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Hotel not for punters nor alkoholics


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Tired old racist, snobbish dump really.

A pal once took his Chinese American GF there for a meal and had to endure the entire meal getting dirty looks and tuts from hairy legged Backpacker 'females' who thought they'd made some amazing 'discovery' (even though it had a page review in the LP).

As soon as he walked in with her the receptionist started squawking at them until she was convinced his GF wasn't Thai.....

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I wonder if they call the police if you fart too loudly.

I hope so.

I have been there and it deathly quiet. A great place to work, sleep and do what you have to do if you have any life outside of the usual partying scene. I don't care why it's that way, it just is.

If you have ever tried to talk to a client while there was a two headed monster in the next room you will appreciate what a great hotel this place actually is if you need to stay in the Sukhumvit area.

A far as female company goes, I no longer invite back to my main room due to safety concerns with info and equipment I always carry where potential theft is just not an option. either while I'm there, or later on when I leave the room.I don't even trust this stuff with the hotel safe.

A place where bargirls are not roaming up and down the hall is much safer for your stuff.

Edited by fey
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"The Atlanta is against sex tourism. Sex tourism is exploitative, socially damaging and culturally demeaning: those who want to buy sex should do so in their own country. "

This ++. I could not have said it better myself.

Having been advised of their policies the sexpests are then thrown out on their arse without apology. Hopefully the whole Nation will soon follow suit. I had to look up catamite.

"Guests who attempt to bring in bargirls, catamites and their like will be told in plain language to settle their bills and leave.

Remaining on the premises after being told to leave will be treated as a police matter.

The Atlanta does not ask for or listen to explanations or excuses, and does not apologise for the manner in which miscreants are thrown out.

The Atlanta also does not apologise for any mistakes it may be accused of having made with regard to the identification of sex tourists".

I myself would not care to stay here. Perhaps the management are religious fanatics. I have been ludicrously mistaken for a sextourist (thus my Japanese female companion mistaken for a common prostitute), twice by hotel staff. This resulted in loss of face and uncomfortable apologies on their part.

The owners sound like super freaks. They definitely have a religious agenda. They must be of the converted sort. They usually tend to be the most rigid, as they have no real sense of their inner spirituality, and are so unsure of themselves, they tend to project a rigid moral code onto the world outside. Why on earth would a foreigners want to stay at a place that has this kind of attitude, regardless of whether or not you have a guest? Leave them be. If enough foreigners leave them be, they will either change their policy, reform, or sell their hotel, which would benefit all mankind.

Personally, I have no place in my life for this level of intolerance, nor this degree of misunderstanding of the basic principals in life.

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"The Atlanta is against sex tourism. Sex tourism is exploitative, socially damaging and culturally demeaning: those who want to buy sex should do so in their own country. "

This ++. I could not have said it better myself.

Having been advised of their policies the sexpests are then thrown out on their arse without apology. Hopefully the whole Nation will soon follow suit. I had to look up catamite.

"Guests who attempt to bring in bargirls, catamites and their like will be told in plain language to settle their bills and leave.

Remaining on the premises after being told to leave will be treated as a police matter.

The Atlanta does not ask for or listen to explanations or excuses, and does not apologise for the manner in which miscreants are thrown out.

The Atlanta also does not apologise for any mistakes it may be accused of having made with regard to the identification of sex tourists".

I myself would not care to stay here. Perhaps the management are religious fanatics. I have been ludicrously mistaken for a sextourist (thus my Japanese female companion mistaken for a common prostitute), twice by hotel staff. This resulted in loss of face and uncomfortable apologies on their part.

The owners sound like super freaks. They definitely have a religious agenda. They must be of the converted sort. They usually tend to be the most rigid, as they have no real sense of their inner spirituality, and are so unsure of themselves, they tend to project a rigid moral code onto the world outside. Why on earth would a foreigners want to stay at a place that has this kind of attitude, regardless of whether or not you have a guest? Leave them be. If enough foreigners leave them be, they will either change their policy, reform, or sell their hotel, which would benefit all mankind.

Personally, I have no place in my life for this level of intolerance, nor this degree of misunderstanding of the basic principals in life.

If I had donald trump levels of money, i would buy this place and turn it into Bangkok's biggest brothel…..and still call it Atlanta.

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"The Atlanta is against sex tourism. Sex tourism is exploitative, socially damaging and culturally demeaning: those who want to buy sex should do so in their own country. "

This ++. I could not have said it better myself.

Having been advised of their policies the sexpests are then thrown out on their arse without apology. Hopefully the whole Nation will soon follow suit. I had to look up catamite.

"Guests who attempt to bring in bargirls, catamites and their like will be told in plain language to settle their bills and leave.

Remaining on the premises after being told to leave will be treated as a police matter.

The Atlanta does not ask for or listen to explanations or excuses, and does not apologise for the manner in which miscreants are thrown out.

The Atlanta also does not apologise for any mistakes it may be accused of having made with regard to the identification of sex tourists".

I myself would not care to stay here. Perhaps the management are religious fanatics. I have been ludicrously mistaken for a sextourist (thus my Japanese female companion mistaken for a common prostitute), twice by hotel staff. This resulted in loss of face and uncomfortable apologies on their part.

The owners sound like super freaks. They definitely have a religious agenda. They must be of the converted sort. They usually tend to be the most rigid, as they have no real sense of their inner spirituality, and are so unsure of themselves, they tend to project a rigid moral code onto the world outside. Why on earth would a foreigners want to stay at a place that has this kind of attitude, regardless of whether or not you have a guest? Leave them be. If enough foreigners leave them be, they will either change their policy, reform, or sell their hotel, which would benefit all mankind.

Personally, I have no place in my life for this level of intolerance, nor this degree of misunderstanding of the basic principals in life.

"No sense of inner spirituality"? What does that balderdash mean? It would also be interesting to hear what you consider the basic principals in life.

Leave them be, they are clearly running a successful business so are unlikely to change their policy and good luck to them. The owners certainly have no place for people like you with your intolerance of what many would call morals. Keeping people with your attitude out of the area would much more benefit "all mankind".

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The receptionist of the hotel Atlanta, to get a sense of cheerful atmosphere ...


What a nice person you are judging an older lady who has done nothing to you on her facial appearance. Let's hope you are 100% perfect to justify your mocking her. Why not post a photo of you taken when you're not posing for it and we'll see how well you stand up in the appearance stakes.

Edited by Sviss Geez
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How about a pub crawl arranged with about a dozen blokes in Chang vests, etc.. Properly bladdered then Mob march into the joint with an equal number of tarted-up hussies, 7 stone Isaan slappers and mincing ladyboys and demand service. Record all and then Show the discriminatory nature of this establishment to the world on YouTube.

Sent from my dial up connection

All that posts like this do is confirm that the owners of the hotel are absolutely right with their attitude to clowns that make suggestions like this. You do know what showing a video of what you suggest on YouTube would actually show to the world, don't you?

Edited by Sviss Geez
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There is a rule in life

People who talk about tolerance and ​judge others for being judgmental - are always the most intolerant and judgmental people.

Of course, it has nothing to do with religion.

Not sure why it makes this moral crusader so angry that a hotel choses not to indulge in the sex trade.

Personally, I think there's room for everyone and if this hotel wants to ban bar girls and have a quiet hotel where families can bring their kids and people can have a quit time - good luck to them.

Edited by t8769
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There is a rule in life

People who talk about tolerance and ​judge others for being judgmental - are always the most intolerant and judgmental people.

Of course, it has nothing to do with religion.

Not sure why it makes this moral crusader so angry that a hotel choses not to indulge in the sex trade.

Personally, I think there's room for everyone and if this hotel wants to ban bar girls and have a quiet hotel where families can bring their kids and people can have a quit time - good luck to them.

i tried that but they did not believe she was my daughter...

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The most charming thing about the place is the dozens of broomsticks they have at the check-in counter in an umbrella stand. And their insistence that each guest shove one up their ass before check in. [emoji39]

Edited by Lex Talionis
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We stayed there last year for the first time on a brief trip into town. Bundled in with my wife, mother-in-law and two kids and got a decent room - well two bedrooms - for just shy of 2,000. My missus and her mum are filipinas. We were welcomed and looked after well. Nice, helpful staff. Not so much as a whiff of cat pee. Good, reasonably priced restaurant. It has a library too which is a nice touch. Would stay there again without any hesitation. They also answer email enquiries. I think all the stuff about sex tourists and behaviour is a little over the top but the net effect is you'll have a quiet, peaceful stay.

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Some people are really threatened by anything that challenges their concept of Thailand the sex playground, aren't they?

Is it true what I heard, that in fine print & at the bottom of the check-in form is a pledge to use only the missionary position while in flagrante delicto?

SoiBiker you remind me of my old granmawr who, when about to go into her notorious high dudgeon, would always begin her speech with some people..., usually followed by a nasal harrummp.

In case you haven't heard... with the advent of Ashley Madison, Badoo, and a couple dozen other clones, and the corrosive/loosening influence of the American Hip Hop sex culture, the "sexual playground" you refer to is now world-wide (Mr. Worldwide, back me up here.) Don't nobody need to hassle with no fossilized neo-puritan hotel in downtown Bangkok.

Oh, and yeah. There's this guy that sometimes comes into my bar (me & my mates named him Bill Sykes) who told me one night - after hearing us talk about the old Atlanta – that if a discreet amount of baht changes hands, a certain masseuse will be allowed entry via a back alley, complete with waivers on said missionary clause.


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The receptionist of the hotel Atlanta, to get a sense of cheerful atmosphere ...


What a nice person you are judging an older lady who has done nothing to you on her facial appearance. Let's hope you are 100% perfect to justify your mocking her. Why not post a photo of you taken when you're not posing for it and we'll see how well you stand up in the appearance stakes.

Sorry, it's her face.
As to expose mine you might be surprised but I don't see any reason. I do not ask myself in universal lesson donor. People around me can do as they wish and those that have not adopted my principles are also welcome.
I had a crappy night in this hotel which this person looked at my lawful wife with suspicion and I'm glad this thread gives me the opportunity to communicate my feeling.
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Some people are really threatened by anything that challenges their concept of Thailand the sex playground, aren't they?

Is it true what I heard, that in fine print & at the bottom of the check-in form is a pledge to use only the missionary position while in flagrante delicto?

SoiBiker you remind me of my old granmawr who, when about to go into her notorious high dudgeon, would always begin her speech with some people..., usually followed by a nasal harrummp.

In case you haven't heard... with the advent of Ashley Madison, Badoo, and a couple dozen other clones, and the corrosive/loosening influence of the American Hip Hop sex culture, the "sexual playground" you refer to is now world-wide (Mr. Worldwide, back me up here.) Don't nobody need to hassle with no fossilized neo-puritan hotel in downtown Bangkok.

Oh, and yeah. There's this guy that sometimes comes into my bar (me & my mates named him Bill Sykes) who told me one night - after hearing us talk about the old Atlanta that if a discreet amount of baht changes hands, a certain masseuse will be allowed entry via a back alley, complete with waivers on said missionary clause.


Way to prove my point there, shouty.

Calm down. It's one hotel. Is your worldview really that shaky?

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A little hotel, that gives cheap, clean rooms for those wishing a quiet time, and for familes who don't want their kids sharing the pool with hookers - exists in Bangkok.

And these guys get very angry.

Perhaps it is threatening to them, that such a place exists.

Most odd.

Edited by t8769
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So from the Atlanta Hotel website:

The Atlanta is popular with cultured occidentals, with writers, academics, artists, cinema & theatre and other professional people, with dreamers and innocuous eccentrics, and their families, who can afford to stay at more expensive places but choose to stay at The Atlanta.

However --

People who do not like cats and dogs, who do not like animals, should stay elsewhere.

As a person who doesn't like cats and dogs and can afford to stay elsewhere, I'll stay elsewhere.

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Actually it is good to know that there are still hotels left with a bit of character and quirkiness.

Well said, its reassuring to know there are still places where the owners can set their own rules.

If this was in the Nanny State the PC Nazis would have it closed down.

A part of Bkk that is slowly being done away with, before we know it will resemble Orchard Rd, more power to the place and places like it.

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