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Koh Tao murder trial reconvenes in Koh Samui

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Fair comment and equally I would agree with what your saying but also there's equally no witnesses to come forward in Bangkok to say he was with them etc on the night/morning of the crime. So while it's possible for either scenario to be valid it's equally puzzling that in both cases there's no witnesses to prove either possibility. That to me is more than a little suspicious. Where ever he was that night he wasn't alone,we all know how sociable Thais are and he was out and about and certainly unlikely to be alone in his room somewhere. But yet nobody has come forward in either location to back up any story. It's almost as if he didn't exist for that evening and turned up early morning, maybe !! In Bangkok. All leaves suspicion to the whole process..

Ok regarding witnesses, we know the teacher and students confirmed he was at UNI (thai media article), but what happened before and after class is more unclear except for the CCTV footage .

But maybe Thai media did not ask the right questions when they had the chance so we never read much about any of his movements in Bangkok and what he did with his friends that day or night . I would expect his class mates to stand up for him . Maybe they did , we just don't know more than gossip from social media , like that his girlfriend did not see him that night. But do they sleep together in the same room normally or she stay with her family maybe? Too many unclear details , simply because the police did not find that part interesting enough. .

If B2 are innocent there's a lot of suspects on that island , and that's the big headache here, unless someone speaks out, this will unfortunately end up as a "cold case".

Again not wanting to sound pedantic but I've never heard a witness directly speak live on media etc. it's been reported is as far as we get or RTP say this or that. The Thai media have been conspicuous by there absence in this trial except when it suits a agenda or there persuaded to print a story. Like I said I'm not convinced but that's only because I would need to hear it first hand from the horses mouth so to speak otherwise it's hard to believe with everything else that's gone on. Not been one sided just realistic as to what might be genuine .

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What has not been mentioned (as far as I know) in court is whether or not the Burmese men had given DNA samples prior to 1st October or not. There was much heated debate on this forum relating to this matter. All the Burmese that were tested prior to this date were released because the police said there were no matches. Surely this is an important aspect that needs clearing up by the defence?“Zaw Linn said the police came to arrest him on 1 October, some 15 days after the incident and during which time he had gone to work as usual,” the Burmese NGO worker said. “He said the police came to arrest him and six others in their room between midnight and 1am.

Here is a photo ofwin zaw htun or wei phyo as he now calls himself in line to give dna swabs early on in the investigation



i like this one too much

Body types are identical. Maybe NS has a twin?

Like I've posted before, Bangkok is brimming with ways to establish an alibi, hell I get a receipt for a 10 baht ice cream cone. All anyone has seen of NS alibi is one crap video and some shakey "witnesses" who weren't even where they claimed to be. Now, I agree he's under no obligation to provide these details but if he is "ruined" and "depressed" why not give as much evidence as he can to substantiate his claims? That's what anyone else would do. Why was Uncle Mon so concerned with the crime? Oh, because he runs the island? No no no.... All of these things cause major doubt and nothing further has come from the NS camp to clear him.

Way I see it, he already shaved down and went monk, which means all is well in his world and he has zero cares to give... He made his merit and now all is well in his little circle. Pretty disgusting IMO.


Has anyone ever ever seen a picture of the "Fresh Milk" (aledgelly homosexual) brother and his whereabouts? How tall is he? Does he die his hair by any chance? Left or right handed? ... Anybody ...?


For me Sean's wounds are defensive wounds like you would find defending yourself or someone around you, look similar to the deceased males head wounds, blood on the guitar and arm wounds could be trying to wade off an attack

Hence sean's comments about how he knew David had tried to save her. Maybe?

I don't think he done it but I think he was there but ran. He is basically a coward. He has run from Scotland after his child porn conviction. He probably ran that night. He ran when tracked down in Milan. He ran from Thailand.

We don't need to trash Sean. He already does it to himself. He's a party animal. I'm sure we all know people like that (and we probably all have some personal dirty laundry we wouldn't like aired in public). The important thing is what he may have to offer toward solving this case. I think he either wasn't near the crime scene that night (sleeping, as he said he was), or perhaps showed up as the crime was wrapping up, one of the perps (Stingray Man with the sharks tooth ring) could have punched him in the arm and said something like, "get the f-k out of here. You didn't see nothin' you understand?!"

I for one do not believe, or more importantly know, that no Mafia exists...

So, now you know there are no mafia-types on the island. Well congratulations for being so perceptive. I would venture that 99% of KT locals and 99% of police don't agree, but hey, don't let a silly concept like truth get in the way.

Point please.... end result stands, he is not a suspect and can freely go about his business, collective pre-construed information adds to the B2 Brigades regurgitation of irrelevant information, but hey.... if the straw hat fits go ahead and conspire.

Yes we know he was cleared, but we also know the wet toilet paper alibi. It may have convinced you, but it didn't remotely convince anyone with thinking abilities.


What was the time lag between the night of the murders and when Nomsod made himself available? And when was he seen in public before the night of the murders?

The crime wrapped up just before 5 am (note, we haven't heard mention of time of crime by prosecution. Not important to the court?). NS is supposedly shown in video at 9:30 am in Bkk. It's moot, because a desperate young man in a hurry can get from the island to Bkk in 4 hours or less. There are several morning flights from that region to Bkk. Have any of those flight manifests been looked at by RTP or Mon? Probably, but if they showed NS, then of course that data is stuffed.

Notably, there is no video shown of NS entering the building prior to the showing him leaving. It would be interesting to see when he entered. If it was anytime in the 20 hours prior to 8 am, then he probably wasn't on the island that night. Again, RTP control all CCTV (and other data), so all the tiny bits we (the general public) and the defense see are what RTP dribbles out - and which fits their agenda. Thailand's news TV station did a segment on the CCTV at the Bkk apartment, but the only footage they showed was a cut-up and highly speeded up (roughly 3 hours in 5 seconds) little segment at the end of their report - so it was worthless.


Mr Abbott said after the testimony: “Based on what we heard today, that he was stripped naked, had plastic bags placed over his head, blindfolded and made to fear for his life in order to extract a confession, it is very likely to meet the definition of torture as defined by the Convention Against Torture, to which Thailand is a party.

In order for justice to be provided to the victims and their families, and to ensure fairness to the accused, today’s allegations of torture must be subject to a serious enquiry by the court and if proven, any evidence obtained as a result of the torture must be set aside.”


This is just one of the key areas where the world will see if this is trial will be accepted as fair and transparent. The judge should before any decisions are made order an independent enquiry into the torture allegations and if proven to be true should dismiss any evidence surrounding those confessions.

Note, to be seen as fair not only for the victims and families, but also to the B2 and their families.


Is it just me or is there any increased level of aggression among the shills ever since the defence's case started? The baits and flames are coming out in full force. There is no way that any logical and objective person can say that the prosecution has proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt. In fact, their perfect have flamed the fires of doubt every greater.

And yet, there is a contingent of about 4-5 posters who take great pain to put down logical and sensible posts. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are all out to get as many posters suspended/banned as possible with their biased and disgusting posts, knowing full well that sensible posters struggle to deal with BS and misdirections and are compelled to respond to set the record straight.

Your latest conclusion just reflects only one time more what kind of paranoia many Western people appear to have in terms of Thailand.

Prosecution's job is to make sure that the laws in a county are kept up and the defence's job is to get the most out for their clients.

Neither one wants to lose a case. Therefoe, prosecution first rejected the case against the accussed because there were too many flaws in the police report. Obviously, this was amended and this is why we have the present court case.

Guilty or not guilty lies solely in the hand of the court.

"Justice" is a product by humans. It's greatest flaw. Emotions tend to overshadow objektivity. Everywhere. blink.png


Is it just me or is there any increased level of aggression among the shills ever since the defence's case started? The baits and flames are coming out in full force. There is no way that any logical and objective person can say that the prosecution has proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt. In fact, their perfect have flamed the fires of doubt every greater.

And yet, there is a contingent of about 4-5 posters who take great pain to put down logical and sensible posts. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are all out to get as many posters suspended/banned as possible with their biased and disgusting posts, knowing full well that sensible posters struggle to deal with BS and misdirections and are compelled to respond to set the record straight.

Your latest conclusion just reflects only one time more what kind of paranoia many Western people appear to have in terms of Thailand.

Prosecution's job is to make sure that the laws in a county are kept up and the defence's job is to get the most out for their clients.

Neither one wants to lose a case. Therefoe, prosecution first rejected the case against the accussed because there were too many flaws in the police report. Obviously, this was amended and this is why we have the present court case.

Guilty or not guilty lies solely in the hand of the court.

"Justice" is a product by humans. It's greatest flaw. Emotions tend to overshadow objektivity. Everywhere. blink.png

And judges have emotions to.


There are so many tourist witnesses to the events of that night, including allegedly two women in the Ocean View resort, that the RTP "allegedly" took statements from, but I bet those statements never see the light of day at this trial.

The French women you mean?

Yes, but there must be others too.

Like you I feel sure there are other witnesses who have not come forward, regards the french girls, as far as I'm aware this has only ever been reported by Sean. How did he know about that, to know about that he must have spoken to them?


3 September 2015

Koh Tao murders: Zaw Linn details police torture

Testifying in a Koh Samui court on Wednesday, Zaw Linn, one of two Burmese migrants accused of murder and rape, said that he was innocent of the charges, and that he had only signed a confession after being tortured by police.

In a lengthy dialogue, the 22-year-old from Kyauktaw, Arakan State, said he was handcuffed, had a bag placed over his head, and was beaten, before police threatened to extract his teeth with pliers if he did not admit the crimes.

Speaking to DVB on Thursday, Moe Wai of the Foundation for Education and Development, who attended the trial on 2 September, said Zaw Linn had first told the court how he had come to work on the southern Thai island of Koh Tao two years ago.



“Asked by his lawyer where the interrogation took place, Zaw Linn said it was at the Ocean View Bungalows in Koh Tao.

Hannah and David both stayed there. Interesting place for the "suspects" to have been taken. I wonder why the police chose this guest house for their interrogations.

Really? Interrogated at the Ocean View? That raises questions then.

I would like to know how close the owner of the guest house is with the interrogators.

In this video from the Daily Telegraph the reporter says the owner "Normally human beings don't act like this, even when they are so, so angry". Does the owner know more than he's telling?

The bodies were found in a spot overlooked by Hannah's room i.e. near the guest house.

There were reports from the Burmese community that claimed the attack happened at the guest house. The video from the Daily Telegraph shows the rooms just after the murders. There is no sign of a disturbance. I think it is extremely unlikely that it happened there. We know there was at least one person there, David's friend Sean, and presumably others.


However, IF I was a local with a violent nature who had just lost face to somebody and was planning an ambush on that person, I would know where the best place would be to ambush someone who I knew was staying there. That would probably be close by the guest house, just before my target got there. It would be further away from the main action so less likely to be seen or heard and my target would be more relaxed and less wary.

Additionally, on the beach where David's body was found, the sand around his body had been disturbed, suggesting a melee.

I was wondering if those big rocks and the sound of the sea would prevent sounds (like fighting, screaming, shouting or even guitar playing and partying) reaching the guest house or elsewhere. It seems like it's an enclosed space.



re; sounds from crime scene: it's a party beach bordering several large party bars - which are supposed to close at 2 a.m., but of course they don't. Besides very loud 'music' there is often shouting, firecrackers, dogs barking and chicks screaming. Anyone anywhere near that beach are either inured to loud noise all night, deaf, or part of the party. I stayed at a g.h near Had Rin (Ko Pa Gnan's Full Moon beach) one night, and it wasn't even full moon, and the noise all night was horrendous. The next morning I went and mentioned it to local Thais, they all grinned/laughed, "how else can it be?", ha ha ha.

Sounds of a murder, gang-rape would just blend in to all the other party-animal noise. Same for used or unused condoms, cig butts, bottles, and any other type of trash. Locals just get inured to all that stuff. It's tolerable as long as money's coming in.

Locals may also get inured to murders and rapes - particularly if they happen often, as at KT. It takes a certain type of character to tolerate that type of scenario.


Is it just me or is there any increased level of aggression among the shills ever since the defence's case started? The baits and flames are coming out in full force. There is no way that any logical and objective person can say that the prosecution has proved their case beyond any reasonable doubt. In fact, their perfect have flamed the fires of doubt every greater.

And yet, there is a contingent of about 4-5 posters who take great pain to put down logical and sensible posts. The only conclusion I can draw is that they are all out to get as many posters suspended/banned as possible with their biased and disgusting posts, knowing full well that sensible posters struggle to deal with BS and misdirections and are compelled to respond to set the record straight.

Your latest conclusion just reflects only one time more what kind of paranoia many Western people appear to have in terms of Thailand.

Prosecution's job is to make sure that the laws in a county are kept up and the defence's job is to get the most out for their clients.

Neither one wants to lose a case. Therefoe, prosecution first rejected the case against the accussed because there were too many flaws in the police report. Obviously, this was amended and this is why we have the present court case.

Guilty or not guilty lies solely in the hand of the court.

"Justice" is a product by humans. It's greatest flaw. Emotions tend to overshadow objektivity. Everywhere. blink.png

And judges have emotions to.

Yep, that's why I wrote: "Justice" is a product by humans. It's greatest flaw. whistling.gif


re; sounds from crime scene: it's a party beach bordering several large party bars - which are supposed to close at 2 a.m., but of course they don't. Besides very loud 'music' there is often shouting, firecrackers, dogs barking and chicks screaming. Anyone anywhere near that beach are either inured to loud noise all night, deaf, or part of the party. I stayed at a g.h near Had Rin (Ko Pa Gnan's Full Moon beach) one night, and it wasn't even full moon, and the noise all night was horrendous. The next morning I went and mentioned it to local Thais, they all grinned/laughed, "how else can it be?", ha ha ha.

Sounds of a murder, gang-rape would just blend in to all the other party-animal noise. Same for used or unused condoms, cig butts, bottles, and any other type of trash. Locals just get inured to all that stuff. It's tolerable as long as money's coming in.

Locals may also get inured to murders and rapes - particularly if they happen often, as at KT. It takes a certain type of character to tolerate that type of scenario.

Which really says it all - it could have happened to any of those hundreds of nightly revelers. Which is still going on as though nothing happened. Really sad.


Seems that Tom Wood needs to be in court then to give this information first hand. 'Hannah and David went their separate ways' reads to me like Hannah and David separated but it sounds like he means they left the bar together. So Tom Wood could tell the court what bar they were in, approximate time they left and why he assumed they went to the beach. He might also be able to tell the court if he witnessed any altercation that evening/morning. This information coming from a man who only met Hannah and David that night? If that's the case then the victims friends should hopefully be able to fill in many more details about when they left, whether they were together when they left, whether there was an argument of any sort and if they did actually leave by the back door. Maybe Tom's statement will be read in court by the defence and shed some light.

I very much doubt the defense would bring that up since it supports the narrative from the prosecution, at least in terms of there not being a fight at the bar before the murders.

"Meanwhile, during the hearing yesterday afternoon Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha said he and other officers had not investigated rumours that Miss Witheridge had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

The officer said he was aware of rumours that the university graduate had an altercation inside the AC Bar while there with friends.

But he said neither he, nor his officers, actively followed up that line of inquiry. The senior investigating officer insisted there was no evidence to suggest she was followed from the bar."

That, I presume, came up during cross examination of the witness by the defense, so it stands to reason that it is a line of attack the defense has used (or at least tried) to cast doubt on the investigation.


Seems that Tom Wood needs to be in court then to give this information first hand. 'Hannah and David went their separate ways' reads to me like Hannah and David separated but it sounds like he means they left the bar together. So Tom Wood could tell the court what bar they were in, approximate time they left and why he assumed they went to the beach. He might also be able to tell the court if he witnessed any altercation that evening/morning. This information coming from a man who only met Hannah and David that night? If that's the case then the victims friends should hopefully be able to fill in many more details about when they left, whether they were together when they left, whether there was an argument of any sort and if they did actually leave by the back door. Maybe Tom's statement will be read in court by the defence and shed some light.

I very much doubt the defense would bring that up since it supports the narrative from the prosecution, at least in terms of there not being a fight at the bar before the murders.

"Meanwhile, during the hearing yesterday afternoon Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha said he and other officers had not investigated rumours that Miss Witheridge had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

The officer said he was aware of rumours that the university graduate had an altercation inside the AC Bar while there with friends.

But he said neither he, nor his officers, actively followed up that line of inquiry. The senior investigating officer insisted there was no evidence to suggest she was followed from the bar."

That, I presume, came up during cross examination of the witness by the defense, so it stands to reason that it is a line of attack the defense has used (or at least tried) to cast doubt on the investigation.

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.


Seems that Tom Wood needs to be in court then to give this information first hand. 'Hannah and David went their separate ways' reads to me like Hannah and David separated but it sounds like he means they left the bar together. So Tom Wood could tell the court what bar they were in, approximate time they left and why he assumed they went to the beach. He might also be able to tell the court if he witnessed any altercation that evening/morning. This information coming from a man who only met Hannah and David that night? If that's the case then the victims friends should hopefully be able to fill in many more details about when they left, whether they were together when they left, whether there was an argument of any sort and if they did actually leave by the back door. Maybe Tom's statement will be read in court by the defence and shed some light.

I very much doubt the defense would bring that up since it supports the narrative from the prosecution, at least in terms of there not being a fight at the bar before the murders.

"Meanwhile, during the hearing yesterday afternoon Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha said he and other officers had not investigated rumours that Miss Witheridge had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

The officer said he was aware of rumours that the university graduate had an altercation inside the AC Bar while there with friends.

But he said neither he, nor his officers, actively followed up that line of inquiry. The senior investigating officer insisted there was no evidence to suggest she was followed from the bar."

That, I presume, came up during cross examination of the witness by the defense, so it stands to reason that it is a line of attack the defense has used (or at least tried) to cast doubt on the investigation.

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.

All the staff in the AC Bar should be bought to the stand to swear under oath what they saw that night and be reminded that lying will bring on further charges .

The same should apply to Nomsod to answer a few question for the defence under oath.


Seems that Tom Wood needs to be in court then to give this information first hand. 'Hannah and David went their separate ways' reads to me like Hannah and David separated but it sounds like he means they left the bar together. So Tom Wood could tell the court what bar they were in, approximate time they left and why he assumed they went to the beach. He might also be able to tell the court if he witnessed any altercation that evening/morning. This information coming from a man who only met Hannah and David that night? If that's the case then the victims friends should hopefully be able to fill in many more details about when they left, whether they were together when they left, whether there was an argument of any sort and if they did actually leave by the back door. Maybe Tom's statement will be read in court by the defence and shed some light.

I very much doubt the defense would bring that up since it supports the narrative from the prosecution, at least in terms of there not being a fight at the bar before the murders.

"Meanwhile, during the hearing yesterday afternoon Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha said he and other officers had not investigated rumours that Miss Witheridge had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

The officer said he was aware of rumours that the university graduate had an altercation inside the AC Bar while there with friends.

But he said neither he, nor his officers, actively followed up that line of inquiry. The senior investigating officer insisted there was no evidence to suggest she was followed from the bar."

That, I presume, came up during cross examination of the witness by the defense, so it stands to reason that it is a line of attack the defense has used (or at least tried) to cast doubt on the investigation.

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.

He said he was interviewed by the police, if the contents of that interview were presented in court or are part of the prosecution case file neither us knows it; although I would be surprised if it wasn't.


Yes, agree international media organisations are reporting, but this is via local or freelance reporters, i think we can agree that the BBC, Sky etc are not physical there, they lack the appetite for this case at the moment, it may change if there is some explosive new evidence presented.

Well, as of late there were some actual explosive events that have shifted the attention elsewhere in Thailand. Besides that, the media can only run the pre-packaged "Burmese accused of murder claim they were tortured and the case is a shambles" story so many times before reader's eyes gloss over and look elsewhere.

I see Reuters are at the court. Looks like credible international media still have plenty of interest in the torture claims

On Thursday, Reuters reported from outside the courthouse after the hearing. In an interview, defence lawyer Nakhon Chomphuchart said that the prosecution were focusing on the fact that the suspects had confessed and that the confession was plausible. https://www.dvb.no/news/koh-tao-murders-zaw-linn-details-police-torture-burma-thailand-myanmar/56989



Defence lawyers, when questioning Dr Pornthip, surely to draw on newly acquired evidence to raise questions about Thai police investigation


Day 15 of Koh Tao murder trial will recommence on 11th Sept with Dr Pornthip defence team's first domestic forensics expert witness.


Accused Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo's further testimony will likely be held back until after 11th Sept as Dr Pornthip will surely take a full day


Seems that Tom Wood needs to be in court then to give this information first hand. 'Hannah and David went their separate ways' reads to me like Hannah and David separated but it sounds like he means they left the bar together. So Tom Wood could tell the court what bar they were in, approximate time they left and why he assumed they went to the beach. He might also be able to tell the court if he witnessed any altercation that evening/morning. This information coming from a man who only met Hannah and David that night? If that's the case then the victims friends should hopefully be able to fill in many more details about when they left, whether they were together when they left, whether there was an argument of any sort and if they did actually leave by the back door. Maybe Tom's statement will be read in court by the defence and shed some light.

I very much doubt the defense would bring that up since it supports the narrative from the prosecution, at least in terms of there not being a fight at the bar before the murders.

"Meanwhile, during the hearing yesterday afternoon Police Colonel Cherdpong Chiewpreecha said he and other officers had not investigated rumours that Miss Witheridge had been involved in an argument with a Thai youth on the night of her death.

The officer said he was aware of rumours that the university graduate had an altercation inside the AC Bar while there with friends.

But he said neither he, nor his officers, actively followed up that line of inquiry. The senior investigating officer insisted there was no evidence to suggest she was followed from the bar."

That, I presume, came up during cross examination of the witness by the defense, so it stands to reason that it is a line of attack the defense has used (or at least tried) to cast doubt on the investigation.

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.

Because the trial isn't over yet? saai.gif

The trial of Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo commences at Koh Samui Court on 8th July 2015 and will last for 18 days (6 x 3 day sessions) over 3 months. A verdict is expected in Oct 2015.

Source: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/justice-koh-tao-murder-case#/story

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.

Because the trial isn't over yet? saai.gif

The trial of Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo commences at Koh Samui Court on 8th July 2015 and will last for 18 days (6 x 3 day sessions) over 3 months. A verdict is expected in Oct 2015.

Source: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/justice-koh-tao-murder-case#/story

The prosecution has finished its case, all they can offer now is cross examination of the defense witnesses


What was the time lag between the night of the murders and when Nomsod made himself available? And when was he seen in public before the night of the murders?

The crime wrapped up just before 5 am (note, we haven't heard mention of time of crime by prosecution. Not important to the court?). NS is supposedly shown in video at 9:30 am in Bkk. It's moot, because a desperate young man in a hurry can get from the island to Bkk in 4 hours or less. There are several morning flights from that region to Bkk. Have any of those flight manifests been looked at by RTP or Mon? Probably, but if they showed NS, then of course that data is stuffed.

Notably, there is no video shown of NS entering the building prior to the showing him leaving. It would be interesting to see when he entered. If it was anytime in the 20 hours prior to 8 am, then he probably wasn't on the island that night. Again, RTP control all CCTV (and other data), so all the tiny bits we (the general public) and the defense see are what RTP dribbles out - and which fits their agenda. Thailand's news TV station did a segment on the CCTV at the Bkk apartment, but the only footage they showed was a cut-up and highly speeded up (roughly 3 hours in 5 seconds) little segment at the end of their report - so it was worthless.

I disagree that it was worthless. A TV report with a negative result is necessarily going to compress many hours of CCTV coverage from several cameras. As journalists, they would normally have been keen to prove Nomsod's alibi false. That would have been a much better story. These are the main possibilities:

  • The CCTV had been doctored sufficiently cleverly as to pass the inspection of the TV investigative team.
  • The TV team was bought off. I am not sure how many people would have needed to be paid off, but definitely more than a single journalist. The apartment building's security staff would also have needed to be persuaded to keep quiet.
  • The Thai PBS team examined the camera footage and concluded that Nomsod could not be seen entering between 2:00 am and 9:30 am. Yes, their investigation could have been shoddy, and Nomsod really shown entering when the footage was examined carefully, but I do not believe that for one good reason. The journalists would never have been allowed to examine undoctored footage that blew Nomsod's alibi.

I personally think only doctored CCTV or validation of Nomsod's alibi are likely. If they really approached someone senior enough at Thai PBS to handpick a team that could be relied upon to file a false report, I am amazed at their brazenness.


I would be interested to know if the clothes that were stolen from Win on the beach were described in court today. The top that Maung was wearing in the CCTV stills appeared to be the one that Win was wearing on the motorbike. So I'm wondering if the black top was the one that was supposedly stolen from the beach that Maung seemed to be wearing later on. unfortunately I cannot find a pic of Maung wearing it with a timestamp on but I believe other posters may have one. As often happens, I am not being given an option on here to attach files so will post separately.

You're concerned about details which a farang investigation/court would delve into. As we know, this drama is playing out in Thailand, and there are a plethora of details (which could be crucial) which won't be addressed. It would be like if you bring your car in to a Thai mechanic and start mentioning all sorts of problems (bald tires, brakes not working, clutch slipping, etc.). The mechanic reaches in, turns the key, starts the car and says, "see, no problem. Car can go. You ok now." Actually, to more accurately make the analogy with the trial proceedings, the mechanic (prosecution) would find a cig butt on the floor of the car and claim that's the cause of your problem.

ok so lets be clear about this

Nomsod in not on trial, the defense team are not police or prosecutors so Nomsod, Mon, Shark tooth guy or anyone else for that matter will be in this court room unless they have direct witness input.

If however someone uncovers undeniable ground breaking provable evidence that implicates them or anyone else then it would be reported to the police and it would be their duty to follow it up and investigate

That last statement is one of the funniest I have read in days. If someone uncovers evidence of Numnuts (Nomsod) involvement, it will be reported to the police, and it would be their duty to follow it up! Hilarious. His family is above the law. Why don't some people realize this yet? It will be their sworn duty to not follow it up! It will be their sworn duty to protect his family. It already happened. With a net worth in excess of $500,000,000US, that vermin family is absolutely and completely above any and every law in the land. That includes both the local police, the feds, and the army. Many seem to be in denial about this little factoid.


Two things on my mind having read the horrific reports of Zaw Lin's 'alleged' torture -

1. Makes me ponder on whether any police could have been involved with the murders of Hannah and David in light of their barbaric acts on the B2.

2. Helps me to understand why any potential witnesses to the crime are too scared to come forward.

At this rate everyone in South East Asia will have been involved in this cover up... item 1 is the most bizarre one yet...but good luck with your thoughts

One of the two men who chased Sean into the 7-11 early September 23 was a policeman friend of Mon's. Many of us (myself included) believe there is an island mafia, of which the local police are a key constituent part. Calling something bizarre does not make it so. That is not to say police involvement (in the murders) is proven. What is without doubt is that the "investigation" would not be recognizable as such by a 1st world country professional. Was this just gross incompetence, or partly an attempt to deflect blame from the real perpetrators? Take you pick. I believe the latter.

BritTim, thanks for the response, you actually seem to be quite open to all options and your posts suggest this. I for one do not believe, or more importantly know, that no Mafia exists, this is a thought which for some reason has got embedded into the B2 Brigades train of thought, it's somewhat a desire to feel such a presence exists. I agree the whole investigation could have been performed much better, the problem is the RTP cannot help themselves in releasing information, that's a fact we all recognise. At this stage many cannot let go and be flexible in their thoughts, end of the day we don't know what happened, but we are all free to express our thoughts.

Harry H, you're not the first, and probably not the last to deny/doubt the existence of a 'mafia' on Koh Tao. Others, like you have failed to keep a close eye on what's been said and reported before by more knowledgable persons than yourself(s) about this, or maybe you have a 'selective memory' when posting.

I suggest you Google <http//www.natiionmul..s30244060.html>, to find out what PM Prayut Chan-Ocha thought about the legitimacy of various practices on that isand. Your comments are eagerly awaited.


The fact that Mon claimed to be the running man is already highly suspicious, because, whoever you may think it was, it most obviously wasn;t him, so why would he claim it was him? Was he trying to protect a couple of strangers?

These are questions the shills just ignore because they can't spin it. Or they will say - bad reporting, lost in translation.

As i have said before. After seeing the videos i am of the conclusion that there is only one man who walks like the person in the videos and that man is Nomsod. Just observe how he moves forward. Every step he appears to push his right hand forward and grab air to pull himself forward at the same time his left hand seems to swing for balance, something like a baby learning to walk. Surely there is someone on this earth who is an expert on human motion , who could analyse the action of Nomsod and the "unknown" person in the videos.

But the village headman, the father of Nomsod went to great expense to prove that Nomsod was not on the island that night. And the police changed their 'apparent' suspicions to the 2B. Seriously suspicious why the lies.

If it supports the narrative of the prosecution then why didnt they call him as a witness? Or is that just any indication of the incompetence.

Because the trial isn't over yet? saai.gif

The trial of Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo commences at Koh Samui Court on 8th July 2015 and will last for 18 days (6 x 3 day sessions) over 3 months. A verdict is expected in Oct 2015.

Source: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/justice-koh-tao-murder-case#/story

The prosecution has finished its case, all they can offer now is cross examination of the defense witnesses

you know what is really funny about that - will they be using their own interpreter (the roti seller) to keep them informed of what is being said - he was good enough for their so called confessions wasn't he ?????

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