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Who would want to attack a shrine in Bangkok?


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This is interesting:

So half the people think that it is Thaksin because this bombing will hurt the military government and the other half says that it was the Military Government because it will help them retain power.

Great logic boys.

Oh dear half say Thaksin and the other half say military government ? I hope you don't teach English as your comprehension skills are defective

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

Paul's theory have a huge hole in it. The government is trying to negotiate with the terrorists but they are splintered into many smaller groups. Some experts have suggested that there are terrorists groups that are too fanatical to negotiate and they could have used this bomb to derail the attemps to negotiate. The only problem is the type of explosives used. Normally they use homemade explosives loaded into gas bottles, this was atleast as reported TNT. The other problem is that no one has claimed responsibility, if it was a group like IS they would have boasted about it by now. The technical know how surpasses anything the reds have used in the past and one cant see what benefit they would be able to get from this. The person/suspect also didn't act like a Thai at the temple. Knowing Thai's (Buddist ones) they would never target a temple with a bomb, it will bring bad luck to the person and his family. The theory of infighting also run against the belief that Thai's would bomb a temple. My bet is a splinter group from the deep south that got outside help and outside explosives.

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Now wholly in belief of what the red shirt activists were all about, there is no doubt in my mind that they are not responsible for such attacks c'mon it's about religion not politics.

Nope. It's about bringing down the economy by scaring away tourists.

The shrine just happens to be the place where lots of Chinese gather. If it had killed 20 Americans, we would be seeing a very different international reaction.

If it was about religion, surely they would put the bomb somewhere with a lot more Thais and buddhists. You should always allow some doubt in your mind - especially in Thailand.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Shows that you are the one who hasn't got a clue about Terrorist TTP's and your constant referals to Thaksin being behind this are becoming mundane. Either provide 100% proof, or quit with your conspiracy theories.

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This is interesting:

So half the people think that it is Thaksin because this bombing will hurt the military government and the other half says that it was the Military Government because it will help them retain power.

Great logic boys.

Oh dear half say Thaksin and the other half say military government ? I hope you don't teach English as your comprehension skills are defective

More like 93% say Thaksin and the other 7% ? - well, we've all seen their level often enough here to take anything they say with a very large pinch of salt.

Mad dogs foaming at the mouth is the closest approximation I can think of. This must be the start of the communist revolution they have been sputtering at us for the last few months.

Come on boys : get it over with so this dog can be put down once and for all.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If you're applying Occam's razor, you need to apply all the obvious facts, one of which is that there's no precedent for Thais to do this kind of thing to each other, and another is that Thais are highly spiritual and would never in any case target a shrine.

Apply some sociology. Internal political bickering hardly accounts for this kind of extreme barbarity. This is an act of an enemy of Thailand.

Uigurs certainly have a grievance, and also the Turks, who have been standing up for the Uigurs and who showed aggression towards Thailand a few months ago. The Turks also suffered a terrible bombing in their own country, which could desensitize them to committing a similar atrocity, and which atrocity they may be likely to emulate in order to assert themselves.

Of course, it may simply be a lone wolf sociopath (cf Columbine shooting). In which case all theories fly out the window.

Chambers is way off base. He completely ignores that we have two bombings, and both targeted ethnic-Chinese tourists. Look at the injury list from the Erawan bombing for the proof. Only a Uighur terrorist would have targeted Chinese tourists. Also, the backpack man is probably not a Thai, and does appear to be southern or western Asian. But, why would you expect proper analysis from a falang from Oklahoma playing professor in Chiang Mai? Please "Ajarn Paul", give me a break.

No they haven't targeted ethnic Chinese, they have targeted predominantly tourist areas which just happens to have had numbers of Chinese tourists - all the bombs targeted were human beings

The injury list proves nothing given 1 Chinese tourists typically travel in large groups where other foreigners don't therefore in a tourist area where there are Chinese about one would expect there to be more of them per nationality

Where is the proof backpack man is not Thai, never mind he is a Uiger ?

Your logic is flawed and grabbing at straws

your " facts " prove nothing

Where is your proof it's the red shirts under Thaksins orders?


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This is interesting:

So half the people think that it is Thaksin because this bombing will hurt the military government and the other half says that it was the Military Government because it will help them retain power.

Great logic boys.

So then we can safely conclude that the half which says that the Military Government did it is comprised of representatives of absolute idiots. Thailand heavily depends on tourism. The numbers were picking up and the economy was on the way up. Moreover 1 million Chinese tourists were lined up to visit Thailand in October 2015. 1 million! Believe it or not, the Chinese might not have manners but they are the biggest spenders. They spend more than the westerners.

Chinese Holds Thailand’s Top Spenders In 1st Quarter 2015


It's more like someone doesn't want all those Chinese to come and give a huge boost to Thai economy. Do your math.

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It is hilarious that you think Thaksin hiring an Arab man to bomb a Buddhist shrine is the simplest explanation as opposed to the attack being carried out by an actual terrorist organization.

Who said he hired an Arab man ? Who said the man who appears to have planted the bomb is an Arab,? where is the conclusive proof that the man in the video is even the bomber ?

Back to your Rambo movies

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For me, the shrine location for the first target seemed relevant (religously I mean), but then how do you explain that the second target was a transport hub?

Also, if maximum devastation was the goal, neither of these targets were "ideal". A shrine on a Monday evening and a boat pier at Tuesday lunch time? If I were aiming to indiscriminately cause casualties I could think of many other palces and times in Bangkok to have a greater effect.

Can you imagine one of these devices going off on a Sunday morning in JJ Market?

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The overwhelmingly likely scenario is that a terrorist network upset with the comments made about muslims and the deportation of muslims to China is behind the attacks. This really isn't that complicated.

That being the case it would be expected that a statement from the terrorist would had been made to make it clear this was a retaliatory action.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Shows that you are the one who hasn't got a clue about Terrorist TTP's and your constant referals to Thaksin being behind this are becoming mundane. Either provide 100% proof, or quit with your conspiracy theories.

Ah the rabid reds are out again - I will quit my comments when others do

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If you're applying Occam's razor, you need to apply all the obvious facts, one of which is that there's no precedent for Thais to do this kind of thing to each other, and another is that Thais are highly spiritual and would never in any case target a shrine.

Apply some sociology. Internal political bickering hardly accounts for this kind of extreme barbarity. This is an act of an enemy of Thailand.

Uigurs certainly have a grievance, and also the Turks, who have been standing up for the Uigurs and who showed aggression towards Thailand a few months ago. The Turks also suffered a terrible bombing in their own country, which could desensitize them to committing a similar atrocity, and which atrocity they may be likely to emulate in order to assert themselves.

Of course, it may simply be a lone wolf sociopath (cf Columbine shooting). In which case all theories fly out the window.

Chambers is way off base. He completely ignores that we have two bombings, and both targeted ethnic-Chinese tourists. Look at the injury list from the Erawan bombing for the proof. Only a Uighur terrorist would have targeted Chinese tourists. Also, the backpack man is probably not a Thai, and does appear to be southern or western Asian. But, why would you expect proper analysis from a falang from Oklahoma playing professor in Chiang Mai? Please "Ajarn Paul", give me a break.

No they haven't targeted ethnic Chinese, they have targeted predominantly tourist areas which just happens to have had numbers of Chinese tourists - all the bombs targeted were human beings

The injury list proves nothing given 1 Chinese tourists typically travel in large groups where other foreigners don't therefore in a tourist area where there are Chinese about one would expect there to be more of them per nationality

Where is the proof backpack man is not Thai, never mind he is a Uiger ?

Your logic is flawed and grabbing at straws

your " facts " prove nothing

Where is your proof it's the red shirts under Thaksins orders?


Where is your proof he didn't ? And I have made no reference to Thaksin in this response so your off topic anyway so please stop with your red apologist propaganda

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Now wholly in belief of what the red shirt activists were all about, there is no doubt in my mind that they are not responsible for such attacks c'mon it's about religion not politics.

Get a grip of yourself.... Where did the explosion occur ? Right where the Red Shirts had their stage during the protests of 2010. And the day after "cycle for Mom" . Opposite the Wat where Red Shirt protesters were shot and killed... Red Shirts are still in prison, forgotten by Mr Thaksin, forgotten by PTP, forgotten by all..... NOT Forgotten now....

It does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out.. wai2.gif Oh, I do not believe in coincidences.. they are for story books...

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This is interesting:

So half the people think that it is Thaksin because this bombing will hurt the military government and the other half says that it was the Military Government because it will help them retain power.

Great logic boys.

So then we can safely conclude that the half which says that the Military Government did it is comprised of representatives of absolute idiots. Thailand heavily depends on tourism. The numbers were picking up and the economy was on the way up. Moreover 1 million Chinese tourists were lined up to visit Thailand in October 2015. 1 million! Believe it or not, the Chinese might not have manners but they are the biggest spenders. They spend more than the westerners.

Chinese Holds Thailand’s Top Spenders In 1st Quarter 2015


It's more like someone doesn't want all those Chinese to come and give a huge boost to Thai economy. Do your math.

The false flag theory is like saying the government would deliberately start a bank run in order to convince the people that they need them to be in charge to steer the economy successfully; it's utter nonsense.

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The overwhelmingly likely scenario is that a terrorist network upset with the comments made about muslims and the deportation of muslims to China is behind the attacks. This really isn't that complicated.

That being the case it would be expected that a statement from the terrorist would had been made to make it clear this was a retaliatory action.

Correct they like to publicise what they have done

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

Paul's theory have a huge hole in it. The government is trying to negotiate with the terrorists but they are splintered into many smaller groups. Some experts have suggested that there are terrorists groups that are too fanatical to negotiate and they could have used this bomb to derail the attemps to negotiate. The only problem is the type of explosives used. Normally they use homemade explosives loaded into gas bottles, this was atleast as reported TNT. The other problem is that no one has claimed responsibility, if it was a group like IS they would have boasted about it by now. The technical know how surpasses anything the reds have used in the past and one cant see what benefit they would be able to get from this. The person/suspect also didn't act like a Thai at the temple. Knowing Thai's (Buddist ones) they would never target a temple with a bomb, it will bring bad luck to the person and his family. The theory of infighting also run against the belief that Thai's would bomb a temple. My bet is a splinter group from the deep south that got outside help and outside explosives.

I wouldn't count on the target being a shrine to be a point against Thais being involved, for example a few months ago a monk was murdered on a contract killing by Thais. If the price is right or the ideology strong enough it would not be hard to find a Thai who would do it.

Personally I don't know who did this, but we shouldn't dismiss possibilities on shaky premises.

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I am surprised that very few TV posters have mentioned the possibility that it could be ISIS-related. I think it is a likely and very scary possibility of ISIS or ISIS-inspired person's or small cell's having carried out this attack. I think this is more likely than the possibility of it being the work of Thaksin supporters or Uighurs.

There is also the possibility that we'll never find out who did it; if the guy/s never get/s caught :(

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It is hilarious that you think Thaksin hiring an Arab man to bomb a Buddhist shrine is the simplest explanation as opposed to the attack being carried out by an actual terrorist organization.

Who said he hired an Arab man ? Who said the man who appears to have planted the bomb is an Arab,? where is the conclusive proof that the man in the video is even the bomber ?

Back to your Rambo movies

Yes, I am the movie fan in this argument. cheesy.gif

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I understand Chambers to be saying that intra-military conflict does not automatically implicate Reds or Thaksin, by the way. Apparently the recent Cabinet and military reshuffles have been quite controversial. And there is certainly precedent for violent factionalism within the security forces, as we saw in 2010.

Anyway, ad hominem attacks on Chambers, or anyone that matter, don't advance an argument, they retard it. And they are the hallmark of unfocused, desperate, shabby analysis.

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Shows that you are the one who hasn't got a clue about Terrorist TTP's and your constant referals to Thaksin being behind this are becoming mundane. Either provide 100% proof, or quit with your conspiracy theories.

I wonder what Thaksin and the UDD actually have to do before some people will finally admit who is behind virtually all of the violence here outside the South. Did you sleep through the intimidation mobs and death threats to the courts ?. Were you snoozing when Newspaper offices got grenades after running stories red-shirts didn't like ?. Were you napping when the 2010 MIB started shooting ? (or do you actually believe the Army started firing on unarmed civilians ?) and lastly - but by no means leastly - were you having a doze when 30 protesters got murdered recently ?. And just who precisely do you think tells them what to do ?.

I often enjoy reading posts by obvious low-IQ people who think they are the opposite - but it's your weak dismissals of anything against your biased viewpoint which are mundane. Face up to it : Thaksin is No.1 suspect right now and so people are right to focus in that direction. This 'provide 100% proof' line is as ridiculous as much of the other stuff you write. It means you think nobody should say a single word until they personally have 100% proof ? cheesy.gif

Everyone seems to be missing a very obvious possibility behind this : foreign mercenaries hired to plant bombs then flee the country. Plenty of them for hire these days. Not the way the Muslim's work. Any thoughts who that points at ? whistling.gif

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Shows that you are the one who hasn't got a clue about Terrorist TTP's and your constant referals to Thaksin being behind this are becoming mundane. Either provide 100% proof, or quit with your conspiracy theories.

I wonder what Thaksin and the UDD actually have to do before some people will finally admit who is behind virtually all of the violence here outside the South. Did you sleep through the intimidation mobs and death threats to the courts ?. Were you snoozing when Newspaper offices got grenades after running stories red-shirts didn't like ?. Were you napping when the 2010 MIB started shooting ? (or do you actually believe the Army started firing on unarmed civilians ?) and lastly - but by no means leastly - were you having a doze when 30 protesters got murdered recently ?. And just who precisely do you think tells them what to do ?.

I often enjoy reading posts by obvious low-IQ people who think they are the opposite - but it's your weak dismissals of anything against your biased viewpoint which are mundane. Face up to it : Thaksin is No.1 suspect right now and so people are right to focus in that direction. This 'provide 100% proof' line is as ridiculous as much of the other stuff you write. It means you think nobody should say a single word until they personally have 100% proof ? cheesy.gif

Everyone seems to be missing a very obvious possibility behind this : foreign mercenaries hired to plant bombs then flee the country. Plenty of them for hire these days. Not the way the Muslim's work. Any thoughts who that points at ? whistling.gif

Along the same line and stand to be corrected but didn't the rabid reds actually pay either Burmese or Khmer's to hurl grenades or something at one point in time ?

And lest not forget the arms caches found around BKK the last time around connected to the rabid reds

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Paul Chambers of Chiang Mai University was interviewed by CNN yesterday, and discredited the theories of both the Uighurs and southern separatists. Apparently, high level peace talks between the gov't and the major separatists groups in the south have been underway since June. He repeated emphatically that the most likely culprits are factions within the police and military, unhappy with the reshuffle or for other domestic political reasons, with which we are all already too familiar.

In the past 10 years, there have been innumerable bombings in Bangkok connected to the political conflict-- no one disputes this. Even though the recent bombs were bigger and more deadly, it's more plausible that they are a continuation of what has been. Plus, in the political bombings no one ever takes credit.

It's like a dangerous stretch of beach where shark attacks occur often. One day, a swimmer's leg gets chomped off, though he didn't see a shark. Giant squid? Maniac seal? Terrible tuna? Shark is more likely.

My fear is that, if the bombings are linked to internal conflicts in the police or military, the resolution might be a negotiated settlement among them, kept secret from the public. The case goes unsolved and no justice gets done.

If it's true that the guy took a motorcycle taxi from the scene, then it's most likely not a very organized attack. Probably just one person. That person could be a Muslim from abroad recently angered by how Thailand treated the Chinese minority, especially the PM calling them animals. Perhaps Indonesia, where his t-shirt is from.

So he is a lone muslim who had has just arrived in country, found his way round the city, picked his targets, bought a disguise, procured explosives built a few bombs, attacks a shrine one day and then detonates another device in another part of the city the next day !!!!

My response...... Too much Rambo, Jason Bourne and lack of medication dear boy......maybe stick with UFO's and contrails

Shows that you are the one who hasn't got a clue about Terrorist TTP's and your constant referals to Thaksin being behind this are becoming mundane. Either provide 100% proof, or quit with your conspiracy theories.

I wonder what Thaksin and the UDD actually have to do before some people will finally admit who is behind virtually all of the violence here outside the South. Did you sleep through the intimidation mobs and death threats to the courts ?. Were you snoozing when Newspaper offices got grenades after running stories red-shirts didn't like ?. Were you napping when the 2010 MIB started shooting ? (or do you actually believe the Army started firing on unarmed civilians ?) and lastly - but by no means leastly - were you having a doze when 30 protesters got murdered recently ?. And just who precisely do you think tells them what to do ?.

I often enjoy reading posts by obvious low-IQ people who think they are the opposite - but it's your weak dismissals of anything against your biased viewpoint which are mundane. Face up to it : Thaksin is No.1 suspect right now and so people are right to focus in that direction. This 'provide 100% proof' line is as ridiculous as much of the other stuff you write. It means you think nobody should say a single word until they personally have 100% proof ? cheesy.gif

Everyone seems to be missing a very obvious possibility behind this : foreign mercenaries hired to plant bombs then flee the country. Plenty of them for hire these days. Not the way the Muslim's work. Any thoughts who that points at ? whistling.gif

Interesting, but your obvious bias doesn't exactly make you very objective.

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I am surprised that very few TV posters have mentioned the possibility that it could be ISIS-related. I think it is a likely and very scary possibility of ISIS or ISIS-inspired person's or small cell's having carried out this attack. I think this is more likely than the possibility of it being the work of Thaksin supporters or Uighurs.

There is also the possibility that we'll never find out who did it; if the guy/s never get/s caught sad.png

I don't think ISIS (or any other country) take Thailand seriously enough to make an attack like this. They prefer to direct their violence against the infidels who believe in a false God or Muslims who they see as betraying Allah with their particular flavour of worship. I don't think they will start on Buddhists until there is nobody else left to murder.

But I agree with your second statement. Nobody plausible ever gets caught. Those that do make instant confessions to the whole thing and then we get presented with a story which does not make sense. This incompetence in Thai officials is what gives the country some of it's 'charm' but it comes home to roost in situations like this while we watch another keystone cop movie unfold.

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Anyone blaming the reds for this should resign from this forum in disgrace once proved wrong.

I was speculating that it is the Turks. If proved wrong, I promise to resign from TurkVisa forum.

Actually I am revising my opinion. Seems most likely that it is some Islam-affiliated cell who are spreading international jihad and Thailand has become a target because, due to the treatment of the Uigurs and the repression of the Muslims in the south, it is Thailand's turn. Just a dismal extension of what has happened recently in Boston, Paris and elsewhere.

Edited by ddavidovsky
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Anyone blaming the reds for this should resign from this forum in disgrace once proved wrong.

I was speculating that it is the Turks. If proved wrong, I promise to resign from TurkVisa forum.

Actually I am revising my opinion. Seems most likely that it is some Islam-affiliated cell who are spreading international jihad and Thailand has become a target because, due to the treatment of the Uigurs and the repression of the Muslims in the south, it is Thailand's turn. Just a dismal extension of what has happened recently in Boston, Paris and elsewhere.

More wild assumptions.

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