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Protecting Young Thai Girls

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Probably the same way anyone with a 17 year old daughter who has a 26 year old tourist show up at the front door to take her out.

Said foreign tourist covered in tattoos with facial hair and poorly dressed.

Unable likely to make or maintain a relationship in his own country due to unattractiveness, lack of social skills, poor education, or criminality.

Hey, it's not the thais fault they can't grow a beard.

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Predictable cries of ageism when someone suggests that 50+ year old men actively pursuing 18 year old Thai girls for sexual relationships is morally repugnant.

Can't really expect anything else given the sheer numbers of sexpats and sex tourists on the forum but I think most right-thinking people in our home countries would fully support the imposition of a law that criminalised it.

Serious question OP: How do you feel about 25-26 yr old foreigners coming to Thailand to take advantage of 17-18 yr old Thai girls? Would that not be equally repugnant?

After seeing some of the specimens that arrive here on holiday in Pattaya, I'd have to say yes. Don't forget, these are young guys who are repugnant to women in their own country, that's why they came to Thailand in the first place.

I see plenty of younger guys arriving in Thailand that wouldn't have any issues getting women in their own country and that even without paying for the pleasure. But yes, many men like asian women more for many reasons.

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BKKBodhisattva, I can see why some people think this is a troll post. There is just so much wrong in what you have written in your OP.

"I've seen a few threads on this forum in which men............"

When you base an opinion on what you have read on a forum without the backup of the experience of actual observation, that would call troll.

"Compared to Western girls of the same age, 17-18 year old Thai girls aren't as mature or experienced...." ??

Western girls are more mature and experienced at what? If a western girl was working the bar scene for the same period of time as the girls you are targetting, they would have the same maturity and experience. In there field of work.

Or perhaps you are under the illusion that it is the western male who always picks their bed partners? In a country where it is illegal for a girl to drink under the age of 20, yet can legally work in a bar from the age of 18, it does get a bit confusing.

Again, perhaps you are under the illusion that these relationships are common in normal social interaction?

"Should Thailand enact laws that make it illegal for a foreign male over the age of 50..." ??

Why should Thailand, or any other country for that matter, enact a law for an age constrained section of visitors to their country instead of imposing the same law throughout the population? What would be the difference between a 49 year old male and a 50 year old? (with the exception of one year)? Why would 50 be a benchmark?

For clarification, 58 years old, wife (Thai) 55, married for 16 and don't do bar girls, so I have no axe to grind in the debate really.

Just observing...............wink.png

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I think the problem is that the OP sees older men with lovely girls and is jealous because he can't get one. Just a guess but I think he is young, fat or out of shape, socially awkward, has under developed penis, and has always been rejected by women. Only guessing smile.png

That makes no sense at all. Even if he was all those things, he could still hire a younger woman if he chose to - so why would he be jealous?

maybe he is one of those guys that can't even get laid in a cathouse. Thai hookers can pick who they go with and perhaps no one wants him. He sits alone watching the girls with a pocket full of money that he can't even spend because no girl wants him .... Such a sad story for such a sad little man ....

Could be ???

Or alternatively, he's not even in Thailand, but in some damp, depressing bedsit, or still living with his mum, and is just eaten up with jealousy and resentment.

No sorry you're wrong but at least you're consistent with the other elderly men on the thread with not-so-fertile-anymore imaginations who automatically assume that anyone holding a morally-decent POV must be jaded and disappointed with his own life.

I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

For those who asked if the same rules would apply to younger sexpats/tourists, in my experience, the younger men aren't engaged in active pursuit of barely legal girls.

To be fair, neither are the majority of older men but, of those who seem to discuss it with increasing regularity, the lion's share appear to be older (50-60 up).

The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly.

Trying to justify it by saying, "Oh these girls know what they're doing and would bleed us dry given half the chance" makes it even more reprehensible. Classic language of the sex tourist willing to excuse exploitation as long as he can satisfy himself with a girl of an age that most societies would deem highly-inexperienced and vulnerable.

Justifying it by saying "Ah they've been abused by family or village Thai boys already" is egregious. If you discover a woman who's been raped lying by the side of the road, does that mean that it shouldn't be a problem to screw her too because the damage is already done by someone else?

Some of you really need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves what living in/visiting Thailand for sex has de-sensitized you to because it seems that some elderly men are titillated by the warped sense of achievement they get from sexually defiling someone they'd be expected to protect in any decent society.

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Or alternatively, he's not even in Thailand, but in some damp, depressing bedsit, or still living with his mum, and is just eaten up with jealousy and resentment.

No sorry you're wrong but at least you're consistent with the other elderly men on the thread with not-so-fertile-anymore imaginations who automatically assume that anyone holding a morally-decent POV must be jaded and disappointed with his own life.

I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

For those who asked if the same rules would apply to younger sexpats/tourists, in my experience, the younger men aren't engaged in active pursuit of barely legal girls.

To be fair, neither are the majority of older men but, of those who seem to discuss it with increasing regularity, the lion's share appear to be older (50-60 up).

The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly.

Trying to justify it by saying, "Oh these girls know what they're doing and would bleed us dry given half the chance" makes it even more reprehensible. Classic language of the sex tourist willing to excuse exploitation as long as he can satisfy himself with a girl of an age that most societies would deem highly-inexperienced and vulnerable.

Justifying it by saying "Ah they've been abused by family or village Thai boys already" is egregious. If you discover a woman who's been raped lying by the side of the road, does that mean that it shouldn't be a problem to screw her too because the damage is already done by someone else?

Some of you really need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves what living in/visiting Thailand for sex has de-sensitized you to because it seems that some elderly men are titillated by the warped sense of achievement they get from sexually defiling someone they'd be expected to protect in any decent society.

When someone is 18 they can have seuxal relationships with whom they want. Get off your wannabe high horse and realize that you have no business telling anyone how to live their lives, not even under 18 year olds as that is the business of their parents.

But saying that it's very obvious you are a troll, a very sofisticated one, but a troll nontheless.

And yes, i love feeding trolls. It's my Internet hobby.

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When someone is 18 they can have seuxal relationships with whom they want. Get off your wannabe high horse and realize that you have no business telling anyone how to live their lives, not even under 18 year olds as that is the business of their parents.

But saying that it's very obvious you are a troll, a very sofisticated one, but a troll nontheless.

And yes, i love feeding trolls. It's my Internet hobby.

I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives. As long as it doesn't affect the lives of others.

An elderly man having sexual relations with a local girl under 22 is subjecting her to trauma that will almost certainly leave a mental scar.

I think our lives would go on perfectly normally if a law that protects vulnerable Thai girls from aged sexpats/tourists was introduced. What difference would it make to you?

That men of an age that ought to know better can stand against something that aims to reduce/alleviate suffering - even if it's only in a small corner of what is a huge national industry - is sickening.

I suppose the imposition of such a law would end the dream for many of you who feel being in/visiting Thailand is akin to some kind of sexual Disneyland where anything goes as long as it stays hush-hush

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When someone is 18 they can have seuxal relationships with whom they want. Get off your wannabe high horse and realize that you have no business telling anyone how to live their lives, not even under 18 year olds as that is the business of their parents.

But saying that it's very obvious you are a troll, a very sofisticated one, but a troll nontheless.

And yes, i love feeding trolls. It's my Internet hobby.

I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives. As long as it doesn't affect the lives of others.

An elderly man having sexual relations with a local girl under 22 is subjecting her to trauma that will almost certainly leave a mental scar.

I think our lives would go on perfectly normally if a law that protects vulnerable Thai girls from aged sexpats/tourists was introduced. What difference would it make to you?

That men of an age that ought to know better can stand against something that aims to reduce/alleviate suffering - even if it's only in a small corner of what is a huge national industry - is sickening.

I suppose the imposition of such a law would end the dream for many of you who feel being in/visiting Thailand is akin to some kind of sexual Disneyland where anything goes as long as it stays hush-hush

Why do you think that? Is 23 OK?

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I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

You don't expect these

sexpats to be truthful

in response to that,

do you? It's all good

until it's their kid.

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I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

You don't expect these

sexpats to be truthful

in response to that,

do you? It's all good

until it's their kid.

Thai girls are different.

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Yeah and while there at it... The U.S. Government should throw James Woods in Jail as well...

After all, he is 66 and his girlfriend Kristen Bauguess is only 20 years old..

I hate these horrible Americans taking advantage of young American girls ...

Some one should pass a law ... It's disgusting


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The op. should have been here 23 years ago when I came ,one of the first bar girls I went home with In Pattaya was about 29 ,when we arrived at her room there was a girl about 14 there ,the bar girl then said to me "don't worry my daughter is just leaving she works at a bar down the road" it seems there were no age limits then

Edited by i claudius
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I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

You don't expect these

sexpats to be truthful

in response to that,

do you? It's all good

until it's their kid.

Thai girls are different.

Yes, it seems that way, doesn't it?

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When someone is 18 they can have seuxal relationships with whom they want. Get off your wannabe high horse and realize that you have no business telling anyone how to live their lives, not even under 18 year olds as that is the business of their parents.

But saying that it's very obvious you are a troll, a very sofisticated one, but a troll nontheless.

And yes, i love feeding trolls. It's my Internet hobby.

I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives. As long as it doesn't affect the lives of others.

An elderly man having sexual relations with a local girl under 22 is subjecting her to trauma that will almost certainly leave a mental scar.

I think our lives would go on perfectly normally if a law that protects vulnerable Thai girls from aged sexpats/tourists was introduced. What difference would it make to you?

That men of an age that ought to know better can stand against something that aims to reduce/alleviate suffering - even if it's only in a small corner of what is a huge national industry - is sickening.

I suppose the imposition of such a law would end the dream for many of you who feel being in/visiting Thailand is akin to some kind of sexual Disneyland where anything goes as long as it stays hush-hush

I assume that your next trip will be to Yemen and you'll preach on the largest square about them not having intercourse with 9 year old girls... because hey, you are consistent right? Surely there are bigger issues in the world, especially in Thailand, than which adult is having sex with another adult regardless of age.

But i want to point out that you are in fact preaching how people should live their lives (not haing sex with someone under 22). And because you realize how bizarre your preaching is you're also demanding a law against such behaviour.

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The op. should have been here 23 years ago when I came ,one of the first bar girls I went home with In Pattaya was about 29 ,when we arrived at her room there was a girl about 14 there ,the bar girl then said to me "don't worry my daughter is just leaving she works at a bar down the road" it seems there were no age limits then

I have seen Thai women working together with their daughters before, years ago in Samui.

If the Mom admitted she was 14 she was probably 12.

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I assume that your next trip will be to Yemen and you'll preach on the largest square about them not having intercourse with 9 year old girls... because hey, you are consistent right? Surely there are bigger issues in the world, especially in Thailand, than which adult is having sex with another adult regardless of age.

But i want to point out that you are in fact preaching how people should live their lives (not haing sex with someone under 22). And because you realize how bizarre your preaching is you're also demanding a law against such behaviour.

So if I might summarize your particularly feeble argument, you're basically saying, "Girls are being abused in Yemen, why are you looking at what depraved old men are doing in Thailand? At least we're paying!"

Ok well, I live in Thailand. The topic is about Thailand and the few baht you might pay won't fade the scars on the young mind of a 17-22 year old Thai girl who's had to indulge your fantasies.

If you're one of the elderly men exploiting these young girls, then I don't really expect you to agree with my point of view but at least try and back your argument with more than childish suggestions I look at exploitation elsewhere.

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I assume that your next trip will be to Yemen and you'll preach on the largest square about them not having intercourse with 9 year old girls... because hey, you are consistent right? Surely there are bigger issues in the world, especially in Thailand, than which adult is having sex with another adult regardless of age.

But i want to point out that you are in fact preaching how people should live their lives (not haing sex with someone under 22). And because you realize how bizarre your preaching is you're also demanding a law against such behaviour.

So if I might summarize your particularly feeble argument, you're basically saying, "Girls are being abused in Yemen, why are you looking at what depraved old men are doing in Thailand? At least we're paying!"

Ok well, I live in Thailand. The topic is about Thailand and the few baht you might pay won't fade the scars on the young mind of a 17-22 year old Thai girl who's had to indulge your fantasies.

If you're one of the elderly men exploiting these young girls, then I don't really expect you to agree with my point of view but at least try and back your argument with more than childish suggestions I look at exploitation elsewhere.

Am i one of the few males here that agree with you????. first of all if a 25 yo had sex with a young hooker, maybe aged 20, i do not suppose anything would be said, but i feel sick thinking about the old,fat, depraved perverts of 60 upwards that think it is ok, my mind cannot take something like that in. Especialy if they have daughters back home, its horrible

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I assume that your next trip will be to Yemen and you'll preach on the largest square about them not having intercourse with 9 year old girls... because hey, you are consistent right? Surely there are bigger issues in the world, especially in Thailand, than which adult is having sex with another adult regardless of age.

But i want to point out that you are in fact preaching how people should live their lives (not haing sex with someone under 22). And because you realize how bizarre your preaching is you're also demanding a law against such behaviour.

So if I might summarize your particularly feeble argument, you're basically saying, "Girls are being abused in Yemen, why are you looking at what depraved old men are doing in Thailand? At least we're paying!"

Ok well, I live in Thailand. The topic is about Thailand and the few baht you might pay won't fade the scars on the young mind of a 17-22 year old Thai girl who's had to indulge your fantasies.

If you're one of the elderly men exploiting these young girls, then I don't really expect you to agree with my point of view but at least try and back your argument with more than childish suggestions I look at exploitation elsewhere.

I'm sure i'm younger than you and i live in Thailand as well. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's not your business what, how, when or why adults do the things they do. Any view other than that and you doing exactly what you are saying you aren't: preaching.

Maybe you are one of those people that see a 19 year old thai WOMAN and automatically in your head she turns into a 15 year old GIRL.

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No sorry you're wrong but at least you're consistent with the other elderly men on the thread with not-so-fertile-anymore imaginations who automatically assume that anyone holding a morally-decent POV must be jaded and disappointed with his own life.

I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

For those who asked if the same rules would apply to younger sexpats/tourists, in my experience, the younger men aren't engaged in active pursuit of barely legal girls.

To be fair, neither are the majority of older men but, of those who seem to discuss it with increasing regularity, the lion's share appear to be older (50-60 up).

The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly.

Trying to justify it by saying, "Oh these girls know what they're doing and would bleed us dry given half the chance" makes it even more reprehensible. Classic language of the sex tourist willing to excuse exploitation as long as he can satisfy himself with a girl of an age that most societies would deem highly-inexperienced and vulnerable.

Justifying it by saying "Ah they've been abused by family or village Thai boys already" is egregious. If you discover a woman who's been raped lying by the side of the road, does that mean that it shouldn't be a problem to screw her too because the damage is already done by someone else?

Some of you really need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves what living in/visiting Thailand for sex has de-sensitized you to because it seems that some elderly men are titillated by the warped sense of achievement they get from sexually defiling someone they'd be expected to protect in any decent society.

let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

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Is this post actually supposed to achieve anything ?. Are the over 50's who pay for the services of a 20 year old bar girl going to suddenly change their ways? If you feel so strongly about the subject you should be camped outside Pranut Chanochas office waving a big placard, or hassling bar owners (love to be there to see that) to stop hiring these young girls for the pleasure of old falangs, but of course we know you won't do anything except bitch and moan from the safety of your keyboard. About as effectual as a fart in a hurricane.

Edited by giddyup
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let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

Edited by BKKBodhisattva
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let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

17 is illegal. 18 is legal. That's it.

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I would wager any amount that if any of you had 17 year old daughters, you'd be mortified if an elderly sexpat/tourist proposed handing her a modest wad of notes in return for spreading her legs.

It's all relative, my kid has enough that she doesn't need to sleep with anyone (young or old) for money BUT,

If my 16 (nearly 17) year old daughter was offered a house, car, uni fees and a life of leisure, and a large inheritance, I'd tell her to seriously consider it.

Let's face it, she's gonna do it one day, why would I want her to do it with a worthless (Thai?) guy her own age?

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let me pluck apart your deficient logic for you:

"morally decent" : a question of perspective. you come with your Western morals and apply them to Thailand.

"my 17 year old daughter accepting a modest wad of cash for spreading her legs for an elderly sexpat" : this brings up a world of questions. first, why would my daughter want to sell herself for a modest wad of cash? If it's out of poverty, why does the age of the customer make a difference? Should old customers have to pay more? Is 17 years of age ok for having sex with someone? No? Or except if the person is old? Is there a law prohibiting prostitution of 17 year olds? yes? What about 18 year old? Is the whole prostitution thing wrong?

=> it all boils down to you wanting to impose your morals to others

"younger sexpats are not engaged in the pursuit of younger girls" : that's your perception because there are so much older sexpats than younger ones (because the 50-60 age range has the money and time to come stay in Thailand). I'd risk the assumption that young sexpats like young girls just like older sexpats.

"The suggestion that men are somehow hardwired to desire 17-18 year old girls is drivel. Men are hardwired to impregnate as many women as they possibly can but, lo and behold, most of us manage to conduct monogamous relationships without too much difficulty. I think paying a 17 year old, poorly-educated Thai girl is the worst kind of exploitation of her situation that should arouse in us compassion and a desire to protect, not have us unzipping our fly."

=> you are deflecting the debate. 17 years old is illegal. your original post was about 18 years old. And then again, just because "some manage to conduct monogamous relationships", it should be the rule for everyone. Again you try to impose your superior self-righteous morals - a law has been made to protect underage girls and underage prostitutes, let's stick to it. We don't need you for that.

Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

What universal morals? There is no such thing, only in your head, along with the belief that the earth is flat. BTW, the price is the same if you are 20 or 70, but you can ask for a seniors discount.

Edited by giddyup
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Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

17 is illegal. 18 is legal. That's it.


Age of consent is 15 in Thailand (without the parents complaining) or 13 if a judge allows her to marry first.


Young men usually take whatever they can get.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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The premise of the OP is: over age 50 foreigner with an under 21 year old local is the dividing line of decency. It would be interesting to know how he arrived at that determination. A 90 year old with a 23 year old is just fine I guess, as is a 49 year old with an 18 year old. But 50 + 21 is beyond the pale somehow.

What if the old guy was having sex with a boy pretending to be a girl and wearing a dress?

I don't think the OP has much idea what goes on in Thailand.

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Sorry but you haven't plucked anything.

I'm not applying Western morals to Thailand, I'm applying universal morals because I doubt that any Thai parent of any 17 year old girl, all things being equal, would sanction the defilement of his daughter by a decrepit old foreigner 3 times her age.

Older customers - from what I've seen - do pay more. Apparently it compensates for the disgust factor.

Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve17 is illegal. 18 is legal. That's it.

17 isn't illegal unless you've picked her up in a brothel or other establishment that facilitates prostitution.


Young men usually take whatever they can get.

And old men whatever they can afford?

Yep, money is no object.

In Thailand, perhaps. US, UK, Europe, Australia? I'd beg to differ.

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Young men tend to prefer girls of similar ages because they regard 17 year olds - quite understandably - as inexperienced and childish, attributes which apparently turn the deviants on.

You genuinely believe that the old man who's deliberately targeted the 17 year old isn't imagining she's 14 or 15 while he's puffing away on top of her??

If so, you're incredibly naïve

17 is illegal. 18 is legal. That's it.


Age of consent is 15 in Thailand (without the parents complaining) or 13 if a judge allows her to marry first.


Young men usually take whatever they can get.

I have assumed that the OP is referring to prostitution. I doubt many "old" farangs will find young girls willing to sleep with them without compensation. The minimum age for prostitution is 18.

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In Thailand, perhaps. US, UK, Europe, Australia? I'd beg to differ.

It's all relative. Millionaires are paying a couple of grand (and up) a night to sleep with a 20 year old in the US. No one's twisting her arm either.

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