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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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Why do I get the strange idea that "jus primae noctis" is what some are really after?

No idea. I'm frightened to try and imagine what goes on inside your head.

Perhaps with some introspection you could find some link between this thread and your sordid imaginings of other people's thoughts.


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Why do I get the strange idea that "jus primae noctis" is what some are really after?

No idea. I'm frightened to try and imagine what goes on inside your head.

Perhaps with some introspection you could find some link between this thread and your sordid imaginings of other people's thoughts.


You should be aware that Farangness is as exotic for me as Thainess is for you.

I just want to find out how of Catholic thinking is in your cognition, even if you claim to be atheitstic.

I would start finding an answer to the OP's question starting at development psychology (Piaget etc), and then ask what I would want if the fictitious girl in question was my daughter. This would be normal for me.

Instead of doing so, most posters here on the Forum (not only on this thread) denigrate non-virgins girls as "worn-out" (ie "trash"), and there's no logical reason for me to do so. That's why I sometimes assume a medieval perspective.

The OP put a condition in his question: consent.

What about "informed consent"? Ask a young girl if she knows about the possible effects of sex, and what makes her willing to take a risk, even if she might jump away from you. Give her a little time, even if you're horny as hell.

Young girls are different, you know, and they get more individualistic the older they are. You cannot predetermine an individual maturity. Guess at the age of 18 a Thai girl should be able to make her own decisions, but no one should take advantage just because he's in a better economical position.

Edited by micmichd
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I asked the question in a previous thread “Why fly half way around the world to pick up a girl when one could engage a slapper in ones own country”? The only honest answer posted was that the whores were cheaper and more attractive here. Many are too cowardly to do it at home actually. I’d just rather have sexpests do their mongering in their own country.

No excuse dumping for foreigners dumping more anti-social behaviours on Thailand, which has plenty already does not need lustful vagabonds who travel the world to buy sex.

I’m fine with prostitution per-se it as long as there is no coercion, exploitation, and it is not increased vector for STD’s. (Legalized prostitutes in western countries are have fewer STDs than the average population.) It has always existed and there is no point prohibiting it. Like drugs it is symptom of other societal problems. It should be taxed heavily, regulated and monitored by authorities in the interest of harm reduction, not elimination of the phenomena. That is not possible here due to hypocrisy and corruption.

Sex tourism is by definition international economic coercion. Many of these Thai girls would do something better with their life if herds of sweaty blimps with money to burn were not waiting in the bars. My critique has nothing to due with racism. Japanese and Indians do a great job exploiting women also. I did not say picking up a girl was not OK here but picking one up a Scunthorpe slapper was OK. Not doing them any favour either most have unresolved abuse and drug issues.

An overall negative for the country and I look forward to the inevitable crackdowns on sex tourists to come soon.

Edited by arunsakda
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An overall negative for the country and I look forward to the inevitable crackdowns on sex tourists to come soon.[/size]

Why would they want to do that? Like it or not, it represents a significant part of tourist revenue and, for the most part, operates quite legally.

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Speak to a "typical" 18 year old Thai girl and a "typical" 18 year old American, British or European girl.

Ask questions about their attitudes to sex, love, marriage and children.

The Thai girl will giggle uncontrollably on matters of sex while only demonstrating any vestige of maturity when it comes to family.

The Western girl will speak maturely on issues of romance, the need for condoms and the need for respect for her right to choose.

Typical Thai girls won't even talk to white men.

The old guys are meeting experienced prostitutes, already done 100s of Thai guys if not 1,000s.

Your rant is entirely pointless!

No his point is very valid. The topic is about young girls , his argument is that they are even younger than their age ,which is relevant when dealing with foreigners.

The posts on here are too bias.

Anyone who has raised a family here, has friends who have families seen them mix with their European counterparts , it's very noticeable. Why would it be any other way.

We recruited uni trainers for our graduate program (IT), the best candidates were girls but to compare a 22 year old graduate who has been thru the western system of examinations , moved away to uni..the maturity difference is very pronounced.

The old dead beats on here, prey not only on the younger elements but the poorer and disadvantaged . They make comments that that all Thais who are poor and poor or had no parenting means all younger women go off and sell themselves as if it's normal.

Because they have sex early means they mature faster..of course early sex is a sign of immaturity, lack of good parenting.

These are problems the wold over, yet they come here.

39 year old cousin of my daughter was over ( she is 22). When we were discussing where to go one evening she said he is an old man you know better than me!

Delusional for people to think it's the norm for young women to be attracted to older men.

I sometimes wonder if any of these men have ever met an educated , intelligent Thai women or families who seem overly conservative and protective of their daughters in my experience.

We don't all live in outer regions of Nakhon nowhere.

As for the photo. The guy should not be holding her hand. Guys come on here and talk about western constraints values etc..yet they look at that photo thru a western perspective , having no idea how it's perceived by the Thais ...

Having said all that..

The law is the law and as long as you abide by the law it is what it is, but don't think it makes it the norm or acceptable as many preach on here for their own reasons. That's his point and In my experience of living and working in Thailand for a few decades , I agree.

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An overall negative for the country and I look forward to the inevitable crackdowns on sex tourists to come soon.[/size]

Why would they want to do that? Like it or not, it represents a significant part of tourist revenue and, for the most part, operates quite legally.

Have to agree. If anything it has expanded over the last 20 years yet you always hear that a crackdown is imminent..

I wish they would improve the education system to give better choices to some.

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May have missed this but where did it explain he was a young stud ? It sounds more like he is a pot bellied lower class male, maybe from somewhere like Rotherham, married or has a girlfriend who has gone to seed, pig ugly and he is completely envious of those others with a stunner, regardless of age or reasons, and are lucky enough to have an attractive lady to befriend.

In fact apart from mushy peas which perhaps is his staple diet, the other most obnoxious thing is the bile that he sprouts. Live and let live. People should not make moral judgments on others based on their own prejudices or lack of attainment in their lives.

A more conveniently self-

serving argument I've yet to

hear. Fabricate whatever

profile of me you like but

you should be focusing on t

he topic, not on the poster.

Are you the OP as well?

As I mentioned, the OP did not say either that he was a young stud nor that he should be allowed access to us more senior gentlemen; I will now also state an inference that he has a desire to limit us gentlemen who have stored up a little, biologically speaking, for 'the winter ahead' from enjoying the more petite and delicate of fruits. He's probably a vegetarian as well.


HEY! whoa! why paint such a broad stroke against vegetarians??? i'm a vegan of 25 years and i'm on YOUR side! 555 biggrin.png

Dont bring the vegans in brother. We vegans are very fit socially responsible people... I get girls 18 to 24 trying to pick me up all the time..

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How is it that are they able to ascribe such diametrically-opposed attributes to the same people?

Because one set of attributes is being used to support their right to defile what are - mentally - little more than children.

Everywhere on this forum, there are anecdotes discussing what farangs see as the childishness of the Thai people and their apparent inability to take responsibility for what they do.

Mention sex however, and suddenly, 17-18 year old girls are highly-mature, fully-cognizant and able to fully comprehend the hornet's nest of emotional problems that could potentially arise from spreading their legs for a disgusting old man 40 years older than they are.

These guys plumb the

depths of hypocrisy. They

make out that if an 18 yr

old girl has had sex before,

then she's automatically a

seasoned pro and, if one

day, she goes doolally, they

convince themselves that

the damage was done long

before they pulled down

their grey hammock-sized

Y-tronts in the short-time

hotel room.

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I asked the question in a previous thread “Why fly half way around the world to pick up a girl when one could engage a slapper in ones own country”? The only honest answer posted was that the whores were cheaper and more attractive here.

They won't pluck your ear hairs or hold your hand in a shopping mall either.

I sometimes think they don't come here for the sex. They come here looking for mummy.

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I asked the question in a previous thread “Why fly half way around the world to pick up a girl when one could engage a slapper in ones own country”? The only honest answer posted was that the whores were cheaper and more attractive here.

They won't pluck your ear hairs or hold your hand in a shopping mall either.

I sometimes think they don't come here for the sex. They come here looking for mummy.

If my mother could ave cooked like my wife I would never have left ome. Unfortunately faggots and mashed killed dear old dad and I wanted none of it.

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Regarding OP's statement that "Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?"

So you're OK if the "foreign" male is 49 y.o.? What magically happens when that same man turns 50 that repulses you so much?

What about Thai men 50 and older? Is that OK with you?

BTW, I find that most younger Thai females are actually more mature in many ways than American females of the same age. The American girl may be better educated (academically), but otherwise the Thai girls are a lot more mature about life. And, I'm not talking about sexual maturity here.

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I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men aged 50-60 years old and up seem to revel in how close they can get to breaking the laws of decency and the land when it comes to paying to bed young Thai sexual partners aged 17-18.

"The younger, the better" seems to be the order of the day provided they don't go below the legal age.

I find this morally repugnant and I know I'm not alone

Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced so, with that in mind, do they really have the emotional capacity to make a decision to have sex with a man 3 times their age?

I don't think so

Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

Worthy sentiment but 'two

consenting adults' is the

well-worn line that these

men reel off with a really

smug look on their faces

as if it trumps anything you

could possiblysay


I have to say, I'd definitely be

in favour of that law. There's

nought wrong with older

guys going with younger

women but a line's gotta be

drawn somewhere.

Who's going to draw the line, you?

The line has already been drawn. It's called the 'legal' age of sexual consent.

BTW, the age of consent in the Vatican was recently raised from 12 to 18.

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Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

do you think anybody cares about your (or my) thoughts or what we find repugnant? coffee1.gif

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What i love, as a Western female, about all these threads is that it is a known fact that most of the men being discussed can't get a decent woman at home (wherever that is) and complains that all western women are fat bitches.

Perhaps, we don't like fat bastards either with brain cells like peas. So Thailand and other countries can keep them.

Edited by Patsycat
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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

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What i love, as a Western female, about all these threads is that it is a known fact that most of the men being discussed can't get a decent woman at home (wherever that is) and complains that all western women are fat bitches.

Perhaps, we don't like fat bastards either with brain cells like peas. So Thailand and other countries can keep them.


As a Western female, you are so assertive.

I can't get a decent woman at home. I don't want a decent woman. They are no fun. INDECENT=tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png

All expat in LOS are fat bastards with brain cells like peas.

Now that category should suit you perfectly.

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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

They marry young to the wrong woman, then blame it on the woman when it doesn't work out. Then they extend that to blaming all western women. Then they come here and get involved with inappropriate Thai women, and then when that goes wrong they blame the Thai women.

Some people never take responsibility for their own actions.

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I'm sorry.

I like a man who is funny, has travelled and appreciates me - as a woman. Not like a wee bracelet hanging off his arm. To show off to all and sundry.

I refuse to put my feminazi hat on here. Because i know that young girls over there are and have been abused by western men who think they can do anything and everything to them, and basically treat them like dirt. Whatever their age.

I won't bring up the socks and sandals thingy.

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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

They marry young to the wrong woman, then blame it on the woman when it doesn't work out. Then they extend that to blaming all western women. Then they come here and get involved with inappropriate Thai women, and then when that goes wrong they blame the Thai women.

Some people never take responsibility for their own actions.

I think TV is to blame. Guys watch the "View" on TV for a while and then have no choice but to run off to Thailand.

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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

1. A great many had shotgun marriages so I don't think you can assume consensual marriage. 2. Marriage changes many women. The sweet happy young thing I married turned into a role play of the taming of the shrew as soon as I said I do. 3. Women marry men to change them into the men they know they can be. 4. Men marry women because they liked the woman before she was married. 5. Then there is the Western wedding cake thing (don't have wedding cake in Thailand). In the West they put something in the wedding cake that prevents a woman liking sex. I don't know what it is but have seen the results many times.

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Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

do you think anybody cares about your (or my) thoughts or what we find repugnant? coffee1.gif

No, but the argumentation here (mostly by Farangs I guess) is interesting.

BTW, the idea to ban young Thai girls from having sex is simply not enforcable. Should they remain under surveillance of their parents? Or should the government give out licences?

Human trafficking should be illegal - but it already is.

Edited by micmichd
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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

1. A great many had shotgun marriages so I don't think you can assume consensual marriage. 2. Marriage changes many women. The sweet happy young thing I married turned into a role play of the taming of the shrew as soon as I said I do. 3. Women marry men to change them into the men they know they can be. 4. Men marry women because they liked the woman before she was married. 5. Then there is the Western wedding cake thing (don't have wedding cake in Thailand). In the West they put something in the wedding cake that prevents a woman liking sex. I don't know what it is but have seen the results many times.

Please, what is this about the Western wedding cake?

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And they complain about divorces that they have had in the West. But, jeez, they must have loved her at one point otherwise they wouldn't have married her 25 years ago in the first place.

But now it's all about the new young bride... because they think they are Brad <deleted> Pitt. But to us they are big fat sad sopps!! And we laugh.

1. A great many had shotgun marriages so I don't think you can assume consensual marriage. 2. Marriage changes many women. The sweet happy young thing I married turned into a role play of the taming of the shrew as soon as I said I do. 3. Women marry men to change them into the men they know they can be. 4. Men marry women because they liked the woman before she was married. 5. Then there is the Western wedding cake thing (don't have wedding cake in Thailand). In the West they put something in the wedding cake that prevents a woman liking sex. I don't know what it is but have seen the results many times.

Please, what is this about the Western wedding cake?

I don't know but it happened to me. Nothing else changed so it must have been the cake. One day a wild woman loves to do everything and the next day I woke up with a nun. sad.png


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Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

do you think anybody cares about your (or my) thoughts or what we find repugnant? coffee1.gif

No I don't but, then again, I wouldn't expect turkeys to vote for Thanksgiving either.

If old foreign men want to defile young Thai girls under 22, then the law allows them to do so when they are as young as 15 (if the man plans to marry her and didn't meet her in a bar/brothel)

At what point does one ask what motivation a 60 year old could have for marrying a 15 year old?

Beyond, that is, satisfying filthy fantasies about being called "Daddy" during the act and knowing she's not had enough good sex against which to compare his huffing and wheezing performance?

This is not self-righteousness. Back in their home countries, 60 year old men having sexual relationships with 17 year olds would draw heavy condemnation and deservedly so. Most of that criticism would come from their own age group so they can't claim that this is about ageism.

It is my sincerest hope that, as this country develops further, there is a crackdown on the sex trade in general and the far more visible foreigner-oriented segment in particular.

Beyond that, I wouldn't be sad to see implementation of a Cambodia style ban on elderly foreign men marrying young local girls.

I live in hope

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Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50 to have sexual relations with any Thai female under the age of 22?

I think it should.

do you think anybody cares about your (or my) thoughts or what we find repugnant? coffee1.gif

No I don't but, then again, I wouldn't expect turkeys to vote for Thanksgiving either.

If old foreign men want to defile young Thai girls under 22, then the law allows them to do so when they are as young as 15 (if the man plans to marry her and didn't meet her in a bar/brothel)

At what point does one ask what motivation a 60 year old could have for marrying a 15 year old?

Beyond, that is, satisfying filthy fantasies about being called "Daddy" during the act and knowing she's not had enough good sex against which to compare his huffing and wheezing performance?

This is not self-righteousness. Back in their home countries, 60 year old men having sexual relationships with 17 year olds would draw heavy condemnation and deservedly so. Most of that criticism would come from their own age group so they can't claim that this is about ageism.

It is my sincerest hope that, as this country develops further, there is a crackdown on the sex trade in general and the far more visible foreigner-oriented segment in particular.

Beyond that, I wouldn't be sad to see implementation of a Cambodia style ban on elderly foreign men marrying young local girls.

I live in hope

It's already against the law for old western men to defile girls under 18, even if they plan to marry them. You might want to look into the Cambodian law as it doesn't just apply to young girls. Be careful what you wish for.

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Why do you get to tell people what they can do? If they aren't breaking a law (even a dumb one), and they are happy, why do you feel you know better than they do? Why do you feel you should get to say what they can do? Oh! Because you know what is "Right". Handed to you on a tablet?

What if I take um-bridge at something you do. Would you acquiesce? Or would you tell me to bugger off?

If you are offended don't look (or read). Easy smeasy!

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