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Wind-up drivers beware! Motorist to be fined 2000 Baht for this tacky car decor


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Quite right!!

Never mind the uninsured vehicles , drivers with no license, vehicles held together by string!! Kids on bikes screaming around at full speed, drunk drivers, traffic lights being switched off most off the time, the list goes on and on!!clap2.gif

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Car tackiness was overlooked by the CDC.

Thailand must have a constitutional provision that prevents "car Thaickiness" in order to deter conflict and protect Thai culture!

But maybe this is one of the events that would trigger a unity government and installation of an unelected PM. So the oversight might be deliberate.

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Foam key decoration banning......Thailand, solving one major problem at a time.

If it flies away on the highway and on your windshield it might be a major problem for you.

If hitting FOAM is a major problem for your car, maybe you shouldn't be driving it.

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Another regulation that means nought. What about making blacked out windows and front side windows illegal. In Australia there are very heavy fines and license suspensions for this. Of course a license suspension here means nothing as too many drivers don't have licenses. The transparency of the front windows must be such that other drivers can see one another for safety.

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Message to The Department of Land Transport.

Please, please don`t insist on this being enforced. The good people at the RTP farce force are quiet simply snowed under, absolutely inundated with scams work already. We also must think of the poor cuntstables wandering away from the protection of tree shadows and into the dangerous hot, sunlight.


Somchai On-the-take.

P.S. If enforcement is necessary, please remember it would only need enforcing during the daytime as no accidents or crimes ever occur at night.

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What about the Tuk Tuks covered in flashing lights at Christmas?

What about the Pick up trucks showing bright white circular lights at the back to make it look like they are coming towards you?

What about the disco buses with 200 spot lights on the front and a tiny space left for the driver to see out of the windscreen?

What about the buses with 6 x 18 inch diameter Stainless Steel exhausts along the sides?

What about the mopeds carrying 4 people, A weeks supply of water, A Gas cylinder and a sack of rice balanced on the handle bars?

What about the Mopeds carrying 50 Step Ladders For Sale?

What about the dangerous massively and ridiculously overloaded pick ups and lorries?

What about the schoolboys riding mopeds weaving in and out, undertaking and riding way too fast?

I could continue this list until I am dead and I dare say that will be long before this government gets to grips with any of these issues.

I am however pleased they have banned these foam wind up keys simply because the people who have them are too stupid to even know where it should be placed. Have you ever seen a wind up toy with the key not central or coming out of the back window? NO!

Everytime I see one I nearly crash my car laughing at it.

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this threads a wind up right? I mean those HUGE advertisements and screens are not a 'distraction' but a foam key is???

'Thainess' : winding up folk for decades

"this threads a wind up right?"....................Yep. And good enough to get another corny Thai bashing comment out of you.

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There are those who say " You can't make the is stuff up." But somebody is. Basically this is almost a non news item. A memo goes out saying they could fine your daughter 2,000 baht for the toy key to make her mini car look more like a toy car. What, Thai bureaucrats making stupid statements without thinking things through? Nah. That's not news. Happens every day.

It would be newsworthy the first time someone was actually fined with a proper written ticket. I'll tell you what would be really newsworthy, a you-tube video of someone actually being fined for (making their car look like a toy car) and the BIB response to being paid in Monopoly money (toy money)

What it should have said:

News flash. "Land Transport office announce a new, previously undiscovered source of revenue for police."

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Oh another fine example of prioritization of whats important. , seriously, there's no other shit that needs addressing in this country on the roads? I assume the daily fatality rate is now at zero and dangerous driving just doesn't happen anymore. Great.

Banning drivers who "wind me up" that'd be a neat trick which I would support.

Totaly agree!

We have to get priorities right! Fine wind-up cars, and let the alcoholic drivers look after themselves!

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Another regulation that means nought. What about making blacked out windows and front side windows illegal. In Australia there are very heavy fines and license suspensions for this. Of course a license suspension here means nothing as too many drivers don't have licenses. The transparency of the front windows must be such that other drivers can see one another for safety.

Hilarious response! First, this is Thailand, or had you not noticed! Second, Thai drivers dont like to be seen by other drivers - and an aside - it is sometimes safer for a farang not to be seen driving! Tell me, how can seeing the other driver improve safety?

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i see those silly things and i just ignore them. but i know nothing more distracting, not to mention hazardous, than motorcycles running through red lights! why don' the riders get fined, let alone reprimanded!? where is critical thinking when needed most? haaayyyyy....

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I agree with others. I moved out of a very beautiful inexpensive condo because in the 1 year I lived there they put up 2 giant tv screens for all the bumper to bumper traffic traffic on paholyothin. The bright lights were to much for me to take. And I was on the 10th floor. Driving was even more of a distraction with the big flashes of light. But a funny foam key they say distracts drivers? I would like them to prove that not just flap their gums. Show the study that says it's distracting to the point of causing accidents but the giant tv'screens flashing are not. I doubt their is any study. Just someons misguided opinion. If it is such a distraction then outlaw the sale of them.

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such adornments are considered a distraction to other road users and could potentially lead to accidents.

I'll tell you what I find distracting while driving: the constant gnawing thought that life has no meaning and how it is a tug of war between whether I should continue this meaningless existence or face death by driving into a wall.

When will they *finally* pass a law that addresses this distraction, a distraction that routinely gets me stuck in the wrong lane, making me late for meetings?


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The LED displays that seem to be popping up everywhere,are they not distracting ?

the Dept of Land transport needs to lighten up a bit.

regards Worgeordie

I was taken aback when I first saw a massive one of these at a busy junction on phuket. I recently watched a doc on graffiti and it was pointed out that Joe Public didn't ask to be assaulted by huge advertising hoardings either. Everyone's supposed to just accept them as they're provided by businesses who've paid to pollute our urban spaces. Very good point.

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