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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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More nonsense.

What consent? If a girl works in a sex establishment, she often doesn't have the right to say no.

The choice is taken away by a mamasan who says that the customer can take her and that's it

The men you're defending specifically patronize these establishments because they know the girl can't refuse as long as he doesn't abuse her


As MJMTB already mentioned, girls working legally (i.e. non-trafficked) make their own choices - if they don't, this is forced prostitution and there are already harsh laws against this as well.

You just try to clutch any straws to try to successfully make a point - which you can't.

We are now also far from your original points about age.

He mentioned one bar near where he lives. Since when does that mean that all bars adopt that bar's approach?

There are bars in lower Sukhumvit and around Patpong where the girl categorically cannot refuse a paying customer

To be perfectly honest, your attempts to defend the reprehensible behaviour of the old men have become increasingly feeble and shrill. You can keep defending their right to exploit young girls for the titillation of coming so close to breaking the law if you like but I choose to hold my opinion, one shared by the majority of decent people around the world.

Care to identify these Patpong bars? You're obviously an expert. Or just spouting provocative nonsense.

I have it on good authority that girls working at the BJ bars in lower Sukhumvit must "take care" of the customer if he selects them irrespective of his appearance or his hygiene. If they refuse, they're dismissed.

Pardon me, but didn't you have a child with a Thai woman you pay to be with you? If so, doesn't that make you much more of an expert than I?

Your good authority is wrong on all counts, as are you. Resorting to personal insults regarding people's family doesn't help your case, weak as it is.

No he's not wrong at all.

I saw a girl at a well-known

soi 8 BJ bar tell a very fat

middle-eastern looking guy

that she'd just eaten a very

hot som tam in an attempt

to dissuade him when he

picked her. He didn't have

a problem with that and the

look on her face as she

followed him into the bar

was one of pure anguish.

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More nonsense.

What consent? If a girl works in a sex establishment, she often doesn't have the right to say no.

The choice is taken away by a mamasan who says that the customer can take her and that's it

The men you're defending specifically patronize these establishments because they know the girl can't refuse as long as he doesn't abuse her


As MJMTB already mentioned, girls working legally (i.e. non-trafficked) make their own choices - if they don't, this is forced prostitution and there are already harsh laws against this as well.

You just try to clutch any straws to try to successfully make a point - which you can't.

We are now also far from your original points about age.

He mentioned one bar near where he lives. Since when does that mean that all bars adopt that bar's approach?

There are bars in lower Sukhumvit and around Patpong where the girl categorically cannot refuse a paying customer

To be perfectly honest, your attempts to defend the reprehensible behaviour of the old men have become increasingly feeble and shrill. You can keep defending their right to exploit young girls for the titillation of coming so close to breaking the law if you like but I choose to hold my opinion, one shared by the majority of decent people around the world.

Care to identify these Patpong bars? You're obviously an expert. Or just spouting provocative nonsense.

I have it on good authority that girls working at the BJ bars in lower Sukhumvit must "take care" of the customer if he selects them irrespective of his appearance or his hygiene. If they refuse, they're dismissed.

Pardon me, but didn't you have a child with a Thai woman you pay to be with you? If so, doesn't that make you much more of an expert than I?

Your good authority is wrong on all counts, as are you. Resorting to personal insults regarding people's family doesn't help your case, weak as it is.

No he's not wrong at all.

I saw a girl at a well-known

soi 8 BJ bar tell a very fat

middle-eastern looking guy

that she'd just eaten a very

hot som tam in an attempt

to dissuade him when he

picked her. He didn't have

a problem with that and the

look on her face as she

followed him into the bar

was one of pure anguish.

So your observation makes it a fact?

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So your observation makes it a fact?

No more than your assertion that it's wrong means it isn't one.

Indeed. Maybe I have a different understanding of what "forced to" means. There are cases of girls being chained to beds and forcibly kept against their will in some border areas and provincial towns. Equating such cases with girls working in Patpong BJ bars is, in my opinion, wrong and rather ridiculous.

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So your observation makes it a fact?

No more than your assertion that it's wrong means it isn't one.

Indeed. Maybe I have a different understanding of what "forced to" means. There are cases of girls being chained to beds and forcibly kept against their will in some border areas and provincial towns. Equating such cases with girls working in Patpong BJ bars is, in my opinion, wrong and rather ridiculous.

But that isn't what the

OP was saying. I seem to

recall reading the post

where he explained what

a job in those kinds of

establishments mean to

the people that work there.

Chains or not - they're still

forced to be there by their

own imperatives - much as

anyone who has a family

to feed and a nmortgage

to pay in the West feels

"forced" to work a dead-

end job.

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So your observation makes it a fact?

No more than your assertion that it's wrong means it isn't one.
Indeed. Maybe I have a different understanding of what "forced to" means. There are cases of girls being chained to beds and forcibly kept against their will in some border areas and provincial towns. Equating such cases with girls working in Patpong BJ bars is, in my opinion, wrong and rather ridiculous.

But that isn't what the

OP was saying. I seem to

recall reading the post

where he explained what

a job in those kinds of

establishments mean to

the people that work there.

Chains or not - they're still

forced to be there by their

own imperatives - much as

anyone who has a family

to feed and a nmortgage

to pay in the West feels

"forced" to work a dead-

end job.

I accept that, although it's not what I thought he meant. At least the dead-end job of a bargirl pays more and is shorter than a dead-end factory job, although obviously not for everyone.

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So your observation makes it a fact?

No more than your assertion that it's wrong means it isn't one.

Indeed. Maybe I have a different understanding of what "forced to" means. There are cases of girls being chained to beds and forcibly kept against their will in some border areas and provincial towns. Equating such cases with girls working in Patpong BJ bars is, in my opinion, wrong and rather ridiculous.

But that isn't what the

OP was saying. I seem to

recall reading the post

where he explained what

a job in those kinds of

establishments mean to

the people that work there.

Chains or not - they're still

forced to be there by their

own imperatives - much as

anyone who has a family

to feed and a nmortgage

to pay in the West feels

"forced" to work a dead-

end job.

I'd always thought it was my choice to work in the most lucrative job for which I'm qualified. If I didn't like it, I could work somewhere else for less.

I'm not going to complain to the ILO or anyone else that I get paid too much and my expectations and those of my family are such that I can't pack my job in


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There is no European dowry, or none that i know about. Unless my ex paid my dad under the table!!! But then my dad paid for the wedding....

Men don't buy brides here, nor do they have to. They woo them and get their goolies kicked in if they are rude or out of place.

My parents put us in two single beds for 3 years, when we were married the beds were pushed together!!! Even though we lived together and actually slept in a big bed.

My ex was ten years older than me, which was accepted. I don't think it would have been accepted if i brought a man home who was my Dad's age. 35 years older than me.

Why do you judge another culture by your culture? Your culture is "Right"? Then go back to it. You are not in Kansas anymore or Germany. If there are no European dowries now there were in the past. In fact princesses got married (sold?) off to improve the financial position of the family. At what, maybe 13,14, 15 or 16 years old and to older men? Thailand is a poor country that and most people do not have the advantages that you have/had. Think of it as Europe many years ago. Don't judge what goes on by rich European standards of 2015.

That's not really a good argument for "to be or not to be". Because with that kind of argumentation you could say "oh it's fine to own people, we used to do that in the west and nation X is still so far behind us that they can continue with it".

It is very simple, most cultures in the world are vastly inferior to the so called "western cultures" either entirely or partly. I mean, surely you agree that mutilating children because of a tradition is abhorrent? Or why not cultures where they sell their daughters to the highest bidder? No where in the world are girls and boys as equal as they are in the west. Can you actually believe that there are still nations in the world that think it's not rape if you have sex with your wife and she doesn't want to have sex?

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I see you chose to ignore and edit out my second point. Decriminalization makes sex workers more safe. If you are concerned about 'protecting young Thai girls', you should be supporting less criminalization, not more.

I ignored your second 'point' because it was drivel. Does the fact that it's a crime to sleep with underage girls put more underage girls in danger?

So now you are shifting the argument to underage girls? We are talking about adults who have the right to make their own decisions. Adults who also should have the freedom to seek help from law enforcement when they are a victim of a crime.

Decriminalization makes sex workers safer, and also frees up law enforcement resources to combat other more serious crimes, like the abuse of underage girls.

Calling it drivel does not make it less true.

I'm not shifting the argument anywhere.

The underage point was meant as an example of how criminalizing something doesn't place those protected by that criminalization in greater danger.

By your ridiculous logic, decriminalizing driving under the influence would result in fewer DUIs

Laws do not stop most of the people from doing something... what stops them is their idea of what is "morally right" or not.

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Laws do not stop most of the people from doing something... what stops them is their idea of what is "morally right" or not.

I don't think you could be more naïve if you tried.

The prospect of being caught and punished stops most people doing something illegal.

If people prioritized their morals, there'd be far less call for a thread like this.

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It is very simple, most cultures in the world are vastly inferior to the so called "western cultures" either entirely or partly. I mean, surely you agree that mutilating children because of a tradition is abhorrent? Or why not cultures where they sell their daughters to the highest bidder? No where in the world are girls and boys as equal as they are in the west. Can you actually believe that there are still nations in the world that think it's not rape if you have sex with your wife and she doesn't want to have sex?

Off topic now (but the OP has already diverged wildly from his own topic),

Western culture isn't superior in any way shape or form.

A culture where no heterosexual man can own his own home.

A culture where a woman can retract her permission for sex after the act, then have the man jailed for rape.

A culture where a woman can deliberately get herself pregnant then force the man to pay for everything.

In some ways Muslim culture is superior to western culture.


I don't think it's rape if you have sex with your wife, whenever.

She has agreed to a legally (and morally) binding contract to provide such services.

If she no longer wants to participate, she should leave, no compensation due to breech of contract.

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A culture where no heterosexual man can own his own home.

Sorry, what?


I don't think it's rape if you have sex with your wife, whenever.

She has agreed to a legally (and morally) binding contract to provide such services.

If she no longer wants to participate, she should leave, no compensation due to breech of contract.

Holy shit. You genuinely believe that? Wow.

My wife is not my employee.

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Laws do not stop most of the people from doing something... what stops them is their idea of what is "morally right" or not.

I don't think you could be more naïve if you tried.

The prospect of being caught and punished stops most people doing something illegal.

If people prioritized their morals, there'd be far less call for a thread like this.

Delusional is a fitting word for you.

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Laws do not stop most of the people from doing something... what stops them is their idea of what is "morally right" or not.

I don't think you could be more naïve if you tried.

The prospect of being caught and punished stops most people doing something illegal.

If people prioritized their morals, there'd be far less call for a thread like this.

Delusional is a fitting word for you.

In other words, you're out of ammo.

OK well, goodbye

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Laws do not stop most of the people from doing something... what stops them is their idea of what is "morally right" or not.

I don't think you could be more naïve if you tried.

The prospect of being caught and punished stops most people doing something illegal.

If people prioritized their morals, there'd be far less call for a thread like this.

Delusional is a fitting word for you.

In other words, you're out of ammo.

OK well, goodbye

...says somebody who is shooting blanks since he started laugh.png

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