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Really weird situation I got myself into by agreeing to pay for a car. First, I told my wife that the car we were looking at needed new tires because the threads next to nothing. Within 2 weeks the front right tire exploded. I of course purchased new tires for the vehicle. Second, my wife took driving lessons on the weekend and told me and the taxi man that she could not drive a stick shift after taking driving lessons. So she had the taxi man come over and take the car to get the transmission shift changed to automatic. The taxi man brought the carback after two weeks and said that they could not get the parts. Within two weeks of me driving the car it was decided that somebody had the parts to change the transmisson. At the same time of giving the keys to the taxi man, he was also given 10000 baht and the keys to get the job done. After waiting a few weeks, I asked where the car was. Oh, the taxi man had the transmission changed but he needs to test it out because it was getting hot. I waited another two weeks and asked the same question. Where is the car that you needed so badly for the baby? Oh, he will bring it soon. We did not go to Korat because we were expecting the car. Where is the car? Oh the taxi man hit a telephone pole and crashed hit trying to avoid a motorcycle. Oh great! He will buy me a new car said my wife. I said what about me? I brought new tires and am still paying off your brother. I waited another two weeks. Oh he only has 50,000 baht but will get 40,000 from his boss to buy the car. I said what about the 10000 and the 15000 for the new tires and the change over to automatic? Question ignored. I asked, did you buy insurance with the remaining 10000 from the 100000 you borrowed from your brother? No! During this time she told me the taxi man lived right down the street from us and moved some time ago owing the 2 months rent. Today I asked where is the money? He does't have it. I told her to call the police do notknow how many times. Tomorrow, I will do it for her as I will not pay for a car that I am not driving.

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This is true and I am being patient are you? This is Thailand and it is not a joke. What can I legally do Mr Troll tolsti? Would you like to meet me in Pathumthani so we can discuss you accusations or should I hold you liable for defamation of character Mr. Tolsti?


It all does seem to go the wrong way, doesn't it?

I gave up on the wife's truck...it's old, and the stereo is worth more than the carcass. It overheats, and has some transmission slippage. "Fixed" it 3 times for a total of 8000...but it's still the same. Nobody wants it...so it is scrap. I won't put another baht into it.....because it will be a continuous cycle. Bottom line, rice field ornament.

Bought a brand new car two years ago, and Suzuki keeps it in good condition. Would never take it anywhere else, no matter how cheap. Just the comfort, and piece of mind is worth the car payment (9000 per month).

Neighbors who do cheap work, and who are desperate....get nothing from me. Furthermore, I refuse to be the only one that loses on a deal gone bad. The wife and I modify her allowances so that we share, proportionately, in any failed financial mishap.


This is true and I am being patient are you? This is Thailand and it is not a joke. What can I legally do Mr Troll tolsti? Would you like to meet me in Pathumthani so we can discuss you accusations or should I hold you liable for defamation of character Mr. Tolsti?

Is it possible to defame an anonymous poster?

(Assuming your real name isn't 'Nawanakorn1')


Where's the accusation? I just see a question... coffee1.gif

BTW, I like very much your "defamation case" cheesy.gif

And since you are a "man who knows the law" why don't you use your "skills" against the people, truly, involved in the case? Just asking... facepalm.gif

This is true and I am being patient are you? This is Thailand and it is not a joke. What can I legally do Mr Troll tolsti? Would you like to meet me in Pathumthani so we can discuss you accusations or should I hold you liable for defamation of character Mr. Tolsti?


It was a Toyota corrella I believe. True story, and I do not know what to do as I have to deal with my wife and she justs shuts down over it. I keep getting stories. I am trying to be patient about it. She has a picture of the suppposely wrecked car. It looks like it but I do not see any damage to the driver. Tomorrow I will call the tourist police because they speak Enlish. I have lived here for 7 years and haved been ripped off before so I do not make any deals with anyone but I cannot tell my wife what to do as she is the boss. Neither can I put my foot down with her as I know that I would be ignored! I try to get along but this is going on too long and I do not see any reprieve the situation. I am real but have to share this. I do not believe my wife as a conspirater in this matter but only as a victum who answer is to spend a day at the watt and let Buhda take care of the matter. And you think Japanese women have a problem!


Thanks Don, you are okay and I really appreciate your help! You must have a lot of friends wherever you come from. Me, I do not care. Give me 6 or 9 months and I will meet you in hell! You can fly a kite as they say in Thai.


changing a car from stick to auto is a complicated job, but should be a breeze for a taxi driver, even more so if he is a motor cycle taxi man.

you would have thought he would have got into gear and changed it quicker,


Thank fish fingers! It is pretty apparent where you fingers have been. Yeh Steve I remember friends of mine changing gears in the States but I am pretty sure they had problems doing it themselves. I have not seen a person here as of yet who can fix or change anything without jerry rigging it somewhere along the lines. Maybe it is just my bad luck but they should at least be honest about it and tell me the real truth! Forget face! Be honest, and say yeah I spent the 10000, got drunk and hit a telephone pole. Show me some blood on the face. No! No blood and no damage to the persons face with half the front end smashed end!


Thanks Don, you are okay and I really appreciate your help! You must have a lot of friends wherever you come from. Me, I do not care. Give me 6 or 9 months and I will meet you in hell! You can fly a kite as they say in Thai.

If you gunna be in hell in 6 to 9 months I reckon the car is the least of your worries.


tricky modification...............................................................................................

taxi man with car.................................................................................................

brother with tyres................................................................................................

wife is boss......................................................................................................

farang here 7 yrs.................................................................................................


what are you asking for, besides ridicule?


Ermm OP, having a real hard time even believing you're from the states with the way these posts and responses are being written? There does not seem to be any way English is your first language or even second for that matter, TEFL'r maybe? rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif .............................................. Nah, not even that............................ rolleyes.gif


OP, You bought a 90K baht car with money (100K) you borrowed from your wife's "brother" and spent the other 10k you borrowed on... Not insurance. You don't know for sure what kind of car it was. You don't know where the car is or if it's wrecked or stolen.

You owe payments on it to the wife's brother who is going to suffer because you won't pay for a car you don't have. The brother pays for the behavior of you and a taxi man.

I hope you're a troll because if you aren't you're in a world of hurts and not over the car.



This story made my day. 555

What a load of cr*p.

You THINK it is a Toyota. Lol

But as we all know taxi drivers can do and know everything, even about gear boxes.


People who cannot handle a clutch and manual gear don't deserve to put their fingers on a car anyway, with or without a driving license. (This does not apply to handicapped people.)


Ermm OP, having a real hard time even believing you're from the states with the way these posts and responses are being written? There does not seem to be any way English is your first language or even second for that matter, TEFL'r maybe? rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif .............................................. Nah, not even that............................ rolleyes.gif

Ermm, ever heard of immigration, you know, that phenomenon that the US was built on?


It was a Toyota corrella I believe True story, and I do not know what to do as I have to deal with my wife and she justs shuts down over it. I keep getting stories. I am trying to be patient about it. She has a picture of the suppposely wrecked car. It looks like it but I do not see any damage to the driver. Tomorrow I will call the tourist police because they speak Enlish. I have lived here for 7 years and haved been ripped off before so I do not make any deals with anyone but I cannot tell my wife what to do as she is the boss. Neither can I put my foot down with her as I know that I would be ignored! I try to get along but this is going on too long and I do not see any reprieve the situation. I am real but have to share this. I do not believe my wife as a conspirater in this matter but only as a victum who answer is to spend a day at the watt and let Buhda take care of the matter. And you think Japanese women have a problem!

"It was a Toyota corrella I believe."

You don't know?


Geez! Thanks for all of the advice. Yes, I am an old gray haired blue eyed senile American living in Thailand and do not remember the important things in life. Like the type of car my wife purchased or which team just won the whatevere series. So what? All I did was share something that is currently happening in my life.


I havn't called them yet because it is moms day today. I don't want my wife getting upset today. I have seen a picture of the car and it is somewhere in Rangsit. If I could speak and read Thai, I would be able to give an exact location. We will go down on Saturday and take our own pictures of it.

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