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Trump: Deport children of immigrants living illegally in US

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Trump: Deport children of immigrants living illegally in US

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wants more than a wall to keep out immigrants living in the country illegally. He also wants to end "birthright citizenship" for their children, he said Sunday. And he would rescind Obama administration executive orders on immigration and toughen deportation, allowing in only "the good ones."

Trump described his expanded vision of how to secure American borders during a wide-ranging interview Sunday on NBC's "Meet The Press," saying that he would push to end the constitutionally protected citizenship rights of children of any family living illegally inside the U.S.

"They have to go," Trump said, adding: "What they're doing, they're having a baby. And then all of a sudden, nobody knows...the baby's here."

Native-born children of immigrants — even those living illegally in the U.S. — have been automatically considered American citizens since the adoption of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1868.

The odds of repealing the amendment's citizenship clause would be steep, requiring the votes of two-thirds of both houses of Congress and support from three-fourths of the nation's state legislatures. Republicans in Congress have pushed without success to repeal that provision since 2011.

"They're illegal," Trump said, describing native-born children of people living illegally in the US. "You either have a country or not."

Trump's remarks came as his campaign website posted his program for "immigration reform." Among its details: Making Mexico pay for a permanent border wall. Mandatory deportation of all "criminal aliens." Tripling the force of immigration officers by eliminating tax credit payments to immigrant families residing illegally in the U.S.

He said that families with U.S.-born children could return quickly if deemed worthy by the government. "We're going to try and bring them back rapidly, the good ones," he said, adding: "We will expedite it so people can come back in. The good people can come back."

Trump did not elaborate on how he would define "good people." But echoing earlier controversial remarks that Mexico was sending criminals across the border, Trump said a tough deportation policy was needed because "there's definitely evidence" of crimes linked to immigrants living in the country illegally.

The a New York businessman said he would waste little time rescinding President Barack Obama's executive actions aimed at allowing as many as 3.7 million immigrants living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country because of their U.S.-born relatives. Obama's November 2014 actions were halted by temporary injunctions ordered by several federal courts in rulings challenging his executive powers to alter immigration policies without Congressional approval. The cases could lead to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"We have to make a whole new set of standards," Trump said. "And when people come in, they have to come in legally."

Trump's plan was endorsed by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who chairs a Senate subcommittee on immigration.

"This is exactly the plan America needs," Sessions said in a statement. "Crucially, this plan includes an emphasis on lifting struggling minority communities, including our immigrant communities, out of poverty, by preventing corporations from bringing in new workers from overseas to replace them and drive down wages."

On Sunday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich echoed Trump's call to finish construction of an incomplete system of barriers on the nation's southern border with Mexico. There are still gaps in the barriers, which have been under construction since 2005.

Speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," Kasich said he would "finish the wall" but would then work to legalize 12 million immigrants now estimated to live in the U.S. illegally. Kasich said he would "make sure we don't have anybody — any of the criminal element here." He would also revive the guest-worker programs that previously brought in temporary workers to aid in farming and other industries hobbled by labor shortages.

Most other GOP candidates also back completing the border wall but differ over how to treat immigrant families already living in the U.S. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush recently released his own immigration plan calling for the use of forward bases and drones to guard the border, but also backing an eventual plan to legalize the status of immigrant families. Bush disagrees with Obama's use of executive actions to unilaterally enforce the policy.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio worked with senators from both parties to develop a comprehensive plan in 2013 that would have legalized the status of many immigrant families. But Congress balked at the idea as tea party Republicans opposed the deal and Rubio has since backed away from his support.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-17

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Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.


What Obama the lefty liberal was doing by allowing the millions of illegals to run the US borders and stay adding enormous pressure on the social services that are already over loaded, is to add millions of voters and sympathizers to the Democrats electoral come 2016 elections, why should he care? he's going to be sitting pretty in his mansion surrounded with minders and

all the perks of an ex president, making millions with speaking engagements.....


What Obama the lefty liberal was doing by allowing the millions of illegals to run the US borders

and stay adding enormous pressure on the social services that are already over loaded, is to add

millions of voters and sympathizers to the Democrats electoral come 2016 elections,

why should he care? he's going to be sitting pretty in his mansion surrounded with minders and

all the perks of an ex president, making millions with speaking engagements.....

Illegal immigrants have been flooding into the US long before Obama became President. But don't let facts get in the way of your rant.


Republican party is still licking it wounds from the past two presidential elections. Last year they went with Mick The Dick Romney and tried to suppress votes. They haven't learn their lesson yet. They will have Rug Daddy Trump as their Republican nominee this time and be scratching their ass wondering why got defeated again. How many ways can you be stupid?


Rightwingers claim there are 20m undocumented immigrants. The right is of course wrong. The right is also wrongheaded to argue for a mass deportation because the cost fiscally, in economics, socially and in time, far exceed the simple minded racial shouting to mass deport.

The last thing the United States needs is a tycoon with insta-idiot answers as president....

Removing all 11.2 million undocumented immigrants, both forcibly and through Mitt Romney's infamous "self-deportation" policy, would take about 20 years and cost the government between $400 billion and $600 billion. The impact on the economy would be even larger, according to the study: Real GDP would drop by nearly $1.6 trillion and the policy would shave 5.7 percent off economic growth. Researchers Laura Collins and Ben Gitis also write that their estimates are conservative, since they do not include, for example, the cost of constructing new courts, prisons, and other buildings that might be needed to process and detain millions of immigrants.


And who would execute the long term government mass deportation....it would mostly be an expensive army of new enforcement officers local, state, federal to include their transport vehicles of all kinds. A new national government bureaucracy of rightwingers wearing badges and carrying guns....more guns and more rightwingnuts wearing badges.

Edited by Publicus only to apply Italics to the quoted segment as reduced in font size by the moderator Metisdead.


This is Trump's 'Immigration Reform' policy proposal - LINK BELOW....

Trump will be the top news headline for the next three weeks - he has stolen the show again ... Democrats will be frothing and slobbering at the mouth...

This plan just published - heavily influenced by Senator Jeff Session - it going to be the hottest document - policy is recent memory -- Amnesty Advocates will be screaming to the high heavens.. Trump will have threats from radical Mexican Amnesty backers for violence in the streets and worse. The Mexican Government will be so angry they will want to threaten war ...Just read it you will see why.



This Trump Immigration policy will take him over the top ... Trump will run away with 45% of the polling if not 55 or 65.....

The illegal Alien problem is a big problem in and of itself -- but it is a symbol of all that is wrong with the Uniparty in D
.C. - The Uniparty has been doing 180 degrees of what citizens want on almost everything since obama was elected. Conservatives and Moderates gave Republicans The House and The Senate and what has McConnell and Boehner done 9 out of 10 times -- ??? Support obama - give in and give away...

Obama threatens lawlessness and actually does lawlessness by bringing in hoards of illegal aliens and a huge numbers of children and now displaced Syrians and Somalians.

And the Establishment RINOs with Both Houses does nothing ....

Social Stream media has caused Americans to become painfully aware of it all...

We have been seeing the makings of a Populist Uprising in recent weeks - we will see it in full thrust now...

This Trump Immigration policy will be fought tooth and nail by the Dems and the radical Mexican Amnesty backers like La Raza,

We are likely to see violent protests and threats and worse on Trump's life..


Trump the original neanderthal man. Sexist accused rapist will never be president if my vote as any say in it... Trump that bitches...

Rest assured my vote will cancel your vote.


Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.

The US Legal Code and Constitution don't appear to matter to the current administration, so there is precedent for Trump doing whatever the hell he wants to do if elected... See how that works... He who holds the throne and sceptre makes the rules...


If all the illegal immigrants had been deported or turned away then America would be Canada...

The right want America to become Thailand.

And the left want America to become Cuba... coffee1.gif


What Obama the lefty liberal was doing by allowing the millions of illegals to run the US borders and stay adding enormous pressure on the social services that are already over loaded, is to add millions of voters and sympathizers to the Democrats electoral come 2016 elections, why should he care? he's going to be sitting pretty in his mansion surrounded with minders and

all the perks of an ex president, making millions with speaking engagements.....

It's called the Cloward-Pivens Strategy... Saul Alinsky would be proud...



Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself

Yes, he has stated he wants to call a constitutional convention to alter the 14th Amendment.

It's long past time that this jurisprudential nonsense be done away with, once and for all. The entire 14th Amendment should be scrapped, IMHO.


Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.

The US Legal Code and Constitution don't appear to matter to the current administration, so there is precedent for Trump doing whatever the hell he wants to do if elected... See how that works... He who holds the throne and sceptre makes the rules...

One Executive Order after another. Now, the shoe will be on the other foot.


With issue of his Illegal Alien policy as posted Trump will be at 35% of the Poll share of all Republican Candidates within a week and the rest will be at single digit


With issue of his Illegal Alien policy as posted Trump will be at 35% of the Poll share of all Republican Candidates within a week and the rest will be at single digit

And it's going to put Bush and Fiorina right in the crosshairs, because both of them support amnesty. There is going to be a clear choice.


It sounds like a good idea. Maybe he could have the electorate take a look at the 2nd amendment while he's at it.


Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.

you could likely get this court to do so. And on this issue I agree with him.

As if Trump or any aboard the clown bus could get elected Animal Control Officer. The Republicans have gotten so far out in their own bizzaro world, none of them are remotely electable.

Every last one of these idiots will be campaigning to ban abortion, a popular woman's right that is guaranteed by the courts. Courts don't recognize the unborn as either persons or citizens, end of story.

Republicans will be campaigning for boots back on the ground in the middle east. A very unpopular position to say the least.

Republicans will be campaigning to throw out immigrants and build a wall. Unworkable and completely loony tunes. Along with the factor that anyone elected is going to need the votes of women and minorities. The Republicans press their right wing agenda, trying to gin up the base.

It's a farce. It's an amusing farce but none the less a farce. Republicans are unelectable. There isn't one middle of the road Republican candidate. Jeb Bush could have gone there but instead has decided to go the loony tunes route. It's just pathetic.

Let's talk about HRC's email server. gigglem.gif


In most of the posts above I see resentment against the illegal immigrants in US.

Obviously most of these posters are Americans.

Now, gentlemen, may I ask you to make a mental effort?

Just imagine that all these illegal migrants are Muslims!

With all due respect, those illegal migrants you are complaining about may well be a burden on your social structure.

But I never heard of any 'Latinos' building Mosques, calling for Jihad, killing Americans, demanding Sharia Laws, raping any female without a burka, blowing anything up or just violently demonstrating against anything!

Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!


Anchor babies are authorized by the US Supreme Court. Does Trump understand to undo that, he has to pass a constitutional amendment or get the US Supreme Court to reverse itself? Trump has just demonstrated that he has no knowledge about constitutional law and the limits of presidential power.

The US Legal Code and Constitution don't appear to matter to the current administration, so there is precedent for Trump doing whatever the hell he wants to do if elected... See how that works... He who holds the throne and sceptre makes the rules...

It doesn't work that way. There is a clear SCOTUS decision on the right of persons born on US soil to claim citizenship. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." The Supreme Court of the United States affirmed in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship for nearly all individuals born in the country, regardless of their parents' citizenship or immigration status.

You can't ignore a 100-year old ruling of SCOTUS. It violates the separation of powers. The only remedy is to get SCOTUS to reverse itself (won't happen because the ruling is so old, it's not Dred Scot), or pass a constitutional amendment.

I realize that the Republibums don't like a lot of Obama's executive orders. They can challenge those in the courts, as they did with Obamacare. They don't involve direct attempts by a President in circumventing a direct on-point Supreme Court ruling about the interpretation of the Constitution.

Trump's statement is another blunder showing he is unfit to be President. It won't be long until he blunders enough to destroy his candidacy.


Cutting it short - why not shut up because you have lesser problems than Europeans?

As to Trump - I considered him an idiot from the start. Him saying anything will not change my view. My view is irrelevant since I'm not an American. Him being an idiot will not stop Americans voting him in. Congrats in advance!

Umm, you're wrong about Americans having lesser problems than Europeans. Look at the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants and you will see the fallacy of your argument. Americans have problems with Muslims as well, but most of the immigration debate focus on immigrants from Central America. In reality, the real danger is Muslims, because they can be radicalized, and Indians, who are allowed to immigrate because they have technical skills (real skills that put Americans out of work, not like Mexicans who work for $10 an hour under the table).

I agree with you about Trump.


As if Trump or any aboard the clown bus could get elected Animal Control Officer. The Republicans have gotten so far out in their own bizzaro world, none of them are remotely electable.

Every last one of these idiots will be campaigning to ban abortion, a popular woman's right that is guaranteed by the courts. Courts don't recognize the unborn as either persons or citizens, end of story.

Republicans will be campaigning for boots back on the ground in the middle east. A very unpopular position to say the least.

Republicans will be campaigning to throw out immigrants and build a wall. Unworkable and completely loony tunes. Along with the factor that anyone elected is going to need the votes of women and minorities. The Republicans press their right wing agenda, trying to gin up the base.

It's a farce. It's an amusing farce but none the less a farce. Republicans are unelectable. There isn't one middle of the road Republican candidate. Jeb Bush could have gone there but instead has decided to go the loony tunes route. It's just pathetic.

Let's talk about HRC's email server. gigglem.gif

Constitutionality, legality, affordability, practicality, plain 'ol humanity and all other sensible sensibilities are irrelevant. For the Republican hopefuls, the pronouncements haven't been about what's doable, but about feeding that base irrational outrage and anger (and, dare I say it?--racism, misogyny and outright wackadoodleness). Trump, so far, has been most successful at that strategy.

Trump is presenting himself as an a-hole, but, it turns out, a lot of Republicans WANT an a-hole president. Trump has quite a strategy (for the Republican primaries anyway): go after the a-hole vote. In an unlikely coalition, he's got both the "let's use our cellphones in the cinema" AND "let's shoot the guy using the cellphone in the cinema" votes all sewn up.



Actually Trump could work with Congress to write and pass law defining the misused 14th amendment to end birthright citizenship, as a child of illegal immigrant parents aren't soverign to USA which lacks jurisdiction..So not a citizen. That would force SCOTUS to either overule law or let it stand. If the overruled that, then an Amendment, but as most other nations have done, no rights just for being across the line.

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