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Mini-Ice Age Coming?


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Recently scientists have confirmed that the sun will enter a Maunder Minimum in 2030 and that we are already in the early stages of a Dalton Minimum of solar activity, something the world has not experienced since the early 1800s, and a full solar minimum hasn't happened since the 1600's and early 1700's.



In the previous maunder minimum, particularly in the 1650-1710 time frame, the world witnessed ultra cold phenomenon such as the Thames river(uk) freezing over, glacier expansion from the Alps, the north seas freezing over (enabling Sweden to invade Poland and Denmark by marching its armies over the frozen sea) frozen waters in and around the gulf of mexico, and worse of all crop failures due to premature and late winters & heavy rains. The Bubonic Plague was also a result of previous solar minimums prior to the Maunder as people brought their livestock indoors (with them) so as to avoid the animals freezing to death, the rats came in as well, rats, pigs, horses, people crammed into small confines-plague.

This time scientists are in a debate about the effects of this coming full blown solar minimum, with some saying that there is no reason to think that this solar minimum will be any less cold than the last one(s). Most of these scientists think human caused global warming is either exaggerated or does not exist, and even if it does it will not impact the global cooling that the Maunder Minimum creates. They point to recent record breaking cold temperatures in the northern and southern hemisphere's and for example the 2014 polar vortex that descended on North America that brought extremely low temperatures and cold phenomenon such as throwing boiling water into the air and watching it turn into snow before it hits the ground. (before i go any further i should admit that I agree with this perspective although I am not a scientist)

Then there's the other group of scientists and pundits that claim that because of human created greenhouse global warming, there will be this "net-forcing" of global warming, and that global warming will continue unabated forever, and that this global warming will sort of cancel out these cold phenomenon that would have occurred had humans not been polluting the world with co2 emissions for so long, in other words they think that humans have actually tamed the environment with co2 emissions; yet they insist that co2 is causing global warming and it is bad. This argument is summed up here:


The issues I have with this reasoning is that:

* When they claim that it was actually volcanoes that caused the previous mini-ice age, they ignore the fact that scientists have found a correlation between increased volcanic activity and the solar minimums themselves; for example we had 2 large ash blasting volcanoes in 2014, just about the time that the earths crust is starting to register the effects of the dalton minimum that we are in now.

* They claim that the previous mini-ice age started before the MM, what they don't tell you is that prior to the MM, there was the Sporer Minimum and other minimums going back to 1300.

* They even-steven the mini-ice age over 400 years, when in fact the records show that the depth of the mini-ice age occurred during the 1650-1710 period and for example the dalton minimum only caused a few cold seasons until the sun cycles recovered to the solar maximums we have enjoyed up to now.

* When they state that a MM 'only causes a decrease in irradiation by -.5', they ignore the fact that the sun during a solar minimum no longer deflects cosmic rays that enter the earths atmosphere and create increased cloud coverage. So on the one hand they exaggerate the sun/heat blocking effects of volcanoes and at the same time ignore the sun/heat blocking effects that the solar minimum itself causes.

* They claim that the volcanoes in the 1400s were six times as large as the volcanoes we have today, but this aspect of their research does not seem to be confirmed by geologists, rather it was climatologists that concluded this; And it doesn't explain why the mt st helens or pinatubo eruptions, which occurred during solar maximums, didn't create any noticeable cooling, whereas they claim the volcanoes in the middle ages did create a mini-ice age (almost) all by themselves.

To the detriment of global policy making, it seems this issue has become extremely politicized, with the American the iraq invading, abortion abolishing, financial regulation bashing, republicans latching on to global cooling, and the gay marrying, tree hugging, nanny/welfare state democrats latching on to global warming..

any comments appreciated tx for reading.

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I believe the Dennis Quaid movie was supposed to be a Younger Dryas type event, but instead temperatures decending as fast as 2 decades like what some scientists think happened, in the movie they managed to do it in 2 weeks, and this white stuff in the movie wasn't really glaciers but water that quickly froze after a tsunami, AND in the movie they show this white stuff descending all the way down to Italy (glaciers never go down that far south, even during the peak of a glacial maximum 10000 years from now or 20,000 in the past), BUT they don't bother to show the rollback of the oceans that would have accompanied a massive glacial expansion.

But the graph above does illustrate how we are just past the 10,000 year inter-glacial; and by now and in the next few hundred years we will start to descend to the next glacial maximum; making the fear of global warming a bit illogical. Also notice the erratic nature of temperature once the world started to enter the period where it is slowly changing it's rotational axis, once it was it was in it's 10,000 year inter-glacial things became stabilized. But now we are on our way out of the 10,000 year period.

Edited by movieplay
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Im off to burn some more fossil fuels to cancel out this ice age, I dont believe mans impact on global warming is anything more than hot air coming out of politicians and some scientists <deleted>

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IMO, the problem with the IPCC's (International Panel on Climate Change) approach to studying climate is that instead of conducting research and then coming to a conclusion, the IPCC started out with a conclusion (that co2 causes climate change) and then research is done to support that conclusion.

Global warming skeptics claim that the IPCC was started by Margaret Thatcher in order to promote nuclear power(which creates no co2 emissions). and that she threw money at scientists and told them to 'prove' this stuff, and that since then more and more government largess has been put on the table to this end.

That's my problem with the study i posted above that claims to show that the mini-ice age was not the result of solar minimums; the timing of hat study seems suspicious, by about 2007 some scientists were already saying we're headed toward solar minimums, then a few years later this study was conducted.. It had always been common sense that the solar minimums had caused the LIA, but now suddenly this study is conducted in 2011, it seems obvious that that study was done with an agenda-they had already reached their weak conclusion that 'maybe' it was volcanoes that caused the LIA and not the solar minimums before starting their research.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

August snow in Calgary..Canada. Everyone suprised yesterday

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Its a big money orientated con, I have lived by the sea most of my life it has not risen one inch, its a natural progression , sometimes hot some time s cool. Even some climate scientists are coming out and saying the same thing, but they get black listed or silenced.

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Not to denigrate the OP's words, but that is the lamest video I've seen in a long time.

The water didn't freeze in mid air. Look at the puddles in the snow where it landed. It gave off a little vapor because it was hot, and the air was cold and dry. No different than seeing your breath in cold air.

Then it plopped into the snow.

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Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age.
Global warming is slowing down the ocean current that carries warm waters from the tropics to the North Atlantic, scientists say.

hottest july recorded so far...or at least close.

i think the world is heating up...for now. I know in Chiang Mai it is.

In the last 4.6 billion years??? hmmmmm I think not

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there were a number of similar video's uploaded, only point was that 2014 saw a polar vortex decend into the USA, that hasn't happened in a long time.

Not to denigrate the OP's words, but that is the lamest video I've seen in a long time.

The water didn't freeze in mid air. Look at the puddles in the snow where it landed. It gave off a little vapor because it was hot, and the air was cold and dry. No different than seeing your breath in cold air.

Then it plopped into the snow.

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there were a number of similar video's uploaded, only point was that 2014 saw a polar vortex decend into the USA, that hasn't happened in a long time.

Not to denigrate the OP's words, but that is the lamest video I've seen in a long time.

The water didn't freeze in mid air. Look at the puddles in the snow where it landed. It gave off a little vapor because it was hot, and the air was cold and dry. No different than seeing your breath in cold air.

Then it plopped into the snow.

And the geniuses that deny climate change hold out those very videos to prove that it's a hoax...

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heres that snow in August in calgary..


many cold records being broke:

there were a number of similar video's uploaded, only point was that 2014 saw a polar vortex decend into the USA, that hasn't happened in a long time.

Not to denigrate the OP's words, but that is the lamest video I've seen in a long time.

The water didn't freeze in mid air. Look at the puddles in the snow where it landed. It gave off a little vapor because it was hot, and the air was cold and dry. No different than seeing your breath in cold air.

Then it plopped into the snow.

And the geniuses that deny climate change hold out those very videos to prove that it's a hoax...

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30 years ago, it snowed on me in Wyoming while watching the 4th of July fireworks. We had snow on the family summer vacations in Michigan and Wisconsin. That makes it over 50 years ago. Snow in August 500+ miles further north is no indicator of climate.

Cold weather is to be expected as the melting Greenland ice dilutes the seawater and slows down and perhaps prevents the circulation of the Gulf Stream that tempers the climate of the UK. If that does happen, they are forecasting a mini ice age (and a stampede of frozen Brits to Thailand). That stampede alone should put the fear of God into a lot of us... Brought about by climate change.

Edited by impulse
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Well that's the spin the global warming industry puts on it, because it's getting hotter its getting colder, more grant money please..

The reality is much simpler, the solar minimums are creating colder temps, early winter condistions and shortened summers, and more extreme colds, just like they did last time there were solar minimums, why shouldnow be anydifferent ?

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there were a number of similar video's uploaded, only point was that 2014 saw a polar vortex decend into the USA, that hasn't happened in a long time.

Not to denigrate the OP's words, but that is the lamest video I've seen in a long time.

The water didn't freeze in mid air. Look at the puddles in the snow where it landed. It gave off a little vapor because it was hot, and the air was cold and dry. No different than seeing your breath in cold air.

Then it plopped into the snow.

And the geniuses that deny climate change hold out those very videos to prove that it's a hoax...

climates always changing, one day its gonna be very very very cold............a dead planet, thats after its been burnt to a crisp first

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30 years ago, it snowed on me in Wyoming while watching the 4th of July fireworks. We had snow on the family summer vacations in Michigan and Wisconsin. That makes it over 50 years ago. Snow in August 500+ miles further north is no indicator of climate.

Cold weather is to be expected as the melting Greenland ice dilutes the seawater and slows down and perhaps prevents the circulation of the Gulf Stream that tempers the climate of the UK. If that does happen, they are forecasting a mini ice age (and a stampede of frozen Brits to Thailand). That stampede alone should put the fear of God into a lot of us... Brought about by climate change.

Congratulations 2 things I dont believe in, God and mans global warming impact.

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Cold water added to chilling evidence will just priduce more ice.

Global warmi g or cooling u am nit surebut the facts do not support human activities havung much impact either way

but I think we do have influence that it gets more extreme by cutting away the forests and fill up everything with concrete.....locally hotter and colder and more likely to dry or too much water.

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The global warming/climate change industry has managed to fool a large part of the population that natural fluctuations in climate are actually caused by humans, and we're going to have to pay!

Carbon taxes and carbon quotas are on the horizon and will be implemented worldwide if the 'warmists' get their way.

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The global warming/climate change industry has managed to fool a large part of the population that natural fluctuations in climate are actually caused by humans, and we're going to have to pay!

Carbon taxes and carbon quotas are on the horizon and will be implemented worldwide if the 'warmists' get their way.

If the warming would be true, the logic thing would be to plant everywhere forests, not to make electric and gasoline more expensive but still blow out increasing amounts. So it is clearly a scheme to make money.

It would be still logic to reduce oil usage because lot of money goes to countries that don't share our values (to have it expressed very mild).

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Stop global cooling! As a Canadian I can get behind that campaign.

Especially since the warming we were promised turned out to be a bust.

Russia was also dreaming about farming in Siberia.....It seems the promises for better=warmer weather weren't true.

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