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Looks Like The ( Late Night ) Life Has Been Sucked Out Of CM


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Can we get back to booze and hookers nightlife please?

I was waiting for your view on the subject. The one thing I have noticed is you are always right on the scene when

alcohol is mentioned. I Was kind of hoping to see what was happening been away for a while. I don't need the stuff but I do have friends who use it. Besides I am curious to see what the new government is doing.


I forgot to mention I have a wife don't need more.

"I forgot to mention I have a wife don't need more."

You really should proof-read before you post. Do you mean you don't need more wives, or you don't need your wife any more?

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Talking about late night action,

I was dragged around LK last week, the girls have gotten much prettier and younger (or is it me getting older).

Went into Spotlight, was surprised, lots of young slim, energetic and attractive girls. Four years ago it was lazy, chubby girls.

And it was packed out with them, but very few customers. Mind you, we were most of the customers in the whole area, nearly deserted.

Looks like new management in Spotlight.

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, as a matter of fact, many of them do.
as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.
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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, as a matter of fact, many of them do.
as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.

I don't know what tourists you deal with, but a great many of the backpackers do like to stay out well past midnight. There don't seem to be as many of them, and those that do come here don't seem to be staying as long as before. Do you think that the now tepid nightlife might have something to do with that?

Regarding lowlife sex tourists here to molest children, I don't know of anyone who fits that description. How do you know of these people?

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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, as a matter of fact, many of them do.
as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.

I don't know what tourists you deal with, but a great many of the backpackers do like to stay out well past midnight. There don't seem to be as many of them, and those that do come here don't seem to be staying as long as before. Do you think that the now tepid nightlife might have something to do with that?

Regarding lowlife sex tourists here to molest children, I don't know of anyone who fits that description. How do you know of these people?

I agree with HB..as I have previously stated, in places where it is hot as He)), people tend to stay in while it's hot and do a siesta, then go out late at night, let alone people, who have traveled through 7-15 time zones in the previous few days. Even going from West Coast USA to East Coast can find you wide awake at Midnight, and that is only three hours difference.

I don't think anyone, who has ever lived within 20 miles of a Catholic Church should be painting Chiang Mai or the nation of Thailand with a broad brush like that, but yes their are arrests for these crimes here, and they tend to be front page news. A high profile predator arrest is about a weekly event in medium size metro areas in the US, with teachers, and clergy frequently leading the perp walk.

Apparently, the numerous NGOs that are allegedly preventing these crimes often have a tough time finding actual victims, and have been known to blatantly falsify data to justify their funding and prevent a return to the trailer park existence they have waiting for them in the US. Some of the biggest crusaders have turned out to be 100% frauds. There are channels in place to report your fellow citizens, without even involving the Thai authorities. Most of us are subject to laws of our own nations, when traveling abroad.

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as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.

Ha, ha....this is the funniest post ever and by that I mean people should mock you.

a. Tourists you know don't like to go out drinking.

b. You don't (think) you hang out with "lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children."


c. Closing bars will discourage child molesters from coming to Chiang Mai.

Your carefully constructed argument, meticulous logic, and deep reflection are evident the only things missing. clap2.gif

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Talking about late night action,

I was dragged around LK last week, the girls have gotten much prettier and younger (or is it me getting older).

Went into Spotlight, was surprised, lots of young slim, energetic and attractive girls. Four years ago it was lazy, chubby girls.

And it was packed out with them, but very few customers. Mind you, we were most of the customers in the whole area, nearly deserted.

Looks like new management in Spotlight.

My gut reaction is that it's you who is getting older.

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as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.

Ha, ha....this is the funniest post ever and by that I mean people should mock you.

a. Tourists you know don't like to go out drinking.

b. You don't (think) you hang out with "lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children."


c. Closing bars will discourage child molesters from coming to Chiang Mai.

Your carefully constructed argument, meticulous logic, and deep reflection are evident the only things missing. clap2.gif

You ignored the word 'if'.

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Apparently, the numerous NGOs that are allegedly preventing these crimes often have a tough time finding actual victims, and have been known to blatantly falsify data to justify their funding and prevent a return to the trailer park existence they have waiting for them in the US. Some of the biggest crusaders have turned out to be 100% frauds. There are channels in place to report your fellow citizens, without even involving the Thai authorities. Most of us are subject to laws of our own nations, when traveling abroad.

Off topic, but this is interesting. The falsifying of figures doesn't surprise me at all, but I had always assumed that the missionary types out there in deepest, darkest Hang Dong were the same people as those who give freely of their time (as long as it's not more than one morning/afternoon (of their convenience) a week) man the charity (thrift) shops in England, i.e. bored middle class housewives with nothing better to do, often who make full use of bragging rights and were born with that particular 'do-gooder' gene. From your comment it would appear that those who spread the word aren't from that social class at all but quite a long way down the food chain.
I find that quite fascinating, and something of an insight.
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Do many 'normal' tourists stay out drinking long after midnight?

Yes, as a matter of fact, many of them do.
as a matter of FACT, let's see hard statistical proof. Of the many tourist that I have seen & dealt with, less than 1% are interested in going to a bar & sucking piss all night. Now if I was hanging out with the lowlife sex tourists who come here to molest children, it may well be a different story. If closing bars discourages this sort of vermin from visiting Chiang Mai, happy days.

I don't know what tourists you deal with, but a great many of the backpackers do like to stay out well past midnight. There don't seem to be as many of them, and those that do come here don't seem to be staying as long as before. Do you think that the now tepid nightlife might have something to do with that?

Regarding lowlife sex tourists here to molest children, I don't know of anyone who fits that description. How do you know of these people?

I find that the very term back packer denotes a traveler not a whore chasing bar fly.

that of course my opinion.

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.
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Apparently, the numerous NGOs that are allegedly preventing these crimes often have a tough time finding actual victims, and have been known to blatantly falsify data to justify their funding and prevent a return to the trailer park existence they have waiting for them in the US. Some of the biggest crusaders have turned out to be 100% frauds. There are channels in place to report your fellow citizens, without even involving the Thai authorities. Most of us are subject to laws of our own nations, when traveling abroad.

Off topic, but this is interesting. The falsifying of figures doesn't surprise me at all, but I had always assumed that the missionary types out there in deepest, darkest Hang Dong were the same people as those who give freely of their time (as long as it's not more than one morning/afternoon (of their convenience) a week) man the charity (thrift) shops in England, i.e. bored middle class housewives with nothing better to do, often who make full use of bragging rights and were born with that particular 'do-gooder' gene. From your comment it would appear that those who spread the word aren't from that social class at all but quite a long way down the food chain.
I find that quite fascinating, and something of an insight.

Some differences between missionaries and NGO staffs. More money with the NGOs. However, I will say that my two years in Hang Dong seemed to indicate that the missionaries were not well off retirees looking for something to do, but more like younger couples with too many kids, living a far better lifestyle than they would be in the US. Single family home? private schools? Stay at home moms? My hats off to the somewhat small number that actually have useful skills, which would not include simply setting up churches.

Many of the NGO people have some fairly decent credentials, but have decided to make a career out of working for non-profit organizations, and if they get grants from the government; it becomes a big game of politics, as does working for the Foreign Service.

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.
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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.

"Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative."

The authorities should be enforcing the law as it is written, not enforcing speculation about a law yet to be written. Closing down businesses for reasons other than established law is definitely not the business or the prerogative of the authorities.

That's how it works in countries with rule of law.

Edited by heybruce
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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.

"Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative."

The authorities should be enforcing the law as it is written, not speculation about a law yet to be written. Closing down businesses for reasons other than established law is definitely not the business or the prerogative of the authorities.

That's how it works in countries with rule of law.

Sure re Bruce. So are we under some illusions that we are living in such a country? If the yearnings are for the rule of law to be applied as per another country, the options are always available for you to freely move to that other country. Ever heard that old saying, when in Rome.... The Thais run THEIR COUNTRY according to their interpretation of the rule of law. After all, it is their country, isn't it? It may not be at the Gold standards you are eluding to, but I reiterate, if it's not good enough, move on.
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Well said. I'm just not sure what category Thailand falls into at this moment.

Possibly why so many things go unchallenged as no one knows what is law or what is made up on the spot.

Not a good scenerio and very hard on business owners let alone tourism.

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Well said. I'm just not sure what category Thailand falls into at this moment.

Possibly why so many things go unchallenged as no one knows what is law or what is made up on the spot.

Not a good scenerio and very hard on business owners let alone tourism.

This was in reply to Bruce's post.

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.

Well said, Marco.

I would venture to guess that most of the members have too much time on their hands. There is nothing in Chiang Mai which these expats do not put their fingers to; no joy, no misery passes unnoticed. They live among the hard facts of Thai life. It is the reality of a swamp and they are the frogs who have nothing better to do than to croak. The more they croak, the more real life becomes.

A constant atmosphere of calamity, it's marvelous. One can see how the idea of an expatriate heaven takes hold on their consciousness even when all the props have been knocked from under it. There must be another world beside this swamp. It's hard to imagine what it can be like, this heaven that they dream about. A frog's heaven, no doubt. Miasma, scum, lotus blossoms, stagnant water, sit on a lotus pad unmolested and croak all day. Something like that.

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Well said, Marco.

I would venture to guess that most of the members have too much time on their hands. There is nothing in Chiang Mai which these expats do not put their fingers to; no joy, no misery passes unnoticed. They live among the hard facts of Thai life. It is the reality of a swamp and they are the frogs who have nothing better to do than to croak. The more they croak, the more real life becomes.

A constant atmosphere of calamity, it's marvelous. One can see how the idea of an expatriate heaven takes hold on their consciousness even when all the props have been knocked from under it. There must be another world beside this swamp. It's hard to imagine what it can be like, this heaven that they dream about. A frog's heaven, no doubt. Miasma, scum, lotus blossoms, stagnant water, sit on a lotus pad unmolested and croak all day. Something like that.

You accuse others of having too much free time? What is the above supposed to be, are you trying to show off what you learned in a creative writing class?

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Really, I would have thought that the mention of child molestation in the same post would have fired them up? But thanks for the advice, it has been noted.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.

"Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative."

The authorities should be enforcing the law as it is written, not speculation about a law yet to be written. Closing down businesses for reasons other than established law is definitely not the business or the prerogative of the authorities.

That's how it works in countries with rule of law.

Sure re Bruce. So are we under some illusions that we are living in such a country? If the yearnings are for the rule of law to be applied as per another country, the options are always available for you to freely move to that other country. Ever heard that old saying, when in Rome.... The Thais run THEIR COUNTRY according to their interpretation of the rule of law. After all, it is their country, isn't it? It may not be at the Gold standards you are eluding to, but I reiterate, if it's not good enough, move on.

Once again, a couple of corrections--the majority of Thais aren't running this country, only a small unelected minority. Also, the first step in correcting a problem is identifying the problem, the problem in this case being arbitrary exercise of power not supported by established law.

As far as my leaving, I've made Thai friends and have some obligations here, so I intend to stay, enjoy what is good, and comment on what is wrong. If that annoys you it isn't my problem.

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Well said, Marco.

I would venture to guess that most of the members have too much time on their hands. There is nothing in Chiang Mai which these expats do not put their fingers to; no joy, no misery passes unnoticed. They live among the hard facts of Thai life. It is the reality of a swamp and they are the frogs who have nothing better to do than to croak. The more they croak, the more real life becomes.

A constant atmosphere of calamity, it's marvelous. One can see how the idea of an expatriate heaven takes hold on their consciousness even when all the props have been knocked from under it. There must be another world beside this swamp. It's hard to imagine what it can be like, this heaven that they dream about. A frog's heaven, no doubt. Miasma, scum, lotus blossoms, stagnant water, sit on a lotus pad unmolested and croak all day. Something like that.

You accuse others of having too much free time? What is the above supposed to be, are you trying to show off what you learned in a creative writing class?

Someone trying to show off his intelligence but proving the opposite.

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If you really want to upset the folks here, close a bar or knock a fraction of a percent off the alcohol content of their favourite brew. Nothing else seems to get such a reaction.

Trolling instruction? 1zgarz5.gif
Sometimes you need to have a laugh at what is taken way to seriously. Whatever the local authorities wish to impose in the way of trading restrictions for whatever reason, is their business and ultimately their prerogative. The consequences? Well, they are what they are. As far as trolling goes, 90% of what you read here falls into that category, so might as well have some fun with it from time to time. If I'm out of line for my use of the forum, have me banned.
Well said, Marco.

I would venture to guess that most of the members have too much time on their hands. There is nothing in Chiang Mai which these expats do not put their fingers to; no joy, no misery passes unnoticed. They live among the hard facts of Thai life. It is the reality of a swamp and they are the frogs who have nothing better to do than to croak. The more they croak, the more real life becomes.

A constant atmosphere of calamity, it's marvelous. One can see how the idea of an expatriate heaven takes hold on their consciousness even when all the props have been knocked from under it. There must be another world beside this swamp. It's hard to imagine what it can be like, this heaven that they dream about. A frog's heaven, no doubt. Miasma, scum, lotus blossoms, stagnant water, sit on a lotus pad unmolested and croak all day. Something like that.

True I do have a lot of time on my hands. Being retired does not mean I have to be running around all the time like a chicken with it's head cut off. I am fortunate in that I live in Chiang Mai and if I wish there is lot's to see. Been a while and thinking of returning to some of the sights I have been to before. Sitting around bars is not some thing I want to do or have to do. As I mentioned earlier I have a wife and no need for another one. The one I have is just


Yes it is funny how many long time expats get all bent out of shape when the drinking scene is diminished.

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I sure as heck don't want to see a ban on booze, but, at this point, I couldn't care less if every bar in the city closed down. Closing at 00:00 is relatively insignificant compared to not being able to get a cold beer, not being able to get a fresh beer, not being able to get a clean glass, and generally nasty restrooms. Oh, and the music sucks and you can't smoke. I can do five, large, fresh Heinekens, out of my own frig and not have a 'gover....try doing that with some old Leos. Bars aren't the only place to find ladies. I reluctantly went to Airport Plaza, last Saturday and there were way, way more nice ladies than at any bar I've ever been to in CNX (or elsewhere). <deleted>, Robinson's seemed more like a place for an older single guy to go get adopted by a younger beauty, than a department store. That was at 11am, too. I was glad to get out of there, by noon, because there are lots of tour buses going there...but geeez..Zoe what? are you f-- kidding me? I can almost smell the circus pants, funny hair body odor just thinking about it. Life is good in CNX, my sympathies to any business owner who has had his assets seized. Lack of planning on your part; doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.

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Sitting around bars is not some thing I want to do or have to do. As I mentioned earlier I have a wife and no need for another one. The one I have is just


Yes it is funny how many long time expats get all bent out of shape when the drinking scene is diminished.

Me too, not bothered about beer or bars, have a wife, don't need anyone else for sex,

But sometimes it's just nice to go out and have hookers rub themselves against you and tell you how hansum and irresistible you are..

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Sitting around bars is not some thing I want to do or have to do. As I mentioned earlier I have a wife and no need for another one. The one I have is just


Yes it is funny how many long time expats get all bent out of shape when the drinking scene is diminished.

Me too, not bothered about beer or bars, have a wife, don't need anyone else for sex,

But sometimes it's just nice to go out and have hookers rub themselves against you and tell you how hansum and irresistible you are..

When you're married with kids, just getting out is nice. Anything extra is a bonus thumbsup.gif

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Yesterday at Zoo in Yellow complex, dramatic, all bars closed at 12, not that there where much customers anyway, wonder how that can be... seems like the police is really successful killing the night life for young travelers.

If they continue to do this into the high season I wonder how many will ever return to Chiang Mai.

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people who go to Zoe and such places after midnight are only a very small percentage of tourists in CM at any given time, and I would also suspect only x% of young travellers. Doubt that would mean a dramatic decrease in number of tourists in CM if midnight rule applied because:

the young travellers will either drink earlier, drink less or drink after hours in private. They can party in BKK and on the islands they travel to late anyhow so I dont think a midnight curb will result in a dramatic decrease of these customers. The bars may be affected yes as shorter drinking hours.

secondly, people who go to Zoe arent just tourists, they live here, there is a fair percentage of farangs and thais who frequent Zoe who live in CM. Again, a midnight curfew wont cause them to leave CM but may affect bar revenues unless people start going to bars earlier or revenue is raised in another way.

Make sense?

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