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Poso terrorists may be linked with Bangkok bombing

Lite Beer

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"Poso terrorists may be linked with Bangkok bombing"

Yeah, right.

Somyot SOP?

We can't solve the bombing without getting egg on the face of Thai officials. We need a quick, easy-to-blame foreign suspect. We need to show that things are back to normal and save tourism. The Indonesian government is offering up their Poso terrorist group - 40 members strong. Yeah, they have the resources and motivation to blow up a bunch of Chinese tourists at a buddha shrine in Bangkok.


You keep implying that they were targeting Chinese tourists, presumably to support your inane preconception that it was the Uighurs who were responsible.

Have you ever been to the Erawan Shrine? Bangkok? Thailand? If you had, you would know that the Erawan Shrine is on a busy corner, with many Thais, tourists from all countries, and traffic on a main thoroughfare. Targeting Chinese is utter nonsense, and clearly impossible.

Why not just pay attention, and stifle yourself until the facts are in evidence?

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There might also be a possibility that the Martians are pissed of at Thailand for God knows how many reasons and they are behind the bomb attack. Never ever let incompetence ,arrogance and bloody ignorance get in the way of aspiring idiots. It is a skill set not a hindrance.

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