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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

Rise of fascism? Take off the tinfoil hatt smile.png

We will have to agree to disagree. Far right parties modify their manifesto to gain more traction in their attempt to gain power. The far right leadership has temporarily sublimated their aggression towards Jews, gays and other 'others'. Without doubt the far right, upon gaining power, would take off their masks and commence their journey of destruction.

Well, this is a thread about Sweden primarily and not a single party in Sweden are as strong Israel (and by that jew) friends as Sweden democrats are. And do you even know that nazism and fascism are in economical views* so far left that communism is almost jealous of them? One journalist in Sweden, after asking her face to face, why is the massmedia calling Sweden democrats "a far-right party" when their economical views are quite leftist... her answer was ashtonishing: "because that is what we have always done". Now ponder about that answer for a while...

*which is what primarily establishes if a something is left or right.

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I know why there are few British people entering nursing ( can't speak for Drs )- it's because nursing is full of bullies and costs too much to train for what you earn now that they made it a degree course......

From The Daily Mail on why British NHS trusts need to recruit abroad (similar reports appeared in most UK newspapers last December; I chose the Mail so my source couldn't be accused of left wing bias!)

(Dr Peter Carter, the chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing ) added: "Individual trusts and hospitals are not responsible for commissioning the number of training places.

"That was taken out of their hands, that was done by the health authorities and now you have this shortfall.

"This is not the way to run a health service."

Dr Carter continued: "The Government has to take responsibility for their actions, they have got to get a grip."

There were 200,000 applicants for 20,000 training places a year, he said.

"We should increase the number of training places, we should welcome that fact that people want to be nurses, and we should embrace them."

(7by7 emphasis)

Ten applicants for each training place!

So how are British people being put of from entering the profession? Simple; 9 out of 10 who do want to can't due to the lack of suitable training places!

That is why trusts have to recruit form abroad.

Unless you know more about this than the chief executive of the RCN!

As for your other comments; I suggest that you acquaint yourself with the immigration rules and naturalisation requirements and current situation and policies before commenting on them!

Visitors to the UK are not entitled to NHS treatment, except initial treatment in A&E and a few other exceptions. Many hospitals in the past did not check on this as thoroughly as they should have done; but that has changed.

Work visas do not lead to citizenship after 5 years.

Tier 2 visas, which covers nurses, can be extended but holders are time limited to a maximum of 6 years in the UK.

One of the requirements for naturalisation is that the applicant has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

Visitors to the UK are not entitled to NHS treatment

I know that, which is why I said it was a SCAM. I hope it has changed.

Work visas do not lead to citizenship after 5 years.

Hmmmm, You may be right, but then, how did my Philipino flatmate get citizenship after 5 years? Unless of course he was just a BS liar, which is entirely possible.

Tier 2 visas, which covers nurses, can be extended but holders are time limited to a maximum of 6 years in the UK.

Hmmm. Perhaps you can explain why all tne Phillipinos that worked with me were still working after 6 years, and far as I know still are, 10 years later.

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my remarks in my original response still stand; any response to those?

Yes, quit wallpapering.

Translation; I have no answer, so will ignore and deflect as usual!


ALL lives matter, whatever the race, colour, religion.

If that were true there would be no war and every illegal economic refugee would be welcomed with open arms, also no such thing as abortion, or elder abuse.

I guarantee, if I was to lose everything and end up on the street begging, few, if any, would give a monkey's about me.

It's a soundbite that politicians use, but is meaningless in real life.

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(Nested quotes removed for clarity and to comply with forum software)

Visitors to the UK are not entitled to NHS treatment
I know that, which is why I said it was a SCAM. I hope it has changed.

It has; not perfect yet, but getting there.

Work visas do not lead to citizenship after 5 years.
Hmmmm, You may be right, but then, how did my Philipino flatmate get citizenship after 5 years? Unless of course he was just a BS liar, which is entirely possible.

Assuming he was in the UK with a work visa, then the rules have changed considerably over recent years.

For many, many years, decades even, one of the requirements for naturalisation is that the applicant has no time limit on their stay in the UK; i.e. ILR or the equivalent. So he would have had to obtain that before he could apply for naturalisation.

Very few, if any, work visas now lead to ILR, so therefore there is now no route to citizenship via a work visa.

Tier 2 visas, which covers nurses, can be extended but holders are time limited to a maximum of 6 years in the UK.
Hmmm. Perhaps you can explain why all tne Phillipinos that worked with me were still working after 6 years, and far as I know still are, 10 years later.

Again, the rules have changed. Tier 2 (General) visa; 6. Extend your visa

How long can you stay?

You can apply to extend your visa for up to another 5 years, as long as your total stay is not more than 6 years

The Phillipinos you mention will have entered the UK before the rule changes; but whether they will be able to extend their stay once their current leave expires depends on what type of leave they hold and from next April how much they earn.

From April 2016, non EEA workers in the UK will not be able to extend their stay unless they earn £35,00 p.a. (source). How many nurses get that?

Moral; if you want to comment on the current UK immigration rules; keep up with the changes to those rules!

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Argue as you may. Words matter little. One by one, the actions of the actions exhibited across the world will slowly but surely tear down the PC walls one brick at a time.

One can only imagine how much money and resourced are wasted by Western countries trying to monitor and thwart the actions of crazy Islamists. The only reason these attacks are not occurring on a daily basis is because of the amount of resources we spend to keep it from happening.

The amount of freedom, privacy and funds us innocent people living in Western societies lose very year to keep Muslims in check is staggering. Then we get to deal with the broke losers with no education or job skills living their broken run down countries to go to our countries to live off of us so they can plot against us. I would like to extend my warmest, deepest heart felt gratitude to all of them and all of you that excuses for all of them. You guys rock and are the pillars of society!

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You must know what I meant; unless you are the type of person who believes ONLY white lives matter!

And unless you are dishonest and obtuse to the last you would recognize my comment was directed at the moral inversion taking place in Sweden where the foreigner is always the victim and the Swede always the culprit.

Regarding the released 23 year old associate of the murderer I have the following observations. The would be train Jihaddist in France was known to the police, the murder of four people at a Jewish nursery school in France was known to police. In any case where a suspect is potentially capable of ideologically motivated violence they should be interned.

Thanks to liberal myopia and mass immigration we no longer live in normal times, internment pending mass deportation is what's coming to Europe imho. Of course so self appointed pious do gooders can feel good about themselves many will fight tooth and nail against such measures, whilst their fellow citizens are slaughtered like dogs on a holiday beach, blown to smithereens in a disco or decapitated in broad daylight whilst shopping for a nest of tables.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

So the parties are combining to circumvent the will of the electorate ? And your claim is that this is to save democracy ?

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

So the parties are combining to circumvent the will of the electorate ? And your claim is that this is to save democracy ?

At this stage the combined parties aligned against 'nationalists', 'conservatives' or whatever euphemism people want to use as cover for the far right have more voters, then yes it is democracy in action.

Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric by some within this forum, if the far right obtains and consolidate power, IMO, it will be a race to the bottom, far exceeding the threat by the Muslim extremists, for societal cohesion.

Edited by simple1
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Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric.....

How far is the net cast?

For some it seems personal, a 'person' thing.

It is easy to read between (or no need to) the lines to spot those.

Others, it is about the ideology of Islam and what full adherence to it brings.

Based on historical example, among other things.

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If an anti-immigration party comes to power of course there is a risk measures will become more draconian and policies will result in innocent victims, that risk is self-evident with uncharted territory. You claim anti-Muslim rhetoric to be hysterical, yet you persist in mischaracterizing it as 'far right', just as you persist in conflating criticism of Islam as an ideology with the condemnation of all Muslims.

The irony is that a stitch in time saves nine, the sooner authorities come to grips with the problem of assimilation of immigrants the easier it will be to improve matters without more draconian action. Furthermore the social 'cohesion' multiculturalists so often talk of is being ruined by the present course Europe is on.

Doing nothing will imho do more to bring about a violent break down in society than any change in immigration policy would.

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

So the parties are combining to circumvent the will of the electorate ? And your claim is that this is to save democracy ?

At this stage the combined parties aligned against 'nationalists', 'conservatives' or whatever euphemism people want to use as cover for the far right have more voters, then yes it is democracy in action.

Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric by some within this forum, if the far right obtains and consolidate power, IMO, it will be a race to the bottom, far exceeding the threat by the Muslim extremists, for societal cohesion.

You do know that any kind bad, no matter how harsh, view someone has of Islam does not make it anti-muslim right?

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If an anti-immigration party comes to power of course there is a risk measures will become more draconian and policies will result in innocent victims, that risk is self-evident with uncharted territory. You claim anti-Muslim rhetoric to be hysterical, yet you persist in mischaracterizing it as 'far right', just as you persist in conflating criticism of Islam as an ideology with the condemnation of all Muslims.

The irony is that a stitch in time saves nine, the sooner authorities come to grips with the problem of assimilation of immigrants the easier it will be to improve matters without more draconian action. Furthermore the social 'cohesion' multiculturalists so often talk of is being ruined by the present course Europe is on.

Doing nothing will imho do more to bring about a violent break down in society than any change in immigration policy would.

And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

So the parties are combining to circumvent the will of the electorate ? And your claim is that this is to save democracy ?

At this stage the combined parties aligned against 'nationalists', 'conservatives' or whatever euphemism people want to use as cover for the far right have more voters, then yes it is democracy in action.

Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric by some within this forum, if the far right obtains and consolidate power, IMO, it will be a race to the bottom, far exceeding the threat by the Muslim extremists, for societal cohesion.

So as long as democracy is supporting the political classes policies then its ok ? That is the definition of fascism.

Your misguided Utopian platitudes can only go so far. The facts are, anti social crime has risen markedly in places with high muslim immigration. You cannot disregard this fact.

Just because some people have identified this and want to change it does not mean they are right wing nationalists. I am white. My wife is not white. Yet you are calling ME a far right nationalist ?

Whatever... At the speed its going, with the whole world watching, some of these Euro nations like Sweden are turning into segregated hell holes in the name of cultural equality. The rest of the world can watch and learn.

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If an anti-immigration party comes to power of course there is a risk measures will become more draconian and policies will result in innocent victims, that risk is self-evident with uncharted territory. You claim anti-Muslim rhetoric to be hysterical, yet you persist in mischaracterizing it as 'far right', just as you persist in conflating criticism of Islam as an ideology with the condemnation of all Muslims.

The irony is that a stitch in time saves nine, the sooner authorities come to grips with the problem of assimilation of immigrants the easier it will be to improve matters without more draconian action. Furthermore the social 'cohesion' multiculturalists so often talk of is being ruined by the present course Europe is on.

Doing nothing will imho do more to bring about a violent break down in society than any change in immigration policy would.

Thats right. There would be no need or move to right wing parties if the political class would take a practical and perceptive stand on Muslim immigration in the first place.

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At this stage the combined parties aligned against 'nationalists', 'conservatives' or whatever euphemism people want to use as cover for the far right have more voters, then yes it is democracy in action.

Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric by some within this forum, if the far right obtains and consolidate power, IMO, it will be a race to the bottom, far exceeding the threat by the Muslim extremists, for societal cohesion.

You do know that any kind bad, no matter how harsh, view someone has of Islam does not make it anti-muslim right?

Agree, but mostly platitudes to that view on this forum. Some people claim they have nothing against Muslims per se, have Muslim friends, non-violence towards Muslims in general and so on. Some of the same people call for the forcible deportation of all Muslim heritage people, thereby completely contradicting themselves.

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Regarding the government myopia to the problems of immigration and their seeming indifference to ethnic Swedes here is a love letter to the Swedish prime minister from a very disgruntled Swede (#Whitelivesmatter).

The source is not on the multicultural approved list, but the facts are very clearly in the public domain.


"Hi, why did the Prime Minister feel it was essential and urgent to go and talk about the fire at the mosque in Eskilstuna, no one even knew what started it when he held his speech? But now, he's as silent as the grave. Why? It's his/your unconditional and lax immigration policies that have enabled this culprit to move freely in society, despite having received a deportation order not just once, but twice. Can you tell me if this is something the citizens of this country should get used to, that immigrants, upon receiving deportation orders, kill people in order to get a lifelong contract with the Swedish state? It is your personal responsibility every time this happens, I hope you know that. Because this is nothing if not a political issue regarding immigration, and... its massive consequences to an entire nation.

The Mosque fire resulting in national self-flagellation by proxy on the part of the prime minister turned out to be caused by an electrical fault.

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The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

So the parties are combining to circumvent the will of the electorate ? And your claim is that this is to save democracy ?

At this stage the combined parties aligned against 'nationalists', 'conservatives' or whatever euphemism people want to use as cover for the far right have more voters, then yes it is democracy in action.

Based upon the hysterical vitriolic generalised anti-Muslim rhetoric by some within this forum, if the far right obtains and consolidate power, IMO, it will be a race to the bottom, far exceeding the threat by the Muslim extremists, for societal cohesion.

You do know that any kind bad, no matter how harsh, view someone has of Islam does not make it anti-muslim right?

Any religion that has a fundamental policy of killing any adherent that decides not to be of that religion anymore, or says that women that commit adultery should be stoned to death deserves to be ostracised by any right thinking person. The fact, far as I know, that only Islam requires such punishments is significant.

So much for the religion of peace!

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And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

Just two of the views posted in this topic:-

  • If one of your parents is not Swedish, you are not Swedish.
  • If you belong to a certain religion then, no matter how many generations your family have lived in this country, you should be rounded up and put into a camp pending deportation.

Things which Hitler never believed in! (Sarcasm)

How long, I wonder, before a poster suggests a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem?

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And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

Just two of the views posted in this topic:-

  • If one of your parents is not Swedish, you are not Swedish.
  • If you belong to a certain religion then, no matter how many generations your family have lived in this country, you should be rounded up and put into a camp pending deportation.

Things which Hitler never believed in! (Sarcasm)

How long, I wonder, before a poster suggests a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem?

If one of you parents isn't swedish... does that other parent entirely "take out" the other non-swedish parents ethnicity? You are the kind of person who says "Obama is black" even though he is just as white as he is black.

Everything else in your post is like something my 5 year old son would say.

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And the most bizarre thing about the so called mutliculturalists that matter (media, politicians etc) is that they all live in ethnically "pure" areas which would make Hitler damn proud.

Just two of the views posted in this topic:-

  • If one of your parents is not Swedish, you are not Swedish.
  • If you belong to a certain religion then, no matter how many generations your family have lived in this country, you should be rounded up and put into a camp pending deportation.

Things which Hitler never believed in! (Sarcasm)

How long, I wonder, before a poster suggests a Final Solution to the Muslim Problem?

well you don't have to wait for the Muslim states to suggested it for Jews and Israel. They've been saying it for years.

About 1400 years to be more exact.

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(Nested quotes removed to comply with forum software)

If one of you parents isn't swedish... does that other parent entirely "take out" the other non-swedish parents ethnicity?

A reminder of what was posted by you and Steely Dan:

<snip>they do not count (as a foreign immigrant) someone born in Sweden if either the mother or father was born in Sweden but the other parent wasn't.......

You correctly identified the principle distortion in the misuse of the OECD figures, namely non-inclusion of children born to mixed Swedish-immigrant families.......

Which reads as if you are both saying that a person van only be Swedish if both their parents are Swedish (and by implication, all other nationalities)!

If that is not what you meant, perhaps you will explain exactly what you did mean.

You are the kind of person who says "Obama is black" even though he is just as white as he is black.

Wrong, again.

If describing his personal appearance I would say he is black or brown, as that is his skin colour.

In all other cases I would describe him as American.

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(Nested quotes removed to comply with forum software)

A reminder of what was posted by you and Steely Dan:

Which reads as if you are both saying that a person van only be Swedish if both their parents are Swedish (and by implication, all other nationalities)!

If that is not what you meant, perhaps you will explain exactly what you did mean.

You are the kind of person who says "Obama is black" even though he is just as white as he is black.

Wrong, again.

If describing his personal appearance I would say he is black or brown, as that is his skin colour.

In all other cases I would describe him as American.

I wonder what Obama's mother thinks everytime some media idiot describes him as "black" ( meaning ethnicity, not just skin tone )?

Some quotes removed to allow posting.

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Does it make you all warm and fuzzy that you falsely accuse normal people being "nazis wanting to transport muslims to camps"

There are a number of posts that come whisper close for rhetoric similar to the Nazis, deployed against Muslims on this & other topics by self declared sympathisers / advocates of the far right. Admittedly usually with disclaimers to protect their posting rights, though some occasionally slip up and get suspended or banned.

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Here is a telling anecdote as to what has become of Swedish society. An article about 'female safety' that gets praise seeing as it omits all mention of the elephant in the room.


“I really scared a girl tonight on my run when I came around a corner and accidentally shone my head light straight in her face,” he wrote.

“Of course I stopped and asked why, and then she explained how the events of recent weeks meant that she barely ventured out on the running track for fear that she’ll be the next victim, which is very sad because she, like me, loves night runs. I offered to follow her around her route and we had a nice conversation the rest of the way.”

Rosenqvist’s experience led him to reflect on women’s security in Sweden today.

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Here is a telling anecdote as to what has become of Swedish society. An article about 'female safety' that gets praise seeing as it omits all mention of the elephant in the room.


“I really scared a girl tonight on my run when I came around a corner and accidentally shone my head light straight in her face,” he wrote.

“Of course I stopped and asked why, and then she explained how the events of recent weeks meant that she barely ventured out on the running track for fear that she’ll be the next victim, which is very sad because she, like me, loves night runs. I offered to follow her around her route and we had a nice conversation the rest of the way.”

Rosenqvist’s experience led him to reflect on women’s security in Sweden today.

Nah, all lies! Mass media is currently pumping out that Sweden has never ever been as safe as it is now!

(cough, cough...)

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The Mass media are indeed desperate to silence those who observe the Multiculturalist Emperor has no clothes on. A recent case was the exposing of the name and address of a 70 year old critic of immigration policies, published in a national paper along with a photograph. This naming and shaming smacks of communist totalitarianism and has an echo here with the insults, diversions, appeals to authority some posters here engage in.

In Sweden, we have other kinds of punishment than death sentences for the “wrong” views. Precisely as said by the economist Tino Sanandaji on American television, this instead takes place in the form of social stigmatization and branding – thus expressing critical views about Europe and the world’s most extreme and destructive immigration policy – backed by a small and utterly reality-resistant bubble in Stockholm’s inner city, and that has never taken its journalistic mission seriously – becomes an absolute necessity.

http://gatesofvienna.net/2015/09/the-digital-assassination-of-julia-caesar/ Edited by Steely Dan
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