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I have never seen it act ths way. Its took five minutes for this site to connect but some sites are fast.

My lime wire worrks fast google thailand is fast but yahoo and hot mail and tvguide.com take for ever.

when I start my pler stars software it showa 100% good cannection to all servers across the world but still takes five minutes to start. once started it works fine.

Ive never seen it act this way.

Anyone else notice a change?


Yes, it's aggravating isn't it? You beat me by 1 minute. I live in Pattaya, use TOT CyberGold ADSL and it took 6 minutes before ThaiVisa started to open. Every page on ThaiVisa was just as slow. Trying to open Yahoo or Yahoo mail is a non-event. As you say, many sites open instantaneously whereas, for others, I have to wait an eternity.

Does anyone have any similar experience with other ADSL providers?


There seem to be problems with PHP pages.

HTML pages and PHP pages with URL rewrite seem to work fine.

I bypass this problem by using JAP


Same issue here. TOT 1024/512. Some websites in North America open instantly, others take a while. Bangkok based websites take forever...

We could not connect at all yesterday until just now. I went outside to take a look at the telephone line's junction box thinking it may have water in it. Turns out it looked like it was done by a 7 year old with a missing arm and leg with an eye patch.

The WASHER should be PRESSING DOWN on the UNBROKEN wires. Pffff...

Fixed that and was able to connect afterwards but randomly slow.


TOT ADSL CyberGold very slow in Phathumthani as well. Like most of you, some web pages open at normal speed, others such as Yahoo, Thaivisa, etc. having been taking 10+ minutes to open for the past few days. Phoned TOT today, and as expected they stated they would forward this to their technicians and phone back. That was 7-Hours ago :o


I’m currently using a satellite connection from a provider in Dubai and have had the same problems your Thai connections have experienced over the past few days. Pages were slow to open noticeably with TV, the TV page hangs as the ads load. I find I need to refresh the page to get past that stage it the connection is slow.

I contacted my provider last night seeking answers to the problems.

The response today from their manager was “….Thanks for the email. Please be advised that our Internet Link does not support 100% link quality with Skype as this is a VOIP mostly during weekends (lot of traffics) as for the MSN messenger, if there is a lot of traffics, intermittent loss of link occurs, other ISP providers also experienced the same what we are experiencing……”

It looks like it isn’t just a Thai problem.



tot adsl have some heavy problem

before 4 day ago,i never complain

i'm very happy

but starting 4 day ago,beginning big problem

very slowly also in the night-time,and the link adsl go and back every 15 minutes

before when i read in my router,he show 1024kb in download and 512 kb in upload

well,from 4 day ago the router show me that my line can support only 384kb in download!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but i'm in goldcyber and i pay for 1024

i try ani test in thailand and never get more of 300kilobits

here,in phuket,very bad news,also radio-streaming cannot listen,open webpage in 2 minutes

i call tot 1100 and he say............yeah we have big problem with goldcyber in the southern

well,when come nexy bill i will pay for only 300 kilobits,4 day allready :o

I’m currently using a satellite connection from a provider in Dubai and have had the same problems your Thai connections have experienced over the past few days. Pages were slow to open noticeably with TV, the TV page hangs as the ads load. I find I need to refresh the page to get past that stage it the connection is slow.

I contacted my provider last night seeking answers to the problems.

The response today from their manager was “….Thanks for the email. Please be advised that our Internet Link does not support 100% link quality with Skype as this is a VOIP mostly during weekends (lot of traffics) as for the MSN messenger, if there is a lot of traffics, intermittent loss of link occurs, other ISP providers also experienced the same what we are experiencing……”

It looks like it isn’t just a Thai problem.

I thinks its more a case of spike in traffic with the current news, would want to be some major gremlins in the sys for it to be a problem across the globe, i'm in CM and over the last 48hrs with a connection thats generally very fast, I have had as many chances of ascessing sites from my toaster as I do from my l'top


Hello everyone. Same same problem here. I live in Jomtien and signed up with TOT Cybergold ADSL service about 3 weeks ago (1024kb in download and 512 kb in upload) and it worked fine for the first week. But during the last few days, so many problems. A lot of websites take forever to download while others are rather quick. I used the Speedtest today and download around 850 kbps and upload around 64 kbps). I never get the 512 kbps uploading. I'm lucky if I ever get 250 kbps uploading.

MSN Messenger has not worked for the last 2 days. For other websites, I must double or triple click my mouse just for the darn site to start working.

What gives?

Kinda reminds me of TOT free internet service.....including all the problems.

I know that TOT will do the right thing and not charge us all for the complete 1,000 baht a month charge......yea, right. Keep on dreaming.

What's the contact number for TOT ADSL in Pattaya? I'd like to voice my complaint along with many of you.

Kuhp Kuhn Krap



today i call the technic in phuket area and i say to he that now have many problem for the last 5 days

sometimes the link adsl go and back e the router show me that downstream rate is 400kilobits!!!!!!!!usually is 1024/512

upload never problem

i say to he that maybe the line of telephone have problem,please come to check

you know what he say to me????????he say that if the technical man come and see that the line have problem he cannot fix this but he can broken my contract adsl :D:D:D

so tomorrow my wife want to go to the office in the town and show the problem and want to know why the technical man answer so bad

maybe is only problem with the line of telephone

never i talk bad about tot adsl,never i call the technical,sometimes i call 1100 in bangkok,but now from 5 day ago is orrible situation and look like no service in phuket

try anytest of download in THAILAND and never get more of 200 kilobits,i'm in goldcyber

i repeat that before everythings is fine

mah :D:o


Sawatdee Krap, almog_thai and Giulio.

I feel the pain that both of you and countless others are experiencing with the degraded adsl connection and service from TOT.

What nerve for that TOt representative to say that CyberGold is already cheap. Let me just say that in other countries, American for instance, much faster DSL service from Verizon can be had for less than 800 baht per month.

I doubt very much that the problem with some websites loading fairly quickly while other websites take minutes to download is a problem of our telephone wiring going bad all of a sudden.

This problem has been going on for several days and the TOT representative should be more sympathetic to the continuing disruption of adsl service and should at least listen to what is actually going on with the service they provide and not answer with the "no problem, we turn ADSL off for you" attitude.

But what other options are open? There are other DSL services in Thailand that run a lot faster than TOT Cybergold.....but the price is probably 2 or 3 times higher.

Mai Pen Rai

Sawatdee Krap, almog_thai and Giulio.

I feel the pain that both of you and countless others are experiencing with the degraded adsl connection and service from TOT.

What nerve for that TOt representative to say that CyberGold is already cheap. Let me just say that in other countries, American for instance, much faster DSL service from Verizon can be had for less than 800 baht per month.

I doubt very much that the problem with some websites loading fairly quickly while other websites take minutes to download is a problem of our telephone wiring going bad all of a sudden.

This problem has been going on for several days and the TOT representative should be more sympathetic to the continuing disruption of adsl service and should at least listen to what is actually going on with the service they provide and not answer with the "no problem, we turn ADSL off for you" attitude.

But what other options are open? There are other DSL services in Thailand that run a lot faster than TOT Cybergold.....but the price is probably 2 or 3 times higher.

Mai Pen Rai

sawadee khun wrestler :D:D

i agree totally with you

also in italy with 800 bath can get much faster dsl connection,i know

nothing to do for me

the problem is that here in phuket town i cannot get ttt line but only tot line and no choose about adsl,only goldcyber in my zone :D

for 9 months i never complain,in the night time is fast and i m satisfied

not the same in the day time but i not use in day time internet

this story is absolutely stranger

my roputer continue say to me the downstream rate is only 400 kilobits,,for 9 months show 1024/512 package

is like he cut 60 per cent of bandwitch :o

i call also in bangkok,and i say that every 10 minutes the link adsl go way and back,always

if somebody say to me that now we have problem about the news in the country,ok,i can understand and waiting,no problem,but nobody technical say to me this

i show you the results in singapore test

Last Result:

Download Speed: 299 kbps (37.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 272 kbps (34 KB/sec transfer rate)

and in thailand

Your current bandwidth reading is: 199.70kbps

which means you can download at 24.96 KB/sec. from our servers.

Test Time: September 26, 2006, 12:56 am

absolutely is like i use 256/512 :D

always in 9 months in thailand i get 800 minimum kilobits

frao 5 day ago..........this is the story

thanks again

i hope somebody can fix this,but i'm not sure :D

rateisawuat :D


Spent all morning trying to upload a FTP file (2 meg or so)..

Web pages are loading.. Some odd delays where a page takes multiple seconds to start to load but then comes in fast.. But FTP upload just freezes and breaks..


anyone any the wiser about how long the service is likely to be this shoddy? Or is that like asking the length of a piece of string question?

Thailand...Livin' it & lovin' it for all its madness and chaos.

Hoping it sorts itself out soon...

W. :o

p.s. tot cybergold 1024/256 Lat hrao area of bkk..normally very happy with service but same as most of you fairly non existent service for days now...


nothing resolved

i'm still without adsl connection from 8 day alleady,i call to everybody........nothing to do

for 9 months anything is good,last week a people near my home take goldcyber also and now my adsl is die

router show me downstream rate 300 kilobits,before always 1024

i can download in thailand to 100 kilobits and the test in singapore show me the fantastic speed of 32 kilobits

every 5 minutes i lose connection link

web site cannot open

now i'm in dial-up,to much better of adsl

waiting 20 more day,and if not change i will downgrade to the minimal package

today come the bill of goldcyber that is usually is 1,177 all included,but this time is 2,561bath,i call again to bangkok and he say to me that i use telephone,but never i use because i connect only adsl to line telephone

amazing,this time i don't want to pay for sure,and more is 8 days cannot use adsl...........we will see what happen

Yes, it's aggravating isn't it? You beat me by 1 minute. I live in Pattaya, use TOT CyberGold ADSL and it took 6 minutes before ThaiVisa started to open. Every page on ThaiVisa was just as slow. Trying to open Yahoo or Yahoo mail is a non-event. As you say, many sites open instantaneously whereas, for others, I have to wait an eternity.

Does anyone have any similar experience with other ADSL providers?

TOT ADSL is now OK. Sites opening instantaneously and transfer speed fast. Whatever the problem was, it has been resolved....for me that is!!!


good luck to you artisan

for me in phuket is still orrible,and the downstream rate in router show me again 400 kilobis in download

any test in thailand download with fantastic speed of 140kilobits

every10 minutes link adsl go way

5 minutes for open web site and thaivisa

test in singapore thaivisa test show me 45 kilobits :o

i hope he can fix also in phuket

is 9 day allready that i cannot use and force me to use dial-up,a lot bettter

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