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Bangkok bombing: Red Shirts, southern insurgents, Islamic State among the suspects


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Bangkok bombing: Red Shirts, southern insurgents, Islamic State among the suspects
By North Asia correspondent Matthew Carney

(ABC NEWS) Thai authorities are hunting the bomber behind an explosion that killed at least 20 people and injured more than 100 at a busy Bangkok shrine.

Monday's attack in one of the Thai capital's most popular tourism hubs ripped through a crowd of worshippers at the Hindu religious site close to five-star hotels and upscale shopping malls.

Junta chief Prayut Chan-O-Cha said the bombing was the "worst ever attack" on Thailand and that the hunt was on for the bomber filmed on closed-circuit television at the shrine, as well as a motorcycle taxi driver, who drove the man away.

While authorities did not say whether the suspects had any known motives, here are some of the culprits who could be responsible for the attack.

Red Shirts

For: The Red Shirts group has been fighting the military government since it came to power in a coup last year. Initially the government said it believed the bomber was from the north-east of the country, where the Red Shirts have their power base.

Against: Most Thai analysts say that it is just highly unlikely that they would do this. [read more...]

Full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-19/who-was-behind-the-bangkok-bombing/6707448

-- ABC NEWS 2015-08-19

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According to Matichon just now, the motorcai guy that took him to Silom Soi 9 - and they have CCTV footage of him in the soi. He spoke English, not Thai and he was seen taking a cab to the airport. Didn't specify which airport but I hope immigration have already been alerted to go through their camera shots at the exit desk.

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I seem to recall somewhere in my past being taught that the most important piece of evidence in any criminal investigation is likely to be MOTIVE - i.e. who stands to gain the most from these atrocities?

I couldn't possibly comment, but will merely leave our trusted readers to join up the dots..............

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I seem to recall somewhere in my past being taught that the most important piece of evidence in any criminal investigation is likely to be MOTIVE - i.e. who stands to gain the most from these atrocities?

I couldn't possibly comment, but will merely leave our trusted readers to join up the dots..............

Motive and means ;)

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They always want to place blame without any prove. Let's blame it on the police for not finding those responsible yet, or better let blame it on the government for it's illegal coup. May those who died RIP. They aren't placing blame on anyone.

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Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

Uighar: No history of such attacks.

I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

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Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

Uighar: No history of such attacks.

I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

Possibly. Met plenty of guys on the edge here.

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According to Matichon just now, the motorcai guy that took him to Silom Soi 9 - and they have CCTV footage of him in the soi. He spoke English, not Thai and he was seen taking a cab to the airport. Didn't specify which airport but I hope immigration have already been alerted to go through their camera shots at the exit desk.

If thats the case, the terrorist is long gone. Just hope immigration can ID him and his name and have interpol catch him.

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Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

Uighar: No history of such attacks.

I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

As many have said, its highly unlikely it would be Red Shirts, due to the fact that a Thai would never bomb a place of worship for their political cause. Again not that i can't be possible but just unlikely.

Uighur - Seems to be the most likely suspect due to recent events and they do have a history of bombings. East Turkestan Islamic Movement is a terrorist organization that are anti-China too. So it seems like they have the most motive for the recent bombing. They are supported by the Al Qaeda too. Quite scary if they are the true suspects.

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Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

Uighar: No history of such attacks.

I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

I'm agree with some points IS would have attacked high-value targets in their eyes as entertainment venues Western tourristes (their main target) and the attack would have been very spectacular for strong lasting impression

Southern insurgent why not, but like you say not probable;

Redshirts perhaps a fanatic group desperate by move of their leaders. some people from the northeast appeared to be aware of this attack

Prediction or accomplice

Uighar : not them but perhaps the hand of a foreign government who support them whistling.gif There is a country when their people vandalized a Thai consular

Edited by than
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The only certainty to come out of this whole mess, is that it will show just how massively behind the rest of the world the BIB are when it comes to real investigative police work. They seem to turn everything into a farce. There can be few people who are confident the police will be able to track down the perps or even build up a realistic picture of how it really happened, and if the explosion at Saphan Taksin was connected.

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You forget that the reds fired a rocket granade at the emerald buhda and missed.

You forget that the army shot innocent nurses in a temple.......

And red shirts kill innocent children......... an some of their leader cheered this coward act

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You forget that the reds fired a rocket granade at the emerald buhda and missed.

You forget that the army shot innocent nurses in a temple.......

Let me refresh your memory. It appears it's very short.

Blast Injures Suspected University Student Bomb Maker


CHIANG MAI — A university student in northern Thailand lost his left hand today after a homemade bomb he was assembling accidentally exploded, police said.

The student, whose identity is being withheld by Khaosod English, was seriously injured in the blast which occurred at a house in Chiang Mai province at around 12.30 pm today, according to a local police officer.

“We believe he was hired to build ‘giant fireworks’ and he was working on them at his rented home,” Police Lt. Col. Kachornsak Pandee of the San Sai Police Station said. “His house is fully equipped with things like gunpowder, tape, fertilizer and electric detonators.”

The house was rented to a second-year student from Maejo University, Kachornsak said, who was home alone when the explosion took place. Kachornsak said the student’s left hand and left leg were “completely destroyed” by the blast.

The student has been sent to hospital where he is in stable condition, police said.

Police reportedly found 13 small homemade explosives in the house. The biggest of them was 15 centimeters in diameter, Kachornsak said, adding that each device had a blast radius of about 15-20 meters and were designed to be detonated remotely.

This one was caught purely by accident. And he was hired to build 'giant fireworks'. How many bomb making dens are still not discovered in Thailand? I bet quite a few.

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You forget that the reds fired a rocket granade at the emerald buhda and missed.

You forget that the army shot innocent nurses in a temple.......

Let me refresh your memory. It appears it's very short.

Blast Injures Suspected University Student Bomb Maker


CHIANG MAI — A university student in northern Thailand lost his left hand today after a homemade bomb he was assembling accidentally exploded, police said.

The student, whose identity is being withheld by Khaosod English, was seriously injured in the blast which occurred at a house in Chiang Mai province at around 12.30 pm today, according to a local police officer.

“We believe he was hired to build ‘giant fireworks’ and he was working on them at his rented home,” Police Lt. Col. Kachornsak Pandee of the San Sai Police Station said. “His house is fully equipped with things like gunpowder, tape, fertilizer and electric detonators.”

The house was rented to a second-year student from Maejo University, Kachornsak said, who was home alone when the explosion took place. Kachornsak said the student’s left hand and left leg were “completely destroyed” by the blast.

The student has been sent to hospital where he is in stable condition, police said.

Police reportedly found 13 small homemade explosives in the house. The biggest of them was 15 centimeters in diameter, Kachornsak said, adding that each device had a blast radius of about 15-20 meters and were designed to be detonated remotely.

This one was caught purely by accident. And he was hired to build 'giant fireworks'. How many bomb making dens are still not discovered in Thailand? I bet quite a few.

What exactly are you refreshing my memory about? That people know how to build bombs?... well duh really, wow i never knew that......

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You forget that the reds fired a rocket granade at the emerald buhda and missed.

You forget that the army shot innocent nurses in a temple.......

And red shirts kill innocent children......... an some of their leader cheered this coward act

Here is the link from the reds cheering the death of five people. Proof of what kind of people they are. Scumbags!!!

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Jamie and others keep harping about the violent red shirts, but it is a fact that more of them have died for their struggle wether you agree with their goals or not. I'm a fence sitter but am so sick of the profiling and finger pointing from both sides.

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You forget that the reds fired a rocket granade at the emerald buhda and missed.

You forget that the army shot innocent nurses in a temple.......

And red shirts kill innocent children......... an some of their leader cheered this coward act

Here is the link from the reds cheering the death of five people. Proof of what kind of people they are. Scumbags!!!

you have never edited a video before in your life, have you?

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He has already been cleared and released according to Stickboy BKK twitter, with photo of him.

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if red shirt are on the suspect list

add the yellow as well

they too have history of violence

and one can figure out their possible motive without the need to graduate political science. the above said... its hard to imagine these groups planning a hit with high civilian causalities. I bet on extreme Muslims groups.... no evidence of course....

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Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

Uighar: No history of such attacks.

I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

Lateral thinking is sometimes necessary.....................

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Internal army or police conflict is the answer I see as the best possibility.

No demands because they (police and army) all know who did it and why.

No one will ever be caught because it will be settled secretly between the combatants.

No serious investigation or forensic work because the people who did it are too important to be caught.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I seem to recall somewhere in my past being taught that the most important piece of evidence in any criminal investigation is likely to be MOTIVE - i.e. who stands to gain the most from these atrocities?

I couldn't possibly comment, but will merely leave our trusted readers to join up the dots..............

Goodbye General Elections - Hello again Martial Law , curfews and Draconian regulations

and "Round up the usual suspects."

Edited by pattayasnowman
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