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Bangkok bombings now believed to be internal conflict rather than international terrorism


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If the Uighurs are involved in this, Our Dear Leader is complicit, in the sense that he dismissed all warnings from human rights groups, the UN, EU, USA, preferring to kiss his new friend China's ass, when he returned the refugees. Result? Thai embassy attacked and perhaps now this also. DEAR LEADER... YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OUTCOMES OF DECISIONS YOU MAKES, as we all are, and you've made so many bad ones, beginning with the Army's support of Suthep and the staging if your coup. Instead of protecting the nation, you have busied yourself arresting people who read books and eat sandwiches in public (which makes you feel threatened), forbidding free speech and assembly, depriving students of a palace to drink a beer after work, destroying the livelihoods of tens of thousands of thais who earn a meagre living in resort areas, etc etc. Bringing unhappiness to the Thai people is all that you've accomplished, in the interests of your super wealthy friends. Do the right thing, Heir General, and get the he'll out of the way of this investigation

So the Americans were to blame for 911 and the English for the IRA attacks and the Dutch for the attacks from the Molukkers ?

You rather bend for the treats of terrorism ?

Sure actions have consequences but this is stupid reasoning.

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I've been thinking about something lately. Remember a few weeks ago the Don Muang airport was in chaos as people's luggage arriving and departing were x-rayed and many missed their flights? This tells me that a threat was already known or at least there was possibly very good intelligence suggesting an imminent threat. Seems to me there is much more to this story than we are being led to believe.

Also, isn't Don Muang for domestic flights only?

Edited by steve654
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Let's recap:

1) The main suspect is a foreigner

2) He had help, maybe Thais

3) It was well organized

Which leads us to conclude

4) The motivation is internal affairs

Well, I for one am totally convinced by this iron clad reasoning.

Thank you for the recap. All quite appropreate. Let's continue.

The RTP seems to be staffed primarily by underpaid, under or zero trained men and women who are the product of the Thai education system that advocates "no-fail", don't ask questions, don't think and do as I say - not what I do. The low pay is not enough to support their families but they are required to purchase and maintain their own wepons and uniforms. They wear fake badges and medals which mean nothing. Probably most of them could not hit the broadside of a barn if their life depended upon it. Through bribes, etc., they make their way up the chain of command, learning as they ascend how to be more corrupt and please their bosses, which includes lying, cheating and intimidation skills. All of this, along with the standard Thai traits which most of us are well aware of, and the Thai opinion that laws are made to be broken, has led to the current "perfect storm".

My guess is that whoever the bomb maker was, whoever the masterminds behind this are, whoever placed the two bombs are, they are long gone. Clothes will have been changed, hair color will probably be changed, etc. By now, the person who was caught on CCTV looks so different that the RTP folks may never find him. They don't seem to have the resources, expertise or intelligence that is required in a case like this. And yes, remember Koh Tao. whistling.gifsad.png

Welcome to Thailand. coffee1.gif

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"Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha today called on the Ratchaprasong bomb suspect to surrender to the police saying he might be “silenced” by those who paid him to do the job."

​Translation - We don't have a clue who the bomber is, his motive or where he, so please surrender so we don't look as stupid as we are...pretty please...

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I'm reminded of the classic reply at press conferences by the investigation teams in similar matters in the U.K. my old department included.

Q. Can you please tell us if you have any solid leads in this investigation?

A . Sorry. We cannot give any information at this point as it may prejudice the current ongoing investigation.

Truth. Really mate we haven't got a bloody clue at this moment in time!!

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Unluckily for all of us , the media are involved... Those guys make up stuff.... The Thai police, army and most of the public are trying to do everything they can to find the culprits. And of course the authorities are not going to release any information that may help the perpetrators escape. Which of course they may have already done. This was a very well planned bombing .... They may have had inside help .. until they are caught we will never know.... But let us all stop blaming the authorities.. The British could not stop the IRA. The London bombings of 2005... Iraq, Iran, Syria, South America, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, etc etc, so many atrocities in our world ... The bombers planned for confusion... and listening to the words of these Thaivisa posters which are so negative, seems the bombers are winning this fight. Why don't you all shut the fruk up... keep your negative view to yourselves , If it's so bad here, you know where the door is... And until we know better it may be that a previous prime minister is to blame... He is certainly high on the list of suspects.. I hope it is not him..... but he sure has friends in the police...

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I consider it sick and stupid that so many 'Bar Room Lawyers' ( usual loud mouths on here )

are trying to make Political gain to advance their particular slant on life.

Any chance to have a dig at the Police and the Government because they don't like the current regime.

I suggest you keep quiet (No chance! ) and wait, watch and listen.

You are using the Dead to advance your ignorant views which probably get more profound ( to you ) with each pint of wallop.

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based on the fact, that his hair is too long,

you can say, it might not be a thai lukkrüng, cause thailand is too hot,

to wear hair like this.

The main question is about the starter of the bomb,

was it activated by a cellphone or was it prepared, to explode exactly on time.

It exploded on the "code-time" 18.55.56 seconds, (as you see , 4.04 minutes to 19.00 / 7pm)

so you have the 4.04 the symbol for a "dead link" ( website ...404 ... death link)


When this was timed explosion, there was a person, sitting on the park bank, to keep the place free, till the man with the bomb is arriving,

cause every second was timed,

typical for secret service actions, but why should the burmese secret service or the cambodian secret service launch such a terrorist attack ???

But with a cellphone-activation, it could be a one-man-job.


A few words, concerning the press management,

in thailand, you can`t be the messenger for bad news,

if you talk too much bullshit to the people, they will get angry.

They ended up with the samui bombing, that the mastermind is a very influence policial person,

and it`s just a question of time, to nail him, - this was at the beginning of june.

Now, the did an open discussion with the press, without saying,

--- its too early, to give information ---

(not presenting internal information, to dissrupt the sucess of the investigation),

so, you might think, this is not a very professional management.

(pls look tv ...Blue Bloods ??? right time for making jokes ??? management ???)

Edited by DisainaM
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Oh my how could there be internal conflict in the "Happiness State" where people live in constant fear of accidentally saying the "Wrong" thing to a crony or grovelling worm who seem to run the place. Nah, there wouldn't be any build up over the past x years on that. Should be fine. Blame someone else its much easier.

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The job was too sophisticated for Uighurs or disaffected southern insurgents to have carried out. Experts discount the suggestion there is an IS connection. If you listen closely to the Thai language interviews with senior officials, you can pick up that the government has a chief suspect although they might not have the evidence to name them just yet. The bomber could have been anyone hired for a price but my guess is the person ordering the job was almost certainly Thai.

What exactly is sophisticated about dropping off a backpack with a device inside, that's remotely activated probably by telephone?

It wasn't sophisticated in the 7th July attacks in the UK which killed dozens of people, all the perps were "homegrown" terrorists.

It wasn't sophisticated to blow apart the train in Madrid.

It hasn't been sophisticated in the Middle East, where hundreds have been killed almost weekly with such devices.

so I ask you again, what was sophisticated about it?

You swallowing the Junta's mantra that it was a "sophisticated" bomb, as it left no trace? That's complete bullshit, every device leaves evidence, right down to the remote detonators, I will tell you why it is being labeled "sophisticated" shall I ? It's because the authorities simply have NOT GOT A CLUE, they were too busy looking to restore their only Saviour "tourism", that they hurried the investigation, failed to gather up sufficient evidence, and were too busy hosing the place down to get it back open again as a priority, rather than painstaking finger tip by finger tip comb that site for the smallest of clues.

The deceased are also evidence by the way, as cold as it might sound but they need to be thoroughly examined for evidence, such as the shrapnel etc.

Somyot is a clown, it's clear as day he's never been an investigative detective in his life, either that, there's people higher up than him telling him what to do, and what to say, which wouldn't surprise me.

What also doesn't surprise me is that every time there's a semi crisis in the country, and things are not looking too great for the Junta, along comes an "incident" and a finger is pointed.

How can this lot be held in any sort of high regards, after their constant meddling, and supposition over the last incident in Samui ? Have you noticed how quiet that suddenly went ? And another case where "arrest warrants have been issued" and " we will have this concluded in days" or " we have proof that x, y and z " are behind this.

Now back to your Uihigurs, the Chinese stated that the ones deported back were en route to join IS, so they were already radicalised, that there is enough to debunk their lack of sophistication, they've detonated devices in China in the past as well you know ?.

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that's remotely activated probably by telephone?

this could be a question,

should smart targets for bombings be protected by jammers.

A jammer is blocking the cellphone signal, its impossible, to activate a cellphone bomb,

so, for protecting the tourist areas in bkk,

should they create a new quality mark, --- in this shopping center, you are save, cause you are "under the dome" of a jammer protection,

(no calls and no messages on your cellphone) - "bad mode"-protection.

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You would have to shut down the entire mobile network for that to ever happen, they used to do it quite often in Iraq, but the problem in Thailand is that it effects the General Population more than it does the bad guys.

When you shut down all mobile comms, without reason, you'd have an uproar on your hands from the people you're trying to protect, and the easiest thing to do is have a back up "timer" on your device.

Sophistication is when you start putting in stuff like mercury tilt switches (anti handling), PIRT's (passive Infra red triggers) pressure plate/pad activations... so far this is nothing more than civvy attempt at making an anti personnel device, such as a claymore mine.

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The government has no clue and just speculating.

It can still go either way, but I doubt an international terrorist will try to throw a bomb at a pier. It would be easier for them just to throw it at a populated area if they want to cause maximum damage. The first bombing is so unexpected and hard to tell, but the second bombing are similar to other political bombing where its not intend to cause maximum damage and are usually thrown from a place instead of placed.

I believe it was the same group that done the Pier bomb .It was the same kind of pipe bomb full of the same type of ball bearings .It also could have killed many people below waiting at the pier for a boat but luckly bounced off a pillar into the water.

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CNN said the bomber left on a motorcycle taxi, and while on the taxi spoke on his phone in a "foreign" language that was not English.

Yes - but in the interview with the motorcycle taxi guy on Channel 3 news he said that the bomber did not speak at all and just handed a sheet of paper with "Lumpini Park" written on it.

There's seems to be so many conflicting reports about the whole incident.

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CNN said the bomber left on a motorcycle taxi, and while on the taxi spoke on his phone in a "foreign" language that was not English.

Well, Thailand, the English speaking hub of ASEAN. This taxi driver should know! cheesy.gif

I can't speak French or German but I can distinguish between the two. Why do you think the taxi driver wouldn't be able to distinguish between English and another language he didn't recognise???

I recently took a motorcycle taxi at Siriaj and the driver spoke perfect English. He happened to have a degree in engineering and owned a company that was having issues so he's using his motorbike to make money, and he said he makes good money.

Let's not dismiss all the taxi drivers as stupid or uneducated because you never know.

On another thought...

I don't understand how the guy in the picture is supposed to be considered Asian? He doesn't look anything Asian to me, not even in they eyes.

Yes he could be a foreigner that is causing internal issues, it's been done before. Let's not forget that some countries out there have made it

business as usual to overthrow governments usually by starting some internal conflict. Stay open people, the closed and cynical usually miss the obvious.

Would it be unfair to suggest that you seem to categorize Asians as slant eyed, tanned skinned etc?

Let's suppose the man in this picture is an Israeli or Iranian. He is thus an Asian, but according to you, he doesn't "look"Asian.


Is there a particular design for an Asian that you have in mind?

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


Off topic posts removed as well.

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CNN said the bomber left on a motorcycle taxi, and while on the taxi spoke on his phone in a "foreign" language that was not English.

Well, Thailand, the English speaking hub of ASEAN. This taxi driver should know! cheesy.gif

I can't speak French or German but I can distinguish between the two. Why do you think the taxi driver wouldn't be able to distinguish between English and another language he didn't recognise???

I recently took a motorcycle taxi at Siriaj and the driver spoke perfect English. He happened to have a degree in engineering and owned a company that was having issues so he's using his motorbike to make money, and he said he makes good money.

Let's not dismiss all the taxi drivers as stupid or uneducated because you never know.

On another thought...

I don't understand how the guy in the picture is supposed to be considered Asian? He doesn't look anything Asian to me, not even in they eyes.

Yes he could be a foreigner that is causing internal issues, it's been done before. Let's not forget that some countries out there have made it

business as usual to overthrow governments usually by starting some internal conflict. Stay open people, the closed and cynical usually miss the obvious.

Would it be unfair to suggest that you seem to categorize Asians as slant eyed, tanned skinned etc?

Let's suppose the man in this picture is an Israeli or Iranian. He is thus an Asian, but according to you, he doesn't "look"Asian.


Is there a particular design for an Asian that you have in mind?

lol, why would he be Iranian or Israeli?

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The government has no clue and just speculating.

It can still go either way, but I doubt an international terrorist will try to throw a bomb at a pier. It would be easier for them just to throw it at a populated area if they want to cause maximum damage. The first bombing is so unexpected and hard to tell, but the second bombing are similar to other political bombing where its not intend to cause maximum damage and are usually thrown from a place instead of placed.

I believe it was the same group that done the Pier bomb .It was the same kind of pipe bomb full of the same type of ball bearings .It also could have killed many people below waiting at the pier for a boat but luckly bounced off a pillar into the water.

The forensics says they are the same type and style, but its hard to trust the thai police. But I do agree, if its the same, its most likely the same group. Police also said locals cannot build an IED like the one seen, that is completely bs. Anyone can build an IED given the right knowledge, heck the instructions are online if you know where to look.

If you follow the story regarding to the Red Shirt who posted on FB about being careful in Bangkok on August 14-18. His story tells that he got this info from another FB page run by a political group, the group has these predictions 80-90% correct. If you go down that path, it means the bombing is linked with locals and politics. The bomber in the yellow shirt may be someone in disguise or just a detraction to throw people off trail.

What are the chances of when something negative is about to happen to Thaksin, bombs go off or some dramatic event happens, or is it such a coincidence again? Hate to go down that path again without proof so I won't speculate further.

Either way this chaos is getting out of hand, if its foreign terrorist, Thailand is becoming very unsafe from both fronts, locally and abroad.

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The job was too sophisticated for Uighurs or disaffected southern insurgents to have carried out. Experts discount the suggestion there is an IS connection. If you listen closely to the Thai language interviews with senior officials, you can pick up that the government has a chief suspect although they might not have the evidence to name them just yet. The bomber could have been anyone hired for a price but my guess is the person ordering the job was almost certainly Thai.

What exactly is sophisticated about dropping off a backpack with a device inside, that's remotely activated probably by telephone?

It wasn't sophisticated in the 7th July attacks in the UK which killed dozens of people, all the perps were "homegrown" terrorists.

It wasn't sophisticated to blow apart the train in Madrid.

It hasn't been sophisticated in the Middle East, where hundreds have been killed almost weekly with such devices.

so I ask you again, what was sophisticated about it?

You swallowing the Junta's mantra that it was a "sophisticated" bomb, as it left no trace? That's complete bullshit, every device leaves evidence, right down to the remote detonators, I will tell you why it is being labeled "sophisticated" shall I ? It's because the authorities simply have NOT GOT A CLUE, they were too busy looking to restore their only Saviour "tourism", that they hurried the investigation, failed to gather up sufficient evidence, and were too busy hosing the place down to get it back open again as a priority, rather than painstaking finger tip by finger tip comb that site for the smallest of clues.

The deceased are also evidence by the way, as cold as it might sound but they need to be thoroughly examined for evidence, such as the shrapnel etc.

Somyot is a clown, it's clear as day he's never been an investigative detective in his life, either that, there's people higher up than him telling him what to do, and what to say, which wouldn't surprise me.

What also doesn't surprise me is that every time there's a semi crisis in the country, and things are not looking too great for the Junta, along comes an "incident" and a finger is pointed.

How can this lot be held in any sort of high regards, after their constant meddling, and supposition over the last incident in Samui ? Have you noticed how quiet that suddenly went ? And another case where "arrest warrants have been issued" and " we will have this concluded in days" or " we have proof that x, y and z " are behind this.

Now back to your Uihigurs, the Chinese stated that the ones deported back were en route to join IS, so they were already radicalised, that there is enough to debunk their lack of sophistication, they've detonated devices in China in the past as well you know ?.

I don't think the government ever said the bomb was sophisticated. To them all bombs are the same.

Uighurs are displaced people in their own country. They have used Thailand as an escape route. Just like Rohingyas or the Hmong. They have no capacity to carry out bombings in the middle of Bangkok nor desire to do so lest Thailand be completely closed off as a route for their escape in future.

It's pure nonsense to suppose that the job was planned and carried out under anything but the direction of a Thai group. Has the signature of a disaffected group wanting to get back at the government that displaced them. It's the same power-play we've seen stretching back to the early '70s, using Thai citizens as the meat in their rancid sandwich.

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CNN said the bomber left on a motorcycle taxi, and while on the taxi spoke on his phone in a "foreign" language that was not English.

Well, Thailand, the English speaking hub of ASEAN. This taxi driver should know! cheesy.gif

I can't speak French or German but I can distinguish between the two. Why do you think the taxi driver wouldn't be able to distinguish between English and another language he didn't recognise???

I recently took a motorcycle taxi at Siriaj and the driver spoke perfect English. He happened to have a degree in engineering and owned a company that was having issues so he's using his motorbike to make money, and he said he makes good money.

Let's not dismiss all the taxi drivers as stupid or uneducated because you never know.

On another thought...

I don't understand how the guy in the picture is supposed to be considered Asian? He doesn't look anything Asian to me, not even in they eyes.

Yes he could be a foreigner that is causing internal issues, it's been done before. Let's not forget that some countries out there have made it

business as usual to overthrow governments usually by starting some internal conflict. Stay open people, the closed and cynical usually miss the obvious.

Would it be unfair to suggest that you seem to categorize Asians as slant eyed, tanned skinned etc?

Let's suppose the man in this picture is an Israeli or Iranian. He is thus an Asian, but according to you, he doesn't "look"Asian.


Is there a particular design for an Asian that you have in mind?

lol, why would he be Iranian or Israeli?

He wouldn't have to be Israeli or Iranian. He could be a Lebanese or Yemeni.

Or maybe Syrian or Armenian or heaven forbid, a Palestinian.

Get it?

I guess my "suppose" went right over your head.

The point being that Asians are not all from EAST Asia. ph34r.png

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The whole thing with it being a foreigner seems suspect as well. I have a few Thai friends who almost look Iranian or thereabouts, but their roots go back here quite a way back. And given the quality of the pictures.....

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