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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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The most disturbing factor here is the age of the suspect,whatever his background and agenda.

Can't be much older than early to mid twenties surely.

Isn't that the age that a lot of these people are "recruited" at.
What people and recruited by who ?

As they say in Thailand it is the letter M .

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If someone showed me a picture of myself circulating on Facebook / social media accusing me of this, and I wasn't responsible and could prove it, I would have gone to the cops also.

in thailand you can talk about anyone on FB, as long as they not celebs,government or royal family so nothing would happen if you went to the police

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Most of the comments about the man's descriptions were from people who saw him. Not from this imagery. Here's a photo of the guy inside the shrine taken by a Thai on the overhead bridge just minutes before.

But the PM has just said they think it's a guy from Esan? He's contradicting the police and the witnesses now?

I read one report that said he was a young teacher from Australia!

They are fishing.

Hopefully we will learn the truth soon.

I would expect to find him with a nice haircut and wearing ...maybe a business suite?

He probably does not look like the photos now.

I knew from the start that the suspect would not be Thai.

Thai people never do bad things.

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I am not saying that Thaksin is involved in this but what I have said in the past is that if he isn't getting his way or his chances of a return to Thailand are slim to none he will do his utmost to ruin the place out of spite.

One thing to note - if this was carried out by southern insurgents then they will claim responsibility otherwise a pointless exorcise for them, the fact nobody has claimed responsibility tells of something totally different.

I also don't think that whoever planted this device realised its potential and ability to kill, if they really wanted to kill they would have added nails or similar for effect, who was responsible for the last device in Bangkok - that is were I'd be looking

Often the claim of responsibility is not immediate when it comes to terrorist attacks.... often the ones claiming immediately after an event are not the ones involved. So that is a reasonably useless conclusion. (not to mention sometimes they decide for whatever reasons not to claim responsibility - maybe because it's effects were not what they wanted etc.).

You might just be suffering from a mental illness - it is not unique to one group .... "Derangement Syndrome" in this case Thaksin Derangement Syndrome. Take a step back and wonder - hey what would he gain from attacking a religious shrine that is near and dear to the hearts of Thais? Do you really think he is that stupid? Remember the mentally ill person that attacked a religious shrine.... he was hunted down and killed by enraged Thais.

Often claims of responsibility are made by those not responsible as well.

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I have over 5 years experience monitoring public CCTV systems like this. I can tell you a few things:

1. The poor image quality most likely does not relate to the video camera being used, but rather what we call "trunkage". This is an issue whereby the "pipe" (the cable that carries the information) is limited, therefore the quality of the image transferred from the camera to the storage device is reduced. The amount of data being transferred (hinting that there are probably a lot of cameras in the area, at least 20) can be the cause of this, or also lack of storage space at the datacenter holding recordings.

2. He does not appear to be asian or south east asian, he has european or west asian features.

3. Judging by the location, I would be extremely surprised of there were not better shots of the intruder. Another issue which may relate to (1) is that he most probably scoped out the site within the days prior to the attack. If storage was an issue, footage may be deleted daily or weekly, and they may have lost this. If it was stored for 6 months or more as is where I worked, a determined surveillance operator can run through footage at fast forward covering an hours footage in under 10 minutes and pick the alleged attacker up.

4. Police might pay attention to others in the area, people like this normally do not act alone, they have someone waiting nearby in a car, and they have spotters (telling them not to act if soldiers were around, for example).

5. If this bombing and the bombing at the Thaksin Bridge are linked, it appears that the high end tourist market are the targets here - bombing outside several 5 star malls, and outside an area where a lot of tourists go to observe the river and head to pricey (by Thai standards) cruises. Both areas have high Chinese contingents. If they wanted to target westerners there are much better targets. Indians have their own areas, this part of Suk and the Thaksin bridge aren't in these areas either.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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It must have been the Catholics!

After centuries of trying to convert Thais from Buddhism they still only have .2% christians in this country.

The frustration has brought them to the breaking point and they have sent in their terrorist!

This thread has accused every other remotely conceivable group......

Why not involve the Pope too?

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I have over 5 years experience monitoring public CCTV systems like this. I can tell you a few things:

1. The poor image quality most likely does not relate to the video camera being used, but rather what we call "trunkage". This is an issue whereby the "pipe" (the cable that carries the information) is limited, therefore the quality of the image transferred from the camera to the storage device is reduced. The amount of data being transferred (hinting that there are probably a lot of cameras in the area, at least 20) can be the cause of this, or also lack of storage space at the datacenter holding recordings.

I get the storage problem. But why not take a quality photo every X-frames?

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I get the storage problem. But why not take a quality photo every X-frames?

It would depend on the system they were operating on - cheap systems only have a single setting, storing the feed not at the source of the camera but at the remote monitoring station. Pricier systems have small boxes with a motherboard and large drives inside a metal box or similar, which the remote monitoring centre connect to. The data is then reduced in quality at the box and sent to the centre. A tech can attend the location box and retrieve the RAW images and video from the box in the field using a laptop and USB cable and get high quality pictures on a good system - but not with a cheap charlie setup.

If it is a cheap system, they may have the best shots they can get. I can only suspect they shopped cheap and got what they paid for.

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The gentleman being questioned by RTP has a Facebook account "Private English Tutoring by Sunny". Among his numerous photos is this one, showing him wearing a black back-pack. If I were RTP, I would want to be shown this one, in his apartment, right now.


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If it is a cheap system, they may have the best shots they can get. I can only suspect they shopped cheap and got what they paid for.

Almost correct. We all know how government requisitions work in Thailand. They requisitioned and funded for the best, shopped cheap, and pocketed the difference.

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From BBC Asia Online. This vid shows the suspects every move! Can see him waiting to sit with backpack on. Sitting down and removing backpack. Placing backpack on the ground. Stands up to take a pic, or give the appearance of doing so. Then leaving WITHOUT THE BACKPACK..

Stranger still...they say this is CCTV footage, but sure looks like the camera is focused on him and moves to follow him.



I'll put this one to bed. There's two reasons.

1) The CCTV footage has been blown up and zoomed on the subject, placing him in full frame. To emulate this, place the forefinger and thumb on both hands into a square (yes, just like movie directors do) and place this over your TV - now imagine that frame as full screen. You'll get blurry and artifacted images as the video processing engine scales things up, and you'll also get a haze.

2) Focused movement: Best way i can explain this, with that "finger square" in mind (and some modern webcams with "face tracking features" the box will move around the full frame image - giving the illusion of the camera following the subject - it's available in most video editing software.

Hope this helps.

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A backpack bomb causing this much damage indicates military grade explosives which indicates possible new entrants in the Thai terrorist arena.

The US and its agents...

Utter Rubbish,a warning if they buy Chinese Submarine, Go bash the Yanks in some other forum, Genuis.

Like the US doesn't sponsor terrorism worldwide... HELLO welcome to the real word.. Genuis.

Genuis....lol..l There's education for you...and he expects us to take him seriously ?????

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A suspect, that's good news. Now for the army and police to grab this scumbag and 'do unto others as they do unto you'!

The pc brigade on here will say he has a right to protest....but find him, and kill him is THE only way...

No that is the most stupid way....find him and find out who hired him, who supplied the TNT, who are his friends and what are they doing.

....and then kill his arse....!!

In the UK they would probably give him free housing, and a car....human rights at its finest. He was probably beaten as a child, was he?

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I doubt he's Arab, why would an Arab man want to kill Thais?

Oh I don't know.... maybe because Thais are at war with his brothers in the south..... or they deported his brothers back into the arms of their oppressors in China..... to many that would have been all that was needed as Thais have shown that they were now the enemy....

Then there are those that just want to hit soft targets with lots of foreigners -- like in Bali....

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I am amazed at the narrow vision all of you exhibit. All the chest thumpers here who talk big about what they would do to the guy in the yellow shirt is laughable. Do you think he did it by himself?

He has a very odd appearance indeed, the hair looks like a wig and the glasses are way too big. So it's a disguise and he was smart enough to cover identifying marks. Good luck finding him unless they can track where he went using cameras on the street. It's going to take real detective work to find this guy and THE PEOPLE who helped him, or sent him.

He's not a suicide bomber so chances are he will do it again.

Who is behind him? That's the question.

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1) The CCTV footage has been blown up and zoomed on the subject, placing him in full frame. To emulate this, place the forefinger and thumb on both hands into a square (yes, just like movie directors do) and place this over your TV - now imagine that frame as full screen. You'll get blurry and artifacted images as the video processing engine scales things up, and you'll also get a haze.

Additionally if I remember right the attack was at 7pm in the evening which even with ambient local light would degrade the picture considerable making the picture grainy etc. Cannon just released a camera that does low light photography very well that would be great with security.... but the cost is 30K per unit. (though it might be worth it in high traffic tourist areas at some point).

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I watched the video again. I don't think one can conclude anything about yellow shirt's ethnicity by just looking at him. Sure he could be Western or Arab. But he could very well be Thai too. His build is slight and his mildly western features are not uncommon amongst Thais. But to my mind here's the clincher. His buddy red shirt is pretty definitely Thai. So I would say both are.

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I can't make out a damn thing about his features looking at that blurry video…do some of you have the HD version?

I was under the understanding that the description of him being arab looking was eye witness descriptions.... but we all know how accurate eye witness descriptions are..... they are now looking for a tall short fat thin dark pale man who is most likely arab caucasian or african origins :P

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