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US couple charged in Islamic State case denied bail


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US couple charged in Islamic State case denied bail
JEFF AMY, Associated Press

OXFORD, Mississippi (AP) — A young Mississippi couple who are charged with attempting to join the Islamic State were ordered held without bail Tuesday, pending federal grand jury action on the charges.

Twenty-year-old Jaelyn Delshaun Young and 22-year-old Muhammad "Mo" Dakhlalla, who were arrested at a local airport just before boarding a flight with tickets bound for Istanbul, went before a U.S. Magistrate Judge on Tuesday in Oxford, Mississippi.

The judge denied bail, saying that even though the pair have never been in trouble with the law and have relatives willing to oversee their home confinement, their desire commit terrorism is "probably still there."

Urging the court to keep the suspects in custody, Assistant U.S. Attorney Clay Joyner likened them to Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, saying that like him, they could commit violence with knives, vehicles or homemade weapons.

"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

FBI agents arrested them at a Mississippi airport, filing criminal charges that both were attempting and conspiring to provide material support to a terrorist group, a federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

An FBI agent's affidavit said both confessed their plans after their arrest. Defense attorneys declined to comment after the hearing, but told the court that the material didn't prove either had committed a crime.

Court papers say both Young and Dakhlalla are U.S. citizens.

The government says FBI agents began interacting online with Young in May about her desire to travel to Syria to join the group. It says her Twitter page said the only thing keeping her from traveling to Syria was her need to earn money.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-12

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"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

The venerated FBI has invested hundreds of hours into this investigation leading to the arrest of two moronic, harmless kids.

I feel so much safer now.

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"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

The venerated FBI has invested hundreds of hours into this investigation leading to the arrest of two moronic, harmless kids.

I feel so much safer now.

The Boston Bombers didn't use guns. Caused quite a bit of carnage.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Starting thinking about these issues is a good sign. Continue with logic:

- Shooting them dead is not compatible with Western philosophy.

- Keeping them in jails is cost prohibitive.

- Letting the willing to go is creating a swelled army of deadly enemies.

- Keeping the willing to stay is keeping the constant never drying up source of support for the enemy among your citizens.

- Separating 'good' from 'bad' is not possible - Taqiyya + present Laws and existing technologies do not allow this.

- Total extermination of them is impossible for too many reasons:

> inhuman

> you are carrying the seeds of future resurrection with the fifth column inside your country

> no bombs can kill a single idea.

We outnumber them (so far).

We have superior weapons (so far).

We will never win this 'asymmetric' war.

But do not think that there is no solution to this situation. There is. It was used and tested for Centuries.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

So the better option is to keep them in your own country where they can commit horrific crimes on your own populace?

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Starting thinking about these issues is a good sign. Continue with logic:

- Shooting them dead is not compatible with Western philosophy.

- Keeping them in jails is cost prohibitive.

- Letting the willing to go is creating a swelled army of deadly enemies.

- Keeping the willing to stay is keeping the constant never drying up source of support for the enemy among your citizens.

- Separating 'good' from 'bad' is not possible - Taqiyya + present Laws and existing technologies do not allow this.

- Total extermination of them is impossible for too many reasons:

> inhuman

> you are carrying the seeds of future resurrection with the fifth column inside your country

> no bombs can kill a single idea.

We outnumber them (so far).

We have superior weapons (so far).

We will never win this 'asymmetric' war.

But do not think that there is no solution to this situation. There is. It was used and tested for Centuries.

Shooting them dead is not compatible with Western philosophy. - It is if you let them join the enemy in the ME

- Keeping them in jails is cost prohibitive. - Agreed, let thenm go join the barbarians

- Letting the willing to go is creating a swelled army of deadly enemies. - Not enough numbers to worry about and anyway this so called army can be wiped out easily enough if the political will is there

- Keeping the willing to stay is keeping the constant never drying up source of support for the enemy among your citizens. - Exactly

- Separating 'good' from 'bad' is not possible - Taqiyya + present Laws and existing technologies do not allow this. - A big problem. Profiling and monitoring of Imans and Mosques is required

- Total extermination of them is impossible for too many reasons: Containment is the answer

> inhuman

> you are carrying the seeds of future resurrection with the fifth column inside your country

> no bombs can kill a single idea.

We outnumber them (so far). Yes, however we all know th eend game of islam or submission

We have superior weapons (so far). Unfortunately that idiot in the whitehouse is trying to change that

We will never win this 'asymmetric' war. Not the way it being fought now

But do not think that there is no solution to this situation. There is. It was used and tested for Centuries.

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If they just let them go. Then cancel there passports they could still enter other countries untill there passports expire. Other countries would not have that info when they entered, say the E.U. to cause mayhem.

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What are they going to do ? Lock up everyone who wants to join ISIS !! Forever....

Absolutely...fry them. Put them away in a deep hole where no one will see or hear from them for decades. Let them out and they will kill one or more people.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

So the better option is to keep them in your own country where they can commit horrific crimes on your own populace?

Nope - our government's to take responsibility for law enforcement, not enable terrorists to ship out to commit atrocities

EDIT: Have a read of the content below & then explain why US or indeed any other government knowingly involved should not take responsibility for the outcome of their policy decision.


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"Moronic Harmless Kids", you mean like those that wear dynamite under their clothes and kill many people ?


"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

The venerated FBI has invested hundreds of hours into this investigation leading to the arrest of two moronic, harmless kids.

I feel so much safer now.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

So the better option is to keep them in your own country where they can commit horrific crimes on your own populace?

Nope - our government's to take responsibility for law enforcement, not enable terrorists to ship out to commit atrocities

Like a couple of people from suburbia or the city are going to add the the chaos?

Slippery slope, arresting people for planning to do bad things. They should have been allowed to leave and commit their crime (or not), and tag their passports for arrest when they set foot in any country that has laws against what they did- not what they were thinking about doing.

Instead, the US taxpayers will be on the hook for $$$ millions of legal costs, $$$ millions more to investigate, and $$$ millions more to incarcerate them for decades.

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We should apply the law to these people. Treason might be a good charge given that IS is an enemy of the USA state and they were going to aid and abet IS.

I suggest Treason because of the legal difficulties of making going abroad to kill people a crime - I certainly would not want to make criminals of those people who go to defend the Kurds and others who are being massacred by IS.

Thank goodness that the defendants were so stupid. Defence lawyers will have some job on their hands unless it could be shown that the couple were entrapped or someone did something illegal in the investigation.

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Nope - our government's to take responsibility for law enforcement, not enable terrorists to ship out to commit atrocities

Like a couple of people from suburbia or the city are going to add the the chaos?

Slippery slope, arresting people for planning to do bad things. They should have been allowed to leave and commit their crime (or not), and tag their passports for arrest when they set foot in any country that has laws against what they did- not what they were thinking about doing.

Instead, the US taxpayers will be on the hook for $$$ millions of legal costs, $$$ millions more to investigate, and $$$ millions more to incarcerate them for decades.

Posts removed to enable reply.

There was a guy from Sydney and his friend who managed to join Daesh and then committed multiple murders of POWs, had sex slaves etc in Syria - posted photos of victims & boasted of their activities on Facebook; so yes even a few people can easily add to the 'chaos'. People don't concur with my POV, so be it...

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

So the better option is to keep them in your own country where they can commit horrific crimes on your own populace?

Well from the OP it is obvious they have no intention at all of wanting to commit horrific crimes on their own populace. If they wanted to do that then why in hell would they be going to Syria. They could have easily have done it at home, but thats not what they want to do.

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"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

The venerated FBI has invested hundreds of hours into this investigation leading to the arrest of two moronic, harmless kids.

I feel so much safer now.

The Boston Bombers didn't use guns. Caused quite a bit of carnage.

But they wanted to do that in the US. These two didnt, thats why they wanted to go to Syria.

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Like a couple of people from suburbia or the city are going to add the the chaos?

Slippery slope, arresting people for planning to do bad things. They should have been allowed to leave and commit their crime (or not), and tag their passports for arrest when they set foot in any country that has laws against what they did- not what they were thinking about doing.

Instead, the US taxpayers will be on the hook for $$$ millions of legal costs, $$$ millions more to investigate, and $$$ millions more to incarcerate them for decades.

...and all for a thoughtcrime.

If this results in a conviction and prison time, it will inspire not only militant Muslims, but others who hate what America is becoming.

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"They don't need a gun to do harm," Joyner said. "They don't need military training to do harm. What they need is a violent, extremist ideology, and that's exactly what they have espoused."

The venerated FBI has invested hundreds of hours into this investigation leading to the arrest of two moronic, harmless kids.

I feel so much safer now.

The Boston Bombers didn't use guns. Caused quite a bit of carnage.

But they wanted to do that in the US. These two didnt, thats why they wanted to go to Syria.

I don't think anyone who goes over to help ISIS comes back (if they do) with the same plan they left with. And they have an actual plan to go help ISIS, where many of those who have gone on to actually do attacks haven't taken an active stance supporting an actual group before they went to other countries.

The younger brother in the Boston bombing was pre-med or something like that and a good student. The guy who attacked in Tennessee was an out of work engineer. When he went to stay with his relatives for a few months, I'm sure he didn't plan to come back and then go attack service members a few years later. Yet he did. The underwear bomber's father tried to warn authorities ahead of time that he thought his son had gotten too radicalized overseas. Did he go over there with any intent to try to become a suicide bomber?

Did that UK guy "Jihadi John," go over there to end up beheading westerners on video? I doubt it, but that's what he ended up doing. If these two were going to Syria to help the Syrian people, that's one thing. But they're going to help ISIS. And when ISIS has been calling on people to target military and police in the US, that's a problem.

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I still dont get it. Why will countries simply not just let these idiots go and then cancel their passports. F UN agreements about making people stateless, once someone shows they support these butchers and are willing to join them all rights in the western world should be forfeited.

Presumably because governments do not wish to enable Islamists' to travel to conflict zones & commit horrific crimes against humanity.

So the better option is to keep them in your own country where they can commit horrific crimes on your own populace?

Well from the OP it is obvious they have no intention at all of wanting to commit horrific crimes on their own populace. If they wanted to do that then why in hell would they be going to Syria. They could have easily have done it at home, but thats not what they want to do.

You don't get it. They are already radicalised enough to want to support the ISIS butchers. The girl also praised the recent killing of the marines in America. It's not a big leap of logic to think that if they are prevented from helping spread terror in the ME that they will do so in their home country.

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