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Chiang Mai Immigration On-line Queue Survey


Chiang Mai Immigration On-line Queue Survey   

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Don't think Imm will be getting involved with 'outsiders', let alone this would mean workpermit and as everybody can now see that this is work that can be done by Thai. NOT.

Face, face, face or loss of.

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I'm wondering if my appointment for Aug.27 is still valid.

The C.M. Immigration office has informed that the Queue Online application will not available, and stated that the annual visa application can now be made at the office 45 days before the end of the current visa..

They suggested that visa applicants should arrive early in the morning at about 7 AM, the office will open at

8. A.M and will take 20 applicants to finalize their visa application..

20 applicants per day times number of days immigration is open = ?

How many retirees in Chiang Mai province sad.png

The Immigration office is aware of course hat 20 visa applicants are not entering every day.

They only state this to inform that more than 20 applicant will not be given an application queue card if they have already provided to 20 applicants a queue card to complete the annual visa application.

Therefore applicants that arrived over 20 will have come in again next time early in the morning.

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NancyL is correct. Social media, letters to your embassy or conciliate, political pressure. Demonstrations are illegal under the current government and I can only imagine how this might apply to foreigners. Very dangerous ground.
For those that have existing queue appointments prior to the on-line queue shutdown, I will contact an officer at immigration to confirm the status of those that have existing queue appointments and post.

Here's an idea. You're right, demonstrations or anything resembling them would be - well, not a good idea.

But that doesn't mean that a group of concerned Expat customers of CM Immigration Services couldn't come together to discuss the issue and come up some ideas. We had balford [http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/848600-chiang-mai-immigration-on-line-queue-survey/?p=9740241] make a suggestion to have your significant other or a fluent speaking Thai friend call the government complaint number. But now, to say what??? 15 people calling with different stories and complaints is - disjointed and I doubt will get much attention. 100 people calling with a narrative and theme that is similar is hard to dismiss. The same applies to Social media, letters to your embassy, your consulate, or even letters to you representatives. Heck, how many guys take Thai wifes and families back to your home country: how are they treated there?

Let me make a mad, crazy suggestion (Hell I'm Yank, and use to do some project management, humor me.)

Pull together a group of individuals who can sort thought all the Thai Visa information and any others willing to come to a meeting to help (a Thai Visa mod might help too). Sort out, categorize, and rank the main complaints. Then create a 'Template" written in Thai and English that can be used when phoning in to the complaint line. The other issue would be to put together groups who can work together (online or otherwise) to act a non-Thai government collection points for complaints and issues. This group could simply collect and attempt to corroborate information that they are told. And then if Thai Visa isn't dissuaded by their legal team, maybe that "Template" could be published online here?

Easy enough to make a meeting: Meetup.com. It might be nice to have an attorney who is willing to do some pro-bono advisement prior to the meeting so this doesn't run afoul of any current laws of the current 'temporary' government.

Just tossing out an idea - maybe it floats; maybe it sinks.

Under the circumstances there are no bad ideas. This is going from bad to worse. They are leaving us no alternative but to use a visa service.

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Exactly,now Imm even let a visa agency flyering leaflets to the queue.

Agents are good biss. More applicants per time unit with all papers neatly organized, same fee per applicant plus probably a bonus from the agents.

Yikes, I am getting above the lawn now.

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personchester has posted:

"The C.M. Immigration office has informed that the Queue Online application will not available."

The on-line queue is not available, yes, it is not. However the question is for those holding

an existing queue date with a "Queue Card" printed receipt received prior to the on-line

queue being terminated be honored?

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personchester has posted:

"The C.M. Immigration office has informed that the Queue Online application will not available."

The on-line queue is not available, yes, it is not. However the question is for those holding

an existing queue date with a "Queue Card" printed receipt received prior to the on-line

queue being terminated be honored?

And the original report from a TV member who asked at Promenada was that yes, those existing appointments would still be honored. (And a follow-up report from someone holding an existing appointment who's been successful using it would be helpful.)

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Under the circumstances there are no bad ideas. This is going from bad to worse. They are leaving us no alternative but to use a visa service.

Yes, and this is either accidental or intentional. Either way, if the services get an additional 20 customers per day, at approximately 5,000 a pop, and there are 20 working days in the month, that adds up to precisely a lot, even if shared, not that I would ever think or suggest that it is.

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Topic needs a bump or three ... c'mon ppl, get with the program! coffee1.gif

Amen to that.

Your 2 Amens and raise with a Hail Mary :)

BM's suggesting retaliation and or picketing of Immi are coming at this the wrong way. We are guests in Thailand and must appear to respect this if we wish to improve our lot. Western-style aggression, including forum posts, only hurt us, individually and as a whole. Cleanup aisle 11, please!

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NancyL is correct. Social media, letters to your embassy or conciliate, political pressure. Demonstrations are illegal under the current government and I can only imagine how this might apply to foreigners. Very dangerous ground.
For those that have existing queue appointments prior to the on-line queue shutdown, I will contact an officer at immigration to confirm the status of those that have existing queue appointments and post.

Here's an idea. You're right, demonstrations or anything resembling them would be - well, not a good idea.

But that doesn't mean that a group of concerned Expat customers of CM Immigration Services couldn't come together to discuss the issue and come up some ideas. We had balford [http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/848600-chiang-mai-immigration-on-line-queue-survey/?p=9740241] make a suggestion to have your significant other or a fluent speaking Thai friend call the government complaint number. But now, to say what??? 15 people calling with different stories and complaints is - disjointed and I doubt will get much attention. 100 people calling with a narrative and theme that is similar is hard to dismiss. The same applies to Social media, letters to your embassy, your consulate, or even letters to you representatives. Heck, how many guys take Thai wifes and families back to your home country: how are they treated there?

Let me make a mad, crazy suggestion (Hell I'm Yank, and use to do some project management, humor me.)

Pull together a group of individuals who can sort thought all the Thai Visa information and any others willing to come to a meeting to help (a Thai Visa mod might help too). Sort out, categorize, and rank the main complaints. Then create a 'Template" written in Thai and English that can be used when phoning in to the complaint line. The other issue would be to put together groups who can work together (online or otherwise) to act a non-Thai government collection points for complaints and issues. This group could simply collect and attempt to corroborate information that they are told. And then if Thai Visa isn't dissuaded by their legal team, maybe that "Template" could be published online here?

Easy enough to make a meeting: Meetup.com. It might be nice to have an attorney who is willing to do some pro-bono advisement prior to the meeting so this doesn't run afoul of any current laws of the current 'temporary' government.

Just tossing out an idea - maybe it floats; maybe it sinks.

Some how I think the Immigration here in Chiang Mai is aware of every thing and would not be that cooperative at their office if they were getting complaints from Bangkok. Remember the city life article where they said that they had the approval of Bangkok for 15 more staff but Bangkok is the one who has to do the hiring.

I still say it would be nice instead of carrying on like this is it just ask if they have all the new plans completed. Hopefully the answer would be no. As it is now we are carrying on like this is it they don't know there is a hundred old people in wheelchairs sitting out side all day. Well that is what some posters infer. For all we know they are just as disgusted as we are.

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I was reading an interesting article the other day about how the head of the government tourism department was hoping that tourism that contributes over 75 Billion baht a year to Thailands GDP ( that's 10% of the total of thailands GDP ) I wonder how much retired Ex pats living in Thailand contribute. At least if not more than 10% of that.

And yet the Government and the Immigration department seems to spend the majority of their working hours trying to make it more difficult and complicated to keep their Visa's on an even and secure basis and keeping vigilant for the next rule change although I love Thailand I would not stay in a country where I contribute to the economy and support my Thai family spend all all my retirement income, Where I do not feel welcome - Illegal immigrants are treated with more respect in this country than us honest retired Ex Pats.

Do us the courtesy of recognising our contribution to your country , make us welcome , put retirement Visas, on a permanent honest basis, one that even your immigration department can understand , We love your country but are quickly falling out of LOVE with it we are getting fed up with continuous border runs every 90 days at enormous costs and delays at immigration while we wait for Visa's in this modern age all this could be done online you could save money on staffing all the generated paper work could be stored on cloud data bases the logistics and costs on storing all the generated paperwork by the existing system must be absolutely enormous and a system that is kind to the users will be appreciated creating a lot of good will,

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Topic needs a bump or three ... c'mon ppl, get with the program! coffee1.gif

Amen to that.

Your 2 Amens and raise with a Hail Mary smile.png

BM's suggesting retaliation and or picketing of Immi are coming at this the wrong way. We are guests in Thailand and must appear to respect this if we wish to improve our lot. Western-style aggression, including forum posts, only hurt us, individually and as a whole. Cleanup aisle 11, please!

You left out one important word "PAYING" GUESTS CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ECONOMY well more than one we are not bums hanger ons panhandlers the unwashed minority 3rd class citizens (feel like it sometimes) criminals exiles. I feel the elderly like most of us are deserving of some respect regardless of what country we are in after all the world is now called a global community. Thailand culture is built on respect for the elderly sooo where is it for us? oh yeah sitting standing in the hot sun for hours waiting for an inferior system to do its thing. We do not have to appear aggressive but like adults who want to sit down with other adults and make the system better but we seem to be the only ones at the table. Appear to respect will only get you nothing but contempt who are you kidding. I think they are looking for you in aisle 11 please. Take the night off buy some popcorn and Pepsi and watch "Bridge On The River Kwai"

Edited by elgordo38
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Hey Yank I think your idea of getting a Thai to call the 111 number is basically a good one but with one problem. I floated the idea past my Thai g/f and she immediately went into the Thai non combative mode. This to her and to most Thai's I think is seen as challenging the system and she/they want no part of that. Thai's are a passive people happy go lucky most of the time. But when it comes to an argument she hangs onto to her position like a dog does with a bone. She has the last "your wrong" in most arguments which I think is a female trait here. I still love her.

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

got my on 1 september at the old place

thanks for the answer

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

What time were you there? The lines are in the morning. The queue cards are all distributed by 9 am and then everyone sits down. Outdoors. In the heat. Sure, it's under a deck, but still outdoors. Were you there with the rain lashing down?

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

What time were you there? The lines are in the morning. The queue cards are all distributed by 9 am and then everyone sits down. Outdoors. In the heat. Sure, it's under a deck, but still outdoors. Were you there with the rain lashing down?

11 a.m. Not that hot. I mean, folks weren't doing manual labor - just sitting and reading or filing nails. If rain (it wasn't) no one would get wet. I was shocked how much unused room was indoors. Plenty of room for more desks.

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

Come back another day like from 06:00 onwards. After receiving a ticket or getting disappointed (round 08:25), most people go back home or do errands.

Then all you see is people waiting to be served. That's what you probably saw.

Edited by hugocnx
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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

Would be interested in knowing the time of day you were there? As previously stated the slips are all handed out by 9.00 a.m. and the discouraged have gone home to try another day. Not to knock your post its good to see feedback. Lets see some more especially the 90 renewals how long did you wait. Use the mail reduce the lines for 90 days.

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I understand one of the potential reasons why the office space isn't used for the people making their extensions is because when people start nattering the acoustics of the place amplify the noise causing distractions to the staff and slowing everything down

If that is the case does the layout of the new office allow for say a glass floor to ceiling partition with doors to be installed to act to reduce the sound?

Trouble is probably out of the budget

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No where else in Thailand, from what I have been told by friends in Bangkok,Hua Hin,Phuket,Chaing Rai ,Udon Thani etc, are expats receiving the treatment

that CM residents are enduring.CM is by far the countries second biggest city and a phenonomal growth rate that shows no sign of abating.

There has to be a reason and its not budgetry,Immigation offices are a gold mine for the ruling power.Not a conspiracy theory just fact.

I do know that certain sections of the media have been told to back off any criticism or comment.Some one must have the key to what is going on and why.

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I understand one of the potential reasons why the office space isn't used for the people making their extensions is because when people start nattering the acoustics of the place amplify the noise causing distractions to the staff and slowing everything down

If that is the case does the layout of the new office allow for say a glass floor to ceiling partition with doors to be installed to act to reduce the sound?

Trouble is probably out of the budget

Is this the first reported case of This being distracted by noise?

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I understand one of the potential reasons why the office space isn't used for the people making their extensions is because when people start nattering the acoustics of the place amplify the noise causing distractions to the staff and slowing everything down

If that is the case does the layout of the new office allow for say a glass floor to ceiling partition with doors to be installed to act to reduce the sound?

Trouble is probably out of the budget

Is this the first reported case of This being distracted by noise?

Thais, not This!

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

got my on 1 september at the old place

thanks for the answer

I am now confused. I have an appointment on October 1. Where do I go, to the airport office or to Promenada?

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

got my on 1 september at the old place

thanks for the answer

I am now confused. I have an appointment on October 1. Where do I go, to the airport office or to Promenada?

If annual extension based on retirement Promenada. If annual extension based on marriage/work/teaching/business than airport office.

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Some how I think the Immigration here in Chiang Mai is aware of every thing ...

I still say it would be nice instead of carrying on like this is it just ask if they have all the new plans completed. Hopefully the answer would be no... For all we know they are just as disgusted as we are.

I tend to agree...

As everyone, I know nothing about what is happening in CM-Imm, but I think the move to Promenada is part of a bigger plan we are not aware of. In no way they are "punishing" or "ill-treating" us, foreigners, as I can read somewhere. It's not fair (or not right) to say that. What would be their goal?

I suspect it's more about a "administrative" mis-management, as it may happen in the West. And yes, we are right in the mess... as I suppose they are.

In my opinion, this uncomfortable situation, as it is for now, is only going on for some time (weeks, months?): we, all the foreigners, have to do with it as long as it goes. Hopefully it'll be sorted out as quickly as possible...

And as some other posters, here, having been settled in CNX for ten years now, I remember those holly days when just running in CM-Imm office at any time of the opening hours you got the work done in a short and relaxed moment.

But times have changed, and now it's time for a change: it may just be what CM-Imm are doing...

I do hope I'm not wrong.

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

What time were you there? The lines are in the morning. The queue cards are all distributed by 9 am and then everyone sits down. Outdoors. In the heat. Sure, it's under a deck, but still outdoors. Were you there with the rain lashing down?

11 a.m. Not that hot. I mean, folks weren't doing manual labor - just sitting and reading or filing nails. If rain (it wasn't) no one would get wet. I was shocked how much unused room was indoors. Plenty of room for more desks.

If they do not want to put in more desks because of acoustic problems(apparently us foreigners are to noisy) I suggest we pass the hat. I will toss in a 1000 bahts to buy an acrylic wall with a door to cut down on the supposed acoustic problem. Anyone else want to contribute?

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I went today to c.m. immigration to see if my made online appointment would be honored on the 27th of this month. The officer doing the extensions looked at my printout and then checked a list he had in his desk top drawer. Yes.

As far as long lines and standing in the sun I saw NONE of that. Everyone was sitting under a deck waiting. More than enough places to sit. Just as calm a place as you would want it. Opposite of what I have been reading here on T.Visa.

got my on 1 september at the old place

thanks for the answer

I am now confused. I have an appointment on October 1. Where do I go, to the airport office or to Promenada?

If annual extension based on retirement Promenada. If annual extension based on marriage/work/teaching/business than airport office.

and extension 60 day thai child ? at airport right

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  1. Have you used the Chiang Mai Immigration On-line Queue in the past? YES, EVERY YEAR SINCE THEY STARTED IT FOR ANNUAL RENEWAL OF MY RETIREMENT VISA

  2. During the next 12 months would you like to use the Chiang Mai Immigration on-line queue? DEFINITELY

If you answered "Yes" to Question No. 5, what service are you likely to request from Chiang Mai Immigration when you make an on-line queue reservation during the next 12 months? ANNUAL VISA RENEWAL ONLY

Do you have any comments you'd like to share with Chiang Mai Immigration? PLEASE BRING THE ONLINE QUEUE SYSTEM BACK AGAIN - IT WAS GREAT TO HAVE IT!

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