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Cambodia bans political activity or propaganda at schools


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PHNOM PENH, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- The Cambodian Ministry of Education has issued a directive banning political activity or propaganda at both public and private schools, saying that it will fine or close any academic institutions that have ignored this prohibition. "In the past, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports had observed that at both public and private academic institutions, there were a number of associations, organizations, education staff and teachers engaged in irregular activities such as establishing branches at those schools as well as interfering in the educational administration,"said the directive signed by Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron on Tuesday and released to the media Wednesday. "These activities have affected order in academic institutions and are contrary to their principle of neutrality, especially contrary to the Education Law,"he said.

The minister said any political activity or propaganda for political parties at all schools is prohibited.

Under the Education Law, he said any academic institutions that have conducted political activity or propaganda will be fined up to 20 million riel (5,000 U.S. dollars). "In case of the repeated act, the operating licenses of those academic institutions will be suspended or revoked,"he said.

read more: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-08/12/c_134507247.htm

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