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The lane between soi 5 & 7 demolished (near the TV bar)

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Shame that another little bit of the past has been reduced to rubble.

Soon all that will remain will be the rip off prices on Nana Plaza/Soi 4, Cowboy or characterless, sterile 'Expat pubs'. While an odd area which attracted some rummy characters (it wasn't nicknamed 'Blade Runner or Star Wars alley for nothing).

Gone are the days one could meander from Buckskin Joe's (Soi Zero) to Nana/Soi 4, over the road at 'suicide junction', a quick people watch at the Food Centre on 5, down the alley to the Beer Garden or New Wave, then on to Clinton Plaza and Cowboy.....happy days indeed....will we ever see the like of them again?

I know the puritan set, whose wives no longer allow them to go to the bars, will celebrate the passing of another bar area, but it's another bit of my own personal BKK history vanished (and that of several others going from the replies here).

No, Mr. Brilliant, I'm sad to say we will never "ever see the like of them again." Fond memories indeed.

Cheers Ed. Nice to know there are others with fond memories of that area.

A crumb of comfort is that the last few times I've been in the Beer Garden it has been rammed to the rafters - even on a Monday/Tuesday night. If it is true the lease is up, whoever is in charge there would be mad to let such a good business go. or someone with the money and inclination will snap it up.


Popularly known as 'Soi Toilet'

Soi toilet it certainly was, but it had a certain charm and I quite liked a beer there on occasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that what replaces it wont be so interesting.

Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

Why not? I mean not all countries allow the rich to build what they want, where they want, when they want. most countries have planning laws....

I was recently shown some detailed research that proves Bangkok does not have enough high end malls to cater to its growing middle class population and their increasing spending power.

Personally I'm glad to see the back of the shitty places and hope it continues. Bangkok has become a much better city in the 7 years I've lived here and I hope it continues to modernise.


Popularly known as 'Soi Toilet'

Soi toilet it certainly was, but it had a certain charm and I quite liked a beer there on occasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that what replaces it wont be so interesting.

Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

Why not? I mean not all countries allow the rich to build what they want, where they want, when they want. most countries have planning laws....

I was recently shown some detailed research that proves Bangkok does not have enough high end malls to cater to its growing middle class population and their increasing spending power.

Personally I'm glad to see the back of the shitty places and hope it continues. Bangkok has become a much better city in the 7 years I've lived here and I hope it continues to modernise.

I hope your post is ironic...


i drink in country road, yes it is still open , you can still walk from 5 to 7 but it is a bit of a cross country route.no probs


This is indeed a shame. The massage shop in the middle of the ally was inexpensive and decent enough. And yes; I have heard that the Beergarden property is also slated for re-development. Another hotel on a narrow soi that the tour buses can barely navigate...



Hopefully somebody will be able to help you on this matter, sorry, I cannot be of any assistance but if I could, I most certainly would...it's the type of question I often ask myself when passing similar situations in the course of a stroll with a friend.

But I got to thinking lately...why do we humans spend so much time speculating about the future, when all we have to do is sit back and let it unfold before our eyes.

The reason all this started in my head was because it is nearing "Election Time" in a couple of major countries around the world (not least my own with it's population of 4.5 million persons). Constant round the clock discussions about what the eventual outcome might be (and for sure getting more intense as the time gets nearer). Hours upon hours of differing points of view and opinions. etc., etc., etc., as if it was all going to happen when would be no longer be around to see the eventual outcome. Time that could be spent in much better ways like discussing how to solve the world's hunger problems or the immigrant crises.

Really sorry for going off on a different track but just needed to vent it. GB.



Hopefully somebody will be able to help you on this matter, sorry, I cannot be of any assistance but if I could, I most certainly would...it's the type of question I often ask myself when passing similar situations in the course of a stroll with a friend.

But I got to thinking lately...why do we humans spend so much time speculating about the future, when all we have to do is sit back and let it unfold before our eyes.

The reason all this started in my head was because it is nearing "Election Time" in a couple of major countries around the world (not least my own with it's population of 4.5 million persons). Constant round the clock discussions about what the eventual outcome might be (and for sure getting more intense as the time gets nearer). Hours upon hours of differing points of view and opinions. etc., etc., etc., as if it was all going to happen when would be no longer be around to see the eventual outcome. Time that could be spent in much better ways like discussing how to solve the world's hunger problems or the immigrant crises.

Really sorry for going off on a different track but just needed to vent it. GB.

what ever your smoking you should give it up .... it's affecting your sanity ... coffee1.gif


Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

They had the best outdoor seafood places there that were taken down, have been eating there religiously for over 15 years, always fresh - never a jelly belly - anyopne know if they have resurected them anywhere?? There were three seafood and one Beer bar under the same rook Luguna Seafood was one of them.crying.gif

There's a sign on the fence saying seafood moved to soi 7/1 - not remember it as being Laguna though

It's Carribean Seafood - now in Soi 7/1 left hand side. And still a good cook !!!


Popularly known as 'Soi Toilet'

Soi toilet it certainly was, but it had a certain charm and I quite liked a beer there on occasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that what replaces it wont be so interesting.

Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

Why not? I mean not all countries allow the rich to build what they want, where they want, when they want. most countries have planning laws....

I was recently shown some detailed research that proves Bangkok does not have enough high end malls to cater to its growing middle class population and their increasing spending power.

Personally I'm glad to see the back of the shitty places and hope it continues. Bangkok has become a much better city in the 7 years I've lived here and I hope it continues to modernise.

Yes good for you....bkk is such a small town. You just have to go to the sukky bar area. No other places for you. Go take a stroll around lumpini park or shop all day in MBK. Give me a break. Clean it up for what....yet another us less condo or still better plaza 5/7 to add to 21 plaza.


They are going to upgrade the dingy, cock roach ridden alleyway so it is more attractive and cleaner looking and draws more customers.....and the prices will go up to accommodate the new higher rents charged by who ever it is that owns that dingy, dirty, cock roach infect alleyway that is deemed as somewhat of a land mark location amongst all the beer guzzling, girly seeking expat foreigners and tourists alike that have fond memories of that alleyway located in Bangkok's premier nightlife area.

I am not complaining or ranting...rather just poking fun at the place because, what a place it is...yes sir, what a place it is...

It is about time anyhow because that place is well worn and in need of an upgrade indeed...lol



Popularly known as 'Soi Toilet'

Soi toilet it certainly was, but it had a certain charm and I quite liked a beer there on occasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that what replaces it wont be so interesting.

Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

Why not? I mean not all countries allow the rich to build what they want, where they want, when they want. most countries have planning laws....

I was recently shown some detailed research that proves Bangkok does not have enough high end malls to cater to its growing middle class population and their increasing spending power.

Personally I'm glad to see the back of the shitty places and hope it continues. Bangkok has become a much better city in the 7 years I've lived here and I hope it continues to modernise.

Yawn. If you knew absolutely anything about retailing in Bangkok, or anywhere, you wouldn't have come out with such a totally stupid line.


Popularly known as 'Soi Toilet'

Soi toilet it certainly was, but it had a certain charm and I quite liked a beer there on occasion. You can bet your bottom dollar that what replaces it wont be so interesting.

Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

Why not? I mean not all countries allow the rich to build what they want, where they want, when they want. most countries have planning laws....

I was recently shown some detailed research that proves Bangkok does not have enough high end malls to cater to its growing middle class population and their increasing spending power.

Personally I'm glad to see the back of the shitty places and hope it continues. Bangkok has become a much better city in the 7 years I've lived here and I hope it continues to modernise.

7 years, piffle.

Sadly, the future is yours.

Bangkok, R.I.P.


Actually, there is plenty of Old Bangkok left, and it's mostly protected by lack of English. New coming carpetbaggers not welcome...for now.

Sukhumvit has a special place in most old hands' hearts, but I first experienced BKK around Yannawa, Sathupradit Rd...I had no clue about Patpong/Sukhumvit/Cowboy for my first year, due to my overly protective TGF.

Aren't there enough malls and retail crap stores in the US/Europe for all you lovers of urban renewal?


For those that care, and there seem to be a few, there are plenty of malls in BKK -- here's a list from A to Z


Moreover, for BTS fans, there are mutliple major sized malls at every stop from Prompong to Siam -- except for Nana Station, the location of the soi in question. Alas, the changes there go in a different direction and so will the former soi toilet, starwars, bladerunner.

The expanding middle eastern population has made Nana the haven for sandals, mysterious roots and rubs, cheap trinkets and trash. Foodland cannot keep up with the demand for potato chips, regular coke and sweets that are all part of looking prosperous in some parts of the world. On the other hand, everyone loves a good spicy kabob, now available everywhere.

Progress is every where...but do we really want to be Singapore?


I now find myself describing Thailand as 'A copy of Singapore except nothing works properly and nobody speaks English' - that is what it is becoming - a far cry from the completely nutty place it was in the '90's.


Walking through that lane felt like traveling in a time machine, that smell, the feeling of the old days. Amazing that it has survived demolition for so long, now finally facing reallity of the new boring middleclass bangkok. And all the familiar faces are also gone....


They are going to upgrade the dingy, cock roach ridden alleyway so it is more attractive and cleaner looking and draws more customers.....and the prices will go up to accommodate the new higher rents charged by who ever it is that owns that dingy, dirty, cock roach infect alleyway that is deemed as somewhat of a land mark location amongst all the beer guzzling, girly seeking expat foreigners and tourists alike that have fond memories of that alleyway located in Bangkok's premier nightlife area.

I am not complaining or ranting...rather just poking fun at the place because, what a place it is...yes sir, what a place it is...

It is about time anyhow because that place is well worn and in need of an upgrade indeed...lol


Where will you meet your next 'wife' then Mr Mayor?


Shame. It was a good way to avoid those aggressive LBs out on Suk. One thing that always freaked me out about it though was it was always wet in there with lots of cables laying about under foot


If they ever kick out the Shawarma stand -- I will NEVER go there anymore , let the place DIE .....

Do you know that Muhammed pays THB 45,000.- p/month for that " site " .... GREEDY LANDLORD.

By the sounds of it, you'll have many to choose from.


Used that to love that dirty, seedy little soi. Had many a good time in the Country Road half way down on the left as you came from soi 7 and the pool bar that was owned by the dutch guy a little further down on the right. We used to buy cheap beer at his place, sit outside and watch the freaks go by. He used to get really pissed off when we would by shots of yadong from the small stall opposite too!


Hopefully somebody will be able to help you on this matter, sorry, I cannot be of any assistance but if I could, I most certainly would...it's the type of question I often ask myself when passing similar situations in the course of a stroll with a friend.

But I got to thinking lately...why do we humans spend so much time speculating about the future, when all we have to do is sit back and let it unfold before our eyes.

The reason all this started in my head was because it is nearing "Election Time" in a couple of major countries around the world (not least my own with it's population of 4.5 million persons). Constant round the clock discussions about what the eventual outcome might be (and for sure getting more intense as the time gets nearer). Hours upon hours of differing points of view and opinions. etc., etc., etc., as if it was all going to happen when would be no longer be around to see the eventual outcome. Time that could be spent in much better ways like discussing how to solve the world's hunger problems or the immigrant crises.

Really sorry for going off on a different track but just needed to vent it. GB.

How interesting!

They are going to upgrade the dingy, cock roach ridden alleyway so it is more attractive and cleaner looking and draws more customers.....and the prices will go up to accommodate the new higher rents charged by who ever it is that owns that dingy, dirty, cock roach infect alleyway that is deemed as somewhat of a land mark location amongst all the beer guzzling, girly seeking expat foreigners and tourists alike that have fond memories of that alleyway located in Bangkok's premier nightlife area.

I am not complaining or ranting...rather just poking fun at the place because, what a place it is...yes sir, what a place it is...

It is about time anyhow because that place is well worn and in need of an upgrade indeed...lol


Another pompous farang. Yeah I'm with you pal. Let's put a Starbucks and another McDonalds in there.

Or on other hand maybe you could stick to the zillion of these and shopping mauls.

You prob didn't like all the open food restaurants in soi 7.

Good news for you they are all demolished. Yippi another boring condo. Least for you they will have air con


If they ever kick out the Shawarma stand -- I will NEVER go there anymore , let the place DIE .....

Do you know that Muhammed pays THB 45,000.- p/month for that " site " .... GREEDY LANDLORD.

Does asking the market rate for rent constitute being greedy? Do you reckon "Muhammed" should be given some kind of special rate for his dirty little, rat infested, food outlet? Perhaps Muhammed should be considered the greedy one for accepting the rent as there must be a lot in it for him or he certainly wouldn't be there.


Beer garden will be next to go since its adjoining. Cant stop big $$ and progress..

They had the best outdoor seafood places there that were taken down, have been eating there religiously for over 15 years, always fresh - never a jelly belly - anyopne know if they have resurected them anywhere?? There were three seafood and one Beer bar under the same rook Luguna Seafood was one of them.crying.gif

Caribbean moved to 7/1.

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