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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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The whole field of GOP candidates reveals the following truth:

No one is ever useless. They can serve as a bad example. cheesy.gif

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and only another year and 4 months more of this idiocy to go and more than 2 billion dollars will be spent on this corrupt joke. They should do like the UK and have only 6 weeks to campaign and put a monetary spending cap on the campaigns as well. This is going beyond obscene already.


The whole field of GOP candidates reveals the following truth:

No one is ever useless. They can serve as a bad example. cheesy.gif

Do you think the corrupt, lying and incompetent HRC is a good example then?


Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

Not a very bright way to pick a candidate but Trump does apeal to the lowest common denominator.

So, if everyone is feeding you bullshit, and then someone comes along and offers you a tuna salad sandwich, even thought it may not be the best tuna salad, you going to turn that down and just keep stuffing your mouth with bullshit?

I couldn't help hearing what you just wrote in Donald Trump's voice. Comedy gem!!!! Only change I would suggest is that you say "tuna fish salad sandwich" rather than "tuna salad sandwich" - just has a better ring to it.

Of course, lots of people are so full of bullshit that they don't have any room for the "tuna fish salad sandwich" and I'd suggest that the Donald is one of them.


You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate?

Well, Donald Trump is the Argentinian Candidate (Greek candidate if you prefer):

  1. Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts.

Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

He doesn't need ads with all the free publicity by the media.


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

Here's what he should run:

"Don't gamble with America's future - Gamble in my Casinos. Vote Trump."

"Don't eat at shit sandwich, eat a tuna fish salad sandwich. I'm the tuna fish salad sandwich. Vote Trump"


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

He doesn't need ads with all the free publicity by the media.

Jeffrey Dahmer got lots of free publicity. So did the congressman from New York who couldn't resist posting images of his reproductive organ - his demacock if you will.


If you guys think that a Trump Presidency would result in anything other than a nationwide (worldwide?) economic catastrophe you are badly misinformed.

If you took a vacuum and sucked out all the funny money printed by the Fed and others I think a worldwide economic catastrophe would just about cover it. I think Trump and Ross Perot have something in common. Politics needs more fronts of opposition than just 2 mainstream parties that exchange power back and forth. People are tired of watching the bouncing ball that leads you to sing the same old tunes you know like the old karaoke music with the bouncing ball. All you had to do was follow the ball and sing the song and that about covers politics today. Its a scripted thing from beginning(like the debates now) to the end(the election) I heard one newscaster come close to the truth today. He spoke in the break in between the debate on Fox news. He stated "Keep pumping out the message constantly whether it is true or not" Yes there were 10 Svengali's on the stage beating their chest like in an old B&W Tarzan movie. The cocktail group had 7 wanna be's. This is the group of fluffer's (You can Google that) getting you ready for the main event.


After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.


After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

For people who claim to hate Hilary, republican and right leaning people sure spend on lot of time trying to probe her.


The world is going to become a much more interesting place when Trump becomes President, which I believe he will if he can see off Hillary.

The panel tried their hardest to shoot him down last night, which i thought unfair as they did not do that in such a forthright way with the others

I also like Ted Cruz from Texas, he has done a great job there by the sounds of it

The sounds of it are that Ted Cruz seems always to be speaking through two tin cans and a string.

After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

Rightwing pulp fiction.

It is not a criminal investigation and it is not directed at any single person or any person at all.


What did you guys make of Carly Fiorina?

(Just curious as I missed the first 7 candidates & can't see 'Gump' winning anything higher than an Emmy!)


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

After viewing todays 1st Republican election debate, there is no way Hillary or Biden will be the next president.

"Koch suckers"??? I don't think anyone is interested in your sexual preferences. You may consider posting more appropriate comments in the future.


After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

"...the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president"

Well, well. All I can say is that your alternative reality is very different from mine. Tell me; do you also consider Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as a suitable presidential candidates?

"After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments"

You mean an uppity black guy in the White House??

"Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away"

You sure are an optimist - I'll give you that!

But what do I know - I'm just a god hating, gun hating, freedom hating, tax loving, tree hugging liberal....coffee1.gif


Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

That is the problem the Americans have. Choosing a president because none of the alternatives are wanted.

It is qu8ite stimulating that Trump throws sticks in the chicken pen, but making him president is another thing.

The Americans now have serious problem. Either the same old way or trumps way.

Scary !!!


Trump gets my vote because I'm sick and tired of the same old bull shit from both the Democrats and Republicans that we've been hearing for the past 20+ years. He may not be the "best man for the job", but as far as I'm concerned, he's a hell of a lot better than the tired old cookie cutter politicians we have now.

That is the problem the Americans have. Choosing a president because none of the alternatives are wanted.

It is qu8ite stimulating that Trump throws sticks in the chicken pen, but making him president is another thing.

The Americans now have serious problem. Either the same old way or trumps way.

Scary !!!

Exactly. Most people would agree that the current system is far from perfect and that e.g. (as has been pointed out before) the Koch brothers have far to much clout with the GOP. I think everyone would welcome candidates that came from outside the incestuous corridors in Washington, but <deleted> - the Donald?!?!?


If you guys think that a Trump Presidency would result in anything other than a nationwide (worldwide?) economic catastrophe you are badly misinformed.

Ya he don't know nothing about business does he?


If you guys think that a Trump Presidency would result in anything other than a nationwide (worldwide?) economic catastrophe you are badly misinformed.

Trump's answer to US's challenges: borrow under false pretenses, and borrow some more. Lie, and don't pay back borrowed money, and lie some more. That's been his business modus operandi and it's gotten him rich, so why change a good program. Note, in 18th century England he would have been slammed in Debtors' Prison at the age of 24, but in today's USA, borrowing (based on deception) and declaring bankruptcy every few years is accepted as the norm - heck, it's even feted.

I dont care about your opinion other than when it is fabricated. Trump has never filed for bankruptcy, chapter 7- which is basically insolvency- ie; that which makes bankruptcy personal. Reorganization bankruptcy exists to protect the lender and the borrower to restructure in order to successfully satisfy the debt or lessen the burden of making it whole. Everyone ostensibly wins- that is why it exists in Bankruptcy reorganization. It is corporate and a man who has more businesses than most have ever owned underwear would be associated with such ups and downs, but they are corporate.

Debtor's prisons were sadly for the indigent, people who could not satisfy debts. By virtue of chapter 11, the assets remain in some form of collateral. Besides, it is not a personal debt. Lastly, there is no evidence nor indeed any suggestion that Trump ever borrowed money on deception. Indeed, he would not have been a candidate for your imaginary corollary.

Not only is your post garbage but you define yourself as decidedly unable to even deliver your fiction clearly.

Man, you're really bending over to defend the King of bankruptcy. The fact remains that the Donald has shamelessly used bankruptcy as a tool to further his own economic interests. And you want this clown to be the next president???

Bankruptcy is a tool to further economic interests; that is why it exists. Why would anyone have shame over this? What is a shame is America's crowning glory of being akin to Sudan in doling out food stamps to a dependent populace who would never dream of business risk.




Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

After viewing todays 1st Republican election debate, there is no way Hillary or Biden will be the next president.

"Koch suckers"??? I don't think anyone is interested in your sexual preferences. You may consider posting more appropriate comments in the future.

It's entirely appropriate, because whoever has serious aspirations of running for the whitehouse is going to have to suck on the Koch brothers financial teat to do it.

Hence the simple abbreviation: Koch suckers.


After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

"...the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president"

Well, well. All I can say is that your alternative reality is very different from mine. Tell me; do you also consider Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as a suitable presidential candidates?

"After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments"

You mean an uppity black guy in the White House??

"Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away"

You sure are an optimist - I'll give you that!

But what do I know - I'm just a god hating, gun hating, freedom hating, tax loving, tree hugging liberal....coffee1.gif

Sarah Palin nor Michelle Bachman were part of this election debate. As far as Obama being "an uppity black guy in the White House," those are your words not mine.

I consider Obama to be dishonest, incompetent, and sorely lacking in leadership skills but that has nothing to do with being black, white, or a mixed race individual.

I certainly appreciate you sharing you are "God hating, freedom hating, tax loving, tree hugging liberal but this has nothing to do with this particular topic.


The world is going to become a much more interesting place when Trump becomes President, which I believe he will if he can see off Hillary.

The panel tried their hardest to shoot him down last night, which i thought unfair as they did not do that in such a forthright way with the others

I also like Ted Cruz from Texas, he has done a great job there by the sounds of it

The sounds of it are that Ted Cruz seems always to be speaking through two tin cans and a string.

After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

Rightwing pulp fiction.

It is not a criminal investigation and it is not directed at any single person or any person at all.

Well then, why do you think the FBI is investigating Hillary's private e-mail server? Do you think the investigators might be interested in the food recipes Clinton was sharing with Huma Abedin? Lets think about that for a minute. No, I don't think that is what the FBI is interested in.

As much as you may want to think the FBI is just paying Hillary a social visit, this is what is considered a criminal probe into possible wrong doing.


If you guys think that a Trump Presidency would result in anything other than a nationwide (worldwide?) economic catastrophe you are badly misinformed.

Ya he don't know nothing about business does he?

Business and government are radically opposite beasts. One is for profit and the other is for the general welfare to include people making profits as but one aspect of the general welfare.

And since when did business have its own army, navy, air force, marines and nuclear weapons, or EPA, Treasury and IRS, Departments of HHS and DHS among many other Constitutional responsibilities to the body politic.

Trump speaks like the egocentric tycoon he is, not as a public servant ceo or commander in chief. The right remembers Ronald Reagan but not as a businessman which he never was.

Man, you're really bending over to defend the King of bankruptcy. The fact remains that the Donald has shamelessly used bankruptcy as a tool to further his own economic interests. And you want this clown to be the next president???

Bankruptcy is a tool to further economic interests; that is why it exists. Why would anyone have shame over this? What is a shame is America's crowning glory of being akin to Sudan in doling out food stamps to a dependent populace who would never dream of business risk.

Wow! Chapter 11 filings reached a peak under GW and have continued to fall every since. Evidence of the excellent economic stewardship of President Barack Obama - the man who pulled the US from the economic cess pit into which it had been driven. Yep, the facts above don't lie.


If you don't have at least one Koch standing firm behind you, you cannot hope to be the Republican nominee. Obviously two Kochs are better than one, but I'm not sure that any of these clowns could handle two. You know what they say: If you can't ride two horses you shouldn't be in the circus.


The world is going to become a much more interesting place when Trump becomes President, which I believe he will if he can see off Hillary.

The panel tried their hardest to shoot him down last night, which i thought unfair as they did not do that in such a forthright way with the others

I also like Ted Cruz from Texas, he has done a great job there by the sounds of it

The sounds of it are that Ted Cruz seems always to be speaking through two tin cans and a string.

After viewing the 1st Republican election debate today, it is evident the Republican party is blessed to have so many qualified people capable of becoming the next president. After two terms of Obama, I don't believe America will want to participate in anymore social experiments.

The FBI is currently conducting a criminal probe into Hillary's security violations while Secretary of State. For you liberals expecting her to take over where Obama left off, you probably should be looking for another candidate. Hillary will be lucky to escape being a recipient of correctional services. Any aspirations Hillary has for moving back to the White House is quickly slipping away.

Rightwing pulp fiction.

It is not a criminal investigation and it is not directed at any single person or any person at all.

Well then, why do you think the FBI is investigating Hillary's private e-mail server? Do you think the investigators might be interested in the food recipes Clinton was sharing with Huma Abedin? Lets think about that for a minute. No, I don't think that is what the FBI is interested in.

As much as you may want to think the FBI is just paying Hillary a social visit, this is what is considered a criminal probe into possible wrong doing.

No matter how the right slices it, it's still baloney.

Mrs .Clinton is not being investigated nor is she suspected by the inspectors general or the FBI of being a criminal while SecState. Nothing was raised at the debate about it. There is instead the extreme rightwing media howling at the moon more and again for its own political bents and purposes.

if HRC were being criminally investigated the Democratic party would be in a hysterical panic mode yet it is not that or anything resembling that. This is more rightwing rubbish, same as Whitewater was Washington Republican and rightwing rubbish because nothing was ever found concerning Whitewater.

Then there's Ben Ghazi or whatever his name is. laugh.png


Lastly, there is no evidence nor indeed any suggestion that Trump ever borrowed money on deception.

One of many indications you're wrong: He would bid on and win government contracts to buy decrepit apartment blocks for cheap, under the guise (and prior agreement with gov't) that he would fix them up for low income people. As soon as he got 'em, he would serve eviction notices on everyone, no matter if they'd been living there for 2 or 3 generations. Then he would borrow more money to fix them up for higher class clients, telling them they were the greatest apartments in the world. They weren't. The bathrooms were still so small, a fat person could barely reach around in them to flush the cheapo toilet.

He would also get tax deferments (sometimes 20+ years!) from local gov't on properties he promised to build low income housing on. Then he would build deluxe apartments. He bought a house in Palm Springs Florida, and then wanted the airport to re-locate so he wouldn't hear planes flying overhead. He tried to move part of his empire to Los Angeles, and the L.A. city council told him to 'take a hike, whatever, dude. We don't want you or your conniving ways to L.A.'


Mrs .Clinton is not being investigated nor is she suspected by the inspectors general or the FBI of being a criminal while SecState.

You are as accurate as usual - NOT!

FBI investigation of Hillary’s emails is ‘criminal probe’

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured email account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.

The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

“It’s definitely a criminal probe,” said the source. “I’m not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe.


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