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Police chief to seek approval from ministry to make direct order of 150,000 Sig Sauer pistols

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Police chief to seek approval from ministry to make direct order of 150,000 Sig Sauer pistols


BANGKOK: -- Police chief to seek approval from ministry to make direct order of 150,000 Sig Sauer pistolsPolice chief to seek approval from ministry to make direct order of 150,000 Sig Sauer pistols

The Royal Thai Police is seeking permission from the Interior Ministry to make direct purchase of over 150,000 pistols from a Western manufacturer for use by its personnel at their own expenses.

The move was led by commissioner of the Royal Thai Police Pol Gen Somyot Poompanmoung after a total of 150,000 police officers have confirmed their purchase order of the 9 mm Swiss-made pistol Sig Sauer P320 under the welfare scheme of the police to procure high quality pistols for police use at low price.

He said he would seek approval from the deputy minister of Interior Ministry to make direct purchase with the gun manufacturer without passing through any brokerage firm.

He said representatives of Sig Sauer has arrived for talk of the order and they agreed to sell at only 18,000 baht apiece.

He said market price of the pistol is over 70, 000 baht included tax, but the offered price is lower because it is a direct approach with the gun manufacturer.

He said his earlier request for 30% exemption of tax for the gun was rejected by the Finance Ministry with reason that the gun is bought for personal use and s a personal property, therefore the import tax could not be exempted.

But Pol Gen Somyot insisted that the gun is bought by police for official service as well and therefore the tax should be exempted.

He said he would also seek approval from the prime minister over the issue, as he saw this was necessary to help the police to have high quality guns for use.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/police-chief-to-seek-approval-from-ministry-to-make-direct-order-of-150000-sig-sauer-pistols

-- Thai PBS 2015-08-09

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150,00 more privately owned guns in Thailand, just what they need.

In professional police force, the force would issue the guns and maintain the record of who has possession of them. The police force would also hold the officer responsible to return the firearm at the completion of official duties. However we are talking about the RTP.


I wonder what the general hopes to achieve with flooding his police force with these weapons at a very low price, other than to create an opportunity for his people to sell them out the back door for a huge profit.


He seems anxious to get this deal done before he retires.

I wonder why?

Maybe he's planning a trip to Japan.


This has to be a great idea,150000 new guns in Thailand,police officers in more debit,

(several were already sacked because they were bankrupt)what could go wrong.how

many police officers does Thailand have?,because on a normal day ,you only see them

at road blocks,or acting as security guards at banks,etc.

regards Worgeordie


Unless they want the barrel threaded for a silencer - the max list price is $499 (499*35=17,465 baht) and as low as $425 (425*35= 14,875 baht).

150,000 @ Bt18,000 = Bt2.7bn.

And don't forget the 15% "commission".

What could go wrong with this plan?

Did someone say "fire engine"?

So they're getting these for just over $500??? Seems really low.




Unless they want the barrel threaded for a silencer - the max list price is $499 (499*35=17,465 baht) and as low as $425 (425*35= 14,875 baht).

150,000 @ Bt18,000 = Bt2.7bn.

And don't forget the 15% "commission".

What could go wrong with this plan?

Did someone say "fire engine"?

So they're getting these for just over $500??? Seems really low.



Not sure where you get these prices. But the U.S. MSRP SHOWN ON THE SIGSAUER homepage is $628.00-$713.00 for the carry version.


And what happens to the 150,000 pistols that these new ones will replace???

I think we all know the answer...........!

Perhaps, but I wonder how many officers signed up to the scheme with the intention of selling the cut-price Sigs and keeping their existing firearms.


after a total of 150,000 police officers have confirmed their purchase order of the 9 mm Swiss-made pistol Sig Sauer P320 under the welfare scheme

Wow, is this a "populist" scheme?

What is this, 99% of the current officers have "confirmed their purchase"? Amazing.

At 18,000 THB, clearly someone is going to make a lot of money "financing" the purchase. I wonder who that could be?

Ammunition is not free, in another thread a reasonably informed person mentioned 800 baht/50 rounds. Who will subsidize ammo?

Training, spares, repairs, maintenance? All TBD?

Too easy to shoot holes in this questionable proposal?

I can't believe the RTA will approve this "plan"?

Why am I reminded of the One Tablet scheme?

I'd almost vote for subs before this "scheme"?


Are there in reality 150,000 police officers in Thailand needing to carry a (high-power, high-capacity, semi-automatic, top-notch) gun when they are on duty?

Or is this a wrong question to ask...?

Like asking whether there will (ever) be a permanent inventory of the (present and future) guns, I mean one that will be strictly followed up...?

(Considering the military don't seem to have any such, serious, inventory system as per today, for war weaponry, the chances look quite slim!)


Why do the police need guns anyway? They, The police, never seem to be in situations where they may actually need one. And do all police officers undergo regular training and fitness to possess firearms tests. I am against any police force being armed apart from a few elite specially trained officers in each area. I hope the Ministry refuses this complete waste of money.


We all know how they kept the contractor who was supposed to build all those new police stations in check and I am sure that the Royal Thai Police will have suitable controls in place for this "individual" purchase scheme


He seems anxious to get this deal done before he retires.

I wonder why?

Maybe he's planning a trip to Japan.

Not likely, more like baht and more baht.


Why do the police need guns anyway? They, The police, never seem to be in situations where they may actually need one. And do all police officers undergo regular training and fitness to possess firearms tests. I am against any police force being armed apart from a few elite specially trained officers in each area. I hope the Ministry refuses this complete waste of money.

Plus that the quotes on the website of the producer are lower as what this guy is saying they cost. And when buying something at such bulk amounts the price should go down.

Looks more like the guy wants to cash in some money before he retires.


So they're getting these for just over $500??? Seems really low.

Maybe manufacture to Thai standard- half finished.


And what happens to the 150,000 pistols that these new ones will replace???

I think we all know the answer...........!

Don't think anyone has to be Einstein to figure that one out.


Wow what a waste of taxpayers' money again for more encouragement of shooting any poor bastards (innocent or not, but rather innocent victims)


This has to be a great idea,150000 new guns in Thailand,police officers in more debit,

(several were already sacked because they were bankrupt)what could go wrong.how

many police officers does Thailand have?,because on a normal day ,you only see them

at road blocks,or acting as security guards at banks,etc.

regards Worgeordie

Where the heck do the 150,000 cops hang out? I never see any around my condo. After dark comes its like the wild wild west out there.


And what does: 'seeking approval from the ministry to make direct order' mean, hmmn Gen Somyot? Nothing to be made known to the general public?No State purchase procedures to follow? No control from State agencies? Nohing about the criteria used to 'select' Sig Sauer's pistol (not that this company's arms are poor quality, but...)? And no competition allowed from other companies like: Glock, Beretta, Smith & wesson, Heckler & Koch, CZ, FN, Springfield, just to name a few, or will we be told later none was showing any interest maybe?

You know what this 'smells' like, or should I write 'stinks of'? Mr Police Chief, you just shot yourself in the foot, big time, you just gave all by yourself the best possible illustration that the whole of the RTP, from the top down, is most urgently in the highest need of, huge, deep, 'changes and reforms', now, at once! Not that the public was not aware of it, but to see you 'plead' for a 2.7Billion Baht 'quick deal','under the table', behind the curtains, just a few weeks before your retirement, you really make it all too obvious!


Unless they want the barrel threaded for a silencer - the max list price is $499 (499*35=17,465 baht) and as low as $425 (425*35= 14,875 baht).

150,000 @ Bt18,000 = Bt2.7bn.

And don't forget the 15% "commission".

What could go wrong with this plan?

Did someone say "fire engine"?

So they're getting these for just over $500??? Seems really low.



Were did you get those prices? The model chosen is about $550-600.

Also it doesn't state how many magazines, holster etc that comes with. I imagine it's a complete kit.

These are to used as service weapons, personally I'm with everyone that states these should be administered by the RTP. It's ridiculous for an armed police force to expect officers to buy their own service pistols. The army certainly don't so why expect the police to!

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