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Massive manhunt on the way for Bangkok bomb suspect


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They should be Thinking that those wrist bands are possibly covering tattoos or some form of injury!

And if they are what then Sherlock............arrest everyone with a tattoo? coffee1.gif Thank God we have you on the case should be solved by dawn

No, not everyone... but if he WAS using the bands to cover tattoos,, someone seen matching his description with tattoos in those locations, should be looked at more closely, even if he's changed his looks,, although a long sleeve shirt would cover them,,, in fact,, if he had simply worn a long sleeved shirt... the, "strange" arm bands wouldn't even be questioned, as there'd be no need for them,,, Sorta strange actually,,,

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I doubt very much if the suspect still has long curly hair, the same glasses or watches on both arms, These people often know such places have CC cameras and dress up accordingly. He could have a bald head, no glasses, doesn't wear a watch or coloured clothes.

He could have gone back to a room, changed and out of the country withing a few hours of the blast.

The world has gone loopy!

Hopefully they will catch the right person, but where will the next tragedy occur?

Regardless, he's not done a good job of hiding or covering his tracks. Ali G glasses and very distinctive looking, the way he walks, everything.

I would hope someone who recognises him will come forward ASAP

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When I first looked at the suspect' photo I thought ....mmm, I musI agree with what most of the TV members initially said. Therefore, he definitely is a " lone wolf Chinese red shirt Muslim relative of Thaksin, who holds a high rank in the Thai army, whilst working for the CIA".

Then I thought about it all, and decided that there is a possibility that maybe, just maybe, I might be wrong somewhere.

May the victims RIP. To their families my condolences. To the injured a speedy and complete recovery.

Edited by mankondang
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I can't help but notice the similarities with the Boston Marathon bombers (especially with the youngest brother)...young man with long curly black hair carrying a small backpack with a bomb (pipe bomb design this time but pressure cooker design in Boston) and nonchalantly dropping it off in a crowd of people at a popular event/location (to kill and maim) and simply walking away from the scene.

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Guess this means we'll have Prayut's smiling dial on the TV for the next 5 - 10 years while he brings peace, order and happiness to the people. It's kind of like his responsibility now, isn't it, This heinous attack "legitimizes" his "tenure" does it not. Seriously where would we be without his integrity, empathy and intelligence? My heart breaks for Thailand.

How so true, is everybody blaming all and sundry but omitting to mention it could be an inside job. It always worries met when politicians in Thailand immediately start making accusations; is it because they know something we don't? Remember - It's not alcohol, it's my ear Chalerm, he was a classic for having all the answers before the investigation.] and sometime before the event.

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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

wow. nice nutjob ant-US rant there, Sparky. hell, the guy in the yellow shirt is probably the same CIA operative that brought down the WTC in the 9.11 'hoax'. a situation like this, and all you can do is obsess and conjure a way in your diminished mind to post this drivel. seek help.

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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

You have to admire it when someone actually comes up with a plausible comment.

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I read elsewhere that he took a tuk tuk to the shrine and took a motorcycle taxi away. Both these drivers should be able to come forward and assist on where he was picked up and where he was taken.Also they could be of great assistance in aiding with the description.and nationality

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A suspect, that's good news. Now for the army and police to grab this scumbag and 'do unto others as they do unto you'!

The pc brigade on here will say he has a right to protest....but find him, and kill him is THE only way...

No that is the most stupid way....find him and find out who hired him, who supplied the TNT, who are his friends and what are they doing.

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The attached video is circulating on Thai Facebook. Someone is taking a video of the TV monitors of the surveillance cameras around the shrine area using a mobile phone when they play back the video showing the suspect in yellow going in with a rucksack and leaving without one

I work at Ratchaprasong and went there to have a look this morning and I can confirm that the rucksack in the video is placed right where I saw the gate badly damaged by an explosion on the inside of the gate. The video is pretty clear, the original looks to be of very good quality

Error: You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file - Sorry can't

Well, you'll have to search in Thai on the internet and you can easily find it then


Edited by MikeyIdea
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A bomb goes off killing and maiming and in rides the cavalry immediately finds a defuses another device.

Good work from a group that often gets no credit on this forum for their often unexplainable and inefficient behavior.

If the brutality of this is not bad enough, now we endure the inevitable public statements of the authorities.

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Isnt it strange though that this CCTV footage probably identifies a murderer, (and everyone is ready to assume that this guy is the culprit, which looking at it, he more than likely is to be honest), but in the Koh Tao case, where video evidence shows a certain someone near the scene and sometimes also in very suspicious circumstances, that the evidence is ignored ????

Obviously this b*st*rd in this video needs to be caught too, but how fast they have found and identified this suspect, shows that things could also have moved much faster in the Koh Tao case.

But hey, that was just a couple of farang kids wasn't it ??? with someone powerful refusing to be properly questioned or DNA tested.

This time many Thais have been maimed and killed. Sorry to be so cynical, but....!!!!!!!

RIP and speedy, successful recoveries to all who have been hurt or otherwise involved in this case.

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Most of the comments about the man's descriptions were from people who saw him. Not from this imagery. Here's a photo of the guy inside the shrine taken by a Thai on the overhead bridge just minutes before.

But the PM has just said they think it's a guy from Esan? He's contradicting the police and the witnesses now?

2 stories-

one says someone have left a plastic bag under the seat - is this seat there ?

So maybee the 2nd one brought that rucksack there,

took the plastic bag which contained his brown envelope with the selary ??

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Sounds like another bomb went off at Bangkok pier.

Yes it did, it exploded in the water and no one was injured That video is also on the internet and I can't attach that one either...


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I am I the only one who thinks this person looks Asian? As soon as I saw it I thought Thai or Chinese. I also thought it was a woman.

I could be very wrong though as the picture isn't clear.

No you're not the only one. How anyone thought this guy was Arabic is a bit of a stretch
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First the Red Shirts would not admit it. But they would tell the military did it, or they tell under Thaksin everything was peaceful and good economic...look now, economic bad, dangerous, no tourists.

Or as you tell an angry fanatic individual or a small militant group without the agreement of the leader in Dubai.

The economy was already bad, now even if it gets worse the junta has an excuse for it being bad, why would the red shirts want to give the junta a ready made excuse?

Whatever comes out you'll always contort, bend and try to fit it in your ultra-bias world view .... it's starting to border on the pathological. coffee1.gif


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While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

An erudite post if I've ever seen one. This is very close, in my mind, to the take I would have on this. Those who dismiss "Thaksin haters" so easily must remember that not everything is black and white. There's a lot of movement backstage.

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