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Slovakia 'to refuse Muslim migrants'


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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.

Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.
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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.

Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.

Sorry, but that's exactly what you advocate: Religious apartheid. Christians to the West, Muslims to the East.

Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

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The rest of your post about muslim is ill informed and wrong.

Please clarify point for point what was false ( wrong / ill informed )

I'm willing to be proved wrong.

Until then, I was spot on based on my reading of Islam's own annals.

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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.

Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.
Sorry, but that's exactly what you advocate: Religious apartheid. Christians to the West, Muslims to the East.

Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

Agreed, I indeed do advocate religious apartheid as far as Islam is concerned, as Samuel Huntington observed in the clash of civilizations 'Islam has bloody borders' geographic separation from the world of Islam is actually the most humane way of dealing with this intractable problem. If those opposing such separation get their way I see the end result being civil wars, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

There is no correlation between poverty and religious fundamentalism, the latter just uses the former as a cloak to hide behind which the liberal mindset is fooled by. China, India and sub-Saharan Africa all have large impoverished populations where religion causes no problem.

P.S I don't want to send this off topic, but here is a link to the Clash of civilizations for those who have not read it, quite uncanny how much has come to pass considering when it was written.


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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.

Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.

Few if any Christians make it out alive. They tend to be the first to be killed by their fellow refugees. This doesn't make the news because it would turn sentiment against all those economic migrants taking to the boats.

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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.
Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.
Sorry, but that's exactly what you advocate: Religious apartheid. Christians to the West, Muslims to the East.
Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

Agreed, I indeed do advocate religious apartheid as far as Islam is concerned, as Samuel Huntington observed in the clash of civilizations 'Islam has bloody borders' geographic separation from the world of Islam is actually the most humane way of dealing with this intractable problem. If those opposing such separation get their way I see the end result being civil wars, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

There is no correlation between poverty and religious fundamentalism, the latter just uses the former as a cloak to hide behind which the liberal mindset is fooled by. China, India and sub-Saharan Africa all have large impoverished populations where religion causes no problem.

P.S I don't want to send this off topic, but here is a link to the Clash of civilizations for those who have not read it, quite uncanny how much has come to pass considering when it was written.


Thank you, I know Samuel P. Huntington, and I don't agree with him.
His ideas are simply obsolete, as far as Europe is concerned. There's already millions of Muslims in Europe (first wave in the 1960's), and their contribution to Western societies cannot be ignored. Their lifestyle is not very different from Christians anymore. Don't forget about the Charlie Hebdo incident in Paris 8 months ago, one of the policemen that lost his life was a Muslim.

Of course, there's a strong correlation between economic disparity within a country (Gini index) and the rise of religious fundamentalism. Other factors like tribalism or ethnic disparity do also correlate in certain areas like Afghanistan. The world is not such a monocausal performance like Mr. Huffington suggests.

Do you really not know about all these religious and ethnic clashes in India, China and sub-Saharan Africa and the economic backgrounds? Never heard about the gights between Muslims and Hindus, between Han Chinese and Uighurs, between Northern Nigeria and Biafra?
Islam offered a perspective for the marginalized low castes in Hindu society, eg. The Chinese claims on Sinkiang-Uighur are a geopolitical affair: the Chinese coast is overpopulated. In Nigeria much is for oil, not very different in the neighbouring countries.

For me, the keyword is "overpopulation", and the solution is: get rid of some of the population. Sounds mean (like killing the native Westerners), but in fact isn't that mean if you look a bit closer at the demographic development. A country with hardly any children will need immigrants anyway, rather immigrants that are willing to work than a lazy native population that relies on a nanny state to feed them.

Maybe would be oK for a small monocultural country like Slovakia to keep only Christian refugees, provided that the Muslim refugees can go on to Austria and Germany. Unfortunately, there's something like Schengen II and the Dublin contract which make a transit for refugees inside EU rather illegal. As a matter of legal fact, Germany managed to build up legal walls against immigration from the neighbouring countries. They are the ones that profit.
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I too was an alter boy. You are catholic whether you like it or not. Until you are either excommunicated or convert to another religion. What YOU claim is of no relevance.

The rest of your post about muslim is ill informed and wrong. Because a person does not proscribe to everything in that religion does not mean they are not of that faith.

Basically if you use your hardline view then people will feel backed into a corner and chose to become fundamentalist. If you agree they are muslim even with cherry picking parts of the faith, as most religious people do, then that gives an opening for inclusiveness and understanding.

So why try and be judgmental. Accept people of the faith as they chose it and things will change. Thats what happened with christianity and they moved forward with the times.

Isnt that what we would like?

I think it is a question of the Muslims not accepting your way of life, and wanting to create Sharia law in for example the UK. So you can be Christian about it and turn the other cheek, But don't be surprised if your head is chopped off while your not looking!

I'm all for live and let live but when others don't want to accept the laws of the land they find themselves in and want to change it for something that doesn't even work in their native country. Something needs to be done about it or there will be big troubles ahead.

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Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

A few weeks ago I downloaded and listened to this mp3 discussion from BBC Radio 4 (downloaded in Indonesia, so it seems regional blocks on BBC content do not apply). It was a good listen (as almost every such talks are, on Radio 4). Part of it is a man who began a study within Britain to find the factors leading to radicalisation so that it could be prevented.


What they expected to find to be the reasons (including poverty, feeling of non inclusiveness, etc) were not what they found and it shook up their ideas about this. Indeed, they point out that historically terrorism is from those with plenty of money and time. Depression appeared to be a factor, one example could potentially be that more recent solo attack in the U.S.

All this is still ongoing research, but so far it does seem to undermine this mantra of - "How did WE fail him / her, for them to become like this?".

Various factors of the research may taint how accurate it can be though. It focused on Pakistani and Bangladeshis in Britain. Somalians and others appear to not have been consulted. Regarding questions to migrants, their findings to a question about whether domestic attacks were justified, it appears their findings were that migrants were against that but they found that some British born Muslims were quite hardcore in their opinion.

Research could be tainted for the following reason - Bilal, born in the UK won't fear saying his opinion as he knows he can't lose his citizenship.All he has to do is word his opinion in the right way. Ahmed, recent migrant, cannot be so cocky and is more likely to tell researchers what they 'want' to hear, lest it ruin his citizenship or asylum case, even if he feels quite differently.

Researchers feel it is because migrants are too busy getting by, to sit around cooking up plots against the Kuffar. That ties in with the 'economic factors' falsity. If a side scenario is of jobless people with plenty of time to sit around (perhaps enabled by a steady flow of family support, etc) to watch ISIS YouTube recruitment hit pieces all day now we're onto something else. Anyway, it is worth a listen (starts a minute or two in, and lasts about nine minutes) and my post is just a summary of things.

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This BBC report is very interesting, I also read the corresponding article in PLOS ONE.

Depressions have (various) causes.


Something or someone was lost in the past, you experienced economic difficulties, you had a dream in your life. Everything failed, and now you're about to give up.

I don't think Ahmed, the recent migrant in your example, really gave up, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the long and dangerous journey to the West. He might still have hope for a better life. But what can he do if he feels he gets rejected everywhere?

Bilal, the old immigrant, might not have an illusion anymore. Even if considerably rich, he might have found out that this is not the cultural environment he really wanted to live in. So he joins these circles of frustrated old men, and there are rumours about a coming caliphate.

Maybe it would be oK to let the young immigrants work for some years, and then give them an incentive to go back home, maybe together with some old Muslim chap, so they can do something for their home community if they don't like the cold West. Some will be needed in the West anyway.

Guess all people need some kind of perspective for the future, for themselves or their familie, and this is not a question of a specific religion.

Of course, wars in the East had to be stopped.

Edited by micmichd
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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.

Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.

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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.


Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.

What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.


Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.

What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

Not sure what you are referencing in this thread except more paranoid, delusional, I have a chip on my should against people that have it better than I hate and rhetoric.

If referring to ISIS, they got their weapons from the dumb butt, chicken shyyyite Iraqis who left them behind when they turned tail and ran. They also got huge amounts of funds from towns that Iraqis turned tail and ran from. Are they shooting AKs or M16s? Looks to me they are using hatchets and old Russian crap more than anything else.

No doubt about it, American arms are bought, sold, bought, sold, bought sold and on and on and on. No telling where they might end up but that does not mean the American government is supplying ISIS.

Then again, many on here are skip[ing down the yellow brick road singing off to see the Wizzard so not telling what their minds tell them.

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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.


Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.

What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

Not sure what you are referencing in this thread except more paranoid, delusional, I have a chip on my should against people that have it better than I hate and rhetoric.

If referring to ISIS, they got their weapons from the dumb butt, chicken shyyyite Iraqis who left them behind when they turned tail and ran. They also got huge amounts of funds from towns that Iraqis turned tail and ran from. Are they shooting AKs or M16s? Looks to me they are using hatchets and old Russian crap more than anything else.

No doubt about it, American arms are bought, sold, bought, sold, bought sold and on and on and on. No telling where they might end up but that does not mean the American government is supplying ISIS.

Then again, many on here are skip[ing down the yellow brick road singing off to see the Wizzard so not telling what their minds tell them.

Those weapons did not grow on trees.

Of course not all were made in the USA, this refers also to Germany, Russia and other countries. Maybe IS et al. would hand over their arms for a good price and amnesty.

Edited by micmichd
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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.


Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.

What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

Not sure what you are referencing in this thread except more paranoid, delusional, I have a chip on my should against people that have it better than I hate and rhetoric.

If referring to ISIS, they got their weapons from the dumb butt, chicken shyyyite Iraqis who left them behind when they turned tail and ran. They also got huge amounts of funds from towns that Iraqis turned tail and ran from. Are they shooting AKs or M16s? Looks to me they are using hatchets and old Russian crap more than anything else.

No doubt about it, American arms are bought, sold, bought, sold, bought sold and on and on and on. No telling where they might end up but that does not mean the American government is supplying ISIS.

Then again, many on here are skip[ing down the yellow brick road singing off to see the Wizzard so not telling what their minds tell them.

Those weapons did not grow on trees.

Of course not all were made in the USA, this refers also to Germany, Russia and other countries. Maybe IS et al. would hand over their arms for a good price and amnesty.

Good price? Nah. No one needs anything from them except for them to be gone. Tides are shifting soon.

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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.
Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.
What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

Not sure what you are referencing in this thread except more paranoid, delusional, I have a chip on my should against people that have it better than I hate and rhetoric.

If referring to ISIS, they got their weapons from the dumb butt, chicken shyyyite Iraqis who left them behind when they turned tail and ran. They also got huge amounts of funds from towns that Iraqis turned tail and ran from. Are they shooting AKs or M16s? Looks to me they are using hatchets and old Russian crap more than anything else.

No doubt about it, American arms are bought, sold, bought, sold, bought sold and on and on and on. No telling where they might end up but that does not mean the American government is supplying ISIS.

Then again, many on here are skip[ing down the yellow brick road singing off to see the Wizzard so not telling what their minds tell them.
Those weapons did not grow on trees.
Of course not all were made in the USA, this refers also to Germany, Russia and other countries. Maybe IS et al. would hand over their arms for a good price and amnesty.

Good price? Nah. No one needs anything from them except for them to be gone. Tides are shifting soon.

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Like it or not, their country, their right and a bit of up yours iffier offended. Don't go there if your offended, just like don't come to the US and don't ask for money from the US if you are offended by the US.
Crazy Islamists are helping to knock the PC walls down. Eventually, people that matter or have power will stop making excuses.
What about selling the (now well-tested) weapons back to the US military industrial complex?

Not sure what you are referencing in this thread except more paranoid, delusional, I have a chip on my should against people that have it better than I hate and rhetoric.

If referring to ISIS, they got their weapons from the dumb butt, chicken shyyyite Iraqis who left them behind when they turned tail and ran. They also got huge amounts of funds from towns that Iraqis turned tail and ran from. Are they shooting AKs or M16s? Looks to me they are using hatchets and old Russian crap more than anything else.

No doubt about it, American arms are bought, sold, bought, sold, bought sold and on and on and on. No telling where they might end up but that does not mean the American government is supplying ISIS.

Then again, many on here are skip[ing down the yellow brick road singing off to see the Wizzard so not telling what their minds tell them.
Those weapons did not grow on trees.
Of course not all were made in the USA, this refers also to Germany, Russia and other countries. Maybe IS et al. would hand over their arms for a good price and amnesty.

Good price? Nah. No one needs anything from them except for them to be gone. Tides are shifting soon.

Yes, tides are shifting soon.
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Slovakia may be tested sooner than it expects.


Macedonia migrants: Thousands break through at Greek border.....

A huge number of migrants - many of them refugees from the war in Syria - has built up in recent days, after Macedonia sealed its southern border and declared a state of emergency.

Most wish to travel through Macedonia and Serbia to reach northern Europe, via Hungary.....

Macedonian security forces had been expected to let several hundred migrants in at a time on Saturday to coincide with train departures north towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. But some migrants broke through police lines when authorities tried to let a small group with young children through, the Associated Press reported........

Mr Poposki said all migrants had to register on entering Macedonia, and they had 72 hours to decide whether they would apply for asylum or pursue their route north.

Macedonia and its northern neighbour Serbia are not part of the European Union. However Hungary, to the north of Serbia, is an EU member and is part of the Schengen area. This means that once in Hungary people can travel onwards throughout much of Europe (excluding Britain and Ireland) without needing to show documents at international borders.

Directly north of Hungary, is Slovakia.

One point - anyone who read the reports of the initial charge on the Macedonian border yesterday would have noticed all the photos of crying children pushed 'right at the front', noses virtually to riot shields. On the one hand, very manipulative emotional blackmail selective photography (it worked on me), and this is probably the tactic used on the ground too. Question is, is that tactic understandable? It is the old titanic scenario - "Let me in the lifeboat. I have a child". I see the trauma in these kid's faces, a mix of what they may have witnessed, but probably also due to being used as a human battering ram of sorts, pushed to the front, risk of being crushed (a risk that would force even the hardest police line to retreat).

Reading this latest news, well...

al Jazeera also reports, but details a breach of hundreds, not thousands.


Links to an article on it, from yesterday.


Second note, on a photo further down the page the faces of young men are a mixed pot. I see faces from various Afghan ethnic groups, along with faces that resemble Berber. It is a real blend, not just Syrian Arabs. It is chaos, and my current stance is one I'm seeing in many comment sections on the web that it gets me, but at the same time there is an objective resolve that unless we hold our borders, Europe is facing disaster if 100s (or 1000s) can 'force' their way in. Not only economic, but a blatant security risk given the climate.

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Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

Never. Some of those perps are oil wealthy. Bin Laden's father was one of the richest men in Saudi and Bin Laden himself was said to be worth $US200 million.

Rich people commit some of the worst crimes there are.

You are welcome to stay deluded if you wish, but I'm on guard for those Muslim extremists. They murder for what they consider to be religious purposes.

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Did it ever come to your idea that there might be economic reasons for religious fundamentalism?

Never. Some of those perps are oil wealthy. Bin Laden's father was one of the richest men in Saudi and Bin Laden himself was said to be worth $US200 million.

Rich people commit some of the worst crimes there are.

You are welcome to stay deluded if you wish, but I'm on guard for those Muslim extremists. They murder for what they consider to be religious purposes.

Yeah these bed sheet wearing banshees rather maime a few women and children and inflict fear than score a few million bucks. They only want they the money to finance more few and maime a few more innocent people.

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"Rich people commit some of the worst crimes there are"

I certainly agree on that. The worst criminals are war criminals, those that make profits out of killing.

Those white collar criminals keep their hands clean, they have all kinds of armies to do the dirty job. They let them have some of their profit (it's getting less now)

You think you've got it made in a "middle class"? You also made profit from an economy built on war crimes and terror against the poor.

So, you're not innocent.

Western empires started wars on the Easte poor.

Your upper class will sacrifice you without any thought. They have money instead of brains, but they have the power.

Would you like to be killed in a battlefield?

No, you wouldn't want that. You prefer to let the armed forces of the Balkan states do the dirty job. There's maybe some Roma among them. Would you take them if they get injured in the clash at European frontiers?

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Slovakia may be tested sooner than it expects.


Macedonia migrants: Thousands break through at Greek border.....

A huge number of migrants - many of them refugees from the war in Syria - has built up in recent days, after Macedonia sealed its southern border and declared a state of emergency.

Most wish to travel through Macedonia and Serbia to reach northern Europe, via Hungary.....

Macedonian security forces had been expected to let several hundred migrants in at a time on Saturday to coincide with train departures north towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. But some migrants broke through police lines when authorities tried to let a small group with young children through, the Associated Press reported........

Mr Poposki said all migrants had to register on entering Macedonia, and they had 72 hours to decide whether they would apply for asylum or pursue their route north.

Macedonia and its northern neighbour Serbia are not part of the European Union. However Hungary, to the north of Serbia, is an EU member and is part of the Schengen area. This means that once in Hungary people can travel onwards throughout much of Europe (excluding Britain and Ireland) without needing to show documents at international borders.Directly north of Hungary, is Slovakia.

One point - anyone who read the reports of the initial charge on the Macedonian border yesterday would have noticed all the photos of crying children pushed 'right at the front', noses virtually to riot shields. On the one hand, very manipulative emotional blackmail selective photography (it worked on me), and this is probably the tactic used on the ground too. Question is, is that tactic understandable? It is the old titanic scenario - "Let me in the lifeboat. I have a child". I see the trauma in these kid's faces, a mix of what they may have witnessed, but probably also due to being used as a human battering ram of sorts, pushed to the front, risk of being crushed (a risk that would force even the hardest police line to retreat).

Reading this latest news, well...

al Jazeera also reports, but details a breach of hundreds, not thousands.


Links to an article on it, from yesterday.


Second note, on a photo further down the page the faces of young men are a mixed pot. I see faces from various Afghan ethnic groups, along with faces that resemble Berber. It is a real blend, not just Syrian Arabs. It is chaos, and my current stance is one I'm seeing in many comment sections on the web that it gets me, but at the same time there is an objective resolve that unless we hold our borders, Europe is facing disaster if 100s (or 1000s) can 'force' their way in. Not only economic, but a blatant security risk given the climate.

Regarding the children at the front for maximum P.R value.

It's a variation on the grappling hook child, who is sent alone to the target Country to take advantage of laws giving the child a right to a family life, hey presto the rest of the family follow.
Edited by Scott
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Slovakia may be tested sooner than it expects.


Macedonia migrants: Thousands break through at Greek border.....

A huge number of migrants - many of them refugees from the war in Syria - has built up in recent days, after Macedonia sealed its southern border and declared a state of emergency.

Most wish to travel through Macedonia and Serbia to reach northern Europe, via Hungary.....

Macedonian security forces had been expected to let several hundred migrants in at a time on Saturday to coincide with train departures north towards Serbia and the rest of Europe. But some migrants broke through police lines when authorities tried to let a small group with young children through, the Associated Press reported........

Mr Poposki said all migrants had to register on entering Macedonia, and they had 72 hours to decide whether they would apply for asylum or pursue their route north.

Macedonia and its northern neighbour Serbia are not part of the European Union. However Hungary, to the north of Serbia, is an EU member and is part of the Schengen area. This means that once in Hungary people can travel onwards throughout much of Europe (excluding Britain and Ireland) without needing to show documents at international borders.Directly north of Hungary, is Slovakia.

One point - anyone who read the reports of the initial charge on the Macedonian border yesterday would have noticed all the photos of crying children pushed 'right at the front', noses virtually to riot shields. On the one hand, very manipulative emotional blackmail selective photography (it worked on me), and this is probably the tactic used on the ground too. Question is, is that tactic understandable? It is the old titanic scenario - "Let me in the lifeboat. I have a child". I see the trauma in these kid's faces, a mix of what they may have witnessed, but probably also due to being used as a human battering ram of sorts, pushed to the front, risk of being crushed (a risk that would force even the hardest police line to retreat).

Reading this latest news, well...

al Jazeera also reports, but details a breach of hundreds, not thousands.


Links to an article on it, from yesterday.


Second note, on a photo further down the page the faces of young men are a mixed pot. I see faces from various Afghan ethnic groups, along with faces that resemble Berber. It is a real blend, not just Syrian Arabs. It is chaos, and my current stance is one I'm seeing in many comment sections on the web that it gets me, but at the same time there is an objective resolve that unless we hold our borders, Europe is facing disaster if 100s (or 1000s) can 'force' their way in. Not only economic, but a blatant security risk given the climate.

Regarding the children at the front for maximum P.R value.

It's a variation on the grappling hook child, who is sent alone to the target Country to take advantage of laws giving the child a right to a family life, hey presto the rest of the family follow.

So, what are your conclusions?
My conclusion is to give them a chance for family life back home, and use taxpayers' money for this instead of subsidiaries to war criminals.
Remember, you cannot say you're innocent if you saw it coming.
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Don't think it's so easy for asylum seekers to travel all over Europe once they entered the Schengen area. They usually have to stay where they claimed asylum first, at least until their case is closed.

The border countries of EU are actually in a trap, for the benefit of Germany.

Imho refugees should be allowed to claim asylum in the destination country of their choice, which would not be Slovakia in most cases.

Edited by micmichd
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Don't think it's so easy for asylum seekers to travel all over Europe once they entered the Schengen area. They usually have to stay where they claimed asylum first, at least until their case is closed.

The border countries of EU are actually in a trap, for the benefit of Germany.

Imho refugees should be allowed to claim asylum in the destination country of their choice, which would not be Slovakia in most cases.

It's strange how in that case they never choose Islamic Countries, I wonder why?
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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Sometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

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