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National Thai Police Chief indicates unusual share transfer may link to Chuwong's death

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National police chief indicates unusual share transfer may link to billionaire’s death


BANGKOK: -- Royal Thai Police commissioner indicated today that the unusual transfers of shares worth almost 300 million baht to two girls might link to the suspicious death of construction billionaire Chuwong Sae Tang in a van crash on June 26.

His indication came before he would attend a meeting of police investigators from the Metropolitan Police Bureau and the Crime Suppression Division to wrap up their findings in the billionaire’s death and his multi million baht share transfer to two girls a few days prior to his unusual death.

Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang admitted that the share transfers were obviously unusual, and he personally believed this might have a linkage to his death.

However the unusual transfers have to be substantiated with evidence collected by investigators, he said.

He said it was too soon to say if any arrest warrant would be issued, adding two police teams were handling each cause separately.

The metropolitan police take charge of cause if death probe, while the CSD is in charge if the unusual share transfers, he said.

He said if findings from the two police teams come out in the way that does not satisfy the family members, they could petition to the court.

He said the cause of death was not concluded yet although metropolitan police have collected all evidence because the body of the billionaire has been cremated.

He also said the finance company involved in the case did not give enough cooperation to the police and he did not know its reason.

(Photo : Thai PBS File)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/national-police-chief-indicates-unusual-share-transfer-may-link-to-billionaires-death

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-05

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With highly honed investigative skills like that you can see how he got to the very top of the force can't you.

Mind you, if they arrest the girls, it will be quite difficult to umm, divert the shares as it were! If they had been given cash well, they would have been banged up by now, and the money, well "sadly we were unable to recover that."


All Somyot can have wanted here was a photo op. and to see his name in the news again. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to come up with the same conclusion, but another example of a high profile cop who should keep his mouth shut until he has been fully briefed on the state of the investigation.


There's something I don't get. If they got the money already, why would they need to kill him? Or is it because he did not order the share transfer and did not know about it?


There's something I don't get. If they got the money already, why would they need to kill him? Or is it because he did not order the share transfer and did not know about it?

Bingo. I seem to also recall something about forged signatures and maybe other document changes.

Yup, took a real sherlock like our top cop to suddenly see the light so many days after the poor mans death. The rest of use, I think, got it almost immediately, especially once the huge amounts of the share transfers were revealed.


He also said the finance company involved in the case did not give enough cooperation to the police and he did not know its reason.

I was reflecting the other day that Thailand has a very interesting history. The legal system is an adaptation of the Code Napoleon grafted onto the traditional Thai court system, which the Kings of Thailand had to fight anew in every reign. I think there is some influence from the German system as well, or did Napoleon impose his legal system on them? Anyway, I really should take time to learn more about how it works. In the Anglo-Saxon adversarial system, which is what I'm used to, we have a legal form called a subpoena, an order from the court that you either tell the police everything you know and turn over any documents or go to jail. In the French system (if I have this wrong please correct me) I believe criminal investigations are carried out be a magistrate called a juge d'instruction, who doesn't have to go to another court for the document because he *is* a judge. This story suggests to me that the police here do not have the ability to compel people to cooperate but must rely on the willingness and desire for justice of all parties to ensure cooperation.


There's something I don't get. If they got the money already, why would they need to kill him? Or is it because he did not order the share transfer and did not know about it?

That's what it looks like.

Banyin and the 2 girls, one who happens to be a stockbroker at the firm where Chuwong had his portfolio, transferred shares without Chuwong's approval to share in the spoils.

If this does get overlooked, might be worth watching the girls and their Mothers bank accounts and Banyin and his family/maids bank accounts to see if 50% gets transferred back to him at some time in the future.

It certainly looks very murky.


Arrest warrants to be issued in Chuwong’s case soon


BANGKOK: -- The police will within the next few days issue warrants for the arrest of some suspects in the case involving the death of construction billionaire Chuwong Sae Tang.

Royal Thai Police commissioner Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang disclosed the latest progress in the investigation of Chuwong’s unusual death and his unusual huge share transfers to two girls after a meeting with two police teams now probing the two cases separately.

The meeting wrapped up findings by metropolitan police in his death, and Crime Suppression Division in his share transfer.

Earlier before the meeting, Pol Gen Somyot indicated the unusual share transfer to the two girls might have link to his death from van crash which so far was not yet established whether it was an accident or homicide.

He said documents in the share transfer was very unusual and obvious to suspect it might be relevant.

But Pol Gen Somyot did not elaborate if the arrest warrant was meant for those involved in the unusual share transfer or for people involved in his death in the van crash on June 26.

However he did say that Udomsuk police were ordered to reinspect the crash site and gather more evidence to confirm the cause of death of the billionaire.

He said the meeting of two police teams have not concluded if his death was caused by accident.

Pol Gen Somyot declined to say further on the persons who will face arrest in the case reasoning that it might be exploited by someone to shield and defend.

But he said finance company staff who refused to cooperate with police in probing the share transfer would also be on the list to face legal action.

Former Nakhon Sawan MP Pol Lt Col Bunyin Tangphakorn was driver of the van that crashed into a tree that killed the billionaire seated on the left.

His family cremated his body a week after his death after Udomsuk police concluded it was an accident.

But a few days after, Chuwong’s elder sister and son became suspicious after finding he transferred 9.5 million shares worth about 300 million baht to a girl who worked as caddy in the golf course where the former MP and Chuwong visited to play golf on the day of van crash.

They asked CSD police to investigate the unusual share transfer after detecting error spelling if family name by Chuwong. They then asked the national police chief to reopen the crash case as they suspected his death might not be accidental as Udomsuk police earlier concluded.

Investigation by CSD police revealed some corrections of the share transfer forms with invisible inks.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/arrest-warrants-to-be-issued-in-chuwongs-case-soon

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-05


Arrest warrants to be issued in Chuwong’s case soon

Can't he just hold up a sign that says "Run, Forrest Run"?

Pol Lt Col Bunyin Tangphakorn, last seen on a beach in Cambodia.


I think Somyot's learnt from his outpourings in the wake of the Koh Tao murders to not start speculating too wildly. Now he's gone to the opposite extreme, which is saying what is obvious.


And no autopsy report was filed ?

Where's the RTP apologists when you need them?

Without claiming to be an apologist, I can only suggest you do a TVF search "Chuwong autopsy"

AUTOPSY results show that construction tycoon Chuwong Saetang was still alive when the Lexus car in which he was a passenger crashed into a tree on June 26,..........


Arrest warrants to be issued in Chuwong’s case soon

Can't he just hold up a sign that says "Run, Forrest Run"?

Pol Lt Col Bunyin Tangphakorn, last seen on a beach in Cambodia.

Bit early to speculate on it being Bunyin that they are going to arrest. My money would be on the tree.


'... a meeting of police investigators from the Metropolitan Police Bureau and the Crime Suppression Division to wrap up their findings ...' A matter of days, vs six months for a committee to decide what constitutes a vicinity.

Still, Somyot is slowly catching up with the curve.


And no autopsy report was filed ?

Where's the RTP apologists when you need them?

Without claiming to be an apologist, I can only suggest you do a TVF search "Chuwong autopsy"

AUTOPSY results show that construction tycoon Chuwong Saetang was still alive when the Lexus car in which he was a passenger crashed into a tree on June 26,..........

Thanks, it doesn't really take much thought into brining in foul play, but at what point and by whom?

But wouldn't the autopsy also not have a "cause of death " as well?

The ex copper and golf partner would be top of the list of "persons of interest"

Just found that the cause of death was a brain haemorrhage, and that he bleed out internally, and that the possible COD was his head impacting something hard, and that there was also deep contusions to the back of the head too.

Very strange indeed.

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