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A bullet and a body: Thailand's troubling gun murders

Lite Beer

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Why don't they understand that the answer to many guns are more guns? Why don't they understand that to arm every man, woman and child is the only solution?? This is where the US is heading and you see how well it works there!!

Actually if you did a little research on the statistics. you might have a different thought. Crime has dropped several percentage points in all the states that concealed carry is permitted. Places that have traditionally been gun free zones like, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, where a little over 500+ people are killed by their outlawed guns (gun free means no guns are allowed) every year should prove to most thinking people that outlawing the guns in the states will just permit the bad people to still have them. Difference between law abiding citizens and gangland thugs is the law abiding will do whatever the law says while the thugs just say, "Screw you come and get it".

Much of the violence you hear about in the states are turf wars as the drug cartels expand their distribution networks in the major cites.. Chicago was prime Pickens with their gun laws... IE bad guys have guns good guys lose ....every time...

Pistols commit most of the crimes yet the politicians always want to outlaw what they call an assault rifle. Assault rifle is a fully automatic rifle not a semi auto (semi-auto pull trigger gun fires one shot where an auto fires all it's bullets until no more ammo or it jams).Same with Thailand where a local can legally buy a pistol for about 100,000 baht (same pistol in the states cost around 300$) but when it comes to a rifle unless a .22 caliber forget it... Why because the government does not like competition; maybe rightly so.

You don't here about the 750,000 crimes (or more ) every year in the states where a gun stops someone from being raped, robbed, or murdered. That is not part of the MSN agenda.

I could probably fill the allotted space up with stories of how a gun saved someone's life but it would be a waste of my time... The lines are divided and both entrenched in their reasoning.. It really does not matter for the states has a pesky thing called the Constitution...... and all it takes is about 34 states for a constitutional change of the 2d amendment.

You hate guns and gun owners and live in the states then there is a mechanism for change.. Get busy.. Non citizens can talk all they want to and post on bulletin boards about evil guns and evil American policies.. Nothing will change until American citizens want to change the constitution.

Yes guns keep the peace. People are far less likely to disrespect you for no reason if they know that a fist fight could end up on death and the winner in jail.

There shall always be murders and burglars

Civilians should have the right to defend themselves in their homes and some people on some areas should be allowed in their cars depending on their job and the danger level in the area

Astounding logic. First off, it says a lot about your priorities, perceptions, and behaviour if you believe (as you seem to) that disrespect from others is such a major issue and that it justifies the possession of firearms. I can't even remember the last time I felt disrepected by someone, and whenever it might have happened, I'm not sure that pulling a gun would have been the smartest response. You seem to live in a world where, without guns to 'keep the peace', people would be disrespecting each other left and right and fights would be continually breaking out.

Now there is a grain of truth to what you say. Mass shooters often feel they have been disrespected by society at large or by 'favoured' members of society, but they use their guns on innocent victims they take as representatives of that society. The link between feelings of being disrespected and gun violence is perhaps one you don't want to highlight so much.

Finally, it's a myth that guns offer protection in the aggregate. Here's a very recent overview of the evidence: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0804-hemenway-defensive-gun-home-20150730-story.html And isn't scientific evidence always preferable to NRA propaganda? Oh, right...

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Just the words ‘on a par with the United States’ should be enough for the Junta to spring into action create a few more new laws this sort of murder is almost as bad as boy racers on their nifty fifties and round up all the guns and have them crushed and ban the sale of ammunition in the country and the only source of ammunition would be the military or police.

Expect guns to be banned within 300 meters of schools very soon...

A good idea, and why not on 15th day of each month also?

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I suspect that there is a lot more to it than Buddhism and Karma, and would be interested to compare the gun / murder culture in Thailand to other Buddhist countries. Like many other things, I think it all comes down to corruption and poor policing that lets people think and act like we are back in the days of Al Capone.

So very true, nobody gives a fig about the law, it's like it doesn't exist in most Thai minds and it doesn't , 200 baht for no helmet that's about it,

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Many people take the law into there hands here because law enforcement and justice is for sale here......The police are 100years behind where they should be....and most, not all judges can be bought.

The trick is not put yourself in a situation where you will need either.

Not bought sometimes the problem cannot be resolved by the law so the only way is through a dispute like this

If these people could have got justice in the court then they would have done but the courts are slow and complicated

There are people all over the world that deserve punishment like this

People that take millions of dollars and live protected by the law looking for loop holes

These people have to remember that law or no law you do wrong then you'll get it !

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It wasn't all bad he came up with it seems:


Another complete lie from the NRA---- as Gobbles (the propaganda minister ) said , if you are going to lie make it a big lie & keep repeating it---if its said enough people will not refute it .It is a pity in these days when it is so easy to Google the truth---that some posters are to lazy ---or for other reasons to do so. Hitler relaxed the gun laws---for everyone except Jews.

Gun Law Germany 1928---1938-

The law was loosened in 1928, and gun permits were granted to citizens "of undoubted reliability" (in the law's words) but not "persons who are itinerant like Gypsies." In 1938, under Nazi rule, gun laws became significantly more relaxed. Rifle and shotgun possession were deregulated, and gun access for hunters, Nazi Party members, and government officials was expanded. The legal age to own a gun was lowered. Jews, however, were prohibited from owning firearms and other dangerous weapons...... http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2013/01/hitler-stalin-gun-control

I amnot absolutley sure of this but he didnot want to conquer Germany it was the fatherland. I think he wanted it armed. But he did want to conquer Jews and they didnot have guns..So loosening guns for the fatherland people he was simply arming his beloved. So gun regulations in Germany at the time is irrelevant. Even if it is a miss quote your arquement is poor in my eyes.

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