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AP EXCLUSIVE: Top secret Clinton emails include drone talk


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AP EXCLUSIVE: Top secret Clinton emails include drone talk

WASHINGTON (AP) — The two emails on Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that an auditor deemed "top secret" include a discussion of a news article detailing a U.S. drone operation and a separate conversation that could point back to highly classified material in an improper manner or merely reflect information collected independently, U.S. officials who have reviewed the correspondence told The Associated Press.

The sourcing of the information could have significant political implications as the 2016 presidential campaign heats up. Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, agreed this week to turn over to the FBI the private server she used as secretary of state, and Republicans in Congress have seized on the involvement of federal law enforcement as a sign that she was either negligent with the nation's secrets or worse.

On Monday, the inspector general for the 17 spy agencies that make up what is known as the intelligence community told Congress that two of 40 emails in a random sample of the 30,000 emails Clinton gave the State Department for review contained information deemed "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information," one of the government's highest levels of classification.

The two emails were marked classified after consultations with the CIA, which is where the material originated, officials said.

The officials who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity work in intelligence and other agencies. They wouldn't detail the contents of the emails because of ongoing questions about classification level. Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The drone exchange, the officials said, begins with a copy of a news article that discusses the CIA drone program that targets terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere. While a secret program, it is well-known and often reported on. The copy makes reference to classified information, and a Clinton adviser follows up by dancing around a top secret in a way that could possibly be inferred as confirmation, they said. Several officials, however, described this claim as tenuous.

But a second email reviewed by Charles McCullough, the intelligence community inspector general, appears more suspect. Nothing in the message is "lifted" from classified documents, the officials said, though they differed on where the information in it was sourced. Some said it improperly points back to highly classified material, while others countered that it was a classic case of what the government calls "parallel reporting" — different people knowing the same thing through different means.

The emails came to light Tuesday after Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, reported that McCullough found four "highly classified" emails on the unusual homebrew server that Clinton used while she was secretary of State. Two were sent back to the State Department for review, but Grassley said the other two were, in fact, classified at the closely guarded "Top Secret/SCI level."

In a four-page fact sheet that accompanied a letter to Clinton supporters, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri stressed that Clinton was permitted to use her own email account as a government employee and that the same process concerning classification reviews would still be taking place had she used the standard "state.gov" email account used by most department employees. The State Department, meanwhile, stressed that it wasn't clear if the material at issue ought to be considered classified at all.

Still, the developments suggested that the security of Clinton's email setup and how she guarded the nation's secrets will remain relevant campaign topics. Even if the emails highlighted by the intelligence community prove innocuous, she will still face questions about whether she set up the private server with the aim of avoiding scrutiny, whether emails she deleted because she said they were personal were actually work-related, and whether she appropriately shielded such emails from possible foreign spies and hackers.

Clinton says she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years as secretary of state. She turned over all but what she said were personal emails late last year. The department has been making those public as they are reviewed and scrubbed of any sensitive data.

The State Department advised employees not to use personal email accounts for work, but it wasn't prohibited. But Clinton's senior advisers at the State Department would have been briefed upon basic protocol for handling classified information and retaining government records. In Clinton's time, most officials saved their emails onto a separate file or printed them out when leaving office. Only recently has the department begun automatically archiving the records of dozens of senior officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry.

In the emails, Clinton's advisers appear cognizant of secrecy protections.

In a series of August 2009 emails, Clinton aide Huma Abedin told Clinton that the U.S. point-man for Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke, and another official wanted "to do a secure" conversation to discuss Afghan elections. Clinton said she could talk after she received a fax of a classified Holbrooke memo, also on a secure line. Later, Abedin wrote: "He can talk now. We can send secure fax now. And then connect call."

But other times, the line was blurred. Among Clinton's exchanges now censored as classified by the State Department was a brief exchange in October 2009 with Jeffrey Feltman, then the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East. Both Clinton and Feltman's emails about an "Egyptian proposal" for a reconciliation ceremony with Hamas are marked B-1.4, classified for national security reasons, and completely blacked out from the email release.

A longer email the same day from Clinton to former Sen. George Mitchell, then Mideast peace envoy, is also censored. Mitchell responds tersely and carefully that "the Egyptian document has been received and is being translated. We'll review it tonight and tomorrow morning, will consult with the Pals (Palestinians) through our Consul General, and then I'll talk with Gen. S again. We'll keep you advised."

Associated Press writers Stephen Braun and Eric Tucker contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-14

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.

Edited by Publicus
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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.

YAVRWC - Yet Another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.

YAVRWC - Yet Another Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

We it couldn't be true that she broke the freakin law and is nothing more than a criminal. Lol, how everyone that fits Publicus's definition of a Democrat (including people like Terry Brown who may not even know what the word means) never break any laws and are always just the innocent victims of those dastardly right wing conspiracy goons.

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.

"Same-o same-o of laborious traipsing that lead nowhere"???? What??? I think not. It appears the FBI probe of Hillary's top secret e-mails on her private server is growing legs. Much to the disappointment of her liberal minion supporters, Hillary is about one e-mail away from being a convicted felon.

When I look to see who is howling at the moon, all arrows point to you.

Any time I hear Hillary say, "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my e-mail," I think of Bill Clinton when he said, "I did not have sex with that woman."

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Now we find out her server wasn't cleared by Defense Security Service to even handle her classified or sensitive communications.

This little problem is growing more legs by the day.

It stinks.


Edited by chuckd
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"My lawyer's better than your lawyer so guess what the outcome will be?"

If your lawyer is also representing Hillary, he might be in a small stew as well.

Unless he had a security clearance issued by the US government, he had no right to be holding three thumb drives containing classified materials.

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.


Those blinded by fear of another Dem victory pounce with glee on words such as "Top Secret" "transmission", "Classified", etc but neglect and ignore other words such as "tenuous" and "unlikely".

It would be funny except for the fact of the redneck gullibility factor that has the ability to influence votes when manipulated by the right-wing press.

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As of brunchtime today HRC remained 'evens' in the money to be elected the next president which is where she has been for several weeks. Bernie Sanders meanwhile has improved to 14-1.

The only person ahead of Bernie besides HRC is Jebush at 4-1.

Scott Walker is at 14-1 and so is Marco Rubio at 14-1 too.

Donald Trump is at 16-1 and Joe Biden is 20-1. Imagine these two as the eventual nominee of each party running against each other facepalm.gif .

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And right on cue, the State Department refuses to accept the intel communities assessment that any of these emails were top secret when they were released, in direct contradiction to their own regulations pertaining to sensitive materials...


The State Department is taking the line of Hillary Clinton’s that material in her personal email server was not classified at the time, and State is not accepting the intelligence inspector general’s determination that some information was top secret.

“None of them were classified at the time,” Mark C. Toner, State’s deputy spokesman, told reporters this week.

The assertion flies directly in the face of findings by both the State Department and Intelligence Community inspectors general who concluded that, while the material may not have been stamped as classified, Mrs. Clinton’s server held data that was classified then.

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.


Those blinded by fear of another Dem victory pounce with glee on words such as "Top Secret" "transmission", "Classified", etc but neglect and ignore other words such as "tenuous" and "unlikely".

It would be funny except for the fact of the redneck gullibility factor that has the ability to influence votes when manipulated by the right-wing press.

Please define the term "red neck" that you sling around at people which you obviously mean in a racial, derogatory fashion to describe white people to which the moderators turn the other way. I am sure they would jump all over similar terms used to describe blacks or Asians in a similar derogatory fashion.

Nevertheless, How do you define the term "red neck." I see a red neck is a white guy, that has a stocky build, short cropped hair, wears wranglers, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, drives a pick up truck, has a tobacco in his mouth and always refers to women as ma'am, says y'all and listens to country music.

I am curious about your definition because you, our nutty PTS syndrome suffering sgt, sabal, and the great sir pontiff Publicus have thrown the term redneck at me and I just don't seem to fit the definition or my perception what a redneck is, ala above description. . . . lol, at the great company you keep . . .

. . . Back to me and the definition of "red neck." While I am a white guy, I fit little little else of the above descriptive factors. I have a thin but muscular build and have a six pack as opposed to carrying a six pack ala red neck. I have longer stylish hair, never owned a pair of Wranglers, wear D-Squared, Rag & Bone, Varvatos and hand made tailored Italian suits, never owned pair of boots in my life, never wear a hat (cowboy or baseball), never owned a pick-up truck, drive high end sports cars, don't use tobacco of any kind, use terms like due, you guys and hate country music.

So . . . either your sight unseen perception about me fitting the normal definition of the term "red neck" is incorrect or you are slinging them term "red neck" around in a derogatory, racial manner to try an insult me or others, much like a biggot calling someone the N word. If so, it is offensive and should be moderated out just as the glorious moderators here would moderate the N word.

Edited by F430murci
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As of brunchtime today HRC remained 'evens' in the money to be elected the next president which is where she has been for several weeks. Bernie Sanders meanwhile has improved to 14-1.

The only person ahead of Bernie besides HRC is Jebush at 4-1.

Scott Walker is at 14-1 and so is Marco Rubio at 14-1 too.

Donald Trump is at 16-1 and Joe Biden is 20-1. Imagine these two as the eventual nominee of each party running against each other facepalm.gif .

By all means, bet your life savings on Hillary winning. At those odds, you could double your money and walk away with about $ 50,000 . . .

Edited by F430murci
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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

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As of brunchtime today HRC remained 'evens' in the money to be elected the next president which is where she has been for several weeks. Bernie Sanders meanwhile has improved to 14-1.

The only person ahead of Bernie besides HRC is Jebush at 4-1.

Scott Walker is at 14-1 and so is Marco Rubio at 14-1 too.

Donald Trump is at 16-1 and Joe Biden is 20-1. Imagine these two as the eventual nominee of each party running against each other facepalm.gif .

What does that have to do with anything, much less her emails?

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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

Isn't Fiorna that chick running. I saw on her in an interview the other day. What a butt fugly chick. If she was my dog, I would shave her butt and make her walk backwards . . . Sorry about the I remember formed grade school, but holy cow. I had never seen her close up. That nose and those eye brows. She has those stupid looking eye brows that many girls running around Thailand have. Can you imagine having to look at her during presidential addresses.

That said, Hillary is getting pretty nasty looking also. Can imagine what she will look like in a couple of years. Does anyone really want that being the figure head of America. I thought Obama looked disgusting, but Hillary and this Fiorna chick take the cake. Oh, and Ted Cruz looks like Grand Pa from the Munsters.

Looking at these mug shot, I would say Trump looks very Presidential.




Edited by F430murci
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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

How is Fiorina fascist? How is Trump illegitimate? Or is slinging mud all you have? And Sanders is a Socialist running as a Democrat, not Social Democrat.

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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

Isn't Fiorna that chick running. I saw on her in an interview the other day. What a butt fugly chick. If she was my dog, I would shave her butt and make her walk backwards . . . Sorry about the I remember formed grade school, but holy cow. I had never seen her close up. That nose and those eye brows. She has those stupid looking eye brows that many girls running around Thailand have. Can you imagine having to look at her during presidential addresses.

That said, Hillary is getting pretty nasty looking also. Can imagine what she will look like in a couple of years. Does anyone really want that being the figure head of America. I thought Obama looked disgusting, but Hillary and this Fiorna chick take the cake. Oh, and Ted Cruz looks like Grand Pa from the Munsters.

Looking at these mug shot, I would say Trump looks very Presidential.

Not necessary.

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One way or the other, the emails may prove, I hope, to be the end of Hillary, but there is nobody in the clown bus that can win the presidential race short of completely cheating, which the repubs already do with gerrymandering, voter suppression, rigging electronic voting machines.

That was a good move to change the subject and attack when you can't win with logic, facts, the truth, typical of the right wing. I'm sure you are trying to awake one mod especially.

Ah, the inglorious redneck. I define a redneck as an ignorant, probably stupid, racist, misogynist, homophobic, Republican teabagger voting against his own best interests and that of America, believes faux (not the) news and other lying right wing sites, white jerk, usually but not always from the south. I wore, still do Wranglers, wore cowboy boots (still wear the ones my brother, John USMC Sgt, who was killed by Agent Orange left me), wore cowboy hats, shot things, carried guns and owned many more, never had tobacco, cut my very long hair and beard years ago, I say ya'll, refer to most women as ma'am, and men that deserve it, sir, I like some country music, drove a pick up, hot 79 Chevy 4X4 with a built engine, drove an 02 Camaro SS that would have wiped your little boy car off the drag strip. As my old friend Russell Means once said in a meeting with some money people in Albq. "meet my left wing radical red neck friend", ahem, I'm not into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". It was a compliment. I don't brag about expensive clothes etc., how rich I am, which I'm not, I worked hard for an honest living and I'm damned proud of it.

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And now the AP is part of the conspiracy. The Clinton ship is going down and the dems have nobody.

What if they held an election and nobody showed up? I mean if the Dems have nobody and the Republicans have even less than nobody, what will be? Perhaps a third and fourth party battle between at least the legitimate third party candidacy of Social Democrat Sanders and either the totally illegitimate Trump campaign or the campaign of Fiorina who represents a fascist alternative, for that is how a CEO would run the country.

Isn't Fiorna that chick running. I saw on her in an interview the other day. What a butt fugly chick. If she was my dog, I would shave her butt and make her walk backwards . . . Sorry about the I remember formed grade school, but holy cow. I had never seen her close up. That nose and those eye brows. She has those stupid looking eye brows that many girls running around Thailand have. Can you imagine having to look at her during presidential addresses.

That said, Hillary is getting pretty nasty looking also. Can imagine what she will look like in a couple of years. Does anyone really want that being the figure head of America. I thought Obama looked disgusting, but Hillary and this Fiorna chick take the cake. Oh, and Ted Cruz looks like Grand Pa from the Munsters.

Looking at these mug shot, I would say Trump looks very Presidential.

Not necessary.

C'mon. Pleeaassee, don't tell me you take this stuff that seriously. It is an internet forum meant for humor and entertainment, but really . . . Would you want some ugly old broom hilda looking hag serving as the figure head of America? We at least want someone that looks stately and professional. Right now, the image our dear leader portrays is a joke and makes us somewhat of a joke to real powers such as Russia, China and etc.

Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries have no regard or respect for Obama and why is that. Do you think someone like Putin will have respect for and feel threatened by Broom Hillary or Forinsor will he and China continue to do what every they please whether it is devaluation of currency, naval blockades, invasion of countries supporting the use of chemical weapons, threatening to give countries like Iran nuclear capabilities.

Why do you think we cut a deal with Iran? Because Putin was going to give them the same so Sabam had to save face. Would Putin have offered to do the same with Iran if the US had a strong leader, that stood behind his word and meant business? We know Broomie won't from her time as Secretary of State.

The list of examples of weak leadership related to Obama that will be a carry over into Hillary or any female leader is too many to address even in a day . . . Florin will just be status quo on the respect level for countries like Russia, China and Middle East.

Edited by F430murci
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One way or the other, the emails may prove, I hope, to be the end of Hillary, but there is nobody in the clown bus that can win the presidential race short of completely cheating, which the repubs already do with gerrymandering, voter suppression, rigging electronic voting machines. That was a good move to change the subject and attack when you can't win with logic, facts, the truth, typical of the right wing. I'm sure you are trying to awake one mod especially. Ah, the inglorious redneck. I define a redneck as an ignorant, probably stupid, racist, misogynist, homophobic, Republican teabagger voting against his own best interests and that of America, believes faux (not the) news and other lying right wing sites, white jerk, usually but not always from the south. I wore, still do Wranglers, wore cowboy boots (still wear the ones my brother, John USMC Sgt, who was killed by Agent Orange left me), wore cowboy hats, shot things, carried guns and owned many more, never had tobacco, cut my very long hair and beard years ago, I say ya'll, refer to most women as ma'am, and men that deserve it, sir, I like some country music, drove a pick up, hot 79 Chevy 4X4 with a built engine, drove an 02 Camaro SS that would have wiped your little boy car off the drag strip. As my old friend Russell Means once said in a meeting with some money people in Albq. "meet my left wing radical red neck friend", ahem, I'm not into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". It was a compliment. I don't brag about expensive clothes etc., how rich I am, which I'm not, I worked hard for an honest living and I'm damned proud of it.

Hilarious. Never disappoint. Love the background noise here, but I really, really want to know . . . Do you really think that way and believe this stuff you write or are you just messing around and trying to get a rise out of people?

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Same-o same-o of laborious traipsings that lead nowhere.

The Republican right would have us follow a trail of bread crumbs that suddenly vanish while we're left standing there mislead in the middle of the forest.

Then-SecState Clinton sent nothing classified and only received materials later classified.

From the OP:

Clinton did not transmit the sensitive information herself, they said, and nothing in the emails she received makes clear reference to communications intercepts, confidential intelligence methods or any other form of sensitive sourcing.

The right have nothing from this article either so they will once again howl at the moon with wild innuendo and also accusatory posts.


Those blinded by fear of another Dem victory pounce with glee on words such as "Top Secret" "transmission", "Classified", etc but neglect and ignore other words such as "tenuous" and "unlikely".

It would be funny except for the fact of the redneck gullibility factor that has the ability to influence votes when manipulated by the right-wing press.

1. Please define the term "red neck" that you sling around at people which you obviously mean in a racial, derogatory fashion to describe white people to which the moderators turn the other way. I am sure they would jump all over similar terms used to describe blacks or Asians in a similar derogatory fashion.

2. Nevertheless, How do you define the term "red neck." I see a red neck is a white guy, that has a stocky build, short cropped hair, wears wranglers, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, drives a pick up truck, has a tobacco in his mouth and always refers to women as ma'am, says y'all and listens to country music.

3. I am curious about your definition because you, our nutty PTS syndrome suffering sgt, sabal, and the great sir pontiff Publicus have thrown the term redneck at me and I just don't seem to fit the definition or my perception what a redneck is, ala above description. . . . lol, at the great company you keep . . .

4. . . . Back to me and the definition of "red neck." While I am a white guy, I fit little little else of the above descriptive factors. I have a thin but muscular build and have a six pack as opposed to carrying a six pack ala red neck. I have longer stylish hair, never owned a pair of Wranglers, wear D-Squared, Rag & Bone, Varvatos and hand made tailored Italian suits, never owned pair of boots in my life, never wear a hat (cowboy or baseball), never owned a pick-up truck, drive high end sports cars, don't use tobacco of any kind, use terms like due, you guys and hate country music.

5. So . . . either your sight unseen perception about me fitting the normal definition of the term "red neck" is incorrect or you are slinging them term "red neck" around in a derogatory, racial manner to try an insult me or others, much like a biggot calling someone the N word. If so, it is offensive and should be moderated out just as the glorious moderators here would moderate the N word.

Whew...so much to comment on. Lets take it a paragraph at a time, in between giggles. Numbering above added by me for ease of reading.

1. To whom have I "slung the term" at? May I suggest you take a few logic excercises...the ones like, true or false, "All beeboos are red. Joojah is red, therefore joojah is a beeboo". If I say rednecks do this that and the other, and you also do this that and the other, it does not mean I called you a redneck...it just means you ALSO do this that and the other (But you may be a redneck). Your comments on moderation are, hmmm....I'll leave it at that.

2. Your view of what a redneck is is all based on appearances. It doesn't really match mine. Have you considered "attitudes"? BTW..Have you considered that there are redneck women, too?

3. Your calling a fellow member, "nutty" is also ...hmmm, I'll leave it at that.

4. Woohoo, stylish guy!!! Hand-made Italian suits. What a man! (BTW..."tailored" is sufficient. Adding "hand-made" is redundant and just shows the amount of desperation to impress.).

5. Again, consider "attitudes" not appearances. Now you introduce a fallacy...At first you defined your definition of "redneck", now you talk about "the normal" definition as if they are one and the same thing....you need to do more work to be able to draw that together.

But back on topic.....

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