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Somyot says Ratchaprasong bomber aided by some Thais


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I read that some other countries offered to send up, but it was not requested.

Most of the guys in uniform are not really trained police... they have the gun and badge but are very clueless when it comes to real police work.

An investigation like this really requires intelligent and trained people. I do not believe they exist in thailand... they NEED help from experienced and trained people from other countries. BUT, I suspect they will not ask or accept.

Obtaining videos and other media evidence was probably given to them by citizens.

This situation is clearly out of the league and out of the skill level of these people.

Get help you guys.

Any smart guy would be long gone from thailand by now.

Meanwhile, you can bet the Thais have run straight off to the embassies of U.S., Israel, China to plead for information, intelligence and forensic assistance. Guaranteed.

It is very obvious to me that the this police investigation does not know what to do or how to investigate anything properly. They are trying to do something so fast that it does not work.

This is all amazing; another world terrorist attack of some sort

There is a lot of bashing of the RTP, maybe not the best but also far from stupid

The General in charge of running the country, I am sure is highly intelligent, he planned and executed his coup faultlessly, I am certain he is participating, it is too big for this not to be the case, and someone of his cunning and ability needs to me masterminding this investigation

Some of the initial evidence is very good, a video so quickly even if poor quality

Maybe more photos from tourists in tourist area

There are many countries more experienced in investigating these things, USA, UK Israel, surely help and personal from these countries should be asked to come and assist

It is the strong man who says you can do this better than me please help, only the idiot does not go this way

Speed is essential and so far this seems to have been wasted, with the exception of cleaning the scene and wishing away evidence, the whole area plus 100 Mts in each direction should have been sealed and still sealed

Get on the phone to LONDON and ask Cameron for immediate assistance and help, need a plane full of people not just a couple

thats the result of the Thai education and police structure;

The reach and corrupt family will bring their siblings in position,

and they will go up the ladder of carier -

without any knowledge of their job !

Therefore, you can see, where in Thai something works well,

farongs are on the top to lead it !

Just have an other look to Thai airways !

A Booming tourism for last 10 - 15 years -

what made Thai Airways out of this - Bankrott !!

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"He said it was impossible for a foreigner to come into Bangkok and would able to know where to go and how to hike motorcycle across the bridge."

Mayhaps he had ummm...errr... been there a couple times before?

Or Google Maps, Street View?

RTP does propably not know that google street view exists !

Do They ??

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The following statement has got me scratching my head "He urged people living in the area to alert the police immediately if they spotted the man who now might disguise himself to avoid recognition." Do they have a Inspector Clouseau clone here in LOS. From what I have seen the yellow shirt is the only clue they got. The CCTV picture was to blurred to see his face. The hair, glasses and the rest are obviously a disguise soo watch for a guy wearing a yellow shirt

Edited by elgordo38
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Have looked at the video of the suspected bomber dropping the backpack at Erawan a few times now. One thing that impresses me is how short he appears to be, especially when compared to the larger men and women he is standing near in the video. Given the low quality of the video, it almost looks like he could be a 15-16 year old teenager.

So... Seems we should be looking for a fairly short man, seemingly fairly young, wearing glasses, who is Asian and has a somewhat darker than average Asian complexion. Not sure where to find anyone such as that, really.

Side question: what are those wrap-like things on each of his forearms supposed to do/be for? Are they like fitness things or something? Maybe used in weight lifting? I really have no idea, but wonder if it might not be best to look for the guy in a fitness center or maybe a Muay Thai facility.

Edited by RedQualia
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I'd have to agree that it would be difficult for a foreigner to source all the materials to manufacture a bomb of this scale on his own without arousing suspicion or people noticing.

I only go to the hardware store once a year and they always remember me, and I'm spending a few hundred baht on cheap everyday tools. A foreigner buying materials for a bomb of this scale without being noticed/remembered? Not impossible, but not as easy as people suggest. I very much doubt he acted alone, especially given the behaviour of the 2 that gave up their seat to him without question and then shielded him (then immediately left) as he planted the bomb.

Someone knows who this is, I'd suggest a large reward for information, Thais aren't the best at keeping secrets at the best of times, but when money is offered to grass on a foreigner?

a good watch Jonny, that 2 guys went off from chairs to give him a seat -

propably the " Intelligence " of RTP never foloowed any other trace,

just the yellow shirt - thats all what 5.000 RTP are doing now in BKK,

and in Yala they looking propably for any yellow t-shirt too;

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Foreigner foreigner!! Falan falan! The witch hunt start!

What is the motivation here? First find who has interests in doing this and you will find the culprit.

I will be going home soon and never put my foot in thai-land anymore.

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The problem with Thai police is that they are so hell bent on pinning something on someone immediately that they release too much information. Police around the world "hold back" information that ONLY a perpetrator would know, which when it comes down to prosecution, would be used to convict.

They need to take a good look at how badly they effed up the Koh Tao investigation and revamp their procedures.

No sh*t Sherlock. They should learn from their mistakes. This hell bent for election process to find "a" guilty party does not install confidence in the everyday person and especially the TV armchair sleuths. Keyboard fodder.

Edited by elgordo38
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The police must know if he is Thai or Not. The motorcycle taxi driver that took him to Soi 9 would know right away if he was dealing with a foreigner or Thai person.

Even if the suspect spoke Thai, they would know the accent, native or not.

Next, plenty of cameras on Soi 9, especially owned by private businesses.

Unless he was stuffed in the back seat of a car, one of the cameras in the area would have clues to where he went next.

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of course the bomber(s) is or are thais....and the helper are thais too...you dont need to be a big head to make that deduction.....and the patani area could also be one of the place where they made the bomb or even in bangkok made by some integrist against actual thai government...but thais muslim no doubt!time will tell!


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Foreigner foreigner!! Falan falan! The witch hunt start!

What is the motivation here? First find who has interests in doing this and you will find the culprit.

I will be going home soon and never put my foot in thai-land anymore.

Interestingly, seems the usual "couldn't be Thai, as Thai's don't do these things) has been revamped to at least include Thai's, but only as minor players.

Maybe he has a PR adviser who knows full well that "couldn't be Thai" is stupid BS and doesn't go down too well.

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There is a totally lack of Intelligence ( does this word exist in thai dictionary ? ) on this RTP investigating team;

They used 1 day to discover the yellow shirt,

they need another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9,

Thae will need another day to make a decision to seal off and search soi 9 !

They were so stupid not to know how to seal off the bombing place for a certain time,

to search for any particle of the bomb,

and collect everything - everything in an circuit of at least 200 mets;

they didn't propably save nothing for what they were not sure - it is the bomb itself,

and left 200 police buddies to trample down anything what was on floor and street ;

So now its too late, to find any particle of this rucksack ,

A bomb have a lot of metal peaces - they are not burning down,

but propably all is already dumped with garbadge container;

You could see next day traffic was running around there as Usual,

Even they were proud to announce, that situation and traffic there is normal,

And they have sebd now all this incopetent staff to the pier-

to get diving courses there to look for evidence in the Chao Praya river :-))

When they will check out soi 9 and adjent area ?

What an punch of intelligence must be in this RTP investigating team?

Than as some noticed on the cctv movie, 2 guys sitting there before,

made immediately place there for this yellow shirt, and went than off also immediately;

Maybee one of them were the other guy which placed the motorcycle,

and the 3rd one was a higher ranking to controll the situation,

and ignite the bombs short after when they were placed !!

Any RTP intelligence realised this ??

Than it is impossible to identify his face by immigration on their records ,

a by that that their recognition sw is from stone age,

no one is able to handle this sw to make up the picture good for coparison,

Or to use it other was around :

The guy was sure not comming trough immigration in Yala;

he's not a female, not african, not an indian, not an european;

male, asien, 16 - 25 years - last 10 days - than go 30 days - BKK airports -

will not bee too much to go trough personally , picture by picture;

propably its not written in their duty obligation,

so you would have to emplay someone and train him to do this !

Or to you think RTPs intelligence would be able to do this ??

They know when and how much selary they have to get ,

and they know huw much they have to collect bribes when and where,

Thats it what you can expect from that 400.000 officers you have in LOS !!

But not a reasonable investigation in this bombings !!

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Have looked at the video of the suspected bomber dropping the backpack at Erawan a few times now. One thing that impresses me is how short he appears to be, especially when compared to the larger men and women he is standing near in the video. Given the low quality of the video, it almost looks like he could be a 15-16 year old teenager.

So... Seems we should be looking for a fairly short man, seemingly fairly young, wearing glasses, who is Asian and has a somewhat darker than average Asian complexion. Not sure where to find anyone such as that, really.

Side question: what are those wrap-like things on each of his forearms supposed to do/be for? Are they like fitness things or something? Maybe used in weight lifting? I really have no idea, but wonder if it might not be best to look for the guy in a fitness center or maybe a Muay Thai facility.

please dont expect such identifications by this Intelligence team of RTP !!

they are employees of RTP only;

There duty is 8 hrs per day, and selary every end of month,

and salut when the Big Boss comes around !!!

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There is a totally lack of Intelligence ( does this word exist in thai dictionary ? ) on this RTP investigating team;

They used 1 day to discover the yellow shirt,

they need another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9,

Thae will need another day to make a decision to seal off and search soi 9 !

They were so stupid not to know how to seal off the bombing place for a certain time,

to search for any particle of the bomb,

and collect everything - everything in an circuit of at least 200 mets;

they didn't propably save nothing for what they were not sure - it is the bomb itself,

and left 200 police buddies to trample down anything what was on floor and street ;

So now its too late, to find any particle of this rucksack ,

A bomb have a lot of metal peaces - they are not burning down,

but propably all is already dumped with garbadge container;

You could see next day traffic was running around there as Usual,

Even they were proud to announce, that situation and traffic there is normal,

And they have sebd now all this incopetent staff to the pier-

to get diving courses there to look for evidence in the Chao Praya river :-))

When they will check out soi 9 and adjent area ?

What an punch of intelligence must be in this RTP investigating team?

Than as some noticed on the cctv movie, 2 guys sitting there before,

made immediately place there for this yellow shirt, and went than off also immediately;

Maybee one of them were the other guy which placed the motorcycle,

and the 3rd one was a higher ranking to controll the situation,

and ignite the bombs short after when they were placed !!

Any RTP intelligence realised this ??

Than it is impossible to identify his face by immigration on their records ,

a by that that their recognition sw is from stone age,

no one is able to handle this sw to make up the picture good for coparison,

Or to use it other was around :

The guy was sure not comming trough immigration in Yala;

he's not a female, not african, not an indian, not an european;

male, asien, 16 - 25 years - last 10 days - than go 30 days - BKK airports -

will not bee too much to go trough personally , picture by picture;

propably its not written in their duty obligation,

so you would have to emplay someone and train him to do this !

Or to you think RTPs intelligence would be able to do this ??

They know when and how much selary they have to get ,

and they know huw much they have to collect bribes when and where,

Thats it what you can expect from that 400.000 officers you have in LOS !!

But not a reasonable investigation in this bombings !!

Far from it to suggest competency of the Thai police force, but do you REALLY HONESTLY believe that the police have not done the things you mentioned and quickly?

I mean really, honestly? It took them a day to realise he had a yellow shirt... grow up.

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How do they know he took a motorcycle taxi to Silom soi 7?

Sounds like a taxi driver took him and was interviewed and told them he remembered the T shirt and fare and destination.

Next step is to walk the soi with manpower to find someone else who saw him. maybe he switched taxis. whatever. maybe the search dies there. maybe not. what am I missing?

please read more !

A taxi driver recognised him as guest after seeing his picture - he brought him tp the place,

and he went off with a motorcy-taxi - into soi 9 , not soi 7 !!

The driver also recognised him from the pictures mailed out on TV !!

But the intelligence ? of RTP never followed the other 2 guys which were sitting beside - and before

him on same place, and left instantly too !!

Maybee one of them were the rider of the motorcycle;

How they can not identify who placed the motorcycle there ??

there were 3 bombs placed in this area in nearly same time !!

Where is the IQ of this Intelligence team ??

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There is a totally lack of Intelligence ( does this word exist in thai dictionary ? ) on this RTP investigating team;

They used 1 day to discover the yellow shirt,

they need another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9,

Thae will need another day to make a decision to seal off and search soi 9 !

They were so stupid not to know how to seal off the bombing place for a certain time,

to search for any particle of the bomb,

and collect everything - everything in an circuit of at least 200 mets;

they didn't propably save nothing for what they were not sure - it is the bomb itself,

and left 200 police buddies to trample down anything what was on floor and street ;

So now its too late, to find any particle of this rucksack ,

A bomb have a lot of metal peaces - they are not burning down,

but propably all is already dumped with garbadge container;

You could see next day traffic was running around there as Usual,

Even they were proud to announce, that situation and traffic there is normal,

And they have sebd now all this incopetent staff to the pier-

to get diving courses there to look for evidence in the Chao Praya river :-))

When they will check out soi 9 and adjent area ?

What an punch of intelligence must be in this RTP investigating team?

Than as some noticed on the cctv movie, 2 guys sitting there before,

made immediately place there for this yellow shirt, and went than off also immediately;

Maybee one of them were the other guy which placed the motorcycle,

and the 3rd one was a higher ranking to controll the situation,

and ignite the bombs short after when they were placed !!

Any RTP intelligence realised this ??

Than it is impossible to identify his face by immigration on their records ,

a by that that their recognition sw is from stone age,

no one is able to handle this sw to make up the picture good for coparison,

Or to use it other was around :

The guy was sure not comming trough immigration in Yala;

he's not a female, not african, not an indian, not an european;

male, asien, 16 - 25 years - last 10 days - than go 30 days - BKK airports -

will not bee too much to go trough personally , picture by picture;

propably its not written in their duty obligation,

so you would have to emplay someone and train him to do this !

Or to you think RTPs intelligence would be able to do this ??

They know when and how much selary they have to get ,

and they know huw much they have to collect bribes when and where,

Thats it what you can expect from that 400.000 officers you have in LOS !!

But not a reasonable investigation in this bombings !!

Far from it to suggest competency of the Thai police force, but do you REALLY HONESTLY believe that the police have not done the things you mentioned and quickly?

I mean really, honestly? It took them a day to realise he had a yellow shirt... grow up.

and this Intelligence group of RTP used another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9 !

and they will need another day to collect staff to seal off soi 9 and do a search;

after they will read again news and TV quotes to find out, to review the CCTV and look

for this other 2 guys which were reservating the seat for the yellow shirt and left also immediately after;

And than, maybee they will start next week with the investigationg on the 2nd bomb with motorcycle -

maybee there is also a CCTV camera which showes who placed the motor cycle,

and in 3rd week they will visit the garbadge collection company ,

to ask for debris from the site, as sure some parts of the rucksack - the sholder belts must be remained;

the guy did not wear gloves, so there must be DNA parts on !!

But than we back - that they will find that 100 RTP officers have left their DNA on this parts !!

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I forget the exact figures but is it not one policeman to every 300 civilians or some ridicules figure like that should be one of the safest places on earth, and with all the top brass boys popping up with millions of medals on their chests should soon have this lot of bombers behind bars.

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There is a totally lack of Intelligence ( does this word exist in thai dictionary ? ) on this RTP investigating team;

They used 1 day to discover the yellow shirt,

they need another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9,

Thae will need another day to make a decision to seal off and search soi 9 !

They were so stupid not to know how to seal off the bombing place for a certain time,

to search for any particle of the bomb,

and collect everything - everything in an circuit of at least 200 mets;

they didn't propably save nothing for what they were not sure - it is the bomb itself,

and left 200 police buddies to trample down anything what was on floor and street ;

So now its too late, to find any particle of this rucksack ,

A bomb have a lot of metal peaces - they are not burning down,

but propably all is already dumped with garbadge container;

You could see next day traffic was running around there as Usual,

Even they were proud to announce, that situation and traffic there is normal,

And they have sebd now all this incopetent staff to the pier-

to get diving courses there to look for evidence in the Chao Praya river :-))

When they will check out soi 9 and adjent area ?

What an punch of intelligence must be in this RTP investigating team?

Than as some noticed on the cctv movie, 2 guys sitting there before,

made immediately place there for this yellow shirt, and went than off also immediately;

Maybee one of them were the other guy which placed the motorcycle,

and the 3rd one was a higher ranking to controll the situation,

and ignite the bombs short after when they were placed !!

Any RTP intelligence realised this ??

Than it is impossible to identify his face by immigration on their records ,

a by that that their recognition sw is from stone age,

no one is able to handle this sw to make up the picture good for coparison,

Or to use it other was around :

The guy was sure not comming trough immigration in Yala;

he's not a female, not african, not an indian, not an european;

male, asien, 16 - 25 years - last 10 days - than go 30 days - BKK airports -

will not bee too much to go trough personally , picture by picture;

propably its not written in their duty obligation,

so you would have to emplay someone and train him to do this !

Or to you think RTPs intelligence would be able to do this ??

They know when and how much selary they have to get ,

and they know huw much they have to collect bribes when and where,

Thats it what you can expect from that 400.000 officers you have in LOS !!

But not a reasonable investigation in this bombings !!

Far from it to suggest competency of the Thai police force, but do you REALLY HONESTLY believe that the police have not done the things you mentioned and quickly?

I mean really, honestly? It took them a day to realise he had a yellow shirt... grow up.

and this Intelligence group of RTP used another day to find out he drove with a motorcy to soi9 !

and they will need another day to collect staff to seal off soi 9 and do a search;

after they will read again news and TV quotes to find out, to review the CCTV and look

for this other 2 guys which were reservating the seat for the yellow shirt and left also immediately after;

And than, maybee they will start next week with the investigationg on the 2nd bomb with motorcycle -

maybee there is also a CCTV camera which showes who placed the motor cycle,

and in 3rd week they will visit the garbadge collection company ,

to ask for debris from the site, as sure some parts of the rucksack - the sholder belts must be remained;

the guy did not wear gloves, so there must be DNA parts on !!

But than we back - that they will find that 100 RTP officers have left their DNA on this parts !!

i hope the investigating officers are more clear headed, logical and rational than you appear to be.

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'... the man ... now might disguise himself to avoid recognition.' Well, a coward he is, but I doubt he's a total fool; he undoubtedly will no longer be wearing the same top and tails, and given the stated possibility that he was Arab, could be Thai, might be Indian or Western, the possibility of a member of the public spotting him seems remote. But why, then, I wonder, did he go out wearing such a glaringly identifiable top in the first place?

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Why are they so sure it was a foreigner that did it ? There is no proof whatsoever. Or maybe he is so sure that no Thai would do such a thing. Just like Koh Samui murders.

Somyot has already mentioned Thais, twice; in this post, and earlier when he started out seeing an Arab, then thought he might be Thai.

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"He said it was impossible for a foreigner to come into Bangkok and would able to know where to go and how to hike motorcycle across the bridge."

How does one hike a motorcycle? This sentence has me quite stumped facepalm.gif

It's Thai PBS. Their translations are often a bit skewed.

google translation

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Things are not always as easy as they seem! Just over there next to my PCX are 20 bags of ammonium nitrate fertiliser and down the side of the house there is a 200L drum of diesel. The basic ingredients for a bomb! But how the he11 you mix it is beyond me....and frankly I don't want to know!

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Watching the CCTV vid again, of the, red shirt guy, white shirt guy,,, They do really appear to have been saving the seat for yellow shirt, they both stand as soon as yellow shirt arrives.,,, and do appear to be somewhat, "blocking" the view of yellow shirt,, they do seem to be standing oddly close to each other.. and when they walk off,, Red shirt glances over his right shoulder very quickly at yellow shirt, it looks almost as if he, "catches" himself doing it,, and quickly looks straight ahead,, There needs to be more investigating of those 2,,, if nothing else, to either confirm them as accomplices, or eliminate them as such,,, What about CCTV footage of the other bomb in the plastic bag being hung on the fence?.. Also, authorities should be asking for EVERYONE who was there in the hours prior, to either turn in whatever pics/vids they may have taken.. or at least be asked to look through them well, and not look at what they were videoing, but what's happening in the background, etc.. SOMEONE has got to have a decent pic of the yellow/red/white shirt guys,, and end all the speculation of race, etc

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