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Democrats pledge common goals with Suthep

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It wont matter what those "xxxx" do, the people of the north, who outnumber them will vote for who ever is the leader on their side, hence the yingluck debacle.

UNLESS "they" really get their way and rig a gerrymander system for elections where a single vote equals more for "some" people,

which is what i think they are trying to set up at this moment and call them "reforms".

Animal farm it is.

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It wont matter what those "xxxx" do, the people of the north, who outnumber them will vote for who ever is the leader on their side, hence the yingluck debacle.

UNLESS "they" really get their way and rig a gerrymander system for elections where a single vote equals more for "some" people,

which is what i think they are trying to set up at this moment and call them "reforms".

Animal farm it is.

If they do somehow rig or gerrymander an election to install a government which is not the one for which the majority of the electorate voted for, and particularly if Suthep is involved with, and / or is a beneficiary of this process, I really think that has the potential to split this country, geographically as well as politically.

They can only cheat the electorate so many times.


what's with the winning? The Democrat party attracted close to 12 million votes in 2011 with the largest party close to 16 million. In a democracy it isn't so that 'winner takes all'

They didn't attract enough voters to secure a win over their nearest rivals at the time of a general election!!!

Your comments sound like the captain of a losing team on cup final day getting beat 3-1 saying " we almost won, but at least we got a goal, and gave a good account of ourselves"

Yeah but you still LOST!!!!

Neither democracy nor elections are a sport, my dear chap.

If educated westeners don't understand that, what chance do reforms in Thailand have ?

No they are not, but democracy allows voters to vote for whatever party they want come election time.

What exactly was your point about the democratic party attracting close to 12 million people?

The other party attracted 16 million, that would make the other party holding the majority yes?

The democrats got 35% of the vote

Their Rivals got 48% of the vote

Ergo, the still had the majority.

Bottom line, Dr. Spin, is that 65% of the 65% turnout, didn't favour the democrats, now I'm not that smart at times, but this would STILL make them a minority.

Banding figures about attracting voters means absolute nothing till it's time to vote... 12 million would as well being 12, you just don't seem to be able to accept that them dems, they just ain't that popular enough to actually do something ...unless it's throw teddies, spit dummies, and take to the streets, and stomp your feet, then, when all the propagandist tell you the opposition are the minority, you still bottle out of proving it!!

Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.


Uhh H90 Suthep's corruption is so bad that he had a government dissolved. Christ almighty take the blinkers off! Even the hardcore PDRCers I talked to during the protests knew how dirty he is.

He is the don of the south going against the don of the north/north east. Thailand is still pretty medieval with warring clans.

Here I can only agree with you. The local elite, be it down South or North/NorthEast is still in place and power.


what's with the winning? The Democrat party attracted close to 12 million votes in 2011 with the largest party close to 16 million. In a democracy it isn't so that 'winner takes all'

They didn't attract enough voters to secure a win over their nearest rivals at the time of a general election!!!

Your comments sound like the captain of a losing team on cup final day getting beat 3-1 saying " we almost won, but at least we got a goal, and gave a good account of ourselves"

Yeah but you still LOST!!!!

Neither democracy nor elections are a sport, my dear chap.

If educated westeners don't understand that, what chance do reforms in Thailand have ?

No they are not, but democracy allows voters to vote for whatever party they want come election time.

What exactly was your point about the democratic party attracting close to 12 million people?

The other party attracted 16 million, that would make the other party holding the majority yes?

The democrats got 35% of the vote

Their Rivals got 48% of the vote

Ergo, the still had the majority.

Bottom line, Dr. Spin, is that 65% of the 65% turnout, didn't favour the democrats, now I'm not that smart at times, but this would STILL make them a minority.

Banding figures about attracting voters means absolute nothing till it's time to vote... 12 million would as well being 12, you just don't seem to be able to accept that them dems, they just ain't that popular enough to actually do something ...unless it's throw teddies, spit dummies, and take to the streets, and stomp your feet, then, when all the propagandist tell you the opposition are the minority, you still bottle out of proving it!!

Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.

An most government come from the elected winners and the losers become the opposition, something this current government doesn't have, so it's as far away from a democracy as anything the PTP had whether it's to your liking or not.

You're trying to elevate the democrats to something they're not, and that's electable!!


Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.

An most government come from the elected winners and the losers become the opposition, something this current government doesn't have, so it's as far away from a democracy as anything the PTP had whether it's to your liking or not.

You're trying to elevate the democrats to something they're not, and that's electable!!

But they are electable. In the 2011 general elections the Democrat party got 165 seats.

The current government was indeed not elected, and no one here is even saying that. It's not even democratic. In a way it somewhat funny to hear the current government being accused of being undemocratic as that's what they are. Of course that doesn't absolve the Pheu Thai party from their 'we won, we have a mandate we can do what we want' attitude. Votes count a bit more than in the election counting, a vote also raises an expectation level. Furthermore as I wrote a government even represents those who didn't vote for them, or at least should. Doesn't the British government represent the Scottish people as well?


Mark could be on course for being the only civilian PM to be appointed twice without election. coffee1.gif

Nothing to look forward to here but more violence, more political hijacking and more corruption.

After a year of nothing but talking, lying, and backtracking on stupid knee jerk laws all we have to show for it is a load of transferred police, a few token arrests and shedload of LM cases and people jailed, meanwhile we have stitched up tourist murder trials, human trafficking scandals, sub standard airlines and a fishing fleet who wont comply to export standards... meanwhile the Thai navy and Thai huge business put reporters on trial for telling the truth and try to silence them by defamation cases that anywhere else would see fines and cases against the perpetrators of real crime and not the reporters for exposing it....

We have no political gatherings yet Suthep is allowed to re-engage the pdrc and has TV shows, interviews and advising the Junta after hiding in a temple for a year ...

No constitution but a PM who promises to abide by a constitution they dont have, no election dates and constant signs the Military will delay until it decides otherwise...

On top of it all is a succession which is uncertain because of elite power meddling which is polarising the country with its factions and favouritism.

Thailand was already on the way down the toilet, now its in freefall and all these idiots are still only interested in what they can get for themselves.

Traditionally this only ends one way and its not peaceful.


Mark could be on course for being the only civilian PM to be appointed twice without election. coffee1.gif

Nothing to look forward to here but more violence, more political hijacking and more corruption.

After a year of nothing but talking, lying, and backtracking on stupid knee jerk laws all we have to show for it is a load of transferred police, a few token arrests and shedload of LM cases and people jailed, meanwhile we have stitched up tourist murder trials, human trafficking scandals, sub standard airlines and a fishing fleet who wont comply to export standards... meanwhile the Thai navy and Thai huge business put reporters on trial for telling the truth and try to silence them by defamation cases that anywhere else would see fines and cases against the perpetrators of real crime and not the reporters for exposing it....

We have no political gatherings yet Suthep is allowed to re-engage the pdrc and has TV shows, interviews and advising the Junta after hiding in a temple for a year ...

No constitution but a PM who promises to abide by a constitution they dont have, no election dates and constant signs the Military will delay until it decides otherwise...

On top of it all is a succession which is uncertain because of elite power meddling which is polarising the country with its factions and favouritism.

Thailand was already on the way down the toilet, now its in freefall and all these idiots are still only interested in what they can get for themselves.

Traditionally this only ends one way and its not peaceful.

Sir, nail right on the head. Bravo!

I got sick of hearing "Prayuth is the best PM of the last 20 years" "He's cleaning up Thailand" "He has the Thai people at his heart" cheesy.gif

He is the lackey of the Bangkok elite who are just as immoral, dirty and corrupt as Thaksin, they are just a lot less publicly visible than him.


Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.

An most government come from the elected winners and the losers become the opposition, something this current government doesn't have, so it's as far away from a democracy as anything the PTP had whether it's to your liking or not.

You're trying to elevate the democrats to something they're not, and that's electable!!

But they are electable. In the 2011 general elections the Democrat party got 165 seats.

The current government was indeed not elected, and no one here is even saying that. It's not even democratic. In a way it somewhat funny to hear the current government being accused of being undemocratic as that's what they are. Of course that doesn't absolve the Pheu Thai party from their 'we won, we have a mandate we can do what we want' attitude. Votes count a bit more than in the election counting, a vote also raises an expectation level. Furthermore as I wrote a government even represents those who didn't vote for them, or at least should. Doesn't the British government represent the Scottish people as well?

The British Government has NEVER represented the Scottish people, they have shafted Scotland for generations.

Why do you think we now and have had for many years a Scottish Parliament ?

Again you're still attempting to put spin on the Dems, they still didn't win the majority of the seats to become the winning party, and they never will as that lack the ability to shake off their Snobbery, and Elitism and look down on their fellow countrymen from the North East.

Populist votes to get people in office and all their election promises go out the window as soon as the dust settles, using Scotland as a prime example, the British Tory/Lib Government promised Scotland more say in their own affairs, if they voted NO against Independence, they were shafted big time.

Cue the General Election, Scotland wiped out Labour control, and are now a much louder voice, and have the ability to veto and vote against many policies the English based Government tries to put in place.

You're right, a Government should represent the nation, but it rarely does, and that's why having a healthy opposition is a good thing.


No they are not, but democracy allows voters to vote for whatever party they want come election time.

What exactly was your point about the democratic party attracting close to 12 million people?

The other party attracted 16 million, that would make the other party holding the majority yes?

The democrats got 35% of the vote

Their Rivals got 48% of the vote

Ergo, the still had the majority.

Bottom line, Dr. Spin, is that 65% of the 65% turnout, didn't favour the democrats, now I'm not that smart at times, but this would STILL make them a minority.

Banding figures about attracting voters means absolute nothing till it's time to vote... 12 million would as well being 12, you just don't seem to be able to accept that them dems, they just ain't that popular enough to actually do something ...unless it's throw teddies, spit dummies, and take to the streets, and stomp your feet, then, when all the propagandist tell you the opposition are the minority, you still bottle out of proving it!!

Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.

PTP in 2011

>48% of the vote

>52% of the seats in parliament

and they formed a coalition government.

What is so hard to understand? whistling.gif


Mark could be on course for being the only civilian PM to be appointed twice without election. coffee1.gif

Nothing to look forward to here but more violence, more political hijacking and more corruption.

After a year of nothing but talking, lying, and backtracking on stupid knee jerk laws all we have to show for it is a load of transferred police, a few token arrests and shedload of LM cases and people jailed, meanwhile we have stitched up tourist murder trials, human trafficking scandals, sub standard airlines and a fishing fleet who wont comply to export standards... meanwhile the Thai navy and Thai huge business put reporters on trial for telling the truth and try to silence them by defamation cases that anywhere else would see fines and cases against the perpetrators of real crime and not the reporters for exposing it....

We have no political gatherings yet Suthep is allowed to re-engage the pdrc and has TV shows, interviews and advising the Junta after hiding in a temple for a year ...

No constitution but a PM who promises to abide by a constitution they dont have, no election dates and constant signs the Military will delay until it decides otherwise...

On top of it all is a succession which is uncertain because of elite power meddling which is polarising the country with its factions and favouritism.

Thailand was already on the way down the toilet, now its in freefall and all these idiots are still only interested in what they can get for themselves.

Traditionally this only ends one way and its not peaceful.

Strictly speaking, you are incorrect, he wasn't appointed, he won a Parliamentary election which has happened in other countries with a Parliamentary system. Can't say I disagree with much of the rest of your post, as long as you're including the Shins with the rest of the elite.


No they are not, but democracy allows voters to vote for whatever party they want come election time.

What exactly was your point about the democratic party attracting close to 12 million people?

The other party attracted 16 million, that would make the other party holding the majority yes?

The democrats got 35% of the vote

Their Rivals got 48% of the vote

Ergo, the still had the majority.

Bottom line, Dr. Spin, is that 65% of the 65% turnout, didn't favour the democrats, now I'm not that smart at times, but this would STILL make them a minority.

Banding figures about attracting voters means absolute nothing till it's time to vote... 12 million would as well being 12, you just don't seem to be able to accept that them dems, they just ain't that popular enough to actually do something ...unless it's throw teddies, spit dummies, and take to the streets, and stomp your feet, then, when all the propagandist tell you the opposition are the minority, you still bottle out of proving it!!

Bottomline is also that 52% of the voters didn't favour the Pheu Thai party. According to you that makes them a minority.

Anyway, if you think 12 million voters would as well be 12 as those voters didn't vote for the 'right' winning party, you have a sorry concept of democracy. In a democracy the government represents ALL voters, even those who didn't vote for the political parties who formed the government. That's the nice thing about a real democracy.

PTP in 2011

>48% of the vote

>52% of the seats in parliament

and they formed a coalition government.

What is so hard to understand? whistling.gif

Hard to understand why you but in with some info no one denies.

Fatty and I are into 'winning' and how even 'losers' win in a democracy.


Thailand General Elections 2011-07-03
Registered electorate: 46,904,823
Total votes cast, both valid/invalid*: 35,469,811 (75.62%)
party votes % of cast, % of regist.
Pheu Thai party: 15,744,190 votes (44.38% of cast, 33.57% of regist.) 265 seats
Democrat party: 11,433,762 votes (32.24% of cast, 24.38% of regist.) 159 seats

Suthep is a shark with a crocodile smile. It's so pathetic that so many Thais and foreigners fall for this hooligan goon.

What Thailand and the USA and so many other countries really need is a real, credible alternative ( e.g., an SDP , Social Democratic Party ) to what we have.

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