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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory

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An interesting point may be .... How many local people were asked, and listened to, about the construction and use of muslim churches within their midst, I think I know the answer. Now it would seem that this area is "the hub of faith" and that no infidel should encroach on there turf.

Why do these people demand, expect, and require such special treatment, again, I think I know the answer.

It's much the same in my home country. Give some minority a space to exist ... the next thing is that they want to be the boss of all and everything. Guess what they are muzzies too.

For me ... My religious beliefs are, and have been private, they will remain so. That is the way it should be for all, peaceful co-existence. The biggest religious intrusion I want in my life is a few unwelcome Jehovah's witnesses knocking on the door on a Sunday afternoon.

I don't care for a loudspeaker intrusion in the early hours, calling me to pray for an uninteresting intimidating and threatening belief. I don't care that they are willing to give their life to meet a disputed number of virgins. From what I see of them, it's the only way they can get a any sort of a girl anyway.

If they don't like pig ... good for me, I can have more.

If they don't like beer .... Good for me, I can have more.

Cigarettes ... Up to them.

Religion .. Up to them

Personally ... I care nothing for them, I am happy that they feel the same towards me.

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If God didn't want us to eat pigs, then why did he make them out of meat?

Distant memory it was due to casting out demon spirits into swine. Time to walk across the river for a bacon sarnie and a beer.
See you there, i'm buying

Can't wait for the current religions to move on to being myths. Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt and many more have already been overwritten by the crap we got today, which needs to get overwritten by blank pages...the sooner, the good.

Intelligent species...and then you breed sheeps, brilliant!


Wabothai. My ignorance???? I would say the truth is hurting you.

No your truth and facts are not hurting me in the least.

I suggest you read your statement one more time and do some real thinking about what you are saying.


There are NIMBYs everywhere. (Not In My Back Yard).

Whether the protest is about smoke or noise or smell...people don't like things. Just because traffic noise doesn't affect you does not mean someone protesting traffic noise should not protest. Just because you don't mind pork, does not mean these people can't protest about pork.

It would be a whole different matter if they established their community beside an existing pork factory and then complained...then they would not have a leg to stand on and I would support the pork factory.

As it is, I have the same amount of sympathy for these people as I would have for a bunch of Christians protesting the opening of a bar and brothel beside their church, or the Jewish congregation protesting the opening of a Nazi paraphernalia shop beside a synagogue....they are established in the area, and they have a right to dislike whatever newcomer they want to dislike.

Islamic State (IS) wants to know where you live? They think you love them so much, they want to move into YOUR backyard, they want somewhere to put all 'child brides' and terrorist bomber jackets....is your back yard ok for that? No, I thought not....waiting!

If this is a joke, it is a bad one.

mr. Seastallion is absolutely right. In no words is he referring to or mentioning IS, which bloody sekt is not representative at all of Islam.


There are NIMBYs everywhere. (Not In My Back Yard).

Whether the protest is about smoke or noise or smell...people don't like things. Just because traffic noise doesn't affect you does not mean someone protesting traffic noise should not protest. Just because you don't mind pork, does not mean these people can't protest about pork.

It would be a whole different matter if they established their community beside an existing pork factory and then complained...then they would not have a leg to stand on and I would support the pork factory.

As it is, I have the same amount of sympathy for these people as I would have for a bunch of Christians protesting the opening of a bar and brothel beside their church, or the Jewish congregation protesting the opening of a Nazi paraphernalia shop beside a synagogue....they are established in the area, and they have a right to dislike whatever newcomer they want to dislike.

Islamic State (IS) wants to know where you live? They think you love them so much, they want to move into YOUR backyard, they want somewhere to put all 'child brides' and terrorist bomber jackets....is your back yard ok for that? No, I thought not....waiting!

If this is a joke, it is a bad one.

mr. Seastallion is absolutely right. In no words is he referring to or mentioning IS, which bloody sekt is not representative at all of Islam.

Read his first line, basically how would he feel about it in HIS back yard...i was waiting to hear from him, not you.

It is truly amazing how hate and bigotry allows those who are consumed by it to ignore the reality of a situation.

The Thai citizens of a community were asked how they felt about a factory being built in their community and gave that opinion.

Yet some see that as an opportunity to puke up their hatred and condemn them for doing so, purely on the basis of their faith. Often those doing this show the most rank of hypocrisy in that they are the ones who rant and rave about Muslims moving into areas and changing everything to suit themselves. Yet when an established community gives their opinion on a change in their community this is equally condemned.

The worst out there and there are many of them, tell these citizens that if they cant accept the culture of a country they should go back to their own country. Ignoring the fact this is their country, they are part of the culture, they are acting legally under the law and are responding to a request to gauge local feeling.

Bigotry, hatred, blind prejudice, ignorance and intolerance are the terrorists greatest weapon. They divide and create fear in all societies they are allowed to go unchallenged in and truly over the last round of posts we have witnessed their standard bearers.

The stupidity of promoting propaganda that benefits terrorism never ceases to astound me.

Ignorance masquerading as opinion.

Hate as common sense.


They have a valid point.

WHAT! you mean with their "fantasy beliefs" yes "beliefs" pathetic, keep their religious nonsense to themselves.


It is truly amazing how hate and bigotry allows those who are consumed by it to ignore the reality of a situation.

The Thai citizens of a community were asked how they felt about a factory being built in their community and gave that opinion.

Yet some see that as an opportunity to puke up their hatred and condemn them for doing so, purely on the basis of their faith. Often those doing this show the most rank of hypocrisy in that they are the ones who rant and rave about Muslims moving into areas and changing everything to suit themselves. Yet when an established community gives their opinion on a change in their community this is equally condemned.

The worst out there and there are many of them, tell these citizens that if they cant accept the culture of a country they should go back to their own country. Ignoring the fact this is their country, they are part of the culture, they are acting legally under the law and are responding to a request to gauge local feeling.

Bigotry, hatred, blind prejudice, ignorance and intolerance are the terrorists greatest weapon. They divide and create fear in all societies they are allowed to go unchallenged in and truly over the last round of posts we have witnessed their standard bearers.

The stupidity of promoting propaganda that benefits terrorism never ceases to astound me.

Ignorance masquerading as opinion.

Hate as common sense.

"faith" = belief in nonsense and thats ALL faith


They have a valid point..jpg

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I wouldnt like a factory of ANY kind opening where I live.

Maybe you should move to a country that has real zoning laws. Thailand has almost no zoning laws or city planning. There's nothing preventing a land owner from opening up a factory next to your residence, other than an EIS (environmental impact statement) or the courts enforcing the pollution laws.

get the Wife to buy a BIG plot of land , I did and stuck the house in the middle..........there thats "planning"


Wabothai. My ignorance???? I would say the truth is hurting you.

No your truth and facts are not hurting me in the least.

I suggest you read your statement one more time and do some real thinking about what you are saying.



I thought protests of any kind were now illegal under the current military administration. Assemblies of more than 5 people are illegal. Except if you have a permit.

That brings me to my next questions:

Where is their protest permit?

Did these people get thrown in the slammer (jail)?

Are there bans on environmental related protests? However, such protests are risky activities as in the past environmental protesters have been murdered.

As repeatedly highlighted in this topic authorities for providing permission to build the facility are proactively canvassing local opinion prior to permitting, or not, construction. From the OP...

"Nattawut Petchpromsorn of the provincial governor’s office accepted the letter on behalf of authorities"


Pussyfooting around these people achieves nothing but surrender. Islam means surrender and they will just protest, mob and bomb there way into making the rest of the world regress a thousand years. They want to enforce sharia law on everyone. Death to anyone who resists. Simples. Oh yeah, except Allah seems to blind eye when these god fearing holier than though types tread the whoring, drug infested streets of Bangkok and Pattaya.

So with malaysia and indonesia with all those muslims, why is it I can happily have beers and bacon sandwiches then toddle off to church if I wish.

If what you say is true then I wouldnt be able to do any of those things as I would be subject to sharia law. But I'm not.

Surely with your view all the Christian heathens that go out drinking would be getting flogged every day. I guess reality is something completely different to what you think.

It's just a matter of time, be patient. Spend some time in Bradford.


They have a valid point.

WHAT! you mean with their "fantasy beliefs" yes "beliefs" pathetic, keep their religious nonsense to themselves.

Keep it to themselves?

They are Thai and where asked to give their opinion.


It is their right to protest this (with less than 5 people, mind you!) for religious reasons...and it is everybody else's right, to tell them to take their religion an shove it, where the sun don't shine!

As with any other religion!

The environmental and animal rights reasons...that is a completely different thing!


I have read on here of the hate and bigotory, and yes there is lots of that ,most of it carried out by muslims it seems ,worldwide."do as we say ,or else"sad.png .


Blue Spunk...we are never gonna see eye to eye on this matter, so i will have my view on it, and you can have yours....

To you, its everyone else's fault, except the Muslims, they are right to kill anyone who stands in there way of world domination.


"Hey lad any ideas for a hangover cure" asks Ali

"Aye lad,there's nowt like a nice greasy bacon sarny wrapted in muslin cloth to cure a hangover,or you could have a hair of the dog",Ali tells Mohamed.

" Eh lad that sounds grand".


If you want to see unclean, check out a chicken or duck farm.

They also freak out about dogs.


Sent from my GT-I8150 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I like this post, however, I take issue with the idea that it has anything to do with the Muslim Faith, which is too broad a brush. Some muslims do tend to being fanatical. Here we have found some, who would somehow wish to impose their dietary restrictions on the livelihoods of those around them. What they eat should have nothing to do with what others around them eat and they should be acutely aware that as long as they live in Thailand they are living amongst some of the world's most prodigious pork eaters, who have to get their bacon somewhere, or pork hocks.

Tell them to butt out.


Blue Spunk...we are never gonna see eye to eye on this matter, so i will have my view on it, and you can have yours....

To you, its everyone else's fault, except the Muslims, they are right to kill anyone who stands in there way of world domination.

How is it the muslims fault when they where ASKED for their opinion.

Where in hell is it reported they are going to kill anyone.

Geez drama queen much?


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I like this post, however, I take issue with the idea that it has anything to do with the Muslim Faith, which is too broad a brush. Some muslims do tend to being fanatical. Here we have found some, who would somehow wish to impose their dietary restrictions on the livelihoods of those around them. What they eat should have nothing to do with what others around them eat and they should be acutely aware that as long as they live in Thailand they are living amongst some of the world's most prodigious pork eaters, who have to get their bacon somewhere, or pork hocks.

Tell them to butt out.

Why would they tell them to butt out when they where INVITED to give their opinion.

Some people just cannot read.


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I like this post, however, I take issue with the idea that it has anything to do with the Muslim Faith, which is too broad a brush. Some muslims do tend to being fanatical. Here we have found some, who would somehow wish to impose their dietary restrictions on the livelihoods of those around them. What they eat should have nothing to do with what others around them eat and they should be acutely aware that as long as they live in Thailand they are living amongst some of the world's most prodigious pork eaters, who have to get their bacon somewhere, or pork hocks.

Tell them to butt out.

No, what happened here was Thai citizens were asked their opinion about the granting of a licence for a proposed factory to be built in their community.

They gave it.


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I like this post, however, I take issue with the idea that it has anything to do with the Muslim Faith, which is too broad a brush. Some muslims do tend to being fanatical. Here we have found some, who would somehow wish to impose their dietary restrictions on the livelihoods of those around them. What they eat should have nothing to do with what others around them eat and they should be acutely aware that as long as they live in Thailand they are living amongst some of the world's most prodigious pork eaters, who have to get their bacon somewhere, or pork hocks.

Tell them to butt out.

Why would they tell them to butt out when they where INVITED to give their opinion.

Some people just cannot read.

Am I "some" people? Perhaps, then in that case here is a quote from the 'original source'.

"Around 50 members of a Muslim community in the Cha Am district of Phetchaburi province submitted a petition to officials over the construction of a facility they say is an indignity to their faith."

Are you saying they were invited to submit a petition? Or did they do that as a result of being part of a larger community they do not see themselves as a part of? Either way you Linky, are missing the point that the building of a factory for which there was 'invited' general community support does not impinge on what a muslim eats or does not eat, no matter what they say.

Why would they tell them to butt out when they where INVITED to give their opinion.

Some people just cannot read.

Am I "some" people? Perhaps, then in that case here is a quote from the 'original source'.

"Around 50 members of a Muslim community in the Cha Am district of Phetchaburi province submitted a petition to officials over the construction of a facility they say is an indignity to their faith."

Are you saying they were invited to submit a petition? Or did they do that as a result of being part of a larger community they do not see themselves as a part of? Either way you Linky, are missing the point that the building of a factory for which there was 'invited' general community support does not impinge on what a muslim eats or does not eat, no matter what they say.

A municipal official said authorities have yet to grant a license for the company to construct the bacon factory.

“Currently, it is under the process of announcing the plan to the people, and to collect their opinion,” Nat Areekul, director of the municipal factory registration division, said yesterday.


Blue Spunk...we are never gonna see eye to eye on this matter, so i will have my view on it, and you can have yours...end of!!

You don't get to decide that.

You promote the worst, most foul aspects of hatred and bigotry.

You puke up prejudiced, narrow minded intolerance on any thread about Islam or Muslims.

I will decide how I respond to the vile views you spread, not you.

Like i said....you have your view and i will have mine, you will NEVER change my view, and just because i have a different view on it, doesnt make me narrow minded, i couls say you are narrow minded to not see what they are trying to achieve all around the world.

No having an opinion doesn't make someone a bigot. Having bigoted, hate fuelled views do that.

You choose to spread your repellant intolerance on a thread about people giving their opinions as part of a study into setting up a factory in their community.

A view they were asked for.

Doing that isn't expressing an opinion on a subject, it's hijacking it to spread hatred.

This is getting a bit heavy,I think this guy has the right idea,



Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Do you have a single clue about what the halal food and how a food is considered halal ? I urge you to open your google and read about halal food before posting such comment !


This is fine. This is great. So here on TV we are accustomed to giving our opinion on everyone else's opinion, self included for this subject.

Without going yet further into the minute detail, of just how the opinion or petition came about . . or the opinions came to be aired. . the 'attitude'' of a minority group regarding their opinion was technically flawed. It does not necessariy reflect Muslim opinion in general terms and would not constitute a violation of their rights or any body else's rights or their tradition of not eating pork. That's all.

I must review my own ability to express my opinion regarding other people's opinions more clearly in future. One has a lot to learn at Thai Visa.


Easy answer this is Thailand buddist faith they chose to come here so live under Thai laws and Thai decisions. Don't like that then move to a muslim country easy

Nope ... They are thais and this is their country ... There for they live here and they are not moving else where ... They are free to say and do what ever as long it's not hurting any body or violating any local laws ... They have a point to consider and they escalated the issue LEGALLY to their gov. Clear ?

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