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Phetchaburi Muslim community protests bacon factory

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Where do they shop? Do they avoid Tesco etc due to alcohol and pork on display? Suppose watching TV is out of the question, womens faces on display, horrifying.

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They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

So everyone else is to do what the muslim community want, do not upset the muslim religion, it does not matter about the rest of the community if it offends the muslim then get rid of it. this is what is wrong with the world you never hear of a religious war if someone speaks ill of jesus or budda or many of the other religions but if muhammad is slighted it is death to all infidels, I for one am sick and tired of hearing about this and if they don't like living in a non muslim country then get the f---k out, but that is not going to happen because they want to make every country muslim, that is the end game. and peacefully as Muhammad would teach but brutally like in the south of Thailand.


if the rights of free religion would apply also in the moslem countrys I might agry with them, unfortunatly, in the west we have the same problem, they can do as they please...

try to complain about the moslem culture in a third world moslem country, from where they all come from, you may be lucky to get out alive!


They have a valid point..jpg

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

I wouldnt like a factory of ANY kind opening where I live.

Maybe you should move to a country that has real zoning laws. Thailand has almost no zoning laws or city planning. There's nothing preventing a land owner from opening up a factory next to your residence, other than an EIS (environmental impact statement) or the courts enforcing the pollution laws.

This is the point: They have a right to protest, they have a right to dislike something. Residents down South protested a coal-fired power station...that is their right to not want it....just as it is these Muslims right to not want this.

If you don't complain, you're going to get walked over...TIT. Good on them for complaining.

The valid points that they may have are contamination of the water, and contamination of the air from smoke.....or simply that they just don't want it.

I gather from the people that disagree with their right to protest that it is because they disagree with Muslims, period. They forget that it is everyone's right to protest, for whatever reason they want.

To paraphrase Voltaire: I may not agree with your protestations, but I respect your right to protest.


Good. I'm with them. Disgusting way to treat animals. So whilst they're at it, a ban on halal would be most welcome too. tell you what, show you one sausage and up you one halal slaughtered goat curry.

Halal is not a food.

But you are welcome to ban yourself from eating anything halal related. No one will care.

...as these protesters are welcome to ban themselves from eating anything bacon-related.

And BTW - NO problem with them protesting. They can protest all they want. I DO have a problem with the legitimate owners of the land who want to build a bacon-processing factory on it being told that they cannot do so over Muslim objections.


Why should Muslims get special treatment within a society . This is part of the problem. Rooms to Pray in Woman who have to hide. Men who believe they have a right to hit woman when they want

This is a corrupt religion. Catholics don't need special treatment Buddhists dont demand you only pray to budda if you are of another faith. Jews don't threaten to kill you if you refuse to

believe in their god. So what makes Muslims special If you don't agree with them they want to wage Jihad with you . I think most from other faiths are getting fed up with their selfish demands


A couple of troll posts have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


They have my sympathy. If a new factory is needed, site it in the middle of an area occupied by pork-loving Buddhists, who will doubtless be as grateful as the Bisto kids at the aroma.


Plenty of Muslims last time I went to Pattaya. They appeared to be more than happy to indulge in everything that other Muslims manage to find offensive.


I LOVE pork.

Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.

Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I wouldn't know.

I don't eat dog either, but that's because a dog has personality.


The muslims need to get over it. Pork is a staple of civilized folks.


We should all protest at having to listen to wailing from the Mosques and having to listen to muslims constantly complaining


Plenty of Muslims last time I went to Pattaya. They appeared to be more than happy to indulge in everything that other Muslims manage to find offensive.

I once saw an Omani (he had Omani head gear). replete with dish-dash dress and a BLATANTLY painted ladyboy in the Royal Garden Plaza one night.

He was in a big rush to grab some KFC takeaway & drag him/her off with him.

Nothing against Oman. It is actually one of the nicer places in the M.E.


My Palestinian, Muslim, US educated friend once told me about uneducated Muslims.

"They'll believe anything you tell them. Most of them cannot even read".


There are NIMBYs everywhere. (Not In My Back Yard).

Whether the protest is about smoke or noise or smell...people don't like things. Just because traffic noise doesn't affect you does not mean someone protesting traffic noise should not protest. Just because you don't mind pork, does not mean these people can't protest about pork.

It would be a whole different matter if they established their community beside an existing pork factory and then complained...then they would not have a leg to stand on and I would support the pork factory.

As it is, I have the same amount of sympathy for these people as I would have for a bunch of Christians protesting the opening of a bar and brothel beside their church, or the Jewish congregation protesting the opening of a Nazi paraphernalia shop beside a synagogue....they are established in the area, and they have a right to dislike whatever newcomer they want to dislike.


Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.


Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.

Who is dictating anything?

You have a right to set up a petition against headscarves, and to protest them.

So, what's your problem here?


Another example of Muslim supremacy. "I believe it, therefore you are obligated to honor my beliefs even if it interferes with business". I am offended by women in Islamic headscarves but that does not give me the right to dictate what she wears.

Who is dictating anything?

You have a right to set up a petition against headscarves, and to protest them.

So, what's your problem here?

Don't wish to have an argument, your opinions. If you live in a Muslim country try and protest about anything and see what happens. Where is the mutual respect?


If the community is 99% Muslim where will they find the workers for the plant. whistling.gif


Reminds me of the people who built houses around the edges of the cobra swamp, then complained about the noise when the airport actually did get built .......

Hey, we choose to live in a majority Buddhist country, where pork is a major food staple, and we choose to live near a major population centre, surrounded by an area noted for its pig farms, so now we are affronted that a big business wants to process a popular local product, in a new factory close to both the source of raw materials and a major market ...... because hundreds of years ago some guy had an imaginary friend who told him that it was bad to eat pork - and we emphatically believe every word he said (except for the inconvenient ones that we don't like to talk about)

Oh - and there are dozens of us in this town, dozens I tell you!


They have a valid point.

No, they don't. This is everything that is wrong with the Muslim faith. Everything is an indignation to their religion and they want special treatment, special laws, even though they don't live in a Muslim country. They are entitled to equal protection, and so is the developer of the bacon factory. If they can prove actual damage from air, water, noise or any other kind of pollution, they can take this matter up through the political (not much protection from zoning laws) or legal process. Claims that this is some kind of indignation of their religion, a violation of their livelihood or infringe on their practice of Islam are specious and not actionable.

Well said!


My 2 Baht's worth, if the protest was based on environmental considerations, ie, pollution, noise, traffic etc - they have a reasonable case- but as it's only about the indignity of their faith - bad luck.

So while we are on the indignant wagon, maybe everyone who isn't a Muslims should start complaining about all the products now being sold to the general public with Halal approved certification. That's against my faith and I object to having to fund someone else's religious demands (actually I think it's a big con and a money collecting racket) which is increasing the end costs to me and everyone else who isn't a Muslim.

No one forces you to buy halal blessed food.

If I lived in an Amish community in the US I would live like the Amish even though by law I wouldnt have to.

Sadly we are forced to do so in many Western Countries. Many food manafacturers have been forced to use Halal Food and pay Halal Fees to include in all food they sell and not just halal certifed food. Thus we all are forced to pay for it

the real story of the pig, it's this:

Mohammed, during his flight in 622, got lost in the forest.

After years of wandering and months he had nothing to eat (well, eating roots every day, it does not feed a man), a pig happened by chance, Muhammad has killed and eaten and thanks to him, he survived.

When he returned to his city, to thank the pig who had saved, thanks to its hams, he banned all Muslims eat ralouf. cheesy.gif


They have a valid point.

No they do not.

I am totally against eating red meat but others have their own choices.

I am offended when I go to shop and see food labelled Halal !

Which is vile and totally cruel.

Muslim hypocrites!

Plenty of room in Sandland!


If it can keep muslims away then I am all for more bacon factories ... !!!

Ever read any Wilbur Smith novels?

The guy is fantastic. In one of his books, the good guy is threatening a Muslim in about 1650 or so...torturing him for information.

The devout Muslim won't say a word, so they bring a BIG. FAT hog out, slaughter and skin it, and threaten to to kill him, wrap him in the pork skin and let him rot.

I loved that part. The Muslim started singing like canary. smile.png


They live in a predominant Buddhist country so they should learn to get along with the other people in the community who don't share the same views.

Everywhere where this animals lives, they want other peoples follow their rules not other way. Sweden have took 100k per year muslims to live and 25 years more and there is illegal disguss about bacon.

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