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Why Iran isn’t Nazi Germany


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So why not eliminate nuclear weapons from all nations? We live in a dangerous world and sooner or later there will be nuclear warfare unless we totally eliminate them. Of course we know this will not happen but it's kinda hypocritical that the powerful nations determine who can and cannot have a nuclear arsenal. Well they didn't stop Pakistan or North Korea or Israel from obtaining them so how do you stop nuclear proliferation?

I commend Obama for attempting to peacefully resolve Irans nuclear ambitions. They say it's for peaceful purposes and of course we all have our doubts. But I think it's a better option than the one which Israel would take. Who needs another major conflict in the Middle East? Just look at the disastrous and illegal invasion of Iraq and the chain of events which has followed!

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Complete rubbish of course pushed out by some latter-day revisionists that Hitler allowed the Dunkirk evacuation out of the goodness of his or the German army's noble heart.


you proved my claim by quoting the rubbish of a blogger who's name speaks volumes coffee1.gif

Unfortunately your response is as unsavoury as is your inability to deal with the arguments.

For those who are actually interested in the subject rather than peddling the charitable German army nonsense, there is a further observation by professor Ian Kershaw http://ww2history.com/experts/Sir_Ian_Kershaw/Dunkirk

Edited by SheungWan
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So why not eliminate nuclear weapons from all nations? We live in a dangerous world and sooner or later there will be nuclear warfare unless we totally eliminate them. Of course we know this will not happen but it's kinda hypocritical that the powerful nations determine who can and cannot have a nuclear arsenal. Well they didn't stop Pakistan or North Korea or Israel from obtaining them so how do you stop nuclear proliferation?

I commend Obama for attempting to peacefully resolve Irans nuclear ambitions. They say it's for peaceful purposes and of course we all have our doubts. But I think it's a better option than the one which Israel would take. Who needs another major conflict in the Middle East? Just look at the disastrous and illegal invasion of Iraq and the chain of events which has followed!


Thanks, Flanno. This is the second best concept after "let's expropriate all the money and divide them equally per capita".

You are a Noble man with best intentions. Unfortunately, you must have heard where these intentions lead.

So, why not? - Because one person or one country will either hide one or will make one on a quiet. And no master is more cruel than the former slave. Or an Islamist. Or a Nazi. Or a Communist. Or whatever...

You can commend Obama for all his real or imaginary attempts. He actually tries to peddle them for achievements. It is up to each of us personally to evaluate his cause. (Naam, do you hear me?)

Iran's nuclear ambitions will never be resolved, at least peacefully. You have every right for doubts. You also have every right to dislike Israel's would be option. And sure as Hell we don't need another ME conflict. But we cannot stop it.

Flanno, my friend, we do live in a dangerous world. We made it dangerous. We always did. And when Pandora's Box is opened it is impossible to close. We can eliminate nukes not more than guns, machine guns, rockets, lasers, poisons, viruses etc. But do not worry. One day we eliminate ourselves and all will be quiet on all fronts. Cheers! coffee1.gif

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So they only want to slaughter all ISRAELI Jews. rolleyes.gif

Where do you get that from?

THESE guys and these threats are only from one year. There have been plenty more.


Thanks for that. Your biased source is very useful here because you are likely not to argue with it.

So, according to you Iran wants to slaughter all Israeli Jews, (which was a backpedal change from ALL JEWS) and you make this daring statement based on....

1. 1.“Israel’s leaders sometimes threaten Iran, but they know that if they do a damn thing, the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground.”

2. “The Imam [Khomeini] set long-term goals for the day the occupying Zionist regime is no longer in the region. The formula for this move must be discussed in the government.”

3. “The Army of Iran can by itself destroy Israel.”

4.“According to the Supreme Leader’s statement marking Nowruz, if Israel acts foolishly, Tel Aviv and Haifa will be annihilated….The armed forces are prepared with all their power to execute the orders of the Supreme Leader in minimum time.”

And so on...NONE of which supports your statement!

1. Talks about RETALIATION on two specific cities...no mention of Jews, and who wouldn't retaliate?

2. Talks about the OCCUPYING REGIME. No mention of Jews, or even the country.

3. Is rhetoric, and no mention of Jews.

4. Again talks about RETRIBUTION to an attack by Israel, aimed at two cities.

And so on.

Nothing at all like the spin you want to try to place on it.

You actually make Iran sound quite reasonable by making us aware of these quotes. In all 19 quotes, not one mention of slaughtering ALL ISRAELI Jews, but almost all refer to either retaliation or the occupying Zionist regime.

Keep in mind too, that the source is very biased...it mentions the controversy over interpretation, but continues to use provocative spin terms such as "Israel" instead of "the Zionist regime".

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Iran isn't Nazi Germany.

But that doesn't mean the Iran isn't a threat to the USA, to Europe, to some Arab states, and also to ISIS (we like that part!).

They really are especially obsessed with ending the existence of Israel ... people who deny that are intellectually dishonest.


Edited by Jingthing
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Iran isn't Nazi Germany.

But that doesn't mean the Iran isn't a threat to the USA, to Europe, to some Arab states, and also to ISIS (we like that part!).

They really are especially obsessed with ending the existence of Israel ... people who deny that are intellectually dishonest.


You really need to revise your long "ignore" list because you are missing out on lots of interesting information....for example in my post just before yours where it is clear from UG's source, that the "wipe Israel off the map" is untrue.

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So they only want to slaughter all ISRAELI Jews. rolleyes.gif

Where do you get that from?

THESE guys and these threats are only from one year. There have been plenty more.


Thanks for that. Your biased source is very useful here because you are likely not to argue with it.

Biased source blah, blah. Spin, spin. These quotes are straight from the dragon's mouth and their meaning is VERY obvious.

“Our battalions are named Imam Ali, Imam Hussein and Bayt al-Maqdis [Jerusalem] to clarify our final destination to the Basiji. We will not abandon our [armed] struggle until the annihilation of Israel and until we will be able to pray in al-Aqsa mosque.” - See more at: http://jcpa.org/article/20-threats-iranian-leaders-made-in-2013/#sthash.Hrqy66nK.dpuf


Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called over the weekend for the destruction of Israel, stating that the “barbaric” Jewish state “has no cure but to be annihilated.”


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In all 19 quotes, not one mention of slaughtering ALL ISRAELI Jews, but almost all refer to either retaliation or the occupying Zionist regime.

I'll let you in on a secret. The "the occupying Zionist regime" is Israel and anyone who tells you differently is lying or an idiot. They are referring to slaughtering ALL ISRAELI Jews.

I really have to wonder what motivates someone to go on here and make excuses and justifications for radical Islamic terrorists all day and all night every day of the week. bah.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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In all 19 quotes, not one mention of slaughtering ALL ISRAELI Jews, but almost all refer to either retaliation or the occupying Zionist regime.

I'll let you in on a secret. The "the occupying Zionist regime" is Israel and anyone who tells you differently is lying or an idiot. They are referring to slaughtering ALL ISRAELI Jews.

I really have to wonder what motivates someone to go on here and make excuses and justifications for radical Islamic terrorists all day and all night every day of the week. bah.gif

Are you taking words like that serious because you believe them or because it suits you in the discussion?
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You seem to believe them. I just understand how they are used. The same haters who substitute the word "Zionist" for the word "Jew", do the same thing with phrases like these. Taqiyya are lies that are permitted, because they advance the cause of Islam.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You seem to believe them. I just understand how they are used. The same haters who substitute the word "Zionist" for the word "Jew", do the same thing with phrases like these. Taqiyya are lies that are permitted, because they advance the cause of Islam.

Why do you think I believe them?

Why are you avoiding the question?

Edited by stevenl
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why do you think anybody is interested that "you personally cannot support that deal?" coffee1.gif

Naam, drink your coffee and ask me another question if you can think of one.

I was simply pointing out that my position is mine only allowing the fact that people might have different ones. No other reason.

If you have more questions to the point - ask.

question: in what way would you support that deal if your opinion was pro deal?

Let's talk reality here boys.

I-Ran wants to nuke Israel off the map - full stop.

They are, what you want to call it in PC terms..? A State Sponsor of Terror?

Get a grip...

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Comparisons with Nazi Germany are ridiculous.

The German Army was very professional and acted with honour almost the whole time. The SS being the exception.

Germany would have used the weapons based on military decisions.

Iran will use them through Islamic hate to bring death to as many infidels as possible in Israel.

Without any doubt, this is Obama's 'Munich agreement'. Settling for a liars promise in order to avoid going to war. History will be the judge of him and all those supporting him.

What is very clear is that many innocent people are going to die through terrorism sponsored by Iran when sanctions are lifted. Obama has made that call and their deaths are on him. That is the price of being president.

Thank God the Russian Army was very Professional too

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