubt, let's take it back to Stuttgart and Zuffenhausen. The 911 was a very successful car, but not so the 912 or the 914 (the 914-6 did better, of course, because 9+1+4+6=20=9+11). Many Architects and Engineers endorse my theory.

The 911 was a piece of crap from the beginning. Buy a BMW.

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It is obvious that this discussion on 911 engenders a lot of strong emotions but if you google 911 architects and engineers for the truth there are over 2300 professionals who are skeptical of the events on 911 and not the porsche (lol). So I guess all these individuals need to be committed too.huh.You few individuals who are so quick to condemn and throw insults and harshly criticize, I am sure you believe that the US involvement in going into Iraq was never about oil and that we went into Iraq to free the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein tyrannical rule over the Iraqi people.If so, then you truly are in need of psychiatric help yourselves. In speaking to folks and actually reading some current postings on Thai visa, many folks are of the mindset that some sort of catastrophic event is coming due to the 4 blood red moons and the Jewish laws of the Shemitah. Supposedly the 4th red blood moon will be in September and that is suppose to be the trigger for some sort of economic catastrophe to unfold. I think it is highly unlikely but it will be interesting to see what transpires nonetheless. In any event it creates interesting dialogue and enables you few self-righteous individuals to get on your platform and throw insults and disparaging remarks as you hide behind your computers consumed with self importance.

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It is obvious that this discussion on 911 engenders a lot of strong emotions but if you google 911 architects and engineers for the truth there are over 2300 professionals who are skeptical of the events on 911 and not the porsche (lol). So I guess all these individuals need to be committed too.huh.You few individuals who are so quick to condemn and throw insults and harshly criticize, I am sure you believe that the US involvement in going into Iraq was never about oil and that we went into Iraq to free the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein tyrannical rule over the Iraqi people.If so, then you truly are in need of psychiatric help yourselves. In speaking to folks and actually reading some current postings on Thai visa, many folks are of the mindset that some sort of catastrophic event is coming due to the 4 blood red moons and the Jewish laws of the Shemitah. Supposedly the 4th red blood moon will be in September and that is suppose to be the trigger for some sort of economic catastrophe to unfold. I think it is highly unlikely but it will be interesting to see what transpires nonetheless. In any event it creates interesting dialogue and enables you few self-righteous individuals to get on your platform and throw insults and disparaging remarks as you hide behind your computers consumed with self importance.

I think you have some drool on your shirt....no, other side. Little bit lower....there you go, got it.

More applesauce?

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It is obvious that this discussion on 911 engenders a lot of strong emotions but if you google 911 architects and engineers for the truth there are over 2300 professionals who are skeptical of the events on 911 and not the porsche (lol). So I guess all these individuals need to be committed too.huh.You few individuals who are so quick to condemn and throw insults and harshly criticize, I am sure you believe that the US involvement in going into Iraq was never about oil and that we went into Iraq to free the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein tyrannical rule over the Iraqi people.If so, then you truly are in need of psychiatric help yourselves. In speaking to folks and actually reading some current postings on Thai visa, many folks are of the mindset that some sort of catastrophic event is coming due to the 4 blood red moons and the Jewish laws of the Shemitah. Supposedly the 4th red blood moon will be in September and that is suppose to be the trigger for some sort of economic catastrophe to unfold. I think it is highly unlikely but it will be interesting to see what transpires nonetheless. In any event it creates interesting dialogue and enables you few self-righteous individuals to get on your platform and throw insults and disparaging remarks as you hide behind your computers consumed with self importance.

I love you, man.

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Perhaps Winnie and some of the others can comment on "the good old days" when THB was fixed at 25 to 1. Was it better then?

What was better? I think it was a mixed bag when it comes to pricing and exchange rates. Yes it was about 25 Baht to the USD, but pricing was also a lot lower. You'd go for dinner at The Riverside (mostly because that was by far the best place in town) and most dishes were in the 40-60 Baht range. Beverages in bars.. 15-30-40 Baht. My guesthouse room: 50 Baht. (which was cheap also then, Daret was pretty much 80 Baht/night.) Dutch Mill yogurt was 7 Baht at 7-11. A liter of Diesel: single digits.

However, other things were crazy expensive; pretty much everything imported was even crazier than now. Like buying audio equipment.. or a car.. Cars did go up in price of course, but relatively a lot less compared to basic everyday items.

Anyway, ask Gonzo, he can probably just grab the "1994" binder with prices out of his filing cabinet. wink.png

For me personally I would LOVE to go back to 25 Baht to the USD..! Not bloody likely though.

Speaking of audio equipment, I just got some real nice Sony Bluetooth headphones at Cha Chang (big electronics store) in Promenada for $124.00. They go for $150 and up in the States. Big stores here might not be raising their baht prices quickly enough to compensate for the stronger dollar. I'm thinkin bureaucratic inertia, but then there weren't three customers in that giant place on the day I went, and two of them were getting the "buy one, get one free" coffee deal at the coffee shop in the middle of the store. Maybe it's too much trouble to raise prices, just not worth it.

But the USD, yeah, on a roll. Maybe the price will spike higher soon, and as we all know, a big drop follows a spike! Timing is everything, yo? And the drop is always faster. Right now, the dollar is in an orderly, incremental rise against most currencies... Odd that, since the US is multi-trillions in debt, more than just about the whole rest of the world combined but I might be wrong about that. Just shows what clever marketing (of the America brand, LOL) can achieve.

(Interesting to note, very few farangs were wandering around Promenada. I thought maybe Immigration moving there would be good for Promenada business, but not so far. I also noticed that farangs were packing into a songthaew to come back into town, when right next to them was the free green truck that goes back and forth from a few hotels (Le Meridien, for example) in CM. Maybe they think you need to be staying at the hotels to get the free ride. You don't).

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I hope and pray that this continues, and China collapses, leading to 44 THB to the USD and NO Chinese tourists, like the good old days 12 year ago!

I assume the above was said in jest. But where's the smiley face? Anyway, the Chinese tourist situation 12 years ago was likely driven by political, not so much economic forces.

China collapses? That would be somewhat nerve-wracking for the world. And I don't get the all the acrimony regarding Chinese tourists.The older ones, yeah, maybe they're kinda loud and boorish sometimes, but I think it's because they're slightly nervous and being a tourist outside of China is relatively new to them. Haven't been to China, but maybe you gotta yell over there in the big cities just to be heard. The younger ones? They have their own social media, they know the importance of being respectful in Thailand, they ain't dummies. All the ones I've come into contact with have been very polite and friendly. And the porcelain doll vibe of most of the women? Holy cow!

I'm sure this has been said already in this here thread, but a strong dollar attracts more American tourists. And all snarky comments from the huddled masses of impoverished expats aside, the Thais want more tourists.

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If my American mates boast once again how well their dollar is doing I am going to do something seriously nasty to them. Like put ice in their beer. Forget that, they already do it.

I know I'll shove koala poop down their throats.

You may have missed it, but when you get more Baht for your Dollar, it means Dollar is doing pretty well.

I didn't miss it but maybe I was being a bit subtle - I'm only interested in the Australian dollar.

It isn't so much that the USD is increasing in value against other currencies in the past few weeks. It is that the THB is devaluing against other currencies. This is helping the AUD as well. All boats rise and fall on the same tide.

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If my American mates boast once again how well their dollar is doing I am going to do something seriously nasty to them. Like put ice in their beer. Forget that, they already do it.

I know I'll shove koala poop down their throats.

You may have missed it, but when you get more Baht for your Dollar, it means Dollar is doing pretty well.

I didn't miss it but maybe I was being a bit subtle - I'm only interested in the Australian dollar.

I think it's time the yanks paid for a few beers for us poor Ausies!

Sure, why not?

As a side note: Me no drink no more, but back in the day, I considered Australian beer second best in the world after German. Cooper's, that was the supreme one I remember. I'm sure that now, just like similar in the States, some of the Australian micro-breweries are amazing.

(That's it. No more replies to this thread from me for awhile. LOL).

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I wonder how many folks read Oscar2 posting. I agree with the assessment of the US dollar going forward and the eventual collapse of the us dollar at some point in the future. Now you will get the folks who are blinded by greed and irrational exuberance,who will call you a conspiracy nut,but if you look at the hard evidence,it is only a matter of time before the us dollar collapses due to ongoing events currently going on as discussed in Oscar2 posting.

I am neither blinded by greed nor irrationally exuberant....however, when you read link you referenced (originally posted by Oscar2), it states:

"The events of late 2001 with the inside job and staged planned 9/11 attacks opened the gates for a US Fascist State."

If you actually believe that drivel then, yes, you are a conspiracy nut. mfr_closed1.gif

I saw that article mentioned on facebook. There is a lot of truth to it. As far as the events of 2001, there is a lot of facts that don't add up and a lot that we will never know so I wouldn't be so smug and close your mind to other possibilities. That doesn't make me a "conspiracy nut". I'm just open-minded.

I too, don't hold any USD and haven't for many years. The CHF and EUR are much more attractive and safer currencies. I still remember being in Prague in 2006-2007 and seeing the chalk boards in front of all the foreign exchange offices "U.S. Dollars not accepted, bought or sold". A Russian customer paid an invoice with USD $2800.00 as he didn't have CZK and couldn't get any. It took me close to two months to off USD $2800.00; sometimes in increments of $50.00 at a time! The American Dollar was falling on a daily basis and foreign exchange offices didn't want to buy any as they would lose money on them. You could exchange Philippine Pesos but not USD! When my American business partner at the time traveled to Brazil to make a buy, he wrote me in shock that our USD were not welcome and that the seller demanded Euros.

I can think of other times being stuck holding USD; like Caracas in 1994. The Hilton where I stayed refused to exchange USD. They demanded Swiss Francs. I had to travel that incredibly long journey to the airport and back to exchange USD on the grey market from a shady character. From that point on I always traveled with Swiss Francs.

Edited by elektrified
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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

In fact, the planning for September 11th began in Germany in the early 1960s, when

Porsche rolled out the 9ll as a secret signal to a future generation of operatives. You think that's just a coincidence? Try this on: 9+1+1=11, an ARABIC number that not only foretells the date, but actually looks like twin towers. Back in Stuttgart, the head spoon feeders engaged their sales army to develop a world-class sports car, perfect it for a decade, then market it aggressively in the Gulf States when the oil crisis hit in the early 70s. Note that CRISIS contains within it not only the twin towers again (II), but the entire name of the future Islamic State. Duh! Does anyone read history? How much more proof do you need at this point? Ok, just to eliminate any lingering shadow of doubt, let's take it back to Stuttgart and Zuffenhausen. The 911 was a very successful car, but not so the 912 or the 914 (the 914-6 did better, of course, because 9+1+4+6=20=9+11). Many Architects and Engineers endorse my theory.

The 911 was a piece of crap from the beginning. Buy a BMW.

says somebody who did not drive (like me) a 911 for seven years before switching to 928 coffee1.gif

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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

In fact, the planning for September 11th began in Germany in the early 1960s, when

Porsche rolled out the 9ll as a secret signal to a future generation of operatives. You think that's just a coincidence? Try this on: 9+1+1=11, an ARABIC number that not only foretells the date, but actually looks like twin towers. Back in Stuttgart, the head spoon feeders engaged their sales army to develop a world-class sports car, perfect it for a decade, then market it aggressively in the Gulf States when the oil crisis hit in the early 70s. Note that CRISIS contains within it not only the twin towers again (II), but the entire name of the future Islamic State. Duh! Does anyone read history? How much more proof do you need at this point? Ok, just to eliminate any lingering shadow of doubt, let's take it back to Stuttgart and Zuffenhausen. The 911 was a very successful car, but not so the 912 or the 914 (the 914-6 did better, of course, because 9+1+4+6=20=9+11). Many Architects and Engineers endorse my theory.

The 911 was a piece of crap from the beginning. Buy a BMW.

says somebody who did not drive (like me) a 911 for seven years before switching to 928 coffee1.gif

Thought that you were driving a restored 850CSi. Is the Porsche in Thailand?

Edited by suzannegoh
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In reply to the Appletons, aka the Simpletons, I guess the more then 2300 Architects and Engineers who have gone on record to state that 911 was engineered at the highest levels of government are also conspiracy nuts. I am sure you are correct and that your word is gospel. It is people like you who are "sheeples" being led around and spoon fed drivel which you are happy to consume.

In fact, the planning for September 11th began in Germany in the early 1960s, when

Porsche rolled out the 9ll as a secret signal to a future generation of operatives. You think that's just a coincidence? Try this on: 9+1+1=11, an ARABIC number that not only foretells the date, but actually looks like twin towers. Back in Stuttgart, the head spoon feeders engaged their sales army to develop a world-class sports car, perfect it for a decade, then market it aggressively in the Gulf States when the oil crisis hit in the early 70s. Note that CRISIS contains within it not only the twin towers again (II), but the entire name of the future Islamic State. Duh! Does anyone read history? How much more proof do you need at this point? Ok, just to eliminate any lingering shadow of doubt, let's take it back to Stuttgart and Zuffenhausen. The 911 was a very successful car, but not so the 912 or the 914 (the 914-6 did better, of course, because 9+1+4+6=20=9+11). Many Architects and Engineers endorse my theory.

The 911 was a piece of crap from the beginning. Buy a BMW.

says somebody who did not drive (like me) a 911 for seven years before switching to 928 coffee1.gif

me too -- 356SC then 911 -- can't whack them. :)

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