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if you were thai, and educated to the highest schooling level in your country, would you listen to the foreigner's point of view? i sense our thai friends fear that if we were let in the back door we would make them outcasted work slaves? part of this statement may have a little irony. but in truth, far from it! an implementation of better schooling standards, westernised hospitals, modern sewerage sytsems, housing standards [double brick walls], balh blah, would be seen over night. education being number one of course! so, if you were Thai, tell me how you would lose out to progression?


let me go first then. if i was thai i would fear the foreigner because he may buy up large portions of what is our land. however if i was a foreigner i may want to see an improvement in governmental democracy. you know, give people more rights!


the old story all over again...

compassionate kind hearted coloniser bringin the "real" culture, technology, light of education etc etc. - all the goods of "civilasation" - to poor svages and barbarians.... taking their treasures in exchange for "fire water"... providing them with caring "better facilities" in reservations.... then may be few centuries later make some official public apolofy - or may be not bothering to do even that much - "sory for wrong things we've done to your ppl"...

or perhaps modern style - "liberating" , huh?

give ppl more rights... r u a comunist or socialist?

what is democracy anywya - in its real practiced form in nowdays world? a joke or shameless pretending? when and where there was/ is actual democracy? in blessed by God America where there are asx I recall only 2 active party who kicking the power from one to another to make it appear like it is voice populi who decides who will win the election? or else where?

thais were always some of the best who can listen to foreigner's point of you - that's why they were never colonised being able to keep their independence whilat the same time learning and implementing whatever modern ways or technologies they could from the west...

of course they were and even are not always able to get deal with the west as they would prefer, often beeing forced into certain disadvantages - but can they be blamed for that or rather those who make them being forced into that? simply coz "western civilazation" and "culture" dominates the world - most of times not by the superior wisdom, knowledge and other postive means but by imposing, manupulations, even open experessions of force?

and if some intelligent enogh ppl in asia come to leading position enabling them with enough abilities to withstand the outslaught of aggresive imposing of western values etc., not to speak economical and other agression, and suggests to switch from so called "free trade" to "fair trade" and requests the almighty west to mind their business and not interfer, while expressing the genuine appretiation of theri achivements and willingness to learn the good things which ppl in this country would decide are good or not good for them to select ....oh, then such person or group of people come under fire of severe critisism etc...

but if foreigners are so caring and selfless - why won't they simply the people in this or any other country they want to "civilaze" let decide for themselves? won't it be the democratice way - not WTO or IMF way and those who stay behind them and so called "globalisation" - few transnational corporations etc. ? but no! how it can be allowed! even if some country try to get free of IMF dictates by paying the full debt - well, there always be many other ways to get around to the same point....

and then also I am wondering: do all the peopl in "civilazed" countires enjoy the benefits of advanced glorious achivements - "better schooling standards, westernised hospitals, modern sewerage sytsems, housing standards [double brick walls], balh blah" ? I mean - do they all live in "double brick walls" houses? I'm not sure about that - may be you can enlighten me!

and then - why would glorious benedictors not try to benefit first those who are in their own countries who doesn't have such facilities? why need to go so far away to other part of the world unless there are some other motives, perhaps not so selfless?

so funny - the conditioned thinking of brainwashed followers of "civilized" world ! :o


who's kingdom please..?

lengthy post, but fine summary. let's say i assume that the previous post makes no specific analysis of wanted progression in an ever changing global economy. thankfully the post is well thought out and makes no attempt to down size the question of change. that's good. interestingly your point of view is defensive of all government's and cultures . therfore i don't disagree with your assumption that given time the thai peoples will make they're own choices. good or bad not sure?like wise it must be all too natural for me to call for progression as this is the kingdom's achille's heal. the only issue which is off the point, is the mentioning of socialism and communism, both of which i make no reference too. general change is all i ask of, and where does change come from? i must guess from capitalist's hands or integrated asean neighbours. thailand is not the final frontier, yet it would be caring of me to ask the provinces and they're people how do you see the kingdom in the next thirty years? i believe the hardened government may have hiden agendas to fatten existing thai-chinese interests you might say. so it is a definite advantage for the thai people to accept the foreigner, probably unkowingly, as chinese ideology is selfishness at it's core. believe me they aren't all that good for the kingdom. this means no real change for the kingdom and unfortunately the demise and leading to the former of your earlier quote 'socialism or communism?'. again i believe thailand is healthy to sustain minimal acceptance of foreign interests given they are implemented correctly. this is most possible! bye.

Thaimee Pattaya


I am no expert on this matter but from what I see, too many vested interests remain who have a desire to take advantage of the current situation. Too much wealth is held in too few hands already. Any losening of those laws would place them at a relative disadvantage to becoming even wealthier as the playing field would become level.

I have yet to come across a Thai that does not not want an improved infrastructure (although, I am not so sure they all want double block houses - perhaps houses, period is a good place to start !!).

Personally I dont think most Thais give a hoot about farang owning land etc, however the cynic in me says that by keeping the status quo, the foreign educated Thais with money already are far better placed to use that knowledge gained from abroad (and also with foreign investments) to then milk and ultimately take advantage of their fellow countrymen.


Thailand was never colonised because it formed a useful buffer between British Burma, Britsh Malaya and French Indo-china. Those parts of Thailand that the French and British wanted, like a lot of what is now Laos, the now northern states of Malaya and parts of now Kampuchea, they took.

The mention of China is interesting. Were you aware that until the reign of Rama IV the Thais paid tribute to the Emperor of China. Tibet was invaded on less reason than that!

Lung Bing

Thailand was never colonised because it formed a useful buffer between British Burma, Britsh Malaya and French Indo-china.......Were you aware that until the reign of Rama IV the Thais paid tribute to the Emperor of China.

Thailand was never conquered because the Thais always give up before anyone has to conquer them and then go on with life pretty much like nothing was happening. Jeez, we're talking about people here who managed to finesse World War II.

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