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When will tourists go back to Thailand?


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Years ago i loved to eat pad thai, these days it isn't nice in any restaurant i tried it, even not on the street. Now they use some instant sauce to make it and we only get 2-3 small prawns with it. I would pay any price for a good old portion of real pad thai.

Across from the Watcharaphol Market there is a 7-11 with lots of food booths outside. On the road is a great pad thai place.

They are around, just need to know where to look.

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Years ago i loved to eat pad thai, these days it isn't nice in any restaurant i tried it, even not on the street. Now they use some instant sauce to make it and we only get 2-3 small prawns with it. I would pay any price for a good old portion of real pad thai.

Across from the Watcharaphol Market there is a 7-11 with lots of food booths outside. On the road is a great pad thai place.

They are around, just need to know where to look.

Thanks Thom, if i 'm around there i 'll try to find it. My wife also knows the best pad thai restaurant of BKK and it's close to us here in the subs but we still haven't been there.

This is for Ozyjon and the TAT......This is how you attract Quality Tourists farang style!

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Years ago i loved to eat pad thai, these days it isn't nice in any restaurant i tried it, even not on the street. Now they use some instant sauce to make it and we only get 2-3 small prawns with it. I would pay any price for a good old portion of real pad thai.

Across from the Watcharaphol Market there is a 7-11 with lots of food booths outside. On the road is a great pad thai place.

They are around, just need to know where to look.

And in my experience, they only overcharge you if you let them! A quick "tao rai, khrap?" gets you the price, once they realise you're no mug, you'll pay the Thai price...well nearly! whistling.gif If not....walk......to the next one.

I do agree with Thain's comment above about driving Route 66 though....what's left of it that is. Did some of it in 1980 and a bit more in the nineties but never Chcago to LA like the song says

Edited by VBF
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It's true, the Bangkok bombing did not get attention (a lot of, anyway) in the US media...except for CNN, Yahoo.com

My family back in the USA did not even bother asking me anything.... as if they did not know , or did not care....

But make no mistake, the US media is more concerned with Karsdashions, celebrities, athletes etc.... to be concerned with world affairs...sad

Edited by DanceAllNight
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It's true, the Bangkok bombing did not get attention (a lot of, anyway) in the US media...except for CNN, Yahoo.com

My family back in the USA did not even bother asking me anything.... as if they did not know , or did not care....

But make no mistake, the US media is more concerned with Karsdashions, celebrities, athletes etc.... to be concerned with world affairs...sad

Which, unfortunately doesn't answer my (somewhat rhetorical) question "Are people kept in ignorance by the media failing to offer the information, or are the people just not interested and therefore the media don't bother?"

Or even more scary: "Does the nation get the media it deserves?" And don't even get me started on conspiracy theories! whistling.gif

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

I would say terrible but cheap street food....holidays on the toilet....

beautiful beaches: there are still some....it is not that bad.

ancient temples: exotic temples but most are not ancient....Italy has ancient temples.

friendly locals: sometimes

You might want to consider using some senokot. It works wonders on the colon. The workings of a healthy colon allows one to see the good things in life.

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

She forgot cheap løve.

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Bali seems to have done ok.

If Bali didn't have those very annoying salespeople it would have been the #1 holidaydestination of Asia.

It's much cheaper then Thailand and also the food is much better.

Carnage on the roads i see every day here in BKK. Dead body's, trucks upside down, wheels that broke of, dead soidogs along the roads smelling, motobikes upside down who drive with a baby on the arm and no helmets......

The most annoying is the ones who drive against traffic, even grandma's do it in our moobaan on their bicycles. Even when there is no sunshine at all on the left side of the road they still want to drive against traffic.

I agree that Thailand became popular because of the hookers and the beaches. The beaches are too hot, dirty, messy, taxi-maffia, no towells on the sand allowed, no beachguards, no police, annoying salespeople, annoying resortguests who claim all beachbeds, many russians, no english language, long distance buses who drive like morons and only stop at restaurants where all prices will be doubled.....No thank you Thailand, you 'll have to improve a lot first before they all come back. Oh and of course the jetski scammers.

A hell a lot of dislikes and I even agree with many of them. But why are you in Thailand ?

Did you count the likes dude? Now how many likes did you get for this reply?

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I have noticed how many posters here are critical of "street food' or state that they would never eat it.

If you have lived her very long and took the time to look around, you would find that there are some excellent street food vendors.

I know of some that offer much better Thai food than the local "restaurants" especially better than those who want to cater to farangs.

I take my family out once a week to a local noodle vendor who serves the best yellow noodles with crab and pork won ton I have ever tasted, for 40 baht a serving!

I realize that a first time tourist has a slim chance of stumbling on one these excellent street vendors without some local guidance.

But if you live here and are going on the assumption that good street food is non existent...you are missing out on a very good thing.


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Tourists will return when they are no longer being killed by either terrorism, road accidents or just plain murder. Wake up Thailand. People don't go on holidays to die. There are safer places in the world to visit. Fix your inept police "farce" & start becoming a better nation. Spend the money on a good police force instead of fast trains that no-one will use because they will be to expensive & to dangerous. Priority.

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Maybe making Thailand less attractive tacky to tourists, and more attractive to long term residence would be a better bet for Thailand.

I have a dream ....

Waiting like you for a 10 years resident visa , for example, like foreigners have in France after living there more than 3 years .

And end of TM 47 ;thumbsup.gif

Edited by Assurancetourix
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No plomplem - officials in charge will simply "lure" all the tourists back in... with some campaign... and some... clever.. (ahemmm) slogan. coffee1.gif

I think it needs to be said that there is a huge difference foreign tourists and long term expat residents.

Most expat residents probably first came to Thailand as tourist, but after living here a while, adapting, and assimilating to the Thai life style, they change.

I think many, like me, cringe with embarrassment when they see tourists from their home country and would rather never see another one here.

Seeing them and thinking " My God! was I really that rude and stupid too?"

Even though many tourist live like two week millionaires while on vacation and drop a good amount of money, most of that money goes to bar owners, hotels, bar girls, and tour guides and really does not trickle down to benefit the average Thai person.

Long term residents may live on a budget and not go out spending "crazy money" very often, but.their day to day expenses do add up and the influx of their monthly income into Thailand year after year has a much more positive impact on the Thai economy.

Maybe making Thailand less attractive tacky to tourists, and more attractive to long term residence would be a better bet for Thailand.

Not really. It would just be better for long-term residents, who often both have a misplaced sense of superiority and hugely overestimate their worth to the country's economy.

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The ex-american expert above sees: "carnage on the roads and streets" and it's only "easy girls that draw the crowds"

Could you let us know where the carnage filled streets and roads that you walk down are located? Or do you puke up what you see on your idiot box television? How boring and unoriginal your conversations must be.

Where are the bars filled to the rim with these tourists looking for easy girls?

Do tell.

Ha! Go to Bestgore.com! 40% of the pictures there are from road accidents in Thailand! The streets of Thailand are an absolute War Zone! Don't look at that website on an empty stomach. Also, I was at Soi Nana on the 8th and 9th of this month and it was packed to the rafters with tourist in Go-Go Bars. Just saying....

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I have noticed how many posters here are critical of "street food' or state that they would never eat it.

If you have lived her very long and took the time to look around, you would find that there are some excellent street food vendors.

I know of some that offer much better Thai food than the local "restaurants" especially better than those who want to cater to farangs.

I take my family out once a week to a local noodle vendor who serves the best yellow noodles with crab and pork won ton I have ever tasted, for 40 baht a serving!

I realize that a first time tourist has a slim chance of stumbling on one these excellent street vendors without some local guidance.

But if you live here and are going on the assumption that good street food is non existent...you are missing out on a very good thing.


I agree sir,

But it's not just the food, did you see how they clean the plates and cutlery in a bowl of dirty water on the streets?

Or watch the plastic chairs, some have a thick layer black filth on them like they have never ever been cleaned.

Also the soidogs and cats who come too close to the foodstalls and tables don't help....

And the same food can be bought in the foodcourts which are much cleaner and better.

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But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

She forgot cheap løve.


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The ex-american expert above sees: "carnage on the roads and streets" and it's only "easy girls that draw the crowds"

Could you let us know where the carnage filled streets and roads that you walk down are located? Or do you puke up what you see on your idiot box television? How boring and unoriginal your conversations must be.

Where are the bars filled to the rim with these tourists looking for easy girls?

Do tell.

Ha! Go to Bestgore.com! 40% of the pictures there are from road accidents in Thailand! The streets of Thailand are an absolute War Zone! Don't look at that website on an empty stomach. Also, I was at Soi Nana on the 8th and 9th of this month and it was packed to the rafters with tourist in Go-Go Bars. Just saying....

Another "tourist" that knows very little about Thailand , you can tell the type ,looks at pictures on a disgusting website and visits tourist sex streets. top quality type ,i dont think.

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No plomplem - officials in charge will simply "lure" all the tourists back in... with some campaign... and some... clever.. (ahemmm) slogan. coffee1.gif

I think it needs to be said that there is a huge difference foreign tourists and long term expat residents.

Most expat residents probably first came to Thailand as tourist, but after living here a while, adapting, and assimilating to the Thai life style, they change.

I think many, like me, cringe with embarrassment when they see tourists from their home country and would rather never see another one here.

Seeing them and thinking " My God! was I really that rude and stupid too?"

Even though many tourist live like two week millionaires while on vacation and drop a good amount of money, most of that money goes to bar owners, hotels, bar girls, and tour guides and really does not trickle down to benefit the average Thai person.

Long term residents may live on a budget and not go out spending "crazy money" very often, but.their day to day expenses do add up and the influx of their monthly income into Thailand year after year has a much more positive impact on the Thai economy.

Maybe making Thailand less attractive tacky to tourists, and more attractive to long term residence would be a better bet for Thailand.

Not really. It would just be better for long-term residents, who often both have a misplaced sense of superiority and hugely overestimate their worth to the country's economy.

Especially given that to the authorities we are all one and the same. You are Thai or you aren't and that's that.

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After they spend all their money in Vietnam and Cambodia - no one blowing up shrines, demonstrating against the Govt's, throwing hand grenades etc etc etc.coffee1.gif

Oh wait, there will be plenty of Chinese Tourists for the foeseeable future, year round.

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I have noticed how many posters here are critical of "street food' or state that they would never eat it.

If you have lived her very long and took the time to look around, you would find that there are some excellent street food vendors.

I know of some that offer much better Thai food than the local "restaurants" especially better than those who want to cater to farangs.

I take my family out once a week to a local noodle vendor who serves the best yellow noodles with crab and pork won ton I have ever tasted, for 40 baht a serving!

I realize that a first time tourist has a slim chance of stumbling on one these excellent street vendors without some local guidance.

But if you live here and are going on the assumption that good street food is non existent...you are missing out on a very good thing.


I agree sir,

But it's not just the food, did you see how they clean the plates and cutlery in a bowl of dirty water on the streets?

Or watch the plastic chairs, some have a thick layer black filth on them like they have never ever been cleaned.

Also the soidogs and cats who come too close to the foodstalls and tables don't help....

And the same food can be bought in the foodcourts which are much cleaner and better.

Thats why the locals don't get sick or Jelly Belly, they share common saliva - kind of like the punters in Nana Plaza - they are all skin flute puffers after the fact......

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Well it sure helps that the baht/euro is above 40 again.

About streetfood, i rarely buy streetfood because the stalls look dirty and mostly the vendors like to overcharge me. When i don't see the price i move on, can't be bothered to ask for the price anymore. Also i rarely walk on the streets because the vendors have taken over the sidewalks.

We buy food/fruit from the markets but only at our favorit stalls, those people are honest and won't cheat me. Also there's a lot of quality difference in Thai food.

Years ago i loved to eat pad thai, these days it isn't nice in any restaurant i tried it, even not on the street. Now they use some instant sauce to make it and we only get 2-3 small prawns with it. I would pay any price for a good old portion of real pad thai.

I also like to eat satay with peanut sauce but sure not from the streets. I have my favorit address for about everything and on the streets they all try to cheat me.

Bangkok has become expensive, very small portions or very low quality.

For my own holiday i don't stay in Thailand, there are better and cheaper places near. Taiwan is on my list now.

C'mon get real, go to any fishermans wharf, or fish/seafood warhouse and tell me its clean - cleanliness has a lotmto do with keeping food fresh - but the icing it down with clean ice is the key, I buy seafood right off the docks - as well as 95% of l the seafood resturants in the region.........

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The ex-american expert above sees: "carnage on the roads and streets" and it's only "easy girls that draw the crowds"

Could you let us know where the carnage filled streets and roads that you walk down are located? Or do you puke up what you see on your idiot box television? How boring and unoriginal your conversations must be.

Where are the bars filled to the rim with these tourists looking for easy girls?

Do tell.

Ha! Go to Bestgore.com! 40% of the pictures there are from road accidents in Thailand! The streets of Thailand are an absolute War Zone! Don't look at that website on an empty stomach. Also, I was at Soi Nana on the 8th and 9th of this month and it was packed to the rafters with tourist in Go-Go Bars. Just saying....

Another "tourist" that knows very little about Thailand , you can tell the type ,looks at pictures on a disgusting website and visits tourist sex streets. top quality type ,i dont think.

Tourist? No sir! I live in Thailand with my wife and son. We stayed at a hotel on Soi 2 and made the observation while walking to one of our favorite restaurants. Hard to miss jam-packed go-go bars with patrons/ladies overflowing into the street.

Fact: Thailand is the 2nd most dangerous place to drive in the world! Thailand has 44 deaths per 100,000 people!

Ref Study: Mortality from road crashes in 193 countries: A comparison with other leading causes of death. (The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute; UN World Health Organization)

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