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Knife attacks kill 2 people at central Sweden Ikea store


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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

Maybe because the far right (who is still legal politically BTW) is the only source of information about the rapidly growing threat from radical Islam nowadays,since all other sources keep quiet because of political correctness ?

You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues.

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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

So you trust the accuracy and objectivity of websites which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim!

As or your video; I can't find it, maybe it's been taken down for being too graphic. Maybe it does show the attackers shouting Islamist slogans, maybe it doesn't. Maybe the soundtrack was added later; something any computer savvy 10 year old could do.

BTW, most of the rabid Islamaphobic sites you love use words like "appears to be decapitated" or "reportedly decapitated" and none that I have seen mention any slogans being shouted by the attackers.

Whatever the religion of the attackers, the Swedish police have stated that they are satisfied this atrocity was not politically motivated. I trust them far more than I trust the sort of sites you rely on for information.

As time passes, and they come to trial, the full truth will emerge. If it emerges that this was some form of Islamic terrorist attack I will, of course, accept that.

But I have a feeling that, as in similar cases elsewhere, you and you fellows wont care for that truth and so either ignore it or make feeble attempts to spin it.

Remember the appalling killing of Palmira Silva in London last year? She, too, was decapitated. Her attacker was Muslim. The websites you trust so much all called it an act of Islamic terrorism.

It was later proven that this was the frenzied act of a paranoid schizophrenic man on a drug and alcohol fuelled rampage. His religion played no part.

Remember the case of Nicola Edgington? She was also a paranoid schizophrenic who attacked and decapitated a stranger in the street.

But she wasn't Muslim; so as you can't use her case to advance your nasty politics you and your beloved websites weren't interested in her.

The websites you rely on are full of conspiracy theory <deleted>; but ignore all facts which show that <deleted> for what it is.

No one can deny that there is a threat from Islamic terrorists; but, like Simple 1, I prefer to obtain my information from mainstream outlets, regardless of their political leaning, rather than the people you use.

Edited by 7by7
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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

Got a few examples?

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It seems that, like Steely Dan, Yahooka puts his trust in media which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim! cheesy.gif

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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

Got a few examples?

Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

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It seems that, like Steely Dan, Yahooka puts his trust in media which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim! cheesy.gif

That really hurt.....................next coffee1.gif ...................

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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

Got a few examples?

Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

I don't know about your country; but all the British and international media I have read refers to them, and those at Calais, as migrants.

Some are, undoubtedly, economic migrants, but others are genuine refugees. Until they are rescued and processed, there is, of course, no way of telling who is which.

Numbers of migrants crossing Mediterranean nearly doubles in a year

The UN refugee chief, António Guterres, said most of those attempting the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean were not economic migrants. “Most of the people arriving by sea in Europe are refugees, seeking protection from war and persecution,” he said in a statement.

After Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea, the other countries where most migrants were coming from included Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq and Sudan, the report said.

Edited by 7by7
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It seems that, like Steely Dan, Yahooka puts his trust in media which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim! cheesy.gif

Wallpapering repeatedly with one incident where the right wing media got it wrong proves nothing, especially when the MSM repeatedly pedal risible fiction usually in order to play politics. There are so many examples to choose from, but I won't bother to clog up this thread with off topic diversions, of which some of our esteemed members are so fond.
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I was born and lived almost all my life in Sweden. I'm not just recounting what has happened to me/family but what i have read from what others, strangers to me, have said openly.

Thank you for answering that; I was unaware that you are Swedish.

However, it is still very possible that your experiences, and those related to you, are not giving a true picture; just as the 'experiences' related by certain British ex pats living in Thailand do not reflect the reality of life in the UK.

To be frank, your dismissal of reports about attacks on immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, in Sweden makes me even more sceptical.

I am not denying that individual Muslims are as capable of racist attacks and insults as anyone else, of course they are.

In the UK such incidents, including attempts by a very tiny minority to enforce strict Sharia law on the streets in certain areas, are illegal and, if reported to the police, the offenders are arrested, put before a criminal court and if found guilty suitably punished; including being jailed.

Is it not the same in Sweden?

Classic! 7by7 plays his usual trick in trying to impugn the credibility of other posters who have no direct experience of the area in question. When he discovers he is dealing with someone with infinitely more experience of Sweden than himself he tries to pull the no true Scotsman fallacy. This is as daft as John Kerry once lecturing Ayaan Hirsi Ali about the true nature of Islam.
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It seems that, like Steely Dan, Yahooka puts his trust in media which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim! cheesy.gif

Wallpapering repeatedly with one incident where the right wing media got it wrong proves nothing, especially when the MSM repeatedly pedal risible fiction usually in order to play politics. There are so many examples to choose from, but I won't bother to clog up this thread with off topic diversions, of which some of our esteemed members are so fond.

One example amongst many, oft repeated simply because it's so very risible it sticks in the memory; it also perfectly shows the gullibility of those who take anything on such sites seriously.

There are plenty more examples of the ridiculous lengths your sources will go to.

Not surprised you call bringing attention to the moronic outpourings of such sites a 'diversion.' That is the usual response from people with your views when faced with facts they don't care for but can't twist or ignore.

As with your beloved 'news' outlets, your rants provide plenty of belly laughs; but only a fool or someone as blinded by ignorant prejudice as you would take anything you have to say on the matter seriously.

As for your comments on my reply to Asheron; I suggest you find someone who can explain it to you; you have totally missed the point, as usual.

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It seems that, like Steely Dan, Yahooka puts his trust in media which call a road traffic collision in which two pedestrians were killed an "Islamist jihadist attack" simply because one of the four drivers arrested was Muslim! cheesy.gif

Wallpapering repeatedly with one incident where the right wing media got it wrong proves nothing, especially when the MSM repeatedly pedal risible fiction usually in order to play politics. There are so many examples to choose from, but I won't bother to clog up this thread with off topic diversions, of which some of our esteemed members are so fond.

One example amongst many, oft repeated simply because it's so very risible it sticks in the memory; it also perfectly shows the gullibility of those who take anything on such sites seriously.

There are plenty more examples of the ridiculous lengths your sources will go to.

Not surprised you call bringing attention to the moronic outpourings of such sites a 'diversion.' That is the usual response from people with your views when faced with facts they don't care for but can't twist or ignore.

As with your beloved 'news' outlets, your rants provide plenty of belly laughs; but only a fool or someone as blinded by ignorant prejudice as you would take anything you have to say on the matter seriously.

As for your comments on my reply to Asheron; I suggest you find someone who can explain it to you; you have totally missed the point, as usual.

The only thing that is moronic and disgusting is defending the disgusting and indefensible.

Once again, we have illegal and/or unwelcome immigrants doing harm to good, hardworking people that belong in that country.

BBC reporting:


Sweden Ikea knife attack: Suspect 'faced deportation'


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The only thing that is moronic and disgusting is defending the disgusting and indefensible.

I challenge you, or anyone else, to show where I, or anyone else, has done that anywhere in this, or any other, topic.

No one is making any attempt to defend what these men have done.

What I, and others, have tried to do is show that innocent people should not be labelled as murderers and terrorists because of this horrific attack.

No doubt the ignorant and prejudiced find that 'disgusting and indefensible,' but no rational person does.

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The only thing that is moronic and disgusting is defending the disgusting and indefensible.

I challenge you, or anyone else, to show where I, or anyone else, has done that anywhere in this, or any other, topic.

No one is making any attempt to defend what these men have done.

What I, and others, have tried to do is show that innocent people should not be labelled as murderers and terrorists because of this horrific attack.

No doubt the ignorant and prejudiced find that 'disgusting and indefensible,' but no rational person does.

I have skimmed the thread and a few of the links, so I may have missed something here...... The alleged killer is an Eritrean migrant who was just refused residency. Looking at the facts given, if one was to speculate, the most reasonable conjecture would be that the perp is a disgruntled Christian migrant, since Eritrean Christians outnumber Eritrean Muslims.Eritrea, with a GDP less than what Donald Trump has in cash, and with one of the worst human rights records in the world, is certainly a country that one would expect a person would be glad to never set foot in again.

To assume he is Muslim, even before his nationality was known, and especially after it was revealed he is Eritrean (since statistically he's more likely to be Christian), just shows what the beying hounds are like. They need to find a Muslim to blame.

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The only thing that is moronic and disgusting is defending the disgusting and indefensible.

I challenge you, or anyone else, to show where I, or anyone else, has done that anywhere in this, or any other, topic.

No one is making any attempt to defend what these men have done.

What I, and others, have tried to do is show that innocent people should not be labelled as murderers and terrorists because of this horrific attack.

No doubt the ignorant and prejudiced find that 'disgusting and indefensible,' but no rational person does.

I have skimmed the thread and a few of the links, so I may have missed something here...... The alleged killer is an Eritrean migrant who was just refused residency. Looking at the facts given, if one was to speculate, the most reasonable conjecture would be that the perp is a disgruntled Christian migrant, since Eritrean Christians outnumber Eritrean Muslims.Eritrea, with a GDP less than what Donald Trump has in cash, and with one of the worst human rights records in the world, is certainly a country that one would expect a person would be glad to never set foot in again.

To assume he is Muslim, even before his nationality was known, and especially after it was revealed he is Eritrean (since statistically he's more likely to be Christian), just shows what the beying hounds are like. They need to find a Muslim to blame.

Aftonbladet did something as rare as unicorns, they printed very early on that they both were christians.

But i'm curious if you are actually saying that the Dublin treaty is something that EU members should adhere to. If not, why not?

Edited by Asheron
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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

Many of us are supporting the right, because the left are trying to destroy our way of life, which we like, by encouraging a tsunami of illegal immigration by an alien culture which is against everything we believe in.

If you ever lived in an Islamic state, as I have, you would be against it as well.

Personally I support many socialist policies, but because of their lunatic immigration stance I am forced to support the conservatives.

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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

Got a few examples?

Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

The BBC and even Al Jazeera launder the statements and visuals they make to engender sympathy for illegal economic migrants. IMO in most cases it is deliberate misinformation or even propaganda. If Australian ABC still broadcast they would be doing the same. I don't get CNN so can't comment on them.

Just for once, I'd like to see them put a talking head on that asks why these people all want to go to Europe, and not a stable, rich, Muslim country like Saudi Arabia.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Interesting that some are using content from far right web sites. As far as I can ascertain not one mainstream media organisation is making similar allegations, let's see what unfolds in the coming few days as to the truth of the allegations.

I'm sure you and others of a similar mindset are hoping no more news will leak out for weeks, if at all because a terror attack in the progressive humanitarian capital of Europe would be very inconvenient, not to say embarrassing.

P.s the old tired 'far right' canard is looking dafter with each passing atrocity. I can but state that supposedly right wing sources are the only ones I tend to trust. Why? Well as George Orwell once wrote - In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Your allegation is based upon the usual conspiracy theories trotted out by the sites you & others obviously follow. I believe that so far Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism; I suggest to you they have more facts to hand than you. If the killers are identified as being motivated by Islamic extremism then it needs to be made public.

I have made clear that in my view far right political parties are just as much a threat to Western democracy as the Islamist. Beyond me why so many of this forum subscribe to the far right and support their agenda.

Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism

Like any government department, their official spokesmen have the government's hand up their bottom moving their lips.

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As ever, this topic has degenerated into the usual "Islam is evil and all Muslims want to kill us or force us to live under strict Sharia law' rants from the usual suspects.

Even though the authorities have not, as far as I am aware, stated their religion.

Even though, statistically, they are as, if not more, likely to be Christian.

Even though the authorities have categorically stated that there is absolutely no evidence that this attack was politically or religiously motivated.

Of course, the usual suspects simply dismiss all this as 'lies' and 'covering up the truth!'

They would rather believe the people who, among other obvious rubbish, published as true the absurd claim from an idiot American that Birmingham had been completely taken over and was now 100% Muslim!

Why do these refugees come to Europe rather than Saudi Arabia? Maybe it's because many of them are Christian!

A little bit of research will show that there are many refugees in Saudi, but as most of them are there illegally the Saudi government does not count them as refugees.

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simple 1 wrote :

"You must have limited access to content to make the claim above. There are numerous mainstream analysts / organisations that go into a great deal of depth on the challenges presented by Islamist issues"

I access lots of content,but the problem is that the mainstream media doesn`t and unfortunately the mainstream media is the ones that the average citicen reads and trust.

Got a few examples?

Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

The BBC and even Al Jazeera launder the statements and visuals they make to engender sympathy for illegal economic migrants. IMO in most cases it is deliberate misinformation or even propaganda. If Australian ABC still broadcast they would be doing the same. I don't get CNN so can't comment on them.

Just for once, I'd like to see them put a talking head on that asks why these people all want to go to Europe, and not a stable, rich, Muslim country like Saudi Arabia.

However bad the international MSM are they are amateurs compared to Swedish mainstream media, which actively aids and abets national suicide. Check out the first video in the link. Apparently children are given fast track residency. This has led to many supposed children who are clearly between 20 and 30. There is no age checking and the authorities ban people from even reporting their suspicions about children who are not.


Apart from being hilarious to those with a dark sense of humor it does indeed demonstrate why fringe media is the only remaining source of news when PC issues come into play.

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Got a few examples?

Got many,but one is that the mainstream media in my country is deliberately referring to everyone crossing the Med nowadays as refugees,when clearly most of them are economical migrants come from politically stable West or North African countries.When the average citizen get bombarded with false information like this dailly it`s unforunate and gives a wrong picture of the situation.

The BBC and even Al Jazeera launder the statements and visuals they make to engender sympathy for illegal economic migrants. IMO in most cases it is deliberate misinformation or even propaganda. If Australian ABC still broadcast they would be doing the same. I don't get CNN so can't comment on them.

Just for once, I'd like to see them put a talking head on that asks why these people all want to go to Europe, and not a stable, rich, Muslim country like Saudi Arabia.

However bad the international MSM are they are amateurs compared to Swedish mainstream media, which actively aids and abets national suicide. Check out the first video in the link. Apparently children are given fast track residency. This has led to many supposed children who are clearly between 20 and 30. There is no age checking and the authorities ban people from even reporting their suspicions about children who are not.


Apart from being hilarious to those with a dark sense of humor it does indeed demonstrate why fringe media is the only remaining source of news when PC issues come into play.

Interesting to see that many are saying PC now in relation to this subject. I am usually accused of claiming that anti PC is just a cover for using racist and rude words against certain groups.

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Ingrid Carlqvist, the editor of Dispatch International; a right wing, anti immigration publication, writing on a website run by Jamie Glazov; who among other things is an editor of Front Page Magazine. An ultra right wing, anti immigration, Islamaphobic publication run by David Horowitz.

Very objective; not!

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Ingrid Carlqvist, the editor of Dispatch International; a right wing, anti immigration publication, writing on a website run by Jamie Glazov; who among other things is an editor of Front Page Magazine. An ultra right wing, anti immigration, Islamaphobic publication run by David Horowitz.

Very objective; not!

Perhaps so, but it doesn't make him wrong to be anti immigration as it applies to the present situation.

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Ingrid Carlqvist, the editor of Dispatch International; a right wing, anti immigration publication, writing on a website run by Jamie Glazov; who among other things is an editor of Front Page Magazine. An ultra right wing, anti immigration, Islamaphobic publication run by David Horowitz.

Very objective; not!

And there we have it the sealed system. Will not even consider whether any source outside his cocoon relays information with any basis in fact. Within his mini Truman show we have the MSM, which will never upset his fools paradise. It would be funny were it not so tragic as those similarly deluded destroy civilization by either ignorance or conscious intent.


Ignorance is bliss eh?

Edited by Steely Dan
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Magazines like Front Page and Dispatch International have stated anti immigration in general and anti Islam in particular agendas.

To claim they are independent, objective sources is the act of the desperate.

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Swedish security agencies have not made the link to Islamic extremism

Like any government department, their official spokesmen have the government's hand up their bottom moving their lips.

I fail to see why the Swedish government would deliberately misinform the Swedish public of an attack by Islamic extremists, for sure the facts will be disclosed in Court. However, Asheron, posted above that a Swedish media outlet, Aftonbladet “did something as rare as unicorns, they printed very early on that they both were Christians”. There have been other claims that the attacker who committed the murders has an Eritrean Christian surname. We will soon be informed whether these claims are factual or not.

Various political parties had made errors of judgement on 'illegal migrants', but to then turn around and support far right political ideology is, IMO, also an error of judgement for the future of Western nations' societies.

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