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Trump the main attraction at 1st Republican election debate

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The world is going to become a much more interesting place when Trump becomes President, which I believe he will if he can see off Hillary.

The panel tried their hardest to shoot him down last night, which i thought unfair as they did not do that in such a forthright way with the others

I also like Ted Cruz from Texas, he has done a great job there by the sounds of it

True, The panel were obviously anti Trump, but he beat them anyway.

Cruz lost me with his Israeli bias. What does Israel have to do with electing an American President?

but carries a lot of potential votes.

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Trump is main Distraction, not much more.

He's a distraction in the same way that a car bomb is a distraction.


If not for the presence of the Donald, the numbers of Americans paying attention to this primary would be a fraction of what it is now.

No one can seriously argue that some of these candidates possess much charisma, or the ability to get people's attention the way the Donald can.

Sure, some GOP folks are crying, but these are the people who have seen their idiotic agendas pushed aside in favour of the Donald's platform of vivid dreams and platitudes. The Donald offers hope and glory and draws people to these "debates" which would otherwise be rather boring events.

I believe that the GOP leadership is grateful for the Donald's presence. It is an attention grabber, and every time the Donald says something off-colour, it allows the PC brigade so, oh no we don't agree. At this time the Donald is all upside for the GOP. He's forcing the other candidates to work harder, and that is a good thing. The Donald is saying a lot of things that Americans of all political affiliations are thinking and saying. He has his faults, and he has his warts, and he's a boor, but he's a heck of a lot more honest and decent than some of the folks he's campaigning against in the primary. He might be a pompous rich guy, but he has more in common with the regular American than the other candidates.

I wish him all the best. thumbsup.gif

you've hit the nail on the head....it's keeping the other GOP candidates alive.For me bernie sanders makes more sense than any of them.


If not for the presence of the Donald, the numbers of Americans paying attention to this primary would be a fraction of what it is now.

No one can seriously argue that some of these candidates possess much charisma, or the ability to get people's attention the way the Donald can.

Sure, some GOP folks are crying, but these are the people who have seen their idiotic agendas pushed aside in favour of the Donald's platform of vivid dreams and platitudes. The Donald offers hope and glory and draws people to these "debates" which would otherwise be rather boring events.

I believe that the GOP leadership is grateful for the Donald's presence. It is an attention grabber, and every time the Donald says something off-colour, it allows the PC brigade so, oh no we don't agree. At this time the Donald is all upside for the GOP. He's forcing the other candidates to work harder, and that is a good thing. The Donald is saying a lot of things that Americans of all political affiliations are thinking and saying. He has his faults, and he has his warts, and he's a boor, but he's a heck of a lot more honest and decent than some of the folks he's campaigning against in the primary. He might be a pompous rich guy, but he has more in common with the regular American than the other candidates.

I wish him all the best. thumbsup.gif

The Donald has nothing in common with the regular American. He's a terrible human being who says misogynistic, racist things that play well with the base of the Republican party.

Americans are paying attention in the same way they pay attention to a car wreck. All that blood and twisted metal. You can't help yourself. You just have to look.

The Republican party's stance on everything only appeals to a small group. They've gone so far right wing nutter, they're going to get smothered in the general election.

The debate was a fiasco. The Republicans all look worse than they did before and Americans are seeing these clowns for who they are.

I wish Trump all the best too as he leads the lemmings off a clift.


The debate was a fiasco.

The debate was great and the biggest draw of all time for an event of that type. It shattered records.

IMO Trump did not do well, but he did not fail either. Personally, I hope that he does not stay in the race for very long. I think that debate proved that he is out of his depth.

Despite the spin of far-left loons, John Kasich of Ohio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are all viable candidates.


The debate was a fiasco.

The debate was great and the biggest draw of all time for an event of that type. It shattered records.

IMO Trump did not do well, but he did not fail either. Personally, I hope that he does not stay in the race for very long. I think that debate proved that he is out of his depth.

Despite the spin of far-left loons, John Kasich of Ohio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are all viable candidates.

Which is true (perhaps except Cruz unless the GOP want to poll in single digits) but the old saying mud sticks, and having the Donald doing his thing, means that in the general, when people go and vote, the five minutes consideration they give to theu choice will partly be consumed by the impression that the GOP are a bunch of unrepresentative clowns and that can only against some of the more substantive cantidates you mention.


When I wuz a kid I had to pay to see the circus....

Trump raped Megan Kelly right there in the auditorium.

Almost every time the camera goes to Charles Krauthammer he looks like he just sat up in his coffin. laugh.png

Look up Charles the K's story. A psych student can do a masters thesis on him.

Trump: WHAA! That lady was mean to me! MOMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

No one cries louder than a bully that has been punched in the nose.

It isn't Mr. Krauthammer but we can understand what it was like to just get the word in 2012 that President Obama won re-election, so here's the first moment of truth....


And a bonus video as Karl Rove and Fox Can't Believe It in the second moment of truth...


Ohio: President: 2012

Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote Winner

B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18

M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0

The Donald really hasn't any idea of what he's in for as the Republican primary voting begins in the states. For one thing, his newly hired campaign staff of political pros are already knifing one another in the back state by state. This is politics, not corporate America and the cold hard fact is that Trump has no clue of the difference. Campaigning for public office --and Trump's first electoral experience is for POTUS-- is a beast Donald Trump has no idea exists.

Yes it's all about politics, and that is the problem. Unfortunately the professional political class has forgotten it's supposed to run the country for the benefit of the citizens, not for themselves. The whole lot are a disgrace- talk talk talk and do nothing about the problems. HRC is the epitome of the worst in American politics, bur if she doesn't get indicted for the e-mail scandal she will probably get elected, to America's shame ( and to think I once supported her aaarrrggghhh )..

if she doesn't get indicted for the e-mail scandal

There is no email scandal.

HRC is not being investigated, there is no criminal referral by the Inspectors General, there is no target person in the FBI security inquiry of the email server; there is no "scandal."

The issue is of a few items in a few emails that are classified now that were not classified then. The corrective action the security agencies want to take is to get out of the public domain presently classified information that was not classified when HRC was SecState.

And here I'd thought self-defined socialists such as yourself did not memorize the super high financed and prolific fact-mangling rightwing mass of shitstirring media who have decided they will win this election by hook or by crook.


Trump is main Distraction, not much more.

If Trump wins (which he surely will not do) will the Bush Family move to Canada? Or to Mexico??

If Trump should by some manmade disaster advance, maybe he'll send Ted Cruz back to Canada and Mrs. Jeb back to Mexico while demanding payment of expenses and then some from each country. biggrin.png

Btw John Ellis "Jeb" Bush as it is turning out doesn't have half his dumbarse bro's abilities, which I'd say leaves the Family is a serious deficit. GW Bush loved political campaigning and for prez especially, while Jeb just can't for the life of him get the hang of it. So what's the old line R party establishment to do (he asked coyly)?


....while demanding payment of expenses and then some from each country.

I'd go back home just to register and vote for the guy if he promised that...

Let the other guys protect the shipping lanes for their own oil...


Hypocrite so called "Christians" that claim to be pro life on abortion, but are enthusiastic backers of military intervention overseas and support the death penalty sicken me.

I didn't say anything about being an enthusiastic backer of military intervention overseas, and never mentioned the "death penalty" but I certainly do support the death penalty.

Thank you so much for sharing I make you sick. There are a few others on this site I hope I make sick as well. You have a nice day as well, lol.

I wasn't referring to you personally, but since you brought it up, how do you reconcile being anti abortion ( pro life ) with being pro death penalty? I hope that you would be personally prepared to kill someone being executed then.

I'm not certain how you can compare an unborn baby with an adult who has commented a crime so heinous to warrant the death penalty. Maybe you can give that a little thought.

I haven't seen any advertisements for executioners but if there were a shortage of people willing to perform this job, then I would certainly consider it. Do you know what that job description pays?


The debate was a fiasco.

The debate was great and the biggest draw of all time for an event of that type. It shattered records.

IMO Trump did not do well, but he did not fail either. Personally, I hope that he does not stay in the race for very long. I think that debate proved that he is out of his depth.

Despite the spin of far-left loons, John Kasich of Ohio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are all viable candidates.

All viable candidates for what?

All the candidates seem unaware that women and minorities can now vote.


For a hilarious and irreverent look at the debate, Stefan Molyneux's youtube offering, takes the cake..

It's 80 mins long though.

Excerpt...Joe Biden is the 'in case of emergency break the glass' candidate..!

Seriously...the debate was abysmal and moderation was hostile to Trump....I support him despite his shortcomings...

All the competition is horrible...Hillary <deleted>..?


Thanks for sharing the link, that's well worth a watch. I didn't think the debate was abysmal - I actually thought it was a good move to have Fox news moderate - then the candidates can't blame liberal media. They were suitably hostile to all the candidates. I thought the opening question was good - clearly aimed at Trump. It's almost as if the winners of the debate were the moderators.


The debate was a fiasco.

The debate was great and the biggest draw of all time for an event of that type. It shattered records.

IMO Trump did not do well, but he did not fail either. Personally, I hope that he does not stay in the race for very long. I think that debate proved that he is out of his depth.

Despite the spin of far-left loons, John Kasich of Ohio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are all viable candidates.

All viable candidates for what?

All the candidates seem unaware that women and minorities can now vote.

Even though some of the the candidates ARE Women and minorities? Lay off the loopy juice. crazy.gif

Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it.

I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them.

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

When you put h in to pay for all of those people seeking freedom that have no jobs, no money and no skills, then perhaps you have a voice worth hearing. Besides, we let to many people in who have no jobs, no money and no skills that just drain our systems and then turn around and commit violent crimes or financial crimes against those they do have jobs, money in the bank and skills to offer.

Seems like a no brainer decision to me unless you are one of the pathetic looking to mooch and that won't think twice about robbing or harming someone.

A poor couple just got shot and killed in front of their daughter in the Mid-West trying to help an illegal Mexican stranded on the road.

There is a reason these people are fleeing their countries of origin broke and pathetic. They ran their own countries in the ground so why should we let them come to the US to do the same?


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president, although has some very good points that he will hopefully bring to the forefront of people's minds.

But really, who cares and his is certainly no worse than any politicians on any side of the aisle.

All of the issues have a way of balancing themselves out and the immigration problem will take care of itself in due course. Unfortunately, a lot of money will be wasted and good honest, hardworking Americans will be hurt financially,y and unfortunately, physically while these issues work themselves out.

I trust Bill Clinton, and therefor Hillarily. She will say all of the right things to rally the democratic base she can reach, but she will be nothing like an Obama when it comes to wealth shifting. She will actually help right the ship on many issues.

Two conservatives going at it. One clearly not starched enough for the other. Love it.

I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them.

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

When you put h in to pay for all of those people seeking freedom that have no jobs, no money and no skills, then perhaps you have a voice worth hearing. Besides, we let to many people in who have no jobs, no money and no skills that just drain our systems and then turn around and commit violent crimes or financial crimes against those they do have jobs, money in the bank and skills to offer.

Seems like a no brainer decision to me unless you are one of the pathetic looking to mooch and that won't think twice about robbing or harming someone.

A poor couple just got shot and killed in front of their daughter in the Mid-West trying to help an illegal Mexican stranded on the road.

There is a reason these people are fleeing their countries of origin broke and pathetic. They ran their own countries in the ground so why should we let them come to the US to do the same?

Not sure where you get your paranoid delusions from. Relax, nobody's trying to take over your country.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president, although has some very good points that he will hopefully bring to the forefront of people's minds.

But really, who cares and his is certainly no worse than any politicians on any side of the aisle.

All of the issues have a way of balancing themselves out and the immigration problem will take care of itself in due course. Unfortunately, a lot of money will be wasted and good honest, hardworking Americans will be hurt financially,y and unfortunately, physically while these issues work themselves out.

I trust Bill Clinton, and therefor Hillarily. She will say all of the right things to rally the democratic base she can reach, but she will be nothing like an Obama when it comes to wealth shifting. She will actually help right the ship on many issues.

Bill's a nice guy but he lied to the American people and got impeached. According to the Secret Service he called his wife Hilly the Hun. You can't really think the American people are dumb enough to go another round with the Clinton's.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.

But that is America. Anyone can run for president or office. He just happened enough money to finance it and namesake to garner some support for those sick of the panzy, do nothing politicians of today. Its entertainment. Gott love it. he actually epitomizes the joke politics has become.

Truth is, hard working Americans run this country and the politicians do little or say little to change that. Everything will be fine either way and Politicians, no matter how bad they are, cannot really mess anything up. Obama, however, has caused some serious problems with Russia, Israel and potentially in Iran, but those issues will work themselves out when the next leader steps in. No one can be as dumb as Obama . . . Prince Mongo would do a better job than Mongo yet we are still alive and kicking . . .


I hope you are not referring to me as a "conservative". I am a socialist. Did you not read my post where I want to tax really rich people at 99%? However, the modern Democrat party in the US is so loony tunes that it is impossible to support them.

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

My honest appraisal of most modern 'conservatives' is the they are really just closet socialists - stop the world I want to get off types spare me my benefits (but don't give them to anyone else) and whatever you do don't let us be over run by people seeking freedom we greedily save for oureleves!

When you put h in to pay for all of those people seeking freedom that have no jobs, no money and no skills, then perhaps you have a voice worth hearing. Besides, we let to many people in who have no jobs, no money and no skills that just drain our systems and then turn around and commit violent crimes or financial crimes against those they do have jobs, money in the bank and skills to offer.

Seems like a no brainer decision to me unless you are one of the pathetic looking to mooch and that won't think twice about robbing or harming someone.

A poor couple just got shot and killed in front of their daughter in the Mid-West trying to help an illegal Mexican stranded on the road.

There is a reason these people are fleeing their countries of origin broke and pathetic. They ran their own countries in the ground so why should we let them come to the US to do the same?

Not sure where you get your paranoid delusions from. Relax, nobody's trying to take over your country.


Hilarious!!!!! A picture truly is worth a thousand words!


Well judging by the reception Donald got when he refused to rule out running as an independent, let's hope he comes 2nd just for the comedy value.

I can't think of anything funnier than Trump attack ads, and it seems he can afford more than the Koch suckers.

After viewing todays 1st Republican election debate, there is no way Hillary or Biden will be the next president.

"Koch suckers"??? I don't think anyone is interested in your sexual preferences. You may consider posting more appropriate comments in the future.

I'm not American but have enjoyed watching 3 primaries while overseas. It's quite amazing how even the qualifying round before the main event attracts so much attention outside the US....and it should too because it invariably affects the rest of the world. In a way it's kind of refreshing to not be able to vote as the clowns play out to their captive audience. If you would say the race is over after that circus act then I would worry more about those who may just vote for a businessman that gets the crowd going just to avoid questions. Honestly I don't think the US has lost it, as the whole world seems to be going mad these days.

When Trump wins the republican nomination (which he could) he can choose Megyn Kelly as his running mate.

She would drop her pants in an instant for the opportunity. biggrin.png


I like Ben Carson a lot. Megan Kelly? Trump has been known to get some pretty good trim anyway. Megyn Kelly ain't all that hit. Trump should pick Ben Carson.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.

But that is America. Anyone can run for president or office. He just happened enough money to finance it and namesake to garner some support for those sick of the panzy, do nothing politicians of today. Its entertainment. Gott love it. he actually epitomizes the joke politics has become.

Truth is, hard working Americans run this country and the politicians do little or say little to change that. Everything will be fine either way and Politicians, no matter how bad they are, cannot really mess anything up. Obama, however, has caused some serious problems with Russia, Israel and potentially in Iran, but those issues will work themselves out when the next leader steps in. No one can be as dumb as Obama . . . Prince Mongo would do a better job than Mongo yet we are still alive and kicking . . .

Truth is, hard working Americans run this country and the politicians do little or say little to change that. Everything will be fine either way and Politicians, no matter how bad they are, cannot really mess anything up.

Truth is that's the truth.

Every rule does however have an exception and GW Bush with the neocons going into Iraq on lies by liars will continue to haunt US foreign policy for some considerable time to come. More on the possibly positive side, the White House-Tel Aviv divide over the Iran Agreement might help to balance US credibility in the region and globally.

All the same, the main point is that America needs a general election asap but biding our time to November next year will more than cut the mustard. The nature and structure of the political system and its processes place us several months away of party primary voting state by state or in party caucuses in a smaller number of other states, conducted in each state by the D and the R party. Voters in each party will begin to express themselves properly and in a short order.

Republicans driven by their rightwing base have got nowhere opposing and assaulting Pres Barack Obama from 2008 then again from 2012. We've had mid-term elections that have swung towards the Republicans yet Prez Obama's approval rating remains much higher than other presidents in their 6th and 7th years in office. HRC will benefit from this as she campaigns to succeed him.

Americans know it's getting time to clear out the enormous logjams from immigration to a greater restoration of the middle class. The election in 2016 will be seminal, a turning point, a statement from the people to get on with the business of resolving the accumulated outstanding issues. Washington will need to make new laws, reform some existing laws, dump shopworn laws, not do anything in respect of most laws.

Donald Trump is a part of this process in that his candidacy will inform voters of which party should emerge from the November 8th general election next year with the mandate to clear out the dense tangle of logs. Trump's candidacy will not be determinative, but it is sharpening the focus of voters on whether the Democratic party or the Republican party should get the coming mandate. That is good news for the good guyz and gals, one old warhorse galloping gal in particular.


Blustering politicians who can't answer tough questions - have been known to question the person asking the question:

Thaksin and Chaleum did it often - belittling the questioner, if the question was too tough to answer and/or proved the person being questioned - a liar.

In N.Korea or China, they simply shoot the person who asked the tough question, so Ms Megan should consider herself lucky.


The debate was a fiasco.

The debate was great and the biggest draw of all time for an event of that type. It shattered records.

IMO Trump did not do well, but he did not fail either. Personally, I hope that he does not stay in the race for very long. I think that debate proved that he is out of his depth.

Despite the spin of far-left loons, John Kasich of Ohio, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are all viable candidates.

Well, it wasn't a debate, just a Q &A by a panel that was obviously out to "get" him, especially Kelly. One minute isn't long enough to reply to anything seriously and the questions were far too long.

Everyone tuned in to see Trump attack the others, but he had little opportunity to do so, being given few opportunities to speak. After this disappointing non event, I doubt the next will attract as many viewers.

I disagree about Christie. He came across as mean, and Carly Who?

Kasich is my pick.


Why does people get all spun out over Trump. He will never be elected president

That he will never be elected President is one of the main reasons why rational Republicans are concerned about the side show that has been created around him. If he stays in the race much longer, Republicans will have a much more difficult time taking the White House in 2016. Every time he opens his mouth he turns another group away from the GOP and right into the open arms of the Democrats. First it was Latinos and now it's women. More than half of registered voters are women, and he's making cracks about menstruating? In an election that likely have the Republican nominee facing off against a woman? It's completely self-destructive.

And what's worse is that he's sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Legitimate candidates can't get a word in edgewise and serious issues don't get the attention they deserve. Trump is a policy light-weight, but he's such a blowhard that he's able to dance around the questions without providing a substantive response. Hey, he'd feel right at home here in the World News section of Thai Visa.

And quite honestly who cares how many people tuned in to watch? One incessantly ignorant poster was spouting off about how it broke viewership records. So what? The overwhelming majority of Americans heard just one soundbite from the event (no, it was not a debate) and that was the crack about menstruation. You can bet that the DNC is loving every minute of this.

And for all the gormless fanboys who repeatedly refer to Trump as "The Donald". Grow up. This sort of toadyish

behavior is really unbecoming.

But that is America. Anyone can run for president or office. He just happened enough money to finance it and namesake to garner some support for those sick of the panzy, do nothing politicians of today. Its entertainment. Gott love it. he actually epitomizes the joke politics has become.

Truth is, hard working Americans run this country and the politicians do little or say little to change that. Everything will be fine either way and Politicians, no matter how bad they are, cannot really mess anything up. Obama, however, has caused some serious problems with Russia, Israel and potentially in Iran, but those issues will work themselves out when the next leader steps in. No one can be as dumb as Obama . . . Prince Mongo would do a better job than Mongo yet we are still alive and kicking . . .

Truth is, hard working Americans run this country and the politicians do little or say little to change that. Everything will be fine either way and Politicians, no matter how bad they are, cannot really mess anything up.

Truth is that's the truth.

Every rule does however have an exception and GW Bush with the neocons going into Iraq on lies by liars will continue to haunt US foreign policy for some considerable time to come. More on the possibly positive side, the White House-Tel Aviv divide over the Iran Agreement might help to balance US credibility in the region and globally.

All the same, the main point is that America needs a general election asap but biding our time to November next year will more than cut the mustard. The nature and structure of the political system and its processes place us several months away of party primary voting state by state or in party caucuses in a smaller number of other states, conducted in each state by the D and the R party. Voters in each party will begin to express themselves properly and in a short order.

Republicans driven by their rightwing base have got nowhere opposing and assaulting Pres Barack Obama from 2008 then again from 2012. We've had mid-term elections that have swung towards the Republicans yet Prez Obama's approval rating remains much higher than other presidents in their 6th and 7th years in office. HRC will benefit from this as she campaigns to succeed him.

Americans know it's getting time to clear out the enormous logjams from immigration to a greater restoration of the middle class. The election in 2016 will be seminal, a turning point, a statement from the people to get on with the business of resolving the accumulated outstanding issues. Washington will need to make new laws, reform some existing laws, dump shopworn laws, not do anything in respect of most laws.

Donald Trump is a part of this process in that his candidacy will inform voters of which party should emerge from the November 8th general election next year with the mandate to clear out the dense tangle of logs. Trump's candidacy will not be determinative, but it is sharpening the focus of voters on whether the Democratic party or the Republican party should get the coming mandate. That is good news for the good guyz and gals, one old warhorse galloping gal in particular.

Unless they elect Trump, the next professional politician president will be just like all the rest- talk talk talk and do nothing escept what their money men tell them to do. It's getting so you can see the hand up their bottom moving their mouths.


It was never about the presidency for this hooligan. It is about the easiest path to becoming the most famous man on earth. This is of utmost importance to him. All that really matters is that there is not a single person on the planet who does not acknowledge him. I believe some call it megalomania? He is a freak show.

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