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Schumer, No. 3 US Senate Democrat, to oppose Iran nuclear deal

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Schumer, No. 3 Senate Democrat, to oppose Iran nuclear deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the No. 3 Senate Democrat and next-in-line party leader, said late Thursday that he is breaking with President Barack Obama and will oppose the Iran nuclear deal.

"After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I have decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval," Schumer said in a statement weeks before he will cast a vote.

Schumer, a leading Jewish Democrat, is the first senator of Obama's party to step forward to oppose the deal. His announcement came just hours after two other Senate Democrats — New York's Kirsten Gillibrand and New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen — announced their support for the international accord.

The deal, struck last month with Tehran and Western powers, would curb Iran's nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in relief from crippling sanctions.

Schumer's decision is a blow to the administration, though it remains to be seen how many other Democratic lawmakers follow the New York senator. Schumer informed the White House of his decision Thursday afternoon. New York Rep. Eliot Engel, who is Jewish and the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said in a statement that he too would oppose the deal.

Schumer's split with Obama is remarkable for a senior leader in line to replace Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., after he retires at the end of next year.

Schumer's decision also puts him at odds with the Democrats' likely presidential nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has cautiously embraced the deal. The Senate's No. 2 Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, supports the accord and has been working hard to persuade lawmakers to do the same.

The administration, which has lobbied intensely for the pact, had secured the backing of more than a dozen Senate Democrats and more than two dozen House Democrats, including Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. Republicans, who control the House and Senate, are uniformly opposed to the deal.

Schumer signaled that he wouldn't lobby hard against the accord. The House and Senate will begin debate on a resolution of disapproval when lawmakers return to Washington on Sept. 8 after their August recess. The administration needs Democratic support to sustain a widely expected veto by Obama of any resolution of disapproval.

"There are some who believe that I can force my colleagues to vote my way," he said. "While I will certainly share my view and try to persuade them that the vote to disapprove is the right one, in my experience with matters of conscience and great consequence like this, each member ultimately comes to their own conclusion."

Schumer has been under pressure as a congressional ally of Israel, leading fundraiser and strategist for his party, and lawmaker from a state that is home to more than a million-and-a-half Jews.

"The very real risk that Iran will not moderate and will, instead, use the agreement to pursue its nefarious goals is too great," he said in opposing the pact.

Schumer said he based his decision on the nuclear and non-nuclear elements of the accord and on the question of "Are we better off with the agreement or without it?"

He complained that the pact does not allow inspections "anywhere, anytime" and that the United States cannot demand inspections unilaterally.

Schumer joins a handful of Jewish Democrats who have announced their opposition — Reps. Steve Israel and Nita Lowey of New York and Ted Deutch of Florida. Michigan Rep. Sander Levin, however, has endorsed the deal.

The powerful pro-Israel lobby American Israel Public Affairs Committee is vehemently opposed to the deal, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denounced as undermining the security of Israel and the region. Opponents of the pact have targeted Schumer in campaign-style ads.

The media-friendly Schumer made the announcement through the blog Medium, not in a high-profile speech on the Senate floor like several of his colleagues. His statement was posted as much of the political world was focused on the first Republican presidential candidate debate.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-07

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A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.


A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.
Rather his boss with the Iranian mentor Valerie Jarrett should be impeached and then tried for treason. Looks like people are finally standing up to Obamas megalomania. There will be a watershed moment when everyone wakes up to the damage the POTUS is doing to the U.S and world security, this could be it.

By way of an update U.S intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site, which incidentally is the one where Iran is supposed to provide samples for the IAEA to examine.


Democratic Senator Chris Coons, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told us Tuesday that this area is part of why he is undecided on supporting the Iran deal.


"US intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site..."

Given our record on Intelligence in the region - one 'oups' of which led to a war costing trillions of dollars and 5,000 plus US lives and god knows how many legless and brain-<deleted>*ked - it's probably just someone cleaning the toilet.


I reject the classic Judeophobic trope that American Jewish politicians are not as loyal to the USA as other Americans. By the logic of these Jew baiters, Senator Dianne Feinstein (who I respect very much and think should have been our first woman and first Jewish president all in one but whose time has passed for that) is a traitor to the Jewish people by supporting President Obama in the Iran agreement. She is not. Nor is Schumer a traitor to the USA. These are all AMERICANS doing what they think is best for the USA in a very complex situation. Like members of other religions, other ethnicities, other races, other ethnoreligious groups, there is room for Jews to disagree on important national issues. The truth is that the American Jewish public is very SPLIT on the Iran agreement and that likely reflects the general American population in that.

Yes I do realize that IF there are enough U.S. congress votes to override Obama's veto (assuming he will have to veto it in the first place) that the Jew haters all over the world will blame American Jews for that result. But that's garbage ... as the vast majority of votes to do that would not be from Jews. Scapegoating Jews ... the sport that never ends. And people wonder why Israel needed to exist in the first place. Don't wonder.


Well that's one guy I'll be feeding non-kosher stuff to before I vote for him again.

What does that even mean?

Does he eat at your restaurant?

Does he even keep Kosher?

Most American Jews don't.

Would you have such obvious hostility towards him if he wasn't a Jew?


"US intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site..."

Given our record on Intelligence in the region - one 'oups' of which led to a war costing trillions of dollars and 5,000 plus US lives and god knows how many legless and brain-<deleted>*ked - it's probably just someone cleaning the toilet.

People don't usually use JCB's to clean a toilet, unless of course they are very fond of curry.

P.S J.T the U.S public is split 2:1 against the deal.


"US intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site..."

Given our record on Intelligence in the region - one 'oups' of which led to a war costing trillions of dollars and 5,000 plus US lives and god knows how many legless and brain-<deleted>*ked - it's probably just someone cleaning the toilet.

People don't usually use JCB's to clean a toilet, unless of course they are very fond of curry.

P.S J.T the U.S public is split 2:1 against the deal.

Well I would think American Jewish support is actually stronger than that as so many are politically liberal and pro-Obama. I know that has eroded somewhat, but not that much.


"US intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site..."

Given our record on Intelligence in the region - one 'oups' of which led to a war costing trillions of dollars and 5,000 plus US lives and god knows how many legless and brain-<deleted>*ked - it's probably just someone cleaning the toilet.

People don't usually use JCB's to clean a toilet, unless of course they are very fond of curry.

P.S J.T the U.S public is split 2:1 against the deal.

Or they just like to watch them dancing



Deal without war : might win next election.

No deal and another war : will lose next election.

Deal and Iran gets more powerful than ever and causes BIG trouble in the future : after next election.


Given the latest reports of Iran's interpretation of what verification entails, expect further opposition to the agreement.

Given the right wing hawks record, expect more sensationalist "news". Last travesty was "aluminium tubes" etc.

As said in another news thread...selling fantasies.


I reject the classic Judeophobic trope that American Jewish politicians are not as loyal to the USA as other Americans. By the logic of these Jew baiters, Senator Dianne Feinstein (who I respect very much and think should have been our first woman and first Jewish president all in one but whose time has passed for that) is a traitor to the Jewish people by supporting President Obama in the Iran agreement. She is not. Nor is Schumer a traitor to the USA. These are all AMERICANS doing what they think is best for the USA in a very complex situation. Like members of other religions, other ethnicities, other races, other ethnoreligious groups, there is room for Jews to disagree on important national issues. The truth is that the American Jewish public is very SPLIT on the Iran agreement and that likely reflects the general American population in that.

Yes I do realize that IF there are enough U.S. congress votes to override Obama's veto (assuming he will have to veto it in the first place) that the Jew haters all over the world will blame American Jews for that result. But that's garbage ... as the vast majority of votes to do that would not be from Jews. Scapegoating Jews ... the sport that never ends. And people wonder why Israel needed to exist in the first place. Don't wonder.

Yeah yeah yeah, everything you don't like is Judeophobic.

Do you think Schumer would go against the deal if Netanyahu was for it or ambivalent towards it?

No, of course he wouldn't. He's marching to the drumbeat of a foreign leader instead of his own...THAT is traitorous.

If Sen. Feinstein is a traitor to the Jewish people, but loyal to her own country and president....that's OK, isn't it, surely loyalty to one's own country is first and formost? But it's a silly statement, because she is not betraying "the Jewish people", she's simply not doing what Netanyahu wants her to do. Plus you are again conflating Israel's politics with "the Jewish people". They are not all Israelis, ya know...including the 25 000 odd that live in security in Iran.


Well that's one guy I'll be feeding non-kosher stuff to before I vote for him again.

What does that even mean?

Does he eat at your restaurant?

Does he even keep Kosher?

Most American Jews don't.

Would you have such obvious hostility towards him if he wasn't a Jew?

Considering I voted for him before.. I'm not happy he's happily betraying the USA to fulfil the needs of his campaign donors. Need to seriously overturn Citizens United and I'll be voting against Schumer in the primary next time.


A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.

Why do you think a free thinker in a party should be in "lockstep" with his president, as you suggest. Obama is the President of the US, but heaven help us if you think anyone has to agree with everything he wants or says. Seems you like the North Korean style of leadership. Disagree with me, I kill you. Easy. Stops dissent very quickly.


A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.

Why do you think a free thinker in a party should be in "lockstep" with his president, as you suggest. Obama is the President of the US, but heaven help us if you think anyone has to agree with everything he wants or says. Seems you like the North Korean style of leadership. Disagree with me, I kill you. Easy. Stops dissent very quickly.
Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out - Is a quote that springs to mind.

The direct linkage of Jew hatred and Israel demonization can be seen on this thread. According to this bigoted agenda a Jew who opposed the Iran deal is a traitor and a Jew must vote with Obama on this to prove to the bigots that he is not a traitor. Never mind the vast majority of votes against this will be from non-Jews. Again don't wonder why Israel needed to exist. The sickness of scapegoating Jews never goes away.

In case I'm not clear here in what I am saying -- is calling Schumer a traitor for opposing the Iran deal a reflection of Judeophobia ... yes it obviously is exactly that.


A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.

Why do you think a free thinker in a party should be in "lockstep" with his president, as you suggest. Obama is the President of the US, but heaven help us if you think anyone has to agree with everything he wants or says. Seems you like the North Korean style of leadership. Disagree with me, I kill you. Easy. Stops dissent very quickly.

I take your point and agree with you that a free-thinker does not have to be in lockstep with his president.

Is Schumer a free-thinker, or simply bowing to AIPAC and Netanyahu, the former being a fund-contributor (or the members of AIPAC) and the latter an emotive manipulator of his faith/race? I think you know the honest answer to that.


I am of the opinion that if the deal fails, it will be much worse for Israel than if it passes. There will be a split that may never fix itself and maybe that is not so bad. Who knows what Obama will try and do in retaliation? The majority of Americans don't know who the Jews in Congress are. Why give them a reason to find out?


A democrat with some INTEGRITY. This crazy deal should be opposed by the whole Congress and Senate.

A Democrat whose loyalties lie not with his president and nation, but with his brethren of a different nation. He should be sacked.
Rather his boss with the Iranian mentor Valerie Jarrett should be impeached and then tried for treason. Looks like people are finally standing up to Obamas megalomania. There will be a watershed moment when everyone wakes up to the damage the POTUS is doing to the U.S and world security, this could be it.

By way of an update U.S intelligence reports that Iran is already sanitizing the Parchin nuclear site, which incidentally is the one where Iran is supposed to provide samples for the IAEA to examine.


Democratic Senator Chris Coons, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, told us Tuesday that this area is part of why he is undecided on supporting the Iran deal.

The government pooh poohed all this sanitizing story that came out today. Another question does Shumer hold a dual citizenship Jewish and USA and do some of the others that will vote against this deal? There could be a question as to where their allegiance lies. This could open the door for all of you Zionist conspiracy theorists out in TVland. I have a friend that is really deep deep into this to the point where he claims that 9/11 was a setup. Its an obsession with him. In the end I think the objectors will shake Obama down for some major pork and the deal will pass. That's how the real politics works there is no allegiance, honesty and forthrightfullness. They will then go home to their constituents and do a victory lap. Same old same old. Talking about same old same old I watched part of the debate and it was the same old same old crap a rising of the economy will raise all ships blah blah blah that we have heard for generations. When "Just call me Jeb" stated that after he becomes president the GDP will be at 4% and he will create 19 million jobs I got sick to my stomach and had to turn the garbage off just to sickening for words.


Given the latest reports of Iran's interpretation of what verification entails, expect further opposition to the agreement.

Given the right wing hawks record, expect more sensationalist "news". Last travesty was "aluminium tubes" etc.

As said in another news thread...selling fantasies.

Ali Akar Velayati , a top advisor to Ali Khomeini said on Al-Jazeera in response to a question about UN inspection of Iran's military sites:

'Regardless of how the P5+1 countries interpret the nuclear agreement, their entry into our military sites is absolutely forbidden. The entry of any foreigner, including IAEA inspectors or any other inspector, to the sensitive military sites of the Islamic Republic is forbidden, no matter what.'

Interviewer: 'that's final?'

Velayati: 'Yes, final.'


I am of the opinion that if the deal fails, it will be much worse for Israel than if it passes. There will be a split that may never fix itself and maybe that is not so bad. Who knows what Obama will try and do in retaliation? The majority of Americans don't know who the Jews in Congress are. Why give them a reason to find out?

It's almost a given with you that all American Jews are fifth columnists, am I right or wrong?

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